I have quite an unnecessary dilemma. I'm lazily looking for a function that would convert a lamda expression into a string. It bothers me that I'm typing in this cache key every time but I don't really want to take the time to create it.
I want to use it for a cache function I created:
Where if I wanted to get a name for a person without calling the function every time.
public static string GetPersonName(int id)
return Repository.PersonProvider.Cached(x => x.GetById(id)).Name;
The GetExpressionDescription would return "PersonProvider.GetById(int 10)"
I figure this is possible but I wonder if anyone has already built this or has seen it somewhere.
public static R Cached<T, R>(this T obj, Expression<Func<T, R>> function, double hours = 24)
var expressionDescription = GetExpressionDescription(function);
return Cached(function, expressionDescription, hours);
public static R Cached<T, R>(this T obj, Expression<Func<T, R>> function, string cacheName, double hours = 24)
var context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context == null)
return function.Compile().Invoke(obj);
R results = default(R);
try { results = (R)context.Cache[cacheName]; }
catch { }
if (results == null)
results = function.Compile().Invoke(obj);
if (results != null)
context.Cache.Add(cacheName, results, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(hours),
CacheItemPriority.Default, null);
return results;
You can simply get a string representation of an Expression<> with .ToString():
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Test(s => s.StartsWith("A"));
static void Test(Expression<Func<string,bool>> expr)
s => s.StartsWith("A")
See: https://dotnetfiddle.net/CJwAE5
But of course it will not yield you the caller and the values of variables, just the expression itself.
Maybe you should try DynamicExpresso. I used that library to develop a lightweight business-rules engine.
I am trying to do something rather simple but not sure if there's any way around simply creating a dummy instance of my class.
I am trying to simply get the method name of a non-static method using some simple code:
static string GetMethodName(Func<string, int> function )
return function.Method.Name;
however I am trying to call this from MyStaticMethod like so and of course it is complaining:
private static void MyStaticMethod()
var a = GetMethodName(MyNonStaticMethod);
private int MyNonStaticMethod(string param1)
return 0;
Is there any way to accomplish this without creating a dummy instance of the containing class? obviously my case is more complex and I cannot simply make my non static method static (it requires an instance and has dependency bindings). Just wondering if this is possible as all I need is the name (so really don't need an instance). I am trying to get away from magic strings and want some compile time errors when things change.
edit: I've created a static helper class
i have a generic method:
public static string GetMemberName<T>(
Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
if (expression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("expression");
return _GetMemberName(expression.Body);
private static string _GetMemberName(
Expression expression)
if (expression is MemberExpression)
var memberExpression =
return memberExpression.Member.Name;
if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
var methodCallExpression = (MethodCallExpression)expression;
return methodCallExpression.Method.Name;
if (expression is UnaryExpression)
var unaryExpression = (UnaryExpression)expression;
return GetMemberName(unaryExpression);
throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized expression");
Of course you can do this. Use Expression<Func<YourInstanceClass, TReturn>> like this:
static string GetMethodName<TReturn>(Expression<Func<YourInstanceClass, TReturn>> function)
var call = function.Body as MethodCallExpression;
return call != null ? call.Method.Name : "not a single call expression";
now you can
var name = GetMethodName(a => a.MyNonStaticMethod("1"));
Console.WriteLine (name); //prints MyNonStaticMethod
public class YourInstanceClass
public int MyNonStaticMethod(string param1)
return 0;
I've made MyNonStaticMethod public, so that I can call it outside, but you can left it private and call it in static method inside a class
I have a C# project that allows users to create filters on data using Regular Expressions. They can add as many filters as they want. Each filter consists of a Field and a regular expression that the user types in.
Right now it works with all AND logic. I loop through each filter and if it doesn't match I set skip = true and break out of the loop. Then if skip == true I skip that record and don't include it. So each and every filter must match in order for the field to be included.
However, now they want the ability to add more complex logic rules. So for example if they have created 4 filter rules. They want to be able to specify:
1 AND 2 AND (3 OR 4)
or they may want to specify
1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4
or they may want to specify
(1 AND 2 AND 3) OR 4
and so on...I think you get the point.
