Story time! One of our more disgruntled employees decided to upgrade visual svn and modify our web interface a day before his last day. We had the old authentication set up, and it was all working fine. Give this particular applications footprint in the grand scheme we followed the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' mantra.
It wasn't broke, and he fixed it...
SO here we are. I found This Question regarding interfacing with Visual SVN with C#, and it looks like he had just copied and pasted the code verbatim from there.
The interface we have is very simple. There is an input box that the user types in the name of there desired repo. Below that is a text area where he/she can add users to have access to the repo. The user lookup is done based off of email address and it hits our active directory. The end result of this is I have the name of the repo I need to create, and the users/SIDs of the people I need to give read/write access to.
Testing this code he pasted in, it seems like the repositories are getting created fine (they show up when I log into the server as an admin). Here is the repo creation code:
static public bool CreateRepository(repository r)
ManagementClass repoClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN", "VisualSVN_Repository", null);
// Obtain in-parameters for the method
ManagementBaseObject inParams = repoClass.GetMethodParameters("Create");
// Add the input parameters.
inParams["Name"] =;
// Execute the method and obtain the return values.
ManagementBaseObject outParams =
repoClass.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, null);
return true;
'repository r' in the method parameters, repository is a class with the following properties:
private int _id;
private string _name;
private System.Nullable<System.DateTime> _deleteAfter;
private EntitySet<UserRepositoryRight> _UserRepositoryRights;
with all the public getters and setters you would expect from a linq to sql generated file.
UserRepositoryRight is a table that holds the one (repo) to many (users) relationships.
Like I said, I think this code is fine, since I am seeing the repositories being created.
The next copypasta code is the UpdatePermissions method
static public void UpdatePermissions(string sid, string repository, AccessLevel level, bool isAdmin = false)
//Update SVN
ManagementClass userClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN", "VisualSVN_WindowsAccount", null);
ManagementClass permClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN", "VisualSVN_PermissionEntry", null);
ManagementClass repoClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN", "VisualSVN_Repository", null);
ManagementObject userObject = userClass.CreateInstance();
userObject.SetPropertyValue("SID", sid);
ManagementObject permObject = permClass.CreateInstance();
permObject.SetPropertyValue("Account", userObject);
permObject.SetPropertyValue("AccessLevel", level);
ManagementObject repoObject = repoClass.CreateInstance();
repoObject.SetPropertyValue("Name", repository);
ManagementBaseObject inParams =
inParams["Path"] = "/trunk";
inParams["Permissions"] = new object[] { permObject };
ManagementBaseObject outParams =
repoObject.InvokeMethod("SetSecurity", inParams, null);
//Update in DB
var db = new DataMapSVNServiceDataContext();
if (level == AccessLevel.NoAccess) //If we are removing the user
var output = (db.repositories.Single(r => == repository)).UserRepositoryRights.Single(u => u.User.Sid == sid);
if (output.isAdmin != null && !((bool)output.isAdmin)) //making sure DB owner isn't ever removed
if (level == AccessLevel.ReadWrite) //if we are adding the user
var add = new UserRepositoryRight
isAdmin = isAdmin,
User = db.Users.Single(u => u.Sid == sid),
repository = db.repositories.Single(r => == repository)
Here everything looks ok, but it does not seem to be carrying over to the repo and adding the user to have ReadWrite (key value is 2) permissions on the created repo. The tail end of the method just saves the data to our websites databases to allow us to interface with it.
So, the root problem is if I create a repo via the web interface here, I get a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access it, but NO errors when creating and deleting it. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
You should use VisualSVN Server PowerShell cmdlets instead of using the server's WMI provider. The WMI provider of VisualSVN Server can be considered as an internal API. It is not documented and is not intended to be used to build custom applications.
Old answer
If you don't get any errors when running the code, I guess that the access rule is set on path <repo>/trunk which simply does not exist in the youngest revision. You can try the script on some fresh testing repository which contains "/trunk" in it's root. Otherwise, you can simply change change the code string inParams["Path"] = "/trunk"; to inParams["Path"] = "/";.
VisualSVN Server allows you to setup path-based authorization rules on items (files and folders) that don't exist in youngest revision because these items can exist in earlier and newer revisions.
Having an issue with a Windows service that needs to monitor/have access to a set of folders, and move files around between those folders.
There's have a bit of boilerplate code that's been used in the past, which will check a given folder for the specific granular permissions for the given user. The odd thing is that I discovered through testing that if I manually deny all permissions on that folder for the account the service is running under, and then run the code, it reports that all is well and the user does in fact have those permissions, even though it's obvious (and demonstrable) that he doesn't.
At first I thought this might be because the service was running under the local System account, but the same issue crops up if it is run with NetworkService as well as with a local user account. This is on Windows 7/2008 R2.
