I'm using MonoDevelop 2.8.5 and I'm trying to compile a moonlight application, but it fails. I created a brand new Moonlight Application Project and tried to compile it, but it fails with the following error.
Error: Framework 'Moonlight / Silverlight 4.0' not installed. (MoonlightTest)
In this question from October 2011 one of the developers of MonoDevelop states that is not possible to do this without some major hassle.
Is this still true with the new version(s) of MonoDevelop out?
If so, how can I compile Moonlight Application Projects in MonoDevelop if I'm willing to go through some hassle?
This is a bit of "psychic debugging" but I've run into it a lot in linux and imagine you might have the same problem happening on OS X. Is the compiler that Monodevelop is looking for exactly the same as the version you installed? It might be something as simple as the folder being called Moonlight1.3 vs Moonlight1.3.1. Look at the build output and see what version it is looking for then look in your applications folder (via terminal the app folder in the finder might hide the info) and check that they are the same.
I have developed a project with VS on Windows 10. Right now on Linux mint i am debugging the project with MonoDevelop and it runs just fine.
Let me show you:
However when i make a build and i go to the Release folder and then i try from the terminal to launch the program i have a problem. Let me show you first the files i have build:
Then i go to the directory with my terminal and i run:
chmod +x ./WorldServer.exe then i run ./WorldServer.exe
and i receive the following error:
I know that this is .exe file and maybe i have to build a different type of file. But i am not really sure what setting should i apply in my project to make a working build for linux.
As far as i know linux is using .so as extension for it's libraries. However it is generating .dll files. Can i change that? Can i somehow make my project to be "buildable" in the two OS Linux and Windows ?
The exception tells us, you need System.Management in your project. It isn't there.
Because Mono, according to there Road-map, doesn't support this:
The following do not map to operating systems other than Windows, and
we are unlikely to spend time to support them even on Windows:
System.Management is a library that only works on Windows. The MySQL connector driver has started to depend on this library and tries to load it per reflection.
I'm not into this whole MySql Progess but there is an open bug for it. Also there is a comment which says:
The last working version of the MySQL .NET Driver is 6.4.6
I hope this helps you.
I have developed a game on Windows 7 (64bit) in Visual Studio 2015 with the language C# and the MonoGame framework. The game works fine on Windows, but I also wanted to make the game to be playable on Linux. Therefore I installed VirtualBox with Ubuntu 15.10 (64bit) on my Windows PC, to test if I can make my game running on Ubuntu.
After trying to compile the game in different ways with no solution in sight, I came to the conclusion to ask a few questions here about deploying MonoGame to Linux:
Is it possible to compile a MonoGame game in VisualStudio 2015 on Windows for Linux in a...
1.1. MonoGame Linux Project?
1.2. MonoGame Windows OpenGL Project?
1.3. MonoGame Windows Project? (which my game currently is)
If [1.] what are the requirements and what programs need to be installed on Linux to run this [1.x] build?
Is it possible (and recommended) to compile the game in MonoDevelop on a virtual Ubuntu machine?
Is it even possible to run a MonoGame game on a virtual Ubuntu machine?
What is the proper executable file extension for a game on Linux? (Because Linux Project on Windows is only building a .exe)
I have almost no experience with Linux, so I hope someone can answer me these questions, maybe someone who has experience with porting a MonoGame game to linux.
Though the question is a few years old, it's deserving of an answer. I managed to make cross-platform builds for a game built in MonoGame through Mono's mkbundle. Here is a great tutorial for doing so on Windows.
You'll want to download the latest Mono version and append an "exe" extension to the file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\mono\bin\mono. Next download the appropriate runtime for the platform you want to deploy to, give it a "zip" extension, and extract it into the following path: C:\Users\youruserhere\Documents.mono\targets
After that, you should be ready to build; open up a Command Prompt and enter mkbundle --local-targets. If everything went smoothly, the runtimes you have installed should be displayed. After that is a matter of building an exe to the target platform.
Here's an example for building an application to Ubuntu: mkbundle HelloWorldConsole.exe --simple -o HelloWorldBundleUbuntu --cross mono-5.10.0-ubuntu-16.04-x64
Keep in mind that some classes not implemented in Mono, such as WebBrowser, will cause the build to fail. If this is the case, you may need to find a workaround.
With this you can run the file in Linux by entering ./HelloWorldBundleUbuntu in a Terminal. I've had no issues running the game this way in a virtual machine.