I have added a textbox where they can type in the logic that they want.
I have been racking my brain and I am stumped on how to make this work. My only conclusion is to somehow be able to create a dynamic IF statement that is based on the text they type into the textbox but I don't know if that is even possible.
It seems like there should be an easy way to do this but I can't figure it out. If anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it.
Here's a full test that works as you want it with regular expressions and AND, OR and brackets. Note that this only supports the operators AND and OR and parentheses ( and ) and expects the input to be somewhat well formed (regular expressions must not have spaces). The parsing can be improved, the idea remains the same.
Here is the overall test:
var input = ".* AND [0-9]+ AND abc OR (abc AND def)";
var rpn = ParseRPN(input);
var test = GetExpression(new Queue<string>(rpn.Reverse())).Compile();
test("abc"); // false
test("abc0"); // true
test("abcdef"); // true
Here is the parsing to reverse polish notation:
public Queue<string> ParseRPN(string input)
// improve the parsing into tokens here
var output = new Queue<string>();
var ops = new Stack<string>();
input = input.Replace("(","( ").Replace(")"," )");
var split = input.Split(' ');
foreach (var token in split)
if (token == "AND" || token == "OR")
while (ops.Count > 0 && (ops.Peek() == "AND" || ops.Peek() == "OR"))
else if (token == "(") ops.Push(token);
else if (token == ")")
while (ops.Count > 0 && ops.Peek() != "(")
else output.Enqueue(token); // it's a number
while (ops.Count > 0)
return output;
And the magic GetExpression:
public Expression<Func<string,bool>> GetExpression(Queue<string> input)
var exp = input.Dequeue();
if (exp == "AND") return GetExpression(input).And(GetExpression(input));
else if (exp == "OR") return GetExpression(input).Or(GetExpression(input));
else return (test => Regex.IsMatch(test, exp));
Note this does rely on PredicateBuilder, but the extension functions used are here in there completeness:
public static class PredicateBuilder
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> True<T> () { return f => true; }
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> False<T> () { return f => false; }
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> Or<T> (this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr1,
Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr2)
var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke (expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression> ());
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>
(Expression.OrElse (expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> And<T> (this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr1,
Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr2)
var invokedExpr = Expression.Invoke (expr2, expr1.Parameters.Cast<Expression> ());
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>
(Expression.AndAlso (expr1.Body, invokedExpr), expr1.Parameters);
Something like following - define operation classes to represent binary operation and build your tree:
interface IFilter
bool Filter(Record r);
class SimpleFilter : IFilter
bool Filter(Record r)
return RegExpMatch(r);
class AndFilter : IFilter
public AndFilter(IFilter left, IFilter right) {}
bool Filter(Record r)
return left.Filter(r) && right.Filter(r);
class OrFilter : IFilter
public OrFilter(IFilter left, IFilter right) {}
bool Filter(Record r)
return left.Filter(r) || right.Filter(r);
First step is to parse your expression into an abstract syntax tree. To do that, you can use the shunting-yard algorithm.
After you have done that, you can recursively evaluate the tree, using virtual methods or an interface. For example, you can have a SimpleNode class, that represents a simple expression (like 1 in your example) and can evaluate it. Then you have AndNode that represents AND operation and has two child nodes. It evaluates the child nodes and returns whether both succeeded.
This explanation of the Specification pattern (with example code) should help.
