OpenPop - Gmail - GetMessageCount() returns 0 (zero) - c#

When connecting to Gmail with OpenPop, I can only retrieve an email once, even if I do not delete it. Using GetMessageCount() I always receive 0 emails. How can I get all the emails that are there?
Only after reading them and processing them do I give order to delete. I am using the following code to get the emails:
using (var client = new Pop3Client())
// Connect to the server
client.Connect(serverData.Hostname, serverData.Port, serverData.UseSsl);
// Authenticate ourselves towards the server
client.Authenticate(serverData.Username, serverData.Password, AuthenticationMethod.UsernameAndPassword);
var emailAmount = client.GetMessageSizes().Count;
// Fetch all the current uids seen
var msgCount = client.GetMessageCount();

Gmail is special. Take a look at this StackOverflow post which explains the non-standard behavior.
What you are interested in, is that Gmail will only show a message in ONE POP3 session, unless you do special stuff, like prepending recent: in front of your username.

Getting only the unread mails is how POP3 is supposed to work. If you want to see and manage older mails, you should use IMAP instead.


Fetched Emails not ordered when I use pop3

First I were Fetching emails by POP3 using this library OpenPop.Pop3 and it was working ok and it was returns emails ordered from last email to first email
but when I change the library to mailkit library the returned messages not ordered and couldn't know based on what mailkit order fetched emails
that's my code after I change to mailkit library
using (Pop3Client client = new Pop3Client())
// Connect to the server
client.Connect(hostname, port, useSsl);
client.Authenticate((username), password);
int messageCount = client.Count;
// We want to download all messages
List<MimeMessage> allMessages = new List<MimeMessage>(messageCount);
for (int i = messageCount-1; i > 0; i--)
var msg = client.GetMessage(i);
by this way allmessages variable should contains emails ordered from last email to first email but that's not happened emails not ordered at all
although I were using the same authenticated email before with OpenPop.Pop3 and fetched emails were ordered
I don't know why they wouldn't be ordered for you since MailKit is not doing any kind of sorting.
That said, MailKit uses 0-based indexes while I suppose OpenPOP.NET must have used 1-based indexes, so your loop should make the following change:
for (int i = messageCount-1; i >= 0; i--)
var msg = client.GetMessage(i);
Perhaps this will produce the expected results?
Update: It turns out that MailKit was correctly downloading the messages in reverse order just as his code was trying to do (as mentioned in his follow-up question). The problem this user was facing is that his GMail account settings were only providing MailKit's Pop3Client with a subset of his total Inbox as is explained in Google's FAQ in the section titled "Emails aren't downloading correctly", where it states:
After you set up POP in your Gmail settings, your emails become available
in batches. It might take a while to see all your emails.
Note: Gmail downloads a copy of every email you send or receive, except
for emails in Chats, Spam, and Trash. To avoid duplicates, Gmail doesn't
download emails sent within your mail client, but you can still see them
if you log in to Gmail.
If you continue to have problems downloading emails, try using recent
In your email client's POP settings page, find the "Email address" or
"User name" field.
Add recent: in front of your email address. For example,
If that doesn't fix the problem, try deleting your Gmail address from your email client, then re-adding it.

Sending multiple emails with transaction behavior (if one fails no emails get send)

