Handling confidentiality in application - c#

I have an asp.net mvc3 application where each logged users may have access to some specific data.
For exemple, "user A" have acces to "Client 1" but not "Client 2", while "user B" have access to "Client 2" but not "Client 1".
If user a acces to http://myApp/Clients/2, we will throw a custom exception, say ConfidentialityException.
From that, we can trap it in global.asax Application_Error. But from that point, I wonder what would be the best practice :
Returning an error page with http 403 code (how ?)
Just returning an error page.
Let it crash.
other suggestion ?
My preffered solition is the first one (error page with 401), but I don't see how to set the http code from Application_Error.
I changed 401 status code to 403, since it's not an authentification error, but confidentiality. 403 seems more appropriate according to w3c.

To set the status code you can use the following:
HttpContextBase.Response.StatusCode = 401;
However, if you're using MVC you can simply set the result to be an HttpUnauthorizedResult, which will set the http status code for you.


"The page you requested was removed" with 410 and redirect

I have following requirement:
the user comes to a job page in our customer's website, but the job is already taken, so the page does not exist anymore
the user should NOT get a 404 but a 410(Gone) and then be redirected to a job-overview-page where he gets the information that this job is not available anymore and a list of available jobs
but instead of a 302(temp. moved) or a 404(current behavior) google should get a 410(gone) status to indicate that this page is permanently unavailable
so the old url should be removed from the index and the new not be treated as a replacement
So how i can redirect the user with a 410 status? If i try something like this:
string overviewUrl = _urlContentResolver.GetAbsoluteUrl(overviewPage.ContentLink);
HttpContext context = _httpContextResolver.GetCurrent();
context.Response.Redirect(overviewUrl, false);
context.Response.StatusCode = 410;
context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
I get a static error page in chrome with nothing but:
The page you requested was removed
But the status-code is correct(410) and also the Location is set correctly, just no redirect.
If i use Redirect and set the status before:
context.Response.StatusCode = 410;
context.Response.Redirect(overviewUrl, true); // true => endReponse
the redirect happens but i get a 302 instead of the desired 410.
Is this possible at all, if yes, how?
I think you're trying to bend the rules of http. The documentation states
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 410 Gone client error response code indicates that access to the target resource is no longer available at the origin server and that this condition is likely to be permanent.
If you don't know whether this condition is temporary or permanent, a 404 status code should be used instead.
In your situation either 404 or 410 seems to be the right status code, but 410 does not have any statement about redirection as a correct behavior that browsers should implement, so you have to assume a redirect is not going to work.
Now, to the philosophically right way to implement your way out of this...
With your stated requirements, "taken" does not mean the resource is gone. It means it exists for the client that claimed it. So, do you 302 Redirect a different client to something else that might be considered correct? You implemented that, and it seems like the right way to do it.
That said, I don't know if you "own" the behavior across the client and server to change the requirements to this approach. Looking at it from the "not found" angle, a 404 also seems reasonable. It's not found because "someone" already has the resource.
In short if your requirements are set in stone, they may be in opposition to the HTTP spec. If you still must have a 410 then you would need to change the behavior on the client-side somehow. If that's JavaScript, you'd need to expect a 410 from the server that returns a helpful payload that the client interprets to do something else (e.g. like a simulated redirect).
If you don't "own" the client code... well that's a different problem.
There's a short blog post by Tommy Griffth that backs up what I am saying. Take a read. It says in part,
The “Gone” error response code means that the page is truly gone—it’s no longer available on the origin server and no redirect was set up.
Sometimes, webmasters want to be very explicit to Google and other search engines that a page is gone. This is a much more direct signal to Google that a page is truly gone and never coming back. It's slightly more direct than a 404.
So, is it possible? Yes, but you're going to need to "fake" it by changing both client and server code.
I will accept Kit's answer since he's right in general, but maybe i have overcomplicated my requirement a bit, so i want to share my solution:
What i wanted actually?
provide crawlers a 410 so that the taken job page is delisted from search engine indexes
provide the user a better exeprience than getting a 404, so redirect him to a job-overview where he can find similar jobs and gets a message
These are two separate requirements and two separate users, so i could simply provide a solution for a crawler and one for a "normal" user.
In case someone needs something similar i can provide more details, just a snippet:
if (HttpContext.Current.IsInSearchBotMode())
// redirect(301) to job-overview, omitting details
private void Deliver410ForSearchBots(HttpContext context)
context.Response.StatusCode = 410;
context.Response.StatusDescription = "410 job taken";
context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
public static bool IsInSearchBotMode(this HttpContext context)
ISearchBotConfiguration configuration = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISearchBotConfiguration>();
string userAgent = context.Request?.UserAgent;
return !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(userAgent) || configuration.UserAgents == null)
&& configuration.UserAgents.Any(bot => userAgent!.IndexOf(bot, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0);
These user-agents i have used for the crawler detection:
<add key="SearchBot.UserAgents" value="Googlebot;Googlebot-Image;Googlebot-News;APIs-Google;AdsBot-Google;AdsBot-Google-Mobile;AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps;DuplexWeb-Google;Google-Site-Verification;Googlebot-Video;Google-Read-Aloud;googleweblight;Mediapartners-Google;Storebot-Google;LinkedInBot;bitlybot;SiteAuditBot;FacebookBot;YandexBot;DataForSeoBot;SiteCheck-sitecrawl;MJ12bot;PetalBot;Yeti;SemrushBot;Roboter;Bingbot;AltaVista;Yahoobot;YahooCrawler;Slurp;MSNbot;Lycos;AskJeaves;IBMResearchWebCrawler;BaiduSpider;facebookexternalhit;XING-contenttabreceiver;Twitterbot;TweetmemeBot" />