There may be libraries to do this sort of thing for you, but in the past, I've hand-rolled something along these lines, based around using Predicate;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public enum CombineOptions
public class FilterExpression
public string Filter { get; set; }
public CombineOptions Options { get; private set; }
public FilterExpression(string filter, CombineOptions options)
this.Filter = filter;
this.Options = options;
public static class PredicateExtensions
public static Predicate<T> And<T>
(this Predicate<T> original, Predicate<T> newPredicate)
return t => original(t) && newPredicate(t);
public static Predicate<T> Or<T>
(this Predicate<T> original, Predicate<T> newPredicate)
return t => original(t) || newPredicate(t);
public static class ExpressionBuilder
public static Predicate<string> BuildExpression(IEnumerable<FilterExpression> filterExpressions)
Predicate<string> predicate = (delegate
return true;
foreach (FilterExpression expression in filterExpressions)
string nextFilter = expression.Filter;
Predicate<string> nextPredicate = (o => Regex.Match(o, nextFilter).Success);
switch (expression.Options)
case CombineOptions.And:
predicate = predicate.And(nextPredicate);
case CombineOptions.Or:
predicate = predicate.Or(nextPredicate);
return predicate;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
FilterExpression f1 = new FilterExpression(#"data([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$", CombineOptions.And);
FilterExpression f2 = new FilterExpression(#"otherdata([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$", CombineOptions.And);
FilterExpression f3 = new FilterExpression(#"otherdata([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)$", CombineOptions.Or);
// result will be false as "data1" does not match both filters
Predicate<string> pred2 = ExpressionBuilder.BuildExpression(new[] { f1, f2 });
bool result = pred2.Invoke("data1");
// result will be true as "data1" matches 1 of the 2 Or'd filters
Predicate<string> pred3 = ExpressionBuilder.BuildExpression(new[] { f1, f3 });
result = pred3.Invoke("data1");
All you'll need to do now is parse the 'brackets' to determine the order in which your FilterExpressions should be sent to the BuildExpression method. You might need to tweak it for more complex expressions, but hopefully this helps.
I'd like a general solution but as an example, assume i have an IEnumerable<string>, where some can be parsed as integers, and some cannot.
var strings = new string[] { "1", "2", "notint", "3" };
Obviously if i did Select(s => int.Parse(s, temp)) it'd throw an exception when enumerated.
In this case i could do .All(s => int.TryParse(s, out temp)) first, however i want a general solution where i don't have to enumerate the IEnumerable twice.
Ideally i'd like to be able to do the following, which calls my magic exception skipping method:
// e.g. parsing strings
var strings = new string[] { "1", "2", "notint", "3" };
var numbers = strings.Select(s => int.Parse(s)).SkipExceptions();
// e.g. encountering null object
var objects = new object[] { new object(), new object(), null, new object() }
var objecttostrings = objects.Select(o => o.ToString()).SkipExceptions();
// e.g. calling a method that could throw
var myClassInstances = new MyClass[] { new MyClass(), new MyClass(CauseMethodToThrow:true) };
var myClassResultOfMethod = myClassInstances.Select(mci => mci.MethodThatCouldThrow()).SkipExceptions();
How can i write the SkipExceptions() extension method?
Some great answers for a SelectSkipExceptions() method, however i wonder if a SkipExceptions() method could be created, along the same lines as AsParallel().
How about this (you might want to give this special Select Extension a better name)
public static IEnumerable<TOutput> SelectIgnoringExceptions<TInput, TOutput>(
this IEnumerable<TInput> values, Func<TInput, TOutput> selector)
foreach (var item in values)
TOutput output = default(TOutput);
output = selector(item);
yield return output;
Added a using statement, thanks for the suggestion in comments
public static IEnumerable<T> SkipExceptions<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> values)
using(var enumerator = values.GetEnumerator())
bool next = true;
while (next)
next = enumerator.MoveNext();
if(next) yield return enumerator.Current;
However this relies on the incoming IEnumerable not already being created (and therefore already having thrown Exceptions) as a list by the preceding Function. E.g. this would probably not work if you call it like this: Select(..).ToList().SkipExceptions()
Create a TryParseInt method that returns a Nullable<int>:
int? TryParseInt(string s)
int i;
if (int.TryParse(s, out i))
return i;
return null;
And use it in your query like that:
var numbers = strings.Select(s => TryParseInt(s))
.Where(i => i.HasValue)
.Select(i => i.Value);
See also this article by Bill Wagner, which presents a very similar case.
