I've decided to implement a caching facade in one of our applications - the purpose is to eventually reduce the network overhead and limit the amount of db hits. We are using Castle.Windsor as our IoC Container and we have decided to go with Interceptors to add the caching functionality on top of our services layer using the System.Runtime.Caching namespace.
At this moment I can't exactly figure out what's the best approach for constructing the cache key. The goal is to make a distinction between different methods and also include passed argument values - meaning that these two method calls should be cached under two different keys:
IEnumerable<MyObject> GetMyObjectByParam(56); // key1
IEnumerable<MyObject> GetMyObjectByParam(23); // key2
For now I can see two possible implementations:
Option 1:
assembly | class | method return type | method name | argument types | argument hash codes
"MyAssembly.MyClass IEnumerable<MyObject> GetMyObjectByParam(long) { 56 }";
Option 2:
MD5 or SHA-256 computed hash based on the method's fully-qualified name and passed argument values
string key = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(name + args).ToString();
I'm thinking about the first option as the second one requires more processing time - on the other hand the second option enforces exactly the same 'length' of all generated keys.
Is it safe to assume that the first option will generate a unique key for methods using complex argument types? Or maybe there is a completely different way of doing this?
Help and opinion will by highly appreciated!
Based on some very useful links that I've found here and here I've decided to implement it more-or-less like this:
public sealed class CacheKey : IEquatable<CacheKey>
private readonly Type reflectedType;
private readonly Type returnType;
private readonly string name;
private readonly Type[] parameterTypes;
private readonly object[] arguments;
public User(Type reflectedType, Type returnType, string name,
Type[] parameterTypes, object[] arguments)
// check for null, incorrect values etc.
this.reflectedType = reflectedType;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.name = name;
this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
this.arguments = arguments;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as CacheKey);
public bool Equals(CacheKey other)
if (other == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.Count; i++)
if (!parameterTypes[i].Equals(other.parameterTypes[i]))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
if (!arguments[i].Equals(other.arguments[i]))
return false;
return reflectedType.Equals(other.reflectedType) &&
returnType.Equals(other.returnType) &&
private override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 31 + reflectedType.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 31 + returnType.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 31 + name.GetHashCode();
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.Count; i++)
hash = hash * 31 + parameterTypes[i].GetHashCode();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
hash = hash * 31 + arguments[i].GetHashCode();
return hash;
Basically it's just a general idea - the above code can be easily rewritten to a more generic version with one collection of Fields - the same rules would have to be applied on each element of the collection. I can share the full code.
An option you seem to have skipped is using the .NET built in GetHashCode() function for the string. I'm fairly certain this is what would go on behind the scenes in a C# dictionary with a String as the <TKey> (I mention that because you've tagged the question with dictionary). I'm not sure how the .NET dictionary class relates to your Castle.Windsor or the system.runtime.caching interface you mention.
The reason you wouldn't want to use GetHashCode as a hash key is that the functionality is specifically disclaimed by MicroSoft to change between versions without warning (as in to provide a more unique or faster executing function). If this cache will live strictly in memory, then this is not a concern because upgrading the .NET framework would necessitate a restart of your application, wiping the cache.
To clarify, just using the concatenated string (Option 1) should be sufficiently unique. It looks like you've added everything possible to uniquely qualify your methods.
If you end up feeding the String of an MD5 or Sha256 into a dictionary key, the program would probably rehash the string behind the scenes anyways. It's been a while since I read about the inner workings of the Dictionary class. If you leave it as a Dictionary<String, IEnumerable<MyObject>> (as opposed to calling GetHashCode() on the strings yourself using the int return value as the key) then the dictionary should handle collisions of the hash code itself.
Also note that (at least according to a benchmark program run on my machine), MD5 is around 10% faster than SHA1 and twice as fast as SHA256. String.GetHashCode() is around 20 times faster than MD5 (it's not cryptographically secure). Tests were taken for the total time to compute the hashes for the same 100,000 randomly generated strings of length between 32 and 1024 characters. But regardless of the exact numbers, using a cryptographically secure hash function as a key will only slow down your program.
I can post the source code for my comparisons if you like.
what Im trying to solve: using a guid string as a key for Dictionary(string, someObject) and I want perfect hashing on the key...
not sure if Im missing something... When I run the following test with the dictionary constructor only passing in size allocation I get +- 10 collisions each run. When I pass in the IEqualityComparer just calling gethashcode on the string I have the test passing all good! with multiple runs using x = 10 iterations in some cases and y upto a million! I thought the dictionary was adjusting the hashing function especially when dealing with strings? I don't have reflector on my machine :( so I cant check tonight... If you comment out the alternating dictionary initialisations youll see... the test runs relatively quick on my i7.