Sorry if I failed to find an existing post with my problem.
What am I trying to do is as follows:
I simply want to send a couple of emails (2-3) to different people and more importantly with different content. The emails are official, important and also logged in the system. Long story short, I need when for some reason one of them fails to stop the sending of the others. I need either all of them sent or none of them.
What have I done so far
It is not the first time the system I worked on has to send an automatic email. The application is an ASP MVC website. So some time ago, I installed the MvcMailer (MvcMailer) and used it the way it was explained. It worked quite well and so I liked the idea of previewing the email (as you can give it a view to send).
So, in the light of my new problem I read carefully the MvcMailer documentation and did not find anything about sending multiple emails in transaction-like manner. Couldn't think of a way to force them to behave in this way. In my tests when I send an email, even if it is one email with a few CCs, all working mails get send and just one of them fails (wrong email name, closed port ... whatever).
I was hoping someone could suggest me a way to achieve something like this. I hope my explanation was sufficient and if not, let me know I will provide you with all details required.
If this is impossible with the MvcMailer, then is it possible with other tools ?
My implementation so far: (keep in mind I'm still in the testing stages)
public class MailerController : Controller
private MailerRepository mailerRep;
public MailerController()
this.mailerRep = new MailerRepository();
public void TestTransmittalEmail()
var model = this.mailerRep.GetTransmittalModel(1234); //I've stucked a specific clientId
var mailer = new TransmittalsMailer();
public class TransmittalsMailer : MailerBase
public TransmittalsMailer()
public MvcMailMessage TransmittalEmail(TransmittalManifestModel model)
var mailMessage = new MvcMailMessage() { Subject = "Transmittals - TESTING EMAIL" };
//embedding a few images in the email
var resources = new Dictionary<string, string>();
resources["logo"] = PDFResourcePaths.VripackLogo;
resources["companyInfo"] = PDFResourcePaths.CompanyInfoBlock;
mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(#"D:\ASD\TransmittalFolders\1\Archives\150812.1433.MMA.rar"));
ViewData["model"] = model;
this.PopulateBody(mailMessage, "TransmittalEmailView", resources);
return mailMessage;
This is actually quite a difficult problem to solve. This is because when you send an email, it will work as long the SMTP server can be found (no exception will be thrown).
So you basically have to wait some arbitrary amount of time, and check the inbox of the email you sent it from for the delivery failure. If there is a delivery failure, you stop sending.
So long story short, you shouldn't probably do this. You should simply send all three and notify yourself some other way (probably another email) that there was a failure and which email failed.
You can check if an exception is thrown and then cancel the sending of subsequent emails until the issue is addressed. However this only deals with issues on your end on the sending of each email individual email. If the first two mails are successfully sent, and the last throws an exception, you can't unsend the first emails.
A possible workaround (ugly as it is) would be to initially send emails to an email address you control. If an exception is thrown at this step, log the error, and do not send any further emails until the error is dealt with. If no exceptions are raised, send the emails. However this does not and cannot handle issues that may occur on the recipients side.
A delivery failure notice is not guaranteed as depending on the configuration of your SMTP and the recipient SMTP a delivery failure notification might not be sent. Even if delivery failure notifications are enabled, the notification might not be sent for days (in one of my previous jobs, email delivery failure notifications were not sent until 14 days had elapsed).
Ideally, this should be dealt with at the initial input of the email addresses before you ever send any documents to anyone. You simply send a verification email to the email address in question and have the user clicking on a verification link back to a web service you control. Until this has been done, you don't send any emails to the intended recipient.

MailKit Delete single message from gmail

I am using MailKit ( to connect to google apps via imap, how can I delete a single message though ? (I am fine to have it moved to trash, just need it out of the inbox.
So far I have it connected, downloading, parsing links from message bodies. I just need this one last action to have what I need.
To delete a message from a folder on the IMAP server, this is all you need to do:
client.Inbox.AddFlags (new int[] { index }, MessageFlags.Deleted);
client.Inbox.AddFlags (new UniqueId[] { uid }, MessageFlags.Deleted);
Now the message is marked as \Deleted on the server.
You can then purge the folder of all deleted items by calling:
client.Inbox.Expunge ();
If you are using UIDs instead of indexes and the IMAP server supports the UIDPLUS extension (check the client.Capabilities), you can expunge just a selected set of messages like this:
if (client.Capabilities.HasFlag (ImapCapabilities.UidPlus))
client.Inbox.Expunge (new UniqueId[] { uid });

