I've below function which fetches facebook data and return it as string.
public static string GetUserNewsFeed(string strAccessToken)
Dictionary<string, object> PostDetail = new Dictionary<string, object>();
DateTime CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-90);
var epoch = (CreatedDateTime.ToUniversalTime().Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000000;
PostDetail.Add("Posts", "SELECT post_id,source_id FROM stream WHERE filter_key in (SELECT filter_key FROM stream_filter WHERE uid=me() AND type='newsfeed') and (likes.count > 0 or comments.count > 0) and created_time > " + epoch);
PostDetail.Add("PostComments", "select post_id,fromid from comment where post_id in (select post_id from #Posts)");
PostDetail.Add("PostLikes", "SELECT object_id,post_id,user_id FROM like WHERE post_id in (select post_id from #Posts)");
string Json = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(PostDetail));
return RunFQLQuery(Json, strAccessToken);
Here's the code that calls this function and convert it to Jobject using Json.NET :
strFeed = FacebookAPI.GetUserNewsFeed(Convert.ToString(Session["access_token"]));
JObject objStreamData = JObject.Parse(strFeed);
var PostResponse = objStreamData.SelectToken("data[0]");
Below line deserialize it to NewsFeedPost Class :
var Posts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NewsFeedPost>(PostResponse.ToString());
And below is the class :
public class NewsFeedPost
public string name { get; set; }
public List<Post> fql_result_set { get; set; }
public class Post
public string post_id { get; set; }
public string source_id { get; set; }
Now problem is when I change my NewsFeedPost class to below it throws error "Cannot deserialize JSON object into type 'BAL.NewsFeedPost'" :
public class NewsFeedPost : IEnumerable<Post>
public string name { get; set; }
public List<Post> fql_result_set { get; set; }
public IEnumerator<Post> GetEnumerator()
foreach (Post item in fql_result_set)
yield return item;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
Below is the sample of Json Response :
"data": [
"name": "Posts",
"fql_result_set": [
"post_id": "1"
"post_id": "2"
"name": "PostComments",
"fql_result_set": [
"post_id": "3",
"fromid": 4
"post_id": "5",
"fromid": 6
"name": "PostLikes",
"fql_result_set": [
"object_id": 7,
"post_id": "8",
"user_id": 9
"object_id": 10,
"post_id": "11",
"user_id": 12
I just want to enumerate through list and create comma delimited list and save it to db. Can anybody throw some light what needs to be done? How can I get the Count and Length Property for List?
Two things:
1) Add JsonObjectAttribute to NewsFeedPost:
public class NewsFeedPost : IEnumerable<Post>
2) To deserialize that JSON which you show, you need another class:
public class NewsFeedPosts
public List<NewsFeedPost> Data { get; set; }
and then you'd call your deseralize with that class as what you want deserialized:
var Posts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NewsFeedPosts>(PostResponse.ToString());
You may want to try a cast on the DeserializeObject
var Posts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NewsFeedPost>((NewsFeedPost)PostResponse.ToString());
I was working with a .net core 3.1 Web API. Which is getting data from an external API. Following is my code Controller part
public Object GettransactionData(int id)
var result=_transaction.GettransactionDetails(id).Result;
List<PipeLineResponse> P = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<PipeLineResponse>>(result.ToString());
PipeLineResponseObject P1 = new PipeLineResponseObject();
P1.data = P;
return P1;
And my service code as follows
public async Task<Object> GettransactionDetails(int id)
string request=//fetched from db
var stringContent = new StringContent(request);
Client = utilities.GetHttpClient();
string apiEndpoint=//External API URL
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await Client.PostAsync(apiEndpoint, stringContent);
if (httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync<Object>();
But i am getting the result in following format (response from postman)
"data": [
"Tranid": "34540d40-7db8-44c1-9a2a-5072c2d01756",
"fields": {
"Fields.10": "1001",
"Fields.11": "Test1",
"Fields.12": "Fixed1"
"Tranid": "145800f9-c4a5-4625-84d7-29af5e674a14",
"fields": {
"Fields.10": "1002",
"Fields.11": "Test2",
"Fields.12": "Fixed2"
But i need the data in following format
"data": [
"TransactionID": "34540d40-7db8-44c1-9a2a-5072c2d01756",
"fieldsList": [
"fieldId": "10",
"fieldValue": "1001"
"fieldId": "11",
"fieldValue": "Test1"
"fieldId": "12",
"fieldValue": "Fixed1"
"TransactionID": "145800f9-c4a5-4625-84d7-29af5e674a14",
"fieldsList": [
"fieldId": "10",
"fieldValue": "1002"
"fieldId": "11",
"fieldValue": "Test2"
"fieldId": "12",
"fieldValue": "Fixed2"
How can i achieve this ? is possible to deserialise using JObject or JArray? Please help.