public void NearPerfectHashingForGuidStrings()
int y = 100000;
int collisions = 0;
//Dictionary<string, string> list = new Dictionary<string, string>(y, new GuidStringHashing());
Dictionary<string, string> list = new Dictionary<string, string>(y);
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
Enumerable.Range(1, y).ToList().ForEach((h) =>
list[Guid.NewGuid().ToString()] = h.ToString();
var hashDuplicates = list.Keys.GroupBy(h => h.GetHashCode())
.Where(group => group.Count() > 1)
.Select(group => group.Key).ToList();
hashDuplicates.ToList().ForEach(v => Debug.WriteLine( x + "--- " + v));
collisions += hashDuplicates.Count();
Assert.AreEqual(0, collisions);
public class GuidStringHashing : IEqualityComparer<string>
public bool Equals(string x, string y)
return GetHashCode(x) == GetHashCode(y);
public int GetHashCode(string obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
Your test is broken.
Because your equality comparer incorrectly reports that two different GUIDs that happen to have the same hash are equal, your dictionary never stores the collisions in the first place.
Due to the pigeonhole principle, it is fundamentally impossible to create a 32-bit perfect hash for more than 232 items.
It's impossible. You want a perfect hash function for an unknown set of keys. You can create perfect hash functions for specific set of keys. You can't create one perfect hash function that will work on all sets of keys.
The reason is the "Two Jesus Principle", as was so nicely put by Mark Knopfler: "Two men say they're jesus, one of them must be wrong." (it's more widely known as the "pigeonhole principle")
What do you mean by a perfect hash code?
Your code is somewhat confusing, especially because you post a class GuidStringHashing that is not used by your test method.
But your code demonstrates that when you make 100,000 GUIDs, convert them all to strings, and then take the hash code of the strings, then it happens quite often that not all hash codes are distinct. That might be surprising when there are more than 4 billion integers to choose between, and you only generate 100,000 strings.
You're using the GetHashCode() for general strings, but your strings are not too general, they're all something like
so maybe your hash code is not optimal. It's better to parse the strings h back to a GUID and use the hash code of that, as in (new Guid(h)).GetHashCode().
However this still gives collisions with 100,000 GUIDs. I think what you're seeing is just the birthday paradox.
Try this more simple code. Here I use GetHashCode() on the GUIDs, so we expect that the integers are quite random:
var set = new HashSet<int>();
for (int i = 1; true; ++i)
if (!set.Add(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()))
Console.WriteLine("Collision, i is: " + i);
We see (by running the above code many times) that a collision almost always happens before 100,000 hash codes have been calculated.
Is there any function, that gives me the same hashcode for the same string?
I'm having trouble when creating 2 different strings (but with the same content), their hashcode is different and therefore is not correctly used in a Dictionary.
I would like to know what GetHashCode() function the Dictionary uses when the key is a string.
I'm building mine like this:
public override int GetHashCode()
String str = "Equip" + Equipment.ToString() + "Destiny" + Destiny.ToString();
return str.GetHashCode();
But it's producing different results for every instance that uses this code, despite the content of the string being the same.
Your title asks for one thing (unique hash codes) your body asks for something different (consistent hash codes).
You claim:
I'm having trouble when creating 2 different strings (but with the same content), their hashcode is different and therefore is not correctly used in a Dictionary.
If the strings genuinely have the same content, that simply won't occur. Your diagnostics are wrong somehow. Check for non-printable characters in your strings, e.g trailing Unicode "null" characters:
string text1 = "Hello";
string text2 = "Hello\0";
Here text1 and text2 may print the same way in some contexts, but I'd hope they'd have different hash codes.
Note that hash codes are not guaranteed to be unique and can't be... there are only 232 possible hash codes returned from GetHashCode, but more than 232 possible different strings.
Also note that the same content is not guaranteed to produce the same hash code on different runs, even of the same executable - you should not be persisting a hash code anywhere. For example, I believe the 32-bit .NET 4 and 64-bit .NET 4 CLRs produce different hash codes for strings. However, your claim that the values aren't being stored correctly in a Dictionary suggests that this is within a single process - where everything should be consistent.
As noted in comments, it's entirely possible that you're overriding Equals incorrectly. I'd also suggest that your approach to building a hash code isn't great. We don't know what the types of Equipment and Destiny are, but I'd suggest you should use something like:
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 23;
hash = hash * 31 + Equipment.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 31 + Destiny.GetHashCode();
return hash;
That's the approach I usually use for hash codes. Equals would then look something like:
public override bool Equals(object other)
// Reference equality check
if (this == other)
return true;
if (other == null)
return false;
// Details of this might change depending on your situation; we'd
// need more information
if (other.GetType() != GetType())
return false;
// Adjust for your type...
Foo otherFoo = (Foo) other;
// You may want to change the equality used here based on the
// types of Equipment and Destiny
return this.Destiny == otherFoo.Destiny &&
this.Equipment == otherFoo.Equipment;
I am having a problem with hash collisions using short strings in .NET4.
