How do I get the hash of current .exe? - c#

[SOLVED]: I copied the file and ran the hasher on that copy.
I need my app to find the EXE's current MD5. I can get the MD5 of any file.
However, no matter what I do, I cannot get a FileStream to read the open EXE. I tried using FileOptions.Asynchronous but that didn't help.
EDIT: I guess I'm not very clear. I want my app to be be able to read itself.
EDIT to code:
private void GetMd5()
MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName);
FileStream stream = File.Create(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName, (int)fi.Length, FileOptions.Asynchronous);
string rtrn = "";
for (int i = 0; i < md5.Hash.Length; i++)
rtrn += (md5.Hash[i].ToString("x2"));

The File.Create Method (String, Int32, FileOptions, FileSecurity):
Creates or overwrites the specified file with the specified buffer
size, file options, and file security.
I'm fairly sure that's not what you intended to do. Presumably you want FileInfo.Open Method (FileMode, FileAccess):
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
FileStream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);

Bit late to the party, but was recently trying to do this myself. In .NET 4.5 the following works quite nicely without the need for making a temporary copy. As said, if you can read the file to make a copy of it, you can read the file to generate a hash for it.
private string GetMD5()
System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < md5.Hash.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString().ToUpperInvariant();

Change: FileStream stream = File.Create(path, (int)fi.Length, FileOptions.Asynchronous); to FileStream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);

Since I've tried these answers and found that none of them change every edit to the exe, or change at all, I found something that actually does work.
I did not edit any code here, all of this was from the referred page below.
internal static class ExecutingHash
public static string GetExecutingFileHash()
return MD5(GetSelfBytes());
private static string MD5(byte[] input)
return MD5(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(input));
private static string MD5(string input)
MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] originalBytes = ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(input);
byte[] encodedBytes = md5.ComputeHash(originalBytes);
return BitConverter.ToString(encodedBytes).Replace("-", "");
private static byte[] GetSelfBytes()
string path = Application.ExecutablePath;
FileStream running = File.OpenRead(path);
byte[] exeBytes = new byte[running.Length];
running.Read(exeBytes, 0, exeBytes.Length);
return exeBytes;
Every test seems to output properly. I'd recommend to anyone seeing this to use this class or make something of it.


All hash values are identical using Microsoft SHA256

Using the following code I always get the same hash regardless of the input. Any ideas why that might be?
private static SHA256 sha256;
internal static byte[] HashForCDCR(this string value)
byte[] hash;
using (var myStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
using (var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(myStream))
hash = sha256.ComputeHash(myStream);
return hash;
You are computing hash of empty portion of the stream (the one immediately after content you wrote with sw.Write) so it always the same.
Cheap fix: sw.Flush();myStream.Position = 0;. Better fix is to finish writing and create new read only stream for encryption based on original stream:
using (var myStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
using (var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(myStream))
using (var readonlyStream = new MemoryStream(myStream.ToArray(), writable:false)
hash = sha256.ComputeHash(readonlyStream);
You may need to flush your stream. For optimal performance StreamWriter doesn't write to stream immediately . It waits for its internal buffer to fill. Flushing the writer immediately flush the content of the internal buffer to underline stream.
myStream.Position = 0;
hash = sha256.ComputeHash(myStream);
I will probably use the solution that Alexei Levenkov called a "cheap fix". However, I did come across one other way to make it work, which I will post for future readers:
var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
var bytes = encoding.GetBytes(value);
var hash = sha256.ComputeHash(bytes);
return hash;