i have tried to create following model class and tried to deserialise but not getting result as expected.
public class PipeLineResponse
public string TransactionID { get; set; }
public List<Dictionary<string, string>> fields { get; set; }
public class PipeLineResponseObject
public List<PipeLineResponse> data { get; set; }
How to create that json in that format any DTO or Automapper will work ? Please help me with samples.
The solution that I am laying down here takes the DTO approach. The response from the service is being deserialized to the DTO, which further is being manually mapped to the final ViewModel that we are sending to the client. By no means, this implementation is production-ready and there is scope for improvement, for which I am adding in comments. But this gives a detailed understanding of how we can handle these kind of scenarios. We are making use of Newtonsoft.Json, which can be pulled into your project via the NuGet package manager.
Structure of the DTO
// RootDTO.cs
// This structure is directly based on the response obtained from remote service.
public class Fields
[JsonProperty(PropertyName ="Fields.10")]
public string Fields10 { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fields.11")]
public string Fields11 { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fields.12")]
public string Fields12 { get; set; }
public class Datum
public string Tranid { get; set; }
public Fields fields { get; set; }
public class RootDTO
[JsonProperty(PropertyName ="data")]
public List<Datum> data { get; set; }
Structure of ViewModel
// PipelineResponse.cs
public class FieldsList
public string fieldId { get; set; }
public string fieldValue { get; set; }
public class ResponseDatum
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "TransactionID")]
public string TransactionID { get; set; }
public List<FieldsList> fieldsList { get; set; }
public class PipelineResponse
public List<ResponseDatum> data { get; set; }
Deserializing the response to the DTO
// ...other code
var responseString = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync<Object>();
// This is where the DTO object is created. This should be mapped to view model type.
var responseDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootDTO>(responseString);
Mapping the DTO to ViewModel
The mapping from DTO type to ViewModel type needs to be done before sending the response to the client. It is the view model type that is sent to the client. This logic can be placed within a separate helper (ideally, to separate concerns) or any other location as per the practices you are following.
public PipelineResponse ConvertResponseDTOToResponse(RootDTO responseDTO)
// FieldId is being hardcoded here. Instead, you can use Reflection to
// fetch the property name, split on '.' and take the item at index 1.
// Notice that DTO properties have "JsonProperty" attributes for this.
List<ResponseDatum> responseList = new List<ResponseDatum>();
if (responseDTO != null)
// Reflection can be used to avoid hardcoding on 'fieldId'
foreach (var item in responseDTO.data)
var responseDataObj = new ResponseDatum
TransactionID = item.Tranid,
fieldsList = new List<FieldsList>
new FieldsList
fieldValue = item.fields.Fields10,
fieldId = "10"
new FieldsList
fieldValue = item.fields.Fields11,
fieldId = "11"
new FieldsList
fieldValue = item.fields.Fields12,
fieldId = "12"
// This object is what you return from your controller endpoint finally.
// The serialized response of this object is of the json structure you need
return new PipelineResponse { data = responseList };
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
I have following json:
"Australia": {
"count": 2,
"records": {
"File1.ppt": {
"id": "123456789"
"File2.doc": {
"id": "987654321"
"PDFs.zip": {
"count": 0,
"records": {}
"Peru": {
"count": 2,
"records": {
"File3.PPT": {
"id": "897456123"
"File4.PPT": {
"id": "123546789"
"total count": 4
and to deserialize the above json I have defined some classes so that I can use these classes while deserializing my json into objects and below are the classes:
namespace GEO_Batch_Creation
class BhpIdJson
[DataMember(Name = "objects")]
public Dictionary<string, Country[]> Countries { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "total count")]
public int TotalCount { get; set; }
class Country
[DataMember(Name = "count")]
public int Count { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "records")]
public Dictionary<string, Record> Records { get; set; }
class Record
[DataMember(Name = "filename")]
public string FileName { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "id")]
public Dictionary<string, string> BhpId { get; set; }
But when I use following code to deserialize the json I am getting only total count.