Now, i don't think you can write something like a generic SkipExceptions method, because you would catch the exception too late, and it would end the Select loop... But you could probably write a SelectSkipException method:
public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectSkipExceptions<TSource, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (selector == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("selector");
return source.SelectSkipExceptionsIterator(selector);
private static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectSkipExceptionsIterator<TSource, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
foreach(var item in source)
TResult value = default(TResult);
value = selector(item);
yield return value;
Even the accepted answer may not be "general" enough. What if some day you find that you need to know what exceptions occurred?
The following extension
static class EnumeratorHelper {
//Don't forget that GetEnumerator() call can throw exceptions as well.
//Since it is not easy to wrap this within a using + try catch block with yield,
//I have to create a helper function for the using block.
private static IEnumerable<T> RunEnumerator<T>(Func<IEnumerator<T>> generator,
Func<Exception, bool> onException)
using (var enumerator = generator())
if (enumerator == null)
yield break;
for (; ; )
//You don't know how to create a value of T,
//and you don't know weather it can be null,
//but you can always have a T[] with null value.
T[] value = null;
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
value = new T[] { enumerator.Current };
catch (Exception e)
if (onException(e))
if (value != null)
yield return value[0];
yield break;
public static IEnumerable<T> WithExceptionHandler<T>(this IEnumerable<T> orig,
Func<Exception, bool> onException)
return RunEnumerator(() =>
return orig.GetEnumerator();
catch (Exception e)
return null;
}, onException);
will help. Now you can add SkipExceptions:
public static IEnumerable<T> SkipExceptions<T>(this IEnumerable<T> orig){
return orig.WithExceptionHandler(orig, e => true);
By using different onException callback, you can do different things
Break the iteration but ignore the exception: e => false
Try to continue iteration: e => true
Log the exception, etc
Here's a small complete program to demonstrate an answer inspired by the maybe monad. You might want to change the name of the 'Maybe' class, as it is inspired by rather than actually being a 'Maybe' as defined in other languages.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace TestMaybe
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var strings = new string[] { "1", "2", "notint", "3" };
var ints = strings.Select(s => new Maybe<string, int>(s, str => int.Parse(str))).Where(m => !m.nothing).Select(m => m.value);
foreach (var i in ints)
public class Maybe<T1, T2>
public readonly bool nothing;
public readonly T2 value;
public Maybe(T1 input, Func<T1, T2> map)
value = map(input);
catch (Exception)
nothing = true;
Edit: depending on the needs of your code, you might also want nothing set to true if the result of map(input) is null.
This is the same answer as Thomas's, but with a lambda & LINQ expression. +1 for Thomas.
Func<string, int?> tryParse = s =>
int? r = null;
int i;
if (int.TryParse(s, out i))
r = i;
return r;
var ints =
from s in strings
let i = tryParse(s)
where i != null
select i.Value;
You could just chain the Where and Select method together.
var numbers = strings.Where(s =>
int i;
return int.TryParse(s, out i);
The use of the Where method effectively removes the need for you to write your own SkipExceptions method, because this is basically what you are doing.
basically I want to get the values of the parameters of a called method like this:
var x = 1;
var a = 2;
var b = 3;
Do<HomeController>(o => o.Save(x, "Jimmy", a+b+5, Math.Sqrt(81)));
public static void Do<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression) where T : Controller
// get the values 1,Jimmy,10,9 here
Well, you'd need to drill into the expression, find the MethodCallExpression, and then look at the arguments to it. Note that we don't have the value of o, so we've got to assume that the arguments to the method don't rely on that. Also we're still assuming that the lambda expression just relies on it being a MethodCallExpression?
EDIT: Okay, here's an edited version which evaluates the arguments. However, it assumes you're not really using the lambda expression parameter within the arguments (which is what the new object[1] is about - it's providing a null parameter, effectively).