C#: Prepending to beginning of a file

What is the best way to add text to the beginning of a file using C#?
I couldn't find a straightforward way to do this, but came up with a couple work-arounds.
Open up new file, write the text that I wanted to add, append the text from the old file to the end of the new file.
Since the text I want to add should be less than 200 characters, I was thinking that I could add white space characters to the beginning of the file, and then overwrite the white space with the text I wanted to add.
Has anyone else come across this problem, and if so, what did you do?
This works for me, but for small files. Probably it's not a very good solution otherwise.
string currentContent = String.Empty;
if (File.Exists(filePath))
currentContent = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
File.WriteAllText(filePath, newContent + currentContent );
Adding to the beginning of a file (prepending as opposed to appending) is generally not a supported operation. Your #1 options is fine. If you can't write a temp file, you can pull the entire file into memory, preprend your data to the byte array and then overwrite it back out (this is only really feasible if your files are small and you don't have to have a bunch in memory at once because prepending the array is not necessarily easy without a copy either).
Yeah, basically you can use something like this:
public static void PrependString(string value, FileStream file)
var buffer = new byte[file.Length];
while (file.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("The specified file cannot be written.", "file");
file.Position = 0;
var data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value);
file.SetLength(buffer.Length + data.Length);
file.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
file.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
public static void Prepend(this FileStream file, string value)
PrependString(value, file);
using(var file = File.Open("yourtext.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
file.Prepend("Text you want to write.");
Not really effective though in case of huge files.
using two streams, you can do it in place, but keep in mind that this will still loop over the whole file on every addition
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace FilePrepender
public class FilePrepender
private string file=null;
public FilePrepender(string filePath)
file = filePath;
public void prependline(string line)
prepend(line + Environment.NewLine);
private void shiftSection(byte[] chunk,FileStream readStream,FileStream writeStream)
long initialOffsetRead = readStream.Position;
long initialOffsetWrite= writeStream.Position;
int offset = 0;
int remaining = chunk.Length;
do//ensure that the entire chunk length gets read and shifted
int read = readStream.Read(chunk, offset, remaining);
offset += read;
remaining -= read;
} while (remaining > 0);
writeStream.Write(chunk, 0, chunk.Length);
writeStream.Seek(initialOffsetWrite, SeekOrigin.Begin);
readStream.Seek(initialOffsetRead, SeekOrigin.Begin);
public void prepend(string text)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text);
byte[] chunk = new byte[bytes.Length];
using (FileStream readStream = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
using(FileStream writeStream = File.Open(file, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite))
readStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);//seek chunk.Length past the end of the file
writeStream.Seek(chunk.Length, SeekOrigin.End);//which lets the loop run without special cases
long size = readStream.Position;
//while there's a whole chunks worth above the read head, shift the file contents down from the end
while(readStream.Position - chunk.Length >= 0)
readStream.Seek(-chunk.Length, SeekOrigin.Current);
writeStream.Seek(-chunk.Length, SeekOrigin.Current);
shiftSection(chunk, readStream, writeStream);
//clean up the remaining shift for the bytes that don't fit in size%chunk.Length
readStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
writeStream.Seek(Math.Min(size, chunk.Length), SeekOrigin.Begin);
shiftSection(chunk, readStream, writeStream);
//finally, write the text you want to prepend
writeStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
I think the best way is to create a temp file. Add your text then read the contents of the original file adding it to the temp file. Then you can overwrite the original with the temp file.
private const string tempDirPath = #"c:\temp\log.log", tempDirNewPath = #"c:\temp\";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
File.WriteAllText(tempDirNewPath, sb.ToString());
File.AppendAllText(tempDirNewPath, File.ReadAllText(tempDirPath));
File.Move(tempDirNewPath, tempDirPath);
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(tempDirPath))
{ //truncate to a reasonable length
if (16384 < fs.Length) fs.SetLength(16384);
// The file we'll prepend to
string filePath = path + "\\log.log";
// A temp file we'll write to
string tempFilePath = path + "\\temp.log";
// 1) Write your prepended contents to a temp file.
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(tempFilePath, false))
// Write whatever you want to prepend
// 2) Use stream lib methods to append the original contents to the Temp
// file.
using (var oldFile = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using (var tempFile = new FileStream(tempFilePath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
// 3) Finally, dump the Temp file back to the original, keeping all its
// original permissions etc.
File.Replace(tempFilePath, filePath, null);
Even if what you're writing is small, the Temp file gets the entire original file appended to it before the .Replace(), so it does need to be on disk.
Note that this code is not Thread-safe; if more than one thread accesses this code you can lose writes in the file swapping going on here. That said, it's also pretty expensive, so you'd want to gate access to it anyway - pass writes via multiple Providers to a buffer, which periodically empties out via this prepend method on a single Consumer thread.
You should be able to do this without opening a new file. Use the following File method:
public static FileStream Open(
string path,
FileMode mode,
FileAccess access
Making sure to specify FileAccess.ReadWrite.
Using the FileStream returned from File.Open, read all of the existing data into memory. Then reset the pointer to the beginning of the file, write your new data, then write the existing data.
(If the file is big and/or you're suspicious of using too much memory, you can do this without having to read the whole file into memory, but implementing that is left as an exercise to the reader.)
The following algorithm may solve the problem pretty easily, it's most efficient for any size of file, including very big text files:
string outPutFile = #"C:\Output.txt";
string result = "Some new string" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
StringBuilder currentContent = new StringBuilder();
List<string> rawList = File.ReadAllLines(outPutFile).ToList();
foreach (var item in rawList) {
currentContent.Append(item + Environment.NewLine);
File.WriteAllText(outPutFile, result + currentContent.ToString());
Use this class:
public static class File2
private static readonly Encoding _defaultEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); // encoding used in File.ReadAll*()
private static object _bufferSizeLock = new Object();
private static int _bufferSize = 1024 * 1024; // 1mb
public static int BufferSize
lock (_bufferSizeLock)
return _bufferSize;
lock (_bufferSizeLock)
_bufferSize = value;
public static void PrependAllLines(string path, IEnumerable<string> contents)
PrependAllLines(path, contents, _defaultEncoding);
public static void PrependAllLines(string path, IEnumerable<string> contents, Encoding encoding)
var temp = Path.GetTempFileName();
File.WriteAllLines(temp, contents, encoding);
AppendToTemp(path, temp, encoding);
File.Replace(temp, path, null);
public static void PrependAllText(string path, string contents)
PrependAllText(path, contents, _defaultEncoding);
public static void PrependAllText(string path, string contents, Encoding encoding)
var temp = Path.GetTempFileName();
File.WriteAllText(temp, contents, encoding);
AppendToTemp(path, temp, encoding);
File.Replace(temp, path, null);
private static void AppendToTemp(string path, string temp, Encoding encoding)
var bufferSize = BufferSize;
char[] buffer = new char[bufferSize];
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(temp, true, encoding))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(path, encoding))
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = reader.ReadBlock(buffer,0,bufferSize)) != 0)
Put the file's contents in a string. Append new data you want to add to the top of the file to that string -- string = newdata + string. Then move the seek position of the file to 0 and write the string into the file.