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json)))
// Deserialization from JSON
DataContractJsonSerializer deserializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(BhpIdJson));
BhpIdJson bsObj2 = (BhpIdJson)deserializer.ReadObject(ms);
Please suggest me where I am doing mistake.
I don't think that this JSON is in correct format. I don't know if you got this from somewhere or made for yourself, but if the last one I recommend you to change the structure.
Even in C# you cant realy create a class that has the objects and the count of the object in the same List or Array etc.
Based on your class your JSON yhould look like this:
"objects": [
"name": "Australia",
"count": 2,
"records": [
"fileName": "File1.ppt",
"id": "123456789"
"fileName": "File2.doc",
"id": "987654321"
"total count": 4
As you can see you have to add Name or something to your Country class. I hope it helped.
You can create a list like I mentioned above but it's not a good practice I think.
I am getting familiar with C# and Linq and appreciate any help. It should be easy for someone who works with it. I have a Json object that returns contact information. I also have a list of ids. I need to compare the list to the Json object and wherever the value in the list matches the userclientcode in the Json object, I need to extract the following information (only for the matches):
clienttaxonomy (if not empty)
fullname (if not empty)
[0]contactdata ( -> email if not null or empty)
[1]contactdata (-> address if not null or empty)
[2]contactdata (-> phone number if not null or empty)
First List
var fileContactIds = new List<string> { "5678765", "2135123", "12341234", "341234123", "12341234123", "2341234123", "341234123", "123412341", "13342354",
"12342341", "123412322", "163341234", "2345234115", "8967896", "75626234 };
JSON object returned with:
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RelatedContacts>(json)?.list;
This is the Json object:
[![Json object][1]][1]
This is the Json string (unescaped):
"type": "com.kurtosys.api.userprofile.domain.RelatedContactList",
"list": [{
"objectlistid": 5678765,
"objectlisttypeid": 4567876,
"objectlistname": "ALL.National",
"clienttaxonomyid": 765677,
"clienttaxonomy": "National Wholesaler",
"order": 1,
"contacts": [{
"personid": 7654345678,
"fullname": "Person Jallo",
"userid": 876567,
"userclientcode": "341234123",
"contactdetails": [{
"contactid": 8765567,
"contacttypeid": 4565,
"contactdata": "person.contact#site.com"
}, {
"contactid": 876545678,
"contacttypeid": 4565,
"contactdata": "Baltimore,MD,21209,United States"
}, {
"contactid": 87654567,
"contacttypeid": 4584,
"contactdata": "410-413-2640"
}, {
"objectlistid": 765678,
"objectlisttypeid": 40400461,
"objectlistname": "RM.Internal",
"clienttaxonomyid": 7567898,
"clienttaxonomy": "Internal Regional Wholesaler",
"order": 2,
"contacts": [{
"personid": 56789876,
"fullname": "Jackson Man",
"userid": 876567,
"userclientcode": "1012275",
"contactdetails": [{
"contactid": 309598309,
"contacttypeid": 76546,
"contactdata": "mister.jackson##site.com.com"
}, {
"contactid": 876567,
"contacttypeid": 4581,
"contactdata": "Baltimore,MD,21209,United States"
}, {
"contactid": 876567,
"contacttypeid": 2342,
"contactdata": "123-413-2604"
}, {
"objectlistid": 309571364,
"objectlisttypeid": 40400461,
"objectlistname": "RM.External",
"clienttaxonomyid": 309580710,
"clienttaxonomy": "External Regional Wholesaler",
"order": 3,
"contacts": [{
"personid": 302736188,
"fullname": "Phal Sumi",
"userid": 303826019,
"userclientcode": "163341234",
"contactdetails": [{
"contactid": 309598253,
"contacttypeid": 2342,
"contactdata": "misters.emailas#site.com"
}, {
"contactid": 309611930,
"contacttypeid": 2342,
"contactdata": "Baltimore,MD,21209,United States"
}, {
"contactid": 34234132,
"contacttypeid": 3422,
"contactdata": "342-803-1793"
How do I
1] Select using Linq and Lambdas and put in a list fullname, email, address etc from the deserialized object ?