Lastly, if you want to go the .NET Core route, MonoGame has a WIP core fork that you can use, though I'm unsure how well it works.
To add to an already year old answer by Kimimaru, there's also the possibility to use MonoKickstart to get your Monogame executables up and running on Mac and Linux without the need to bundle anything. This is especially handy if your projects are a little difficult to bundle, because of third-party libraries or otherwise.
You simply unpack the Kickstart archive and paste your Windows executable ontop. By editing the .kick files to point to the appropriate executable, they will act as an intermediary to run your programs using mono (which is provided, as well, no need to install on target machine).
I come to you because I'm desperate. I've developed a GTK# application in C# with the latest MonoDevelop. It's built for .NET framework 4.0 / x86, and the only external library it uses is the official Mysql .Net connector. It's meant to run under Windows XP.
It's the first application I make with this IDE. I was very happy with the results and the development time, but the deployment is a real headache.
It works perfectly on the development machine. The debug is clean. Everything's okay.
Then, as I couldn't find any information about the deployment, I installed a clean XP to try it and see what do I should install on the client's machine.
I've installed the SP3, .NET 4.0 and copied the release package with all the DLLs mentioned in the build log (that made it work outside the MonoDevelop in the development machine). But I'm getting a "the application has encountered a problem and needs to close" error, with no exception, in kernel32.dll, offset 0012aeb.
I've tried to install the .NET 3.5 before the 4.0, updated IE (just in case...), copied more GTK# and Monodevelop DLLs to the exe's folder, installed the Mysql .NET connector, installed Mono 2.8... But nothing. Still getting that unexplained error.
Google and StackOverflow searches didn't help me. I've researched and tried a lot of things in the last twelve hours or more without moving from this machine.
Do you have any advice? What can be causing it? Is there any way to debug the exe (without installing VS...)? Does anyone know what are all the dependencies of this kind of executable?
WinDbg can help you figuring some JIT trouble...
Even though it aint intuitive and require skills, Worth a try. might pop something up.
If it's meant to run under Windows, then you should probably compile it with the Visual C# compiler.
However, more related to your problem - get a debugger in your deployment machine and run the application on it. This is the best way to figure out the problem because we really can't guess it.
Mono Application Deployment Guidelines
There are several options to installing Visual Studio on your production machine, one of them is the Remote Debugging Monitor. It does not require a Visual Studio installation. You can copy the files from your development machine to your server. I've got them under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger.
You can also use it for Remote Debugging of a Project Built Locally.
Today I updated my mac with the latest version of MonoDevelop, MonoTouch and the Mono-Framework. I also downloaded the latest version of XCode, version 4 (a nifty 4.5 gig download).
At first I did not notice it because I was busy copying code into my project for re-use. But when the time came to actually add some controls, actions and outlets to the MainWindow file - I realized that something was missing.
Hopefully I have over-looked something, because I cannot find functions for adding outlets and actions any more? After googling the problem I realized that the new XCode now does these things by code -- but not in C#, it's exclusively an Objective C thing.
How exactly do I solve this problem? I am currently downloading XCode 3.2.6 but surely there has to be a better option? (I dont even know if this will install over the 4.x version) How exactly do I define actions and outlets by code? Are there any tutorials on this to curve the extra time it will take?
Any help is welcome
Update: A tip for those who need to remove XCode and start from scratch. Open a terminal window and type:
"sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all"
This will remove your current XCode installation (all of it). Remember to re-boot your Mac afterwards. You can then install an older version of XCode.
From Miguel's MT 4.0 Announcement
We are currently hard at work to add
support to MonoDevelop to work with
the new XCode 4.
With XCode 4, Apple removed Interface
Builder as a standalone tool. We
should have a beta in a couple of
weeks of the solution we came up with.
you can install them side by side by doing so(I believe you have Xcode 4 installed):
Run the Xcode 3 installer
When you can choose the install location change it to the folder of your choice but not to developer
Complete the installation and open Xcode 3
use mono for mac os.
then convert your application on monomac solution and build and run application, after build u get .app file,
for this you need C# plugin on mono.
or cocoa sharp plugin.
I'm looking into Mono and .NET C# and we'll be needing to run the code on Linux Servers in the future when the project is developed. At this point I've been looking at ASP.NET MVC and Mono.
I run an Ubuntu distro and want to do development for a web application, some of the other developers use Windows and run other .NET items with Visual Studio.
