how to split the line in the text file - c#

Text File:
How do I split the line and get the serial number like L55894M8 and L55894M9?

To get the data that appears after the 4th comma and 9th comma, you would want to do:
var pieces = line.Split(',');
var serial1 = line[3];
var serial2 = line[8];
Edit: Upon further reflection, it appears your file has records that begin with $ and end with the next record. If you want these records, along with the serial number (which appears to be the last field) you can do:
var records = line.TrimStart('$').Split('$');
var recordObjects = records.Select(r => new { Line = r, Serial = r.TrimEnd(',').Split(',').Last() });

In your sample you means want to get the words in index of ( 4 , 9 , 14 .... )
And the five words as a party .
So you can try this way.....
static void Main(string[] args)
string strSample = "$3.00,0.00,0.00,1.00,L55894M8,$3.00,0.00,0.00,2.00,L55894M9";
var result = from p in strSample.Split(',').Select((v, i) => new { Index = i, Value = v })
where p.Index % 5 == 4
select p.Value;
foreach (var r in result)

if the file is in a string you can use the string's .split(',') method then check each element of the resulting array. Or grab every 5th element if that pattern of data is seen throughout.

var str = "$3.00,0.00,0.00,1.00,L55894M8,$3.00,0.00,0.00,2.00,L55894M9";
var fieldArray = str.Split(new[] { ',' });
var serial1 = fieldArray[4]; // "L55894M8"
var serial2 = fieldArray[9]; // "L55894M9"

Try regular expression.
string str = "$3.00,0.00,0.00,1.00,L55894M8,$3.00,0.00,0.00,2.00,L55894M9";
string pat = #"L[\w]+";
MatchCollection ar= Regex.Matches(str, pat);
foreach (var t in ar)


Create Regex Pattern for String using C#

I have string pattern like this:
#c1 12,34,222x8. 45,989,100x10. 767x55. #c1
I want to change these patterns into this:
My code in C#:
private void btnProses_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String ps = txtpesan.Text;
Regex rx = new Regex("((?:\d+,)*(?:\d+))x(\d+)");
Match mc = rx.Match(ps);
while (mc.Success)
txtpesan.Text = rx.ToString();
I've been using split and replace but to no avail. After I tried to solve this problem, I see many people using regex, I tried to use regex but I do not get the logic of making a pattern regex.
What should I use to solve this problem?
sometimes regex is not good approach - old school way wins. Assuming valid input:
var tokens = txtpesan.Text.Split(' '); //or use split by regex's whitechar
var prefix = tokens[0].Trim('#');
var result = new StringBuilder();
//skip first and last token
foreach (var token in tokens.Skip(1).Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse())
var xIndex = token.IndexOf("x");
var numbers = token.Substring(0, xIndex).Split(',');
var lastNumber = token.Substring(xIndex + 1).Trim('.');
foreach (var num in numbers)
result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", prefix, num, lastNumber));
var viola = result.ToString();
And here comes a somewhat ugly regex based solution:
var q = "#c1 12,34,222x8. 45,989,100x10. 767x55. #c1";
var results = Regex.Matches(q, #"(?:(?:,?\b(\d+))(?:x(\d+))?)+");
var caps = results.Cast<Match>()
.Select(m => m.Groups[1].Captures.Cast<Capture>().Select(cap => cap.Value));
var trailings = results.Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Groups[2].Value).ToList();
var c1 = q.Split(' ')[0].Substring(1);
var cnt = 0;
foreach (var grp in caps)
foreach (var item in grp)
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", c1, item, trailings[cnt]);
The regex demo can be seen here. The pattern matches blocks of comma-separated digits while capturing the digits into Group 1, and captures the digits after x into Group 2. Could not get rid of the cnt counter, sorry.