AWS SES - Bounces Not Being Delivered To ReturnPath Address

I just wrote my first application using the AWS SDK for .Net to send ~7500 emails via SES with the following code:
AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("awsKey", "awsSecret");
SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest()
.WithDestination(new Destination() { ToAddresses = { "" } })
new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Message(new Content("mySubject"),
new Body().WithHtml(new Content("myBody"))));
var resp = client.SendEmail(req);
My AWS Console is showing successful deliveries of ~7350 emails and ~150 bounces.
It has been over 3 hours since it finished and I still have not received any bounce back emails ("This email could not be sent because the address doesn't exist or something...") to
How do I find out which of those ~150 emails bounced so I can update my database?
The bounces were being delivered to me, they were just being filtered as spam.
I wish there were a better way to handle this through SES...
There is a better way to handle it. In SES, you can configure bounces to go into an SQS queue, and then process them programatically from your application (or a different, dedicated bounce handling application) that reads from that Queue.

How to Domainkeys/DKIM email signing using the C# SMTP client?

I have written an program in C# which sends out emails. Now I have a requirement to sign outbound emails using Dominkeys/DKIM, but I'm not sure how to do it.
I have set up all keys, but I don't know how to get those and how to include them in the email header.
There is a fundamental problem with trying to do DKIM signatures with System.Net.Mail.MailMessage and System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient which is that in order to sign the message, you need to poke the internals of SmtpClient in order to hash the message body as one of the steps in generating the DKIM-Signature header. The problem comes in when you have alternative views or attachments because SmtpClient will generate new multipart boundaries each time it writes out the message which breaks the body hash and thus the DKIM-Signature validity.
To work around this, you can use the MimeKit and MailKit open source libraries for .NET as an alternative framework to using System.Net.Mail.
To add a DKIM signature to a message in MimeKit, you would do something like this:
MimeMessage message = MimeMessage.CreateFromMailMessage(mailMessage);
HeaderId[] headersToSign = new HeaderId[] { HeaderId.From, HeaderId.Subject, HeaderId.Date };
string domain = "";
string selector = "brisbane";
DkimSigner signer = new DkimSigner ("C:\my-dkim-key.pem", domain, selector)
SignatureAlgorithm = DkimSignatureAlgorithm.RsaSha1,
AgentOrUserIdentifier = "",
QueryMethod = "dns/txt",
// Prepare the message body to be sent over a 7bit transport (such as
// older versions of SMTP). This is VERY important because the message
// cannot be modified once we DKIM-sign our message!
// Note: If the SMTP server you will be sending the message over
// supports the 8BITMIME extension, then you can use
// `EncodingConstraint.EightBit` instead.
message.Prepare (EncodingConstraint.SevenBit);
message.Sign (signer, headersToSign,
To send the message using MailKit, you would do something like this:
using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient ()) {
client.Connect ("", 465, true);
client.Authenticate ("username", "password");
client.Send (message);
client.Disconnect (true);
Hope that helps.
see it's a DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) implementation for .Net written in C# - it enables you to sign MailMessage objects.
Not only does it allow to use DKIM for signing, also you can include S/MIME certificates, PGP certificates and more.
Also, its a very mature lib - the only one i've found that handles foreign languages (apart from english) correctly, since its completely and thoroughly coded with unicode in mind.
Its free and opensource.
This solved it for me when using Mailenable as SMTP relay server.
When creating the DKIM TXT record on the domain name don't forget to use the active selector as prefix =>
If you are looking to DKIM-sign the body of the MailMessage then DKIM.NET is great. If you are looking to have alternative views in your message then I wasnt able to find a solution and wrote my own (open-source with the usual disclaimers) that can be found at
I understand this is a pretty old thread but I thought it may help someone.
i didnt find much help on this issue, but my problem got solve by configuring smtp server.
i cant post those steps as i am using 3rd party smtp server and every server has their own configuration. after proper configuration my smtp automatically adds DM/DKIM signature.