What does Mono not provide that Visual Studio does?
If running this on Linux later shouldn't we use MonoDevelop?
Are there some third party tools or add-ins that might be an issue with Mono later?
What does Mono not provide that Visual Studio does?
MonoDevelop is presumably what you mean here. MonoDevelop offers cross platform development on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows based on GTK. However it is not as polished as Visual Studio for obvious reasons - it's 3 people making it, not hundreds. It has some nice features, especially its source control plugin architecture. However as Visual Studio Express is free there aren't many advantages on Windows to using it.
It uses the same .csproj and .sln format as Visual Studio, however the XML docs format is different.
If running this on Linux later shouldn't we use MonoDevelop ?
As I mentioned above, the project formats are inter-operable.
Are there some third party tools or add-ins that might be an issue with Mono later?
Unlike Visual Studio, there aren't a huge wealth of add-ins for Monodevelop. The ones that you use in Monodevelop won't effect your .csproj files at all, as anything Visual Studio cannot read it generally ignores.
As people have said don't confuse Mono for MonoDevelop. MonoDevelop is an IDE for Mono that originally came from (forked) SharpDevelop.
Mono is the cross platform framework that 'apes' the Microsoft CLR and framework libraries.
I don't have much experience in this area but...
The Mono Project Roadmap has an overview of features that are new, upcoming, and not present in Mono compared to MS.NET. Even where Mono has the same classes as .NET, note that compatibility is not 100% (although that is generally their goal). I'm not sure if there exists a comprehensive list of things missing in Mono.
MonoDevelop is now available on both Windows and Linux so you're probably best off using it. However, MonoDevelop does appear to use the same project file format as Visual Studio and SharpDevelop, so you could make an attempt at mixing IDEs.
Of course, when using 3rd-party .NET libraries, note that many of them have not been tested with mono, and in particular anything that uses P/Invoke will not work on Mono for Linux. However, most incompatibilities with mono are minor, and if you stick with open-source libraries you can always fix any incompatibilities you run into.
You might also take a look at Mono Tools for Visual Studio. It lets your visual studio developers target and test with the mono platform.
You're aiming to always have support, and/or primarily use the software on Linux, correct? This is actually a question I asked the Mono developers at a conference a little while back, and it basically boiled down to what you want to do with it.
If you want it to always work on Linux, then use Mono. If you only care about Windows, then use Visual Studio.
If you're using Mono, then use MonoDevelop across all developers. It'll just make life a lot easier later on, and it'll make sure that whatever you write in the one will work for everyone.
Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to the exact limits/advantages of Mono vs. .NET, aside from .NET being further ahead, and Mono playing catch-up, nor about different addons.
If none of your developers need to develop on Mono for certain features, I suggest you all use Visual Studio on Windows. Then test the applications on Mono via
Mono Tools for Visual Studio
manually copy the binaries over
check out the code on Linux and build in MonoDevelop.
Personally I experienced a lot of small troubles when I tried out the third way, but luckily I am capable of finding workarounds.
It is only when you touch Mono, you know which part of your application needs to be tuned.
If you can help it, it'd recommend avoiding the Mono implementation of Remoting. There seem to be some unexpected hiccups and debugging it is not straight-forward.
We had a very Remoting heavy product that we tried to port to Mono so we could support Linux. Due to being unable to resolve the Remoting issues, we eventually had to abandon our attempts at supporting Linux altogether.
Caveat: my experiences may be outdated. See comments below
You don't need MonoDevelop in order to run ASP.NET program in Linux, make a shared folder on your development server (VMWare'd or real one), test often so you can easily work-around what's missing from Mono
That's the same approach I'm using in my .NET Remoting program I host on Ubuntu server. But I do the reverse, since I'm a solo programmer, I make a shared folder on my Windows development machine, then access that shared folder on my Ubuntu test server (vmware'd). On ASP.NET stuff, if the changes don't reflect on your Ubuntu test server, in Terminal just touch the Web.Config file in your Ubuntu test server. i.e. touch Web.Config, then refresh the page
Mono has a fully functional implementation of ASP.NET. This includes full support for ASP.NET Web Forms and Web Services. This essentially means that more or less any ASP.NET application that you have developed using with the .NET Framework will work with Mono. Obviously there might be changes needed, such as data access changes, removal of any
reliance on .NET Framework BCL types . Mono- Oracle users-.Net Programming C# : ubuntu 11.04