Cannot replace last element in string List

I have an input file that includes data on an entertainer and their performance score. For example,
1. Bill Monohan from North Town 10.54
2. Mary Greenberg from Ohio 3.87
3. Sean Hollen from Markell 7.22
I want to be able to take the last number from a line (their score), perform some math on it, and then replace the old score with the new score.
Here's a brief piece of code for what I'm trying to do:
string line;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(#"file.txt");
//Read each line and split by spaces into a List.
while ((line = reader.ReadLine())!= null){
//Find last item in List and convert to a Double in order to perform calculations.
List<string> l = new List<string>();
l = line.Split(null).ToList();
string lastItem = line.Split(null).Last();
Double newItem = Convert.ToDouble(lastItem);
/*Do some math*/
/*Replace lastItem with newItem*/
System.Console.WriteLine(line); }
When I write the new line, nothing changes but I want lastItem to be switched with newItem at the end of the line now. I've tried using:
l[l.Length - 1] = newItem.ToString();
But I'm getting no luck. I just need the best way to replace the last value of a string List like this. I've been going at this for a few hours now and I'm almost at the end of my rope.
Please help me c# masters!
You can use regular expression MatchEvaluator to get number from each line, do calculations, and replace original number with new one:
string line = "1. Bill Monohan from North Town 10.54";
line = Regex.Replace(line, #"(\d+\.?\d*)$", m => {
decimal value = Decimal.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
value = value * 2; // calculation
return value.ToString();
This regex captures decimal number at the end of input string. Output:
1. Bill Monohan from North Town 21.08
You're not changing anything to your line object before doing your WriteLine.
You will have to rebuild your line, something like this:
var items = string.Split();
items.Last() = "10";//Replace
var line = string.Join(" ", items)
Tip: strings are immutable, look it up.
This should work:
//var l = new List<string>(); // you don't need this
var l = line.Split(null).ToList();
var lastItem = l.Last(); // line.Split(null).Last(); don't split twice
var newItem = Convert.ToDouble(lastItem, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
/*Do some math*/
/*Replace lastItem with newItem*/
l[l.Count - 1] = newItem.ToString(); // change the last element
//Console.WriteLine(line); // line is the original string don't work
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", l)); // create new string
This would probably do the job for you. A word on reading files though, if possible, ie they fit in memory, read the entire file at once, it gives you one disk access (well, depends on file size, but yeah) and you do not have to worry about filehandles.
// Read the stuff from the file, gets an string[]
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(#"file.txt");
foreach (var line in lines)
var splitLine = line.Split(' ');
var score = double.Parse(splitLine.Last(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// The math wizard is in town!
score = score + 3;
// Put it back
splitLine[splitLine.Count() - 1] = score.ToString();
// newLine is the new line, what should we do with it?
var newLine = string.Join(" ", splitLine);
// Lets print it cause we are out of ideas!
What do you want to do with the end result? Do you want it written back to file?
Try this
string subjectString = "Sean Hollen from Markell 7.22";
double Substring =double.Parse(subjectString.Substring(subjectString.IndexOf(Regex.Match(subjectString, #"\d+").Value), subjectString.Length - subjectString.IndexOf(Regex.Match(subjectString, #"\d+").Value)).ToString());
double NewVal = Substring * 10; // Or any of your operation
subjectString = subjectString.Replace(Substring.ToString(), NewVal.ToString());
Note: This will not work if the number appears twice on the same line
You are creating and initializing the list in a loop, hence it contains always only the current line. Do you want to find the highest score of all entertainers or the highest score of each entertainer (in case an entertainer could repeat in the file)?
However, here is an approach that gives you both:
var allWithScore = File.ReadAllLines(path)
.Select(l =>
var split = l.Split();
string entertainer = string.Join(" ", split.Skip(1).Take(split.Length - 2));
double score;
bool hasScore = double.TryParse(split.Last(), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out score);
return new { line = l, split, entertainer, hasScore, score };
.Where(x => x.hasScore);
// highest score of all:
double highestScore = allWithScore.Max(x => x.score);
// entertainer with highest score
var entertainerWithHighestScore = allWithScore
.OrderByDescending(x => x.score)
.GroupBy(x => x.entertainer)
foreach (var x in entertainerWithHighestScore)
Console.WriteLine("Entertainer:{0} Score:{1}", x.entertainer, x.score);
// all entertainer's highest scores:
var allEntertainersHighestScore = allWithScore
.GroupBy(x => x.entertainer)
.Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(x => x.score).First());
foreach (var x in allEntertainersHighestScore)
Console.WriteLine("Entertainer:{0} Score:{1}", x.entertainer, x.score);