Boilerplate method:
public static void ValidateFolderPermissions(WindowsIdentity userId, string folder, FileSystemRights[] requiredAccessRights)
SecurityIdentifier secId;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool permissionsAreSufficient = false;
bool notAuthorized = false;
String errorMsg = String.Empty;
IdentityReferenceCollection irc = userId.Groups;
foreach (IdentityReference ir in irc)
secId = ir.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier)) as SecurityIdentifier;
DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folder);
DirectorySecurity dSecurity = dInfo.GetAccessControl();
AuthorizationRuleCollection rules = dSecurity.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
foreach (FileSystemAccessRule ar in rules)
if (secId.CompareTo(ar.IdentityReference as SecurityIdentifier) == 0)
foreach (FileSystemRights right in requiredAccessRights)
if (right == ar.FileSystemRights)
permissionsAreSufficient = true;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
notAuthorized = true;
errorMsg = "user not authorized";
catch (SecurityException)
// If we failed authorization do not update error
if (!notAuthorized)
errorMsg = "security error";
catch (Exception)
// If we failed authorization do not update error
if (!notAuthorized)
errorMsg = "invalid folder or folder not accessible";
if (!permissionsAreSufficient)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))
throw new Exception(String.Format("User {0} does not have required access to folder {1}. The error is {2}.", userId.Name, folder, errorMsg));
throw new Exception(String.Format("User {0} does not have required access rights to folder {1}.", userId.Name, folder));
And the calling snippet:
FileSystemRights[] requireAccessRights =
FolderPermissionValidator.ValidateFolderPermissions(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(), inputFolder, requireAccessRights);
Log.Debug("In ServiceConfigurationValidator: {0}, {1}", WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name, inputFolder);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Debug("Throwing exception {0}", ex.Message);
I don't see anything in ValidateFolderPermissions to check for denials before checking for allowed permissions. If a deny entry prevents access then no amount of allow entries can override it.
This code enumerates the entries in the ACL as FileSystemAccessRule objects, but doesn't bother to check whether AccessControlType is allow or deny.
I also note that the logic returns true if any ACE exactly matches any of the elements of the requiredAccessRights array; I suspect the intended behaviour is that it return true if all of the specified rights are present. This could cause false positives if only some of the requested rights are present, but because it only looks for exact matches it could also cause a false negative, e.g., if the ACE actually gives more rights than are being requested. (Not such a problem in the example given, though, because you're asking for Full Control.)
Another flaw is that it only checks for access entries matching groups the user belongs to; access entries for the user account itself will be ignored. (I'm not sure what the behaviour of WindowsIdentity.Groups is for security primitives such as SYSTEM and NetworkService that are not actual user accounts, although it sounds like that part was working as desired.)
Note that because it is very hard to cope properly with all the possible situations (consider, e.g., an access control entry for Everyone, or for SERVICE) it would be wise to allow the administrator to override the check if it is mistakenly reporting that the account doesn't have the necessary access.
I can find all sorts of stuff on how to program for DCOM, but practically nothing on how to set/check the security programmatically.
I'm not trying to recreate dcomcnfg, but if I knew how to reproduce all the functionality of dcomcnfg in C# (preferred, or then my goal is in sight.
I can't seem to be able to find any good resource on this, no open source API's or even quick examples of how to do each step. Even here DCOM or dcomcnfg returns few results and none really about how to set/verify/list security.
If anybody has some pointers to an open API or some examples I would appreciate it.
The answer posted by Daniel was HUGELY helpful. Thank you so much, Daniel!
An issue with Microsoft's documentation is that they indicate that the registry values contain an ACL in binary form. So, for instance, if you were trying to set the machine's default access (rather than per-process), you would be accessing registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\DefaultAccessPermission. However, in my initial attempts to access this key using the System.Security.AccessControl.RawACL class were failing.
As Daniel's code indicate's the value is not actually an ACL, but really is a SecurityDescriptor with the ACL in it.
So, even though I know this post is old, I'm going to post my solution for checking and setting the security settings and adding NetworkService for Default local access. Of course, you could take this and make it better I'm sure, but to get started you would simply need to change the key and the access mask.