How do I do a SHA1 File Checksum in C#?

How do I use the SHA1CryptoServiceProvider() on a file to create a SHA1 Checksum of the file?
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(#"C:\file\location", FileMode.Open))
using (BufferedStream bs = new BufferedStream(fs))
using (SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed())
byte[] hash = sha1.ComputeHash(bs);
StringBuilder formatted = new StringBuilder(2 * hash.Length);
foreach (byte b in hash)
formatted.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", b);
formatted contains the string representation of the SHA-1 hash. Also, by using a FileStream instead of a byte buffer, ComputeHash computes the hash in chunks, so you don't have to load the entire file in one go, which is helpful for large files.
With the ComputeHash method. See here:
Example snippet:
using(var cryptoProvider = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider())
string hash = BitConverter
//do something with hash
Where buffer is the contents of your file.
If you are already reading the file as a stream, then the following technique calculates the hash as you read it. The only caveat is that you need to consume the whole stream.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
String sourceFileName = "C:\\test.txt";
Byte[] shaHash;
//Use Sha1Managed if you really want sha1
using (var shaForStream = new SHA256Managed())
using (Stream sourceFileStream = File.Open(sourceFileName, FileMode.Open))
using (Stream sourceStream = new CryptoStream(sourceFileStream, shaForStream, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
//Do something with the sourceStream
//NOTE You need to read all the bytes, otherwise you'll get an exception ({"Hash must be finalized before the hash value is retrieved."})
while(sourceStream.ReadByte() != -1);
shaHash = shaForStream.Hash;
Also you can try:
FileStream fop = File.OpenRead(#"C:\test.bin");
string chksum = BitConverter.ToString(System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(fop));

MD5 file processing

Good morning all,
I'm working on an MD5 file integrity check tool in C#.
How long should it take for a file to be given an MD5 checksum value?
For example, if I try to get a 2gb .mpg file, it is taking around 5 mins+ each time.
This seems overly long.
Am I just being impatient?
Below is the code I'm running
public string getHash(String #fileLocation)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(#fileLocation, FileMode.Open);
HashAlgorithm alg = new HMACMD5();
byte[] hashValue = alg.ComputeHash(fs);
string md5Result = "";
foreach (byte x in hashValue)
md5Result += x;
return md5Result;
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
See this on how to calculate file hash value in a most efficient way. You basically have to wrap FileStream into a BufferedStream and than feed that into HMACMD5.ComputeHash(Stream) overload:
HashAlgorithm hmacMd5 = new HMACMD5();
byte[] hash;
using(Stream fileStream = new FileStream(fileLocation, FileMode.Open))
using(Stream bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(fileStream, 1200000))
hash = hmacMd5.ComputeHash(bufferedStream);

Correct terminology for streaming a file into bytes and back

I have the below methods:
public static byte[] ConvertFileToBytes(string filePath)
var fInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
var numBytes = fInfo.Length;
var dLen = Convert.ToDouble(fInfo.Length / 1000000);
var fStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var br = new BinaryReader(fStream);
var data = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes);
return data;
public static void ConvertBytesToFile(byte[] file, string filePath)
var ms = new MemoryStream(file);
var fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
What is the correct to name these methods? (because ConvertXXXtoYYY just doesn't cut it in a Utilities library)
How about File.ReadAllBytes and File.WriteAllBytes ;)
The terms usually used are "serialize" and "deserialize" (or sometimes "marshal" and "demarshal").
Marshalling/Unmarshalling might be the appropriate term.
In C++ they would be called read and write.
The WriteAllBytes and ReadAllBytes are a good suggestion, but to answer your Question ...
Save() would be a good choice for renaming of ConvertToFile() and Object.CreateFromFile() for the reverse.