2]compare with first list and only transfer those items where the userclientcode == the number in list A.
I have tried:
var query5 = relatedContact.Where(s => s.objectlistid == Convert.ToInt64(contacts.Select(t => t.id)))
var selected = relatedContact.Where(p => p.contacts
.Any(a => fileContactIds.Contains(p.contacts))
var query2 = relatedContact.Where(s => s.objectlistid == Convert.ToInt64(contacts.Select(t => t.id)))
.Select(s => new
Description = s.clienttaxonomy,
Fullname = s.contacts[0].fullname,
Email = s.contacts[0].contactdetails[0].contactdata,
Address = s.contacts[0].contactdetails[1].contactdata,
PhoneNumber = s.contacts[0].contactdetails[2].contactdata
But don't really know what I'm doing it seems. Any suggestions on how to get the required sections ? I think part of the reason is that the contactdata is a list.
Thanks all
You can create a classes for the desearlization of JSON Object like this
public class Rootobject
public string type { get; set; }
public List[] list { get; set; }
public class List
public int objectlistid { get; set; }
public int objectlisttypeid { get; set; }
public string objectlistname { get; set; }
public int clienttaxonomyid { get; set; }
public string clienttaxonomy { get; set; }
public int order { get; set; }
public Contact[] contacts { get; set; }
public class Contact
public long personid { get; set; }
public string fullname { get; set; }
public int userid { get; set; }
public string userclientcode { get; set; }
public Contactdetail[] contactdetails { get; set; }
public class Contactdetail
public int contactid { get; set; }
public int contacttypeid { get; set; }
public string contactdata { get; set; }
And then to extract the selected information we can also create a another class like
public class ExtractedInfo
public string ocClientTaxonomy { get; set; }
public string ocFullName { get; set; }
public CTDetails ocContactDetails { get; set; }
public class CTDetails
public string ocCTAddress { get; set; }
public string ocCTEmail { get; set; }
public string ocCTPhoneNumber { get; set; }
Now we have to find all the data from JSON
var fileContactIds = new List<string> { "5678765", "2135123", "12341234", "341234123", "12341234123", "2341234123", "341234123", "123412341", "13342354", "12342341", "123412322", "163341234", "2345234115", "8967896", "75626234" };
//Read JSON from txt file. You can do it by your way
string myjson = File.ReadAllText("Some.txt");
string ctphno, ctadd, ctemail, cltax, ctfullname;
List<ExtractedInfo> ei = new List<ExtractedInfo>();
CTDetails ctdtl = new CTDetails();
ExtractedInfo eiex = new ExtractedInfo();
//Deserialize the JSON string to Object.
Rootobject AllData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(myjson);
//Finding all data in List Class
foreach(List lst in AllData.list)
cltax = lst.clienttaxonomy; // you can directly put eiex.ocClientTaxonomy = lst.clienttaxonomy;
foreach(Contact ct in lst.contacts)
//To check if value in the list matches the objectlistid in the Json object
ctfullname = ct.fullname; // you can directly put eiex.ocFullName = ct.fullname;
foreach(Contactdetail ctd in ct.contactdetails)
//Here we are trying to find the Match for Email.
if(Regex.IsMatch(ctd.contactdata, #"\A(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*#(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\Z", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
ctemail = ctd.contactdata;
ctdtl.ocCTEmail = ctemail;
//Here We trying to find the match for Phone Number.
else if(Regex.IsMatch(ctd.contactdata, #"\(?\d{3}\)?-? *\d{3}-? *-?\d{4}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
ctphno = ctd.contactdata;
ctdtl.ocCTPhoneNumber = ctphno;
//If NOthing matches than it might be address (Assumed)
ctadd = ctd.contactdata;
ctdtl.ocCTAddress = ctadd;
eiex.ocFullName = ctfullname;
eiex.ocClientTaxonomy = cltax;
eiex.ocContactDetails = ctdtl;
Hope this helps and fit in your requirements.
I am trying to acheive below JSON Object from c# code
"Animals": {
"name": "Animals",
"data": [
"Fruits": {
"name": "Fruits",
"data": [
"Cars": {
"name": "Cars",
"data": [
I tried json2C# link and it gave me this class structure
public class Animals
public string name { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> data { get; set; }
public class Fruits
public string name { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> data { get; set; }
public class Cars
public string name { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> data { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public Animals Animals { get; set; }
public Fruits Fruits { get; set; }
public Cars Cars { get; set; }
My first problem is the classes generated by code is static (Animals,Fruits,Cars) in reality it could be more and less it is category and it may be some new categories so every time I need to create a new class for each category? how can I handle this?