ASP.NET FormsAuthenticationModule DefaultUrl overriding explicit

I have a mature ASP.NET web application using FormsAuthentication (FA) to manage logins. Under certain situations, I would like to redirect the "just logged in" user to a different URL to the one that FA uses. As per standard functionality, FA will redirect to our normal homepage (specified in web.config) unless a redirectUrl was used when it hits a page that requires an authenticated user.
In my system, after the user's username/password is validated I typically use
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userName, createPersistentCookie: true); // Also calls SetAuthCookie()
which handles most situations. However, depending on certain conditions (primarily based on the newly logged in user's role) I want to redirect to a different destination. My thoughts for doing this are to call SetAuthCookie() myself and then use Response.Redirect(myUrl, false); and ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest().
Despite doing this, the very next request comes in using for the URL defined in my tag of web.config.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login" timeout="120" cookieless="UseCookies" defaultUrl="~/?raspberry=true" />
Here is the actual code I am using (if a different url is required, it is specified by the overrideUrl parameter:
internal static void CreateTicket(string userName, string overrideUrl)
// Ref: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/301240
if (overrideUrl == null)
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userName, createPersistentCookie: true); // Includes call to SetAuthCookie()
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie: true, strCookiePath:FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);
HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(overrideUrl, false);
If I pass in a value of /special/path for overrideUrl I would like the next request to come in to be '/special/path'. Instead I am seeing /?raspberry=true
Is something else forcing defaultUrl?
Is there a way to "snoop" into the Response object while debugging to see if a Redirect is already in place? or set a breakpoint whenever it gets set so I can look at the call stack?
EDIT: At the end of my method, the Response object is showing the following properties:
RedirectLocation: "/special/path"
Status: "302 Found"
StatusCode: 302
StatusDescription: "Found"
IsRequestBeingRedirected: true
HeadersWritten: false
which all looks absolutely correct.
Thanks for any advise.
Okay, I can see what is causing it. It is the fact that I am using the Login Web Control and running my code as part of the Authenticate event. Looking at the reference source for the Login Web Control, the Authenticate event is raised by its AttemptLogin method (search for it in ref source). After raising the event and seeing that Authentication was successful, it then goes on to:
Call SetAuthCookie itself (I've already done this myself but presumably the only thing I should be doing in my code is determining if authentication was successful or not, and not messing with AuthCookie or redirects)
Performing a Redirect (overwriting my carefully crafted Redirect)
I'm going to have to figure out a solution as there these methods are private (can't override by inheriting the usercontrol) and there appears to be no option for overring or suppressing the user of it's GetRedirectUrl().