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
class Foo
public void Save(int x, string y, int z, double d)
class Program
static void Main()
var x = 1;
var a = 2;
var b = 3;
ShowValues<Foo>(o => o.Save(x, "Jimmy", a + b + 5, Math.Sqrt(81)));
static void ShowValues<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression)
var call = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (call == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Not a method call");
foreach (Expression argument in call.Arguments)
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(argument,
Delegate d = lambda.Compile();
object value = d.DynamicInvoke(new object[1]);
Console.WriteLine("Got value: {0}", value);
As Jon said you can check to see if the expression is a MethodCallExpression
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program.Do<Controller>(c => c.Save(1, "Jimmy"));
public static void Do<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression) where T : Controller
var body = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if (body != null)
foreach (var argument in body.Arguments)
var constant = argument as ConstantExpression;
if (constant != null)
public class Controller
public void Save(int id, string name)
My universal answer is below. I hope it will help you and somebody else.
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var parameterExpressions = methodCallExpr.Arguments;
foreach (var param in method.GetParameters())
var parameterExpression = parameterExpressions[counter];
var paramValueAccessor = Expression.Lambda(parameterExpression);
var paramValue = paramValueAccessor.Compile().DynamicInvoke();
dict[param.Name] = paramValue;
Here is some code that is designed to work with any expression — in the sense that it doesn’t fundamentally assume that you are passing in a method-call expression. However, it is not complete. You will have to fill in the rest.
public static IEnumerable<object> ExtractConstants<T>(
Expression<Action<T>> expression)
return extractConstants(expression);
private static IEnumerable<object> extractConstants(Expression expression)
if (expression == null)
yield break;
if (expression is ConstantExpression)
yield return ((ConstantExpression) expression).Value;
else if (expression is LambdaExpression)
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(
((LambdaExpression) expression).Body))
yield return constant;
else if (expression is UnaryExpression)
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(
((UnaryExpression) expression).Operand))
yield return constant;
else if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
foreach (var arg in ((MethodCallExpression) expression).Arguments)
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(arg))
yield return constant;
foreach (var constant in extractConstants(
((MethodCallExpression) expression).Object))
yield return constant;
throw new NotImplementedException();
For the case that you have mentioned, this already works:
// Prints:
// Jimmy (System.String)
// 1 (System.Int32)
foreach (var constant in Ext.ExtractConstants<string>(
str => Console.WriteLine("Jimmy", 1)))
Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", constant.ToString(),
For more complex lambda expressions that employ other types of expression nodes, you will have to incrementally extend the above code. Every time you use it and it throws a NotImplementedException, here is what I do:
Open the Watch window in the debugger
Look at the expression variable and its type
Add the necessary code to handle that expression type
Over time the method will become more and more complete.
public override IQueryable<Image> FindAll(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<Image, dynamic>> Id)
dynamic currentType = Id.Parameters[0];
var id = currentType.Type.GUID;
var result = (_uniwOfWork as UnitOfWork).uspGetImages(id.ToString());
return FindAll();
use keyword dynamic.
I am trying to refactor this code into a more elegant version. Can anyone please help.
The issue is where to as sign the first evaluation result for comparision later on?