Second how I populate from these classes the same structure.
Please bear with me as I am very beginner level programmer.
Try this. Create a new console application. You will need the JSON.NET library.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ConsoleApplication7
class Item : List<object>
public Item()
this.Add(""); // for name;
this.Add(0); // for value;
public string Name { get { return this[0].ToString(); } set { this[0] = value; } }
public int Value { get { return (int)this[1]; } set { this[1] = value; } }
class Category
public string name { get; set; }
public List<Item> data { get; set; }
public Category()
this.data = new List<Item>();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var all = new Dictionary<string, Category>
"Animals", new Category()
name = "Animals",
data =
new List<Item>()
new Item() {Name = "Cows", Value = 2},
new Item() {Name = "Sheep", Value = 3}
//include your other items here
You don't need separate Animals, Fruits, etc. classes. They can be merged.
public class Category
public string name { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> data { get; set; }
And since the list of items in the root object can change, you should use a Dictionary<string, Category> instead of the RootObject class you had generated. Your JSON is not valid, (test it with http://jsonlint.com/), but this produces something like the first part of your example:
var dict = new Dictionary<string, Category>
{ "Animals", new Category
name = "Animals",
data = new List<List<object>>
new List<object> { "Cows", 2 },
new List<object> { "Sheep", 3 }
string serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict, Formatting.Indented);
Produces the following (I'm using Json.NET for the serialization here). The other types would be similar. (see Object and Collection Initializers for more info on the list and dictionary initialization syntax I used, if you're unfamiliar with it; basically just shortcuts for their Add methods)
"Animals": {
"name": "Animals",
"data": [
If you have a choice of what the data types should be, I think it'd be better to replace the List<object> with a class something like this, to be more clear:
public class Item
public string name { get; set; }
public int quantity { get; set; }
Install the JSON.NET library.
Then with the classes that were created:
string jsonStr = "{'Animals': {name: 'Animals', data: [['Cows', 2], ['Sheep', 3] ] },'Fruits': { name: 'Fruits', data: [['Apples', 5], ['Oranges', 7], ['Bananas', 2] ] }, 'Cars': { name: 'Cars', data: [ ['Toyota', 1], ['Volkswagen', 2], ['Opel', 5] ] } }";
RootObject Myobj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(jsonStr);
I have a two simple PHP class
class Order{
public $orderNo;
public $lines = array();
public $paid = false;
public function addLine(OrderLine $line) {
$this->lines[] = $line;
public function setPaid($paid = true) {
$this->paid = true;
class OrderLine{
public function __construct($item, $amount){
$this->item = $item;
$this->amount = $amount;
public $item;
public $amount;
public $options;
Serialize object uses https://github.com/mindplay-dk/jsonfreeze
$json = new JsonSerializer;
$data = $json->serialize($order);
Have output:
"#type": "Order",
"orderNo": 123,
"lines": [{
"#type": "OrderLine",
"item": "milk \"fuzz\"",
"amount": 3,
"options": null
"#type": "OrderLine",
"item": "cookies",
"amount": 7,
"options": {
"#type": "#hash",
"flavor": "chocolate",
"weight": "1\/2 lb"
"paid": true
Send the string XMLRPC in VB.NET
As using Newtonsoft JSON get a live object?
As well as how to create a compatible format by analogy with the json string of living VB.net OR C# object?
Here's something you could start with. You create some classes with properties which represent the JSON Format (untested code, just as idea):
public class MyData
public string Type { get; set; }
public int OrderNo { get; set;
public bool Paid { get; set; }
public List<MyDataLine> Lines { get; set; }
public class MyDataLines
public string Type { get; set; }
public MyDataLinesOptions Options { get; set; }
// ... more
public class MyDataLinesOptions
// ... more
Then you can serialize and deserialize the the data like this:
string json = "the json data you received";
MyData myData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyData>(json);
// ...
json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myData);
"#type": "Order"
"#type": "OrderLine",
this is not a property, this is an indication of the type of the object