static class ComACLRights{
public const int COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE= 1;
public const int COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE_LOCAL = 2;
public const int COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE_REMOTE = 4;
public const int COM_RIGHTS_ACTIVATE_LOCAL = 8;
public const int COM_RIGHTS_ACTIVATE_REMOTE = 16;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var value = Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Ole", "DefaultAccessPermission", null);
RawSecurityDescriptor sd;
RawAcl acl;
if (value == null)
System.Console.WriteLine("Default Access Permission key has not been created yet");
sd = new RawSecurityDescriptor("");
sd = new RawSecurityDescriptor(value as byte[], 0);
acl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl;
bool found = false;
foreach (CommonAce ca in acl)
if (ca.SecurityIdentifier.IsWellKnown(WellKnownSidType.NetworkServiceSid))
//ensure local access is set
ca.AccessMask |= ComACLRights.COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE | ComACLRights.COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE_LOCAL | ComACLRights.COM_RIGHTS_ACTIVATE_LOCAL; //set local access. Always set execute
found = true;
//Network Service was not found. Add it to the ACL
SecurityIdentifier si = new SecurityIdentifier(
WellKnownSidType.NetworkServiceSid, null);
CommonAce ca = new CommonAce(
acl.InsertAce(acl.Count, ca);
//re-set the ACL
sd.DiscretionaryAcl = acl;
byte[] binaryform = new byte[sd.BinaryLength];
sd.GetBinaryForm(binaryform, 0);
Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Ole", "DefaultAccessPermission", binaryform, RegistryValueKind.Binary);
Facing similar circumstances (configuring DCOM security from an MSI) I managed to create a solution that does what I want by altering registry key values in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID{APP-GUID-GOES-HERE}. Thanks to Arnout's answer for setting me on the right path.
In specific, I created a method to edit the security permissions for DCOM objects, which are stored in the LaunchPermission and AccessPermission registry key values. These are serialized security descriptors, which you can access by passing the binary data through RawSecurityDescriptor. This class simplifies a lot of the details in a delicious .NET-y fashion, but you still have to attend to all the logical details regarding Windows ACL, and you have to make sure to write the security descriptor back to the registry by using RawSecurityDescriptor.GetBinaryForm.
The method I created was called EditOrCreateACE. This method will either edit an existing ACE for an account, or insert a new one, and ensure that the access mask has the passed flags set. I attach it here as an example, this is by no means any authority on how to deal with it, since I know very little of Windows ACL stuff still:
// These are constants for the access mask on LaunchPermission.
// I'm unsure of the exact constants for AccessPermission
private const int COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE = 1;
private const int COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE_LOCAL = 2;
private const int COM_RIGHTS_EXECUTE_REMOTE = 4;
private const int COM_RIGHTS_ACTIVATE_LOCAL = 8;
private const int COM_RIGHTS_ACTIVATE_REMOTE = 16;
void EditOrCreateACE(string keyname, string valuename,
string accountname, int mask)
// Get security descriptor from registry
byte[] keyval = (byte[]) Registry.GetValue(keyname, valuename,
new byte[] { });
RawSecurityDescriptor sd;
if (keyval.Length > 0) {
sd = new RawSecurityDescriptor(keyval, 0);
} else {
sd = InitializeEmptySecurityDescriptor();
RawAcl acl = sd.DiscretionaryAcl;
CommonAce accountACE = null;
// Look for the account in the ACL
int i = 0;
foreach (GenericAce ace in acl) {
if (ace.AceType == AceType.AccessAllowed) {
CommonAce c_ace = ace as CommonAce;
NTAccount account =
as NTAccount;
if (account.Value.Contains(accountname)) {
accountACE = c_ace;
// If no ACE found for the given account, insert a new one at the end
// of the ACL, otherwise just set the mask
if (accountACE == null) {
SecurityIdentifier ns_account =
(new NTAccount(accountname)).Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier))
as SecurityIdentifier;
CommonAce ns = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed,
mask, ns_account, false, null);
acl.InsertAce(acl.Count, ns);
} else {
accountACE.AccessMask |= mask;
// Write security descriptor back to registry
byte[] binarySd = new byte[sd.BinaryLength];
sd.GetBinaryForm(binarySd, 0);
Registry.SetValue(keyname, valuename, binarySd);
private static RawSecurityDescriptor InitializeEmptySecurityDescriptor()
var localSystem =
new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.LocalSystemSid, null);
var new_sd =
new RawSecurityDescriptor(ControlFlags.DiscretionaryAclPresent,
localSystem, localSystem, null,
new RawAcl(GenericAcl.AclRevision, 1));
return new_sd;
Do note that this code is by no means perfect. If the entire registry key value for these ACL is missing in the registry, the ACL that is synthesized will ONLY grant access to the passed account and nothing else. I'm also sure there are lots of error conditions I've not handled properly and details I've glossed over. Again, it's an example of how to deal with DCOM ACL in .NET.
This information is stored in HKCR\AppID\{Your-AppID}\LaunchPermission and AccessPermission. These are REG_BINARY values containing serialized security descriptors. No idea whether there's anything providing convenient access to those from .NET...
More info on MSDN.
I couldn't find any .NET way of doing this - you can use the MS command line utility DCOMPerm (also here) which is part of the SDK.
I found this solution working:
public static void SetUp()
private static void SetCOMSercurityAccess(string regKey)
//This is the magic permission!
byte[] binaryform = new string[]
}.Select(o=> Convert.ToByte(o,16)).ToArray();
Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Ole", regKey, binaryform, RegistryValueKind.Binary);
In case it help others...