And I want to eliminate the use of if/switch if possible
Should I remove Operator class and split Eval into And and Or class, but wouldn't be too much differnt I think
public interface IEval<T>
Func<T, bool> Expression { get; }
Operator Operator { get; }
string Key { get; }
public static bool Validate<T>(this T o, IList<IEval<T>> conditions)
var returnResult = true;
var counter = 0;
foreach (var condition in conditions)
var tempResult = condition.Expression(o);
if (counter == 0) //don't like this
returnResult = tempResult;
switch (condition.Operator) //don't like this
case Operator.And:
returnResult &= tempResult;
case Operator.Or:
returnResult |= tempResult;
throw new NotImplementedException();
return returnResult;
Code Updated:
public interface IEval<T>
Func<T, bool> Expression { get; }
bool Eval(bool against, T t);
public class AndEval<T> : IEval<T>
public Func<T, bool> Expression { get; private set; }
public AndEval(Func<T, bool> expression)
Expression = expression;
public bool Eval(bool against, T t)
return Expression.Invoke(t) & against;
public class OrEval<T> : IEval<T>
public Func<T, bool> Expression { get; private set; }
public OrEval(Func<T, bool> expression)
Expression = expression;
public bool Eval(bool against, T t)
return Expression.Invoke(t) | against;
public static class EvalExtensions
public static bool Validate<T>(this T t, IList<IEval<T>> conditions)
var accumulator = conditions.First().Expression(t);
foreach (var condition in conditions.Skip(1))
accumulator = condition.Eval(accumulator, t);
return accumulator;
Try this (assuming that conditions is not empty)
var accumulator = conditions.First().Expression(0);
foreach (var condition in conditions.Skip(1))
accumulator = condition.Operation.Evaluate(
condition.Expression(0), accumulator);
class AddOperation : Operation
public override int Evaluate(int a, int b)
return a & b;
You get the idea. You can make it even more compact by defining a method in condition that makes it run Expression() on itself and pass the result as the first argument to Evaluate:
class Condition
public int Evaluate(int argument)
return Operation.Evaluate(Expression(0), argument);
(also an unrelated advice: never ever call a variable tempSomething, it is bad karma and creates the impression that you don't know exactly the role of that particular variable for the reader)
One general pattern for eliminating if/switch is to place the logic behind the if in the class you are operating on. I don't know enough about your domain to judge whether that will work here.
To apply that pattern, IEval would be expanded with another method, e.g.
IEval<T>.PerformOperation(T tempResult)
Each concrete implementation of IEval would then implement PerformOperation based on the specific operation it models, rather than using an Enum to indicate the type of operation.
(not sure if tempResult is of type T based on your code).
Then instead of the switch, write
returnResult = condition.PerformOperation(tempResult);
I would go with LINQ methods. Like -
public static bool Validate<T>(this T o, IList<IEval<T>> conditions)
return conditions
(a, b) => b.Operator == Operators.Or ? (a || b.Expression(o)) : (a && b.Expression(o))
Or if you don't like ternary operator or need more extensible and nicer approach, you can use Dictionary to store and lookup functions associated with operators.
public static bool Validate<T>(this T o, IList<IEval<T>> conditions)
return conditions
(a, b) => operators[b.Operator](a, b.Expression(o))
public static Dictionary<Operator, Func<bool, bool, bool>> operators = new Dictionary<Operator, Func<bool, bool, bool>>()
{Operator.And, (a, b) => a && b},
{Operator.Or, (a, b) => a || b}
The only thing I can think of is:
Have an if statement with checks that you have at least 2 conditions.
Then, instead of a foreach, use a regular for statement with a counter that starts at the second condition.
If you have zero conditions, return true. depending on your other business logic.
If you have one condition, then take the value.
Regardless, I believe the switch statement for the operation to perform is going to be necessary... Unless you change the code to execute some type of script which is your actual op to perform. Which I think is worse.
The only thing I don't like is that you have a variable called counter that will always be either 0 or 1. I'd make it a bool isFirst instead. If you want to get rid of the switch, you could replace your IEval interface with
public interface IEval<T>{
Func<T, bool> Expression { get; }
Func<bool, bool, bool> Combinator { get; }
string Key { get; }
Your Combine method will then be either
public Func<bool, bool, bool> Combinator {
get { return (b1, b2) => b1 | b2; }
public Func<bool, bool, bool> Combinator {
get { return (b1, b2) => b1 & b2; }
depending on the desired operation.
Might be overkill to return a delegate, though, perhaps just add a method bool Combine(bool value1, bool value2)
The following algorithm exhibits short-circuiting (it stops evaluating once the condition is known to be false). It has the same basic design, but it effectively uses an implicit true && ... at the beginning to make things cleaner.
public static bool Validate<T>(this T o, IList<IEval<T>> conditions)
bool result = true;
Operator op = Operator.And;
var conditionIter = conditions.GetEnumerator();
while (result && conditionIter.MoveNext())
bool tempResult = conditionIter.Current.Expression(o);
switch (op)
case Operator.And:
result &= tempResult;
case Operator.Or:
result |= tempResult;
throw new NotImplementedException();
op = condition.Operator;
return result;