C#: Loop over Textfile, split it and Print a new Textfile

I get many lines of String as an Input that look like this. The Input is a String that comes from
each #VAR;****;#ENDVAR; represents one Line and one step in the loop.
I split it, to remove the unwanted fields, like #VAR,#ENDVAR and Op==.
The optimal Output would be:
Speed = Fast;
Fabricator = Freescale; and so on.
I am able to cut out the #VAR and the#ENDVAR. Cutting out the "Op==" wont be that hard, so thats now not the main focus of the question. My biggest concern right now is,thatI want to print the Output as a Text-File. To print an Array I would have to loop over it. But in every iteration, when I get a new line, I overwrite the Array with the current splitted string. I think the last line of the Inputfile is an empty String, so the Output I get is just an empty Text-File. It would be nice if someone could help me.
string[] w;
Textwriter tw2;
foreach (EA.Element theObjects in myPackageObject.Elements)
theObjects.Type = "Object";
foreach (EA.Element theElements in PackageHW.Elements)
if (theObjects.ClassfierID == theElements.ElementID)
t = theObjects.RunState;
w = t.Replace("#ENDVAR;", "#VAR;").Replace("#VAR;", ";").Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string s in w)
This linq-query gives the exptected result:
var keyValuePairLines = File.ReadLines(pathInputFile)
.Select(l =>
l = l.Replace("#VAR;", "").Replace("#ENDVAR;", "").Replace("Op==;", "");
IEnumerable<string[]> tokens = l.Split(new[]{';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(t => t.Split('='));
return tokens.Select(t => {
return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(t.First(), t.Last());
foreach(var keyValLine in keyValuePairLines)
foreach(var keyVal in keyValLine)
Console.WriteLine("Key:{0} Value:{1}", keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value);
Key:Variable Value:Speed
Key:Value Value:Fast
Key:Variable Value:Fabricator
Key:Value Value:Freescale
If you want to output it to another text-file with one key-value pair on each line:
File.WriteAllLines(pathOutputFile, keyValuePairLines.SelectMany(l =>
l.Select(kv => string.Format("{0}:{1}", kv.Key, kv.Value))));
Edit according to your question in the comment:
"What would I have to change/add so that the Output is like this. I
need AttributeValuePairs, for example: Speed = Fast; or Fabricator =
Freescale ?"
Now i understand the logic, you have key-value pairs but you are interested only in the values. So every two key-values belong together, the first value of a pair specifies the attibute and the second value the value of that attribute(f.e. Speed=Fast).
Then it's a little bit more complicated:
var keyValuePairLines = File.ReadLines(pathInputFile)
.Select(l =>
l = l.Replace("#VAR;", "").Replace("#ENDVAR;", "").Replace("Op==;", "");
string[] tokens = l.Split(new[]{';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var lineValues = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
for(int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i += 2)
// Value to a variable can be found on the next index, therefore i += 2
string[] pair = tokens[i].Split('=');
string key = pair.Last();
string value = null;
string nextToken = tokens.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1);
if (nextToken != null)
pair = nextToken.Split('=');
value = pair.Last();
var keyVal = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key, value);
return lineValues;
File.WriteAllLines(pathOutputFile, keyValuePairLines.SelectMany(l =>
l.Select(kv=>string.Format("{0} = {1}", kv.Key, kv.Value))));
Output in the file with your single sample-line:
Speed = Fast
Fabricator = Freescale