Modifying AccessDenied.aspx

I'm working on a website I didn't build. As far as I understand, AccessDenied.aspx comes with some default behaviour, such as the default error message for a failed login attempt is ''Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again.'
I want to change the message conditionally so it shows a different message if they have exhausted their login attempts.
I have some code in AccessDenied.aspx: <asp:Literal ID="msgFailedLogin" runat="server" EnableViewState="False"></asp:Literal>
When I try to access the fields from AccessDenied.aspx.cs using
msgFailedLogin.InnerText = "New text";
the compiler tells me
msgFailedLogin does not exist in current context.
I am able to access it using
((Literal)Login1.FindControl("msgFailedLogin")).Text = "New text";
Is there some built in behaviour interfering with my attempt to access this field using the typical convention of <id>.<method/property>?
I would include more code but none of it seems to be relevant.

how to post on facebook wall for specific list of users using asp.net c#?

I am trying to post on specific group of users on facebook such as (close friends, or family, or college friend...) and I used the code bellow.
code that I used:
FacebookClient fpost1 = new FacebookClient(access_token);
fpost1.Post("/1234567890/feed", new { message = "test post"});
note: access_token is working correctly when I am doing some job before this exception.
I put my friendlist id instead of 1234567890, that you can get it from graph .../me?fields=friendlists
it did not work and gave me this error "(OAuthException - #2) An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later."
FacebookClient fpost1 = new FacebookClient(access_token);
fpost1.Post("/me/feed", new { message = "it is very cold.", to="1234567890"});
this one work, but it post to "only me" as target.
thank you
It looks to me that what you are doing here...
FacebookClient fpost1 = new FacebookClient(access_token);
fpost1.Post("/1234567890/feed", new { message = "test post"});
is wrong. Because I believe that 1234567890 is a user-id, right? Not a friendslist-id. According to the documentation this edge/endpoint signature goes like....
where user-id is obviously a user id. The documentation states that...
Most nodes in the Graph API have edges that can be published to (such as Photos or Posts). All Graph API publishing is done simply with an HTTP POST request to the relevant endpoint with any necesssary parameters included. For example, if you wanted to publish a post on behalf of someone, you would make an HTTP POST request as below:
POST graph.facebook.com
Notice that it says "On Behalf of Someone". My understanding is that you are publishing on behalf of someone and to do that, this someone must have requested an access_token through your application. In other words, if this user hasn't logged in to your app and generated a valid access token you cannot publish on his/her wall
POST graph.facebook.com
me/feed?message="hello"&privacy={"value": "CUSTOM", "allow": "1234567890"}
where the 1234567890 is one of friendlists id

How to get Error code on custom error page

I have a common custom error page for my asp.net website because it's common it is shown on every error I want to found the last error code which was occurred and redirected to my that custom error page so that I can show right message according to the error which was occurred.
Note : solution have to be session based, I don't want any user to show error which was occurred on any other user's system of course.
Do you use IIS or Apache?
For Apache
Configuring Apache to serve customized error pages is extremely easy; there is a section of the httpd.conf file devoted to this. It takes just one directive per error to achieve. If you open the conf file and scroll right down to almost the very bottom of section two, you’ll see the section you need to edit.
By default, these directives are commented out, but all you need to do is un-comment each directive and then change the path to point to your own error page.
ErrorDocument 404 /errordocs/404error.html
IIS 6: Edit Website or virtual Directory then Userdefinded Error.
There you can edit all error files and change to a user defined asp.net file.
IIS 7:
Detailed Error Message see:
Not good idea what you try to do. You must capture the errors on the code that they occur inside the page, and show the message on that page - stay on page - and if this is possible give the user the opportunity to correct it. If your error gets out of your try/catch and out of control then log it and fix it.
The only error that you can show to your user is the "non found page".
You can get the last error as Exception LastOneError = Server.GetLastError();
And there you can read more about errors: How do I make a "generic error" page in my ASP.NET application so that it handles errors triggered when serving that page itself?
and How to tell if an error captured by my global.asax was displayed on the screen of the user
What I would suggest is extending the UI.Page class and using that class for all your pages.
In that class (I know vb not c# but same principle and easy to convert) use the following code:
Public Class _PageBase
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
#Region "Page Functions"
Private Sub Page_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Error
Session("error_StackTrace") = Server.GetLastError.StackTrace.ToString
Session("error_Message") = Server.GetLastError.Message.ToString
Session("error_Page") = Request.Url.ToString
Session("error_Source") = Server.GetLastError.Source.ToString
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
This will fire on all pages using that base class, and pass the last 'server' error (which will be the error the user caused), store all the details in session and pass it over to your error page. Then you can do as you wish.