Extract the word between the quotes and store the values in an variable

I need to extract the word between the quotes and store the values in an variable.
my actural string will be
m:'liquid' n:'4'
from the above string. I need to extract
the word liquid & 4
and to store like this
var m = "liquid";
var n = "4";
How can I do this in regular expression in c#
Well if the format is always that, then you can split by : and know that you will have an array of strings that start with the element you want, between ' chars.
Here is a generic solution
public Dictionary<string, string> GetValues(string input)
var results = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var pairs = input.Split(" ");
foreach(var pair in pairs)
var parts = pair.Split(":");
results.Add(parts[0], parts[1].Trim("'"));
return results;
var str = "m:'liquid' n:'4'";
var values = GetValues(str);
var m = values["m"];
var n = values["n"];
As you tagged your question with a "linq", you can try this:
var str = #"m:'liquid' n:'4'";
var r = str.Split(new [] {'\''}).Where((s, i) => i % 2 == 1).ToArray();
var m = r[0];
var n = r[1];
Regex regex = new Regex("(?<=')\\w+(?<!')");
var matches = regex.Matches("m:'liquid' n:'4'");
Will match any word preceeded by ' and followed by '.
var m = matches[0];
var n = matches[1];
var s = "m:'liquid' n:'4'";
var ss = s.Split(new char[]{' ', ':'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
You will have the pairs in ss: {"m", "'liquid'", "n", "'4'"}. It works if there is empty value ('').
You can actually use the .indexOf string
var x = "m:'liquid' n:'4'";
var split = x.Split(' ');
var indexm0 = split[0].IndexOf("'");
var indexm1 = split[0].LastIndexOf("'");
var m = split[0].Substring(indexm0, indexm1 - 1);
var indexn0 = split[1].IndexOf("'");
var indexn1 = split[1].LastIndexOf("'");
var n = split[1].Substring(indexn0, indexn1 - 1);

Split string with ' in C#

How to split this string
and get this string array as result
in C#
I believe that this regex should give you what you are looking for:
Quick code snippet on how it might work:
var rx = new Regex("('(?:[^']|'')*'|[^',\r\n]*)(,|\r\n?|\n)?");
var text= "1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1";
var matches = rx.Matches(text);
foreach (Match match in matches)
try this,
string line ="1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1" ;
var values = Regex.Matches(line, "(?:'(?<m>[^']*)')|(?<m>[^,]+)");
foreach (Match value in values) {
This code is not pretty at all, but it works. :) (Does not work with multiple "strings" within the string.)
void Main()
string stuff = "1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1";
List<string> newStuff = new List<string>();
var extract = stuff.Substring(stuff.IndexOf('\''), stuff.IndexOf('\'', stuff.IndexOf('\'') + 1) - stuff.IndexOf('\'') + 1);
var oldExtract = extract;
extract = extract.Replace(',',';');
stuff = stuff.Replace(oldExtract, extract);
newStuff.AddRange(stuff.Split(new[] {','}));
var newList = newStuff;
for(var i = 0; i < newList.Count; i++)
newList[i] = newList[i].Replace(';',',');
// And newList will be in the format you specified, but in a list..
Firstly split a string on ' (single) quote and then after go for comma (,).
You don't need a parser, you don't need Regex. Here's a pretty simple version that works perfectly:
var splits = input
(s,i) => (i%2==0)
? s.Split(new[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
: new[]{ "'" + s + "'"}
This is exactly what #AVD + #Rawling described ... Split on ', and split only "even" results, then combine.
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO; //Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
public class Sample {
static void Main(){
string data = "1014,'0,1031,1032,1034,1035,1036',0,0,1,1,0,1,0,-1,1";
string[] fields = null;
data = data.Replace('\'', '"');
using(var csvReader = new TextFieldParser(new StringReader(data))){
csvReader.SetDelimiters(new string[] {","});
csvReader.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true;
fields = csvReader.ReadFields();
foreach(var item in fields){