EDIT: I am using the built-in string hashing function in .NET.
I'm implementing a cache using objects that store the direction of a conversion like this
public class MyClass
private string _from;
private string _to;
// More code here....
public MyClass(string from, string to)
this._from = from;
this._to = to;
public override int GetHashCode()
return string.Concat(this._from, this._to).GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(MyClass other)
return this.To == other.To && this.From == other.From;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType()) return false;
return Equals(obj as MyClass);
This is direction dependent and the from and to are represented by short strings like "AAB" and "ABA".
I am getting sparse hash collisions with these small strings, I have tried something simple like adding a salt (did not work).
The problem is that too many of my small strings like "AABABA" collides its hash with the reverse of "ABAAAB" (Note that these are not real examples, I have no idea if AAB and ABA actually cause collisions!)
and I have gone heavy duty like implementing MD5 (which works, but is MUCH slower)
I have also implemented the suggestion from Jon Skeet here:
Should I use a concatenation of my string fields as a hash code?
This works but I don't know how dependable it is with my various 3-character strings.
How can I improve and stabilize the hashing of small strings without adding too much overhead like MD5?
EDIT: In response to a few of the answers posted... the cache is implemented using concurrent dictionaries keyed from MyClass as stubbed out above. If I replace the GetHashCode in the code above with something simple like #JonSkeet 's code from the link I posted:
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + this._from.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + this._to.GetHashCode();
return hash;
Everything functions as expected.
It's also worth noting that in this particular use-case the cache is not used in a multi-threaded environment so there is no race condition.
EDIT: I should also note that this misbehavior is platform dependant. It works as intended on my fully updated Win7x64 machine but does not behave properly on a non-updated Win7x64 machine. I don't know the extend of what updates are missing but I know it doesn't have Win7 SP1... so I would assume there may also be a framework SP or update it's missing as well.
EDIT: As susggested, my issue was not caused by a problem with the hashing function. I had an elusive race condition, which is why it worked on some computers but not others and also why a "slower" hashing method made things work properly. The answer I selected was the most useful in understanding why my problem was not hash collisions in the dictionary.
Are you sure that collisions are who causes problems? When you say
I finally discovered what was causing this bug
You mean some slowness of your code or something else? If not I'm curious what kind of problem is that? Because any hash function (except "perfect" hash functions on limited domains) would cause collisions.
I put a quick piece of code to check for collisions for 3-letter words. And this code doesn't report a single collision for them. You see what I mean? Looks like buid-in hash algorithm is not so bad.
Dictionary<int, bool> set = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
char[] buffer = new char[3];
int count = 0;
for (int c1 = (int)'A'; c1 <= (int)'z'; c1++)
buffer[0] = (char)c1;
for (int c2 = (int)'A'; c2 <= (int)'z'; c2++)
buffer[1] = (char)c2;
for (int c3 = (int)'A'; c3 <= (int)'z'; c3++)
buffer[2] = (char)c3;
string str = new string(buffer);
int hash = str.GetHashCode();
if (set.ContainsKey(hash))
Console.WriteLine("Collision for {0}", str);
set[hash] = false;
Console.WriteLine("Generated {0} of {1} hashes", set.Count, count);
While you could pick almost any of well-known hash functions (as David mentioned) or even choose a "perfect" hash since it looks like your domain is limited (like minimum perfect hash)... It would be great to understand if the source of problems are really collisions.
What I want to say is that .NET build-in hash function for string is not so bad. It doesn't give so many collisions that you would need to write your own algorithm in regular scenarios. And this doesn't depend on the lenght of strings. If you have a lot of 6-symbol strings that doesn't imply that your chances to see a collision are highier than with 1000-symbol strings. This is one of the basic properties of hash functions.
And again, another question is what kind of problems do you experience because of collisions? All build-in hashtables and dictionaries support collision resolution. So I would say all you can see is just... probably some slowness. Is this your problem?
As for your code
return string.Concat(this._from, this._to).GetHashCode();
This can cause problems. Because on every hash code calculation you create a new string. Maybe this is what causes your issues?
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + this._from.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + this._to.GetHashCode();
return hash;
This would be much better approach - just because you don't create new objects on the heap. Actually it's one of the main points of this approach - get a good hash code of an object with a complex "key" without creating new objects. So if you don't have a single value key then this should work for you. BTW, this is not a new hash function, this is just a way to combine existing hash values without compromising main properties of hash functions.
Any common hash function should be suitable for this purpose. If you're getting collisions on short strings like that, I'd say you're using an unusually bad hash function. You can use Jenkins or Knuth's with no issues.
Here's a very simple hash function that should be adequate. (Implemented in C, but should easily port to any similar language.)
unsigned int hash(const char *it)
unsigned hval=0;
return hval;
Note that if you want to trim the bits of the output of this function, you must use the least significant bits. You can also use mod to reduce the output range. The last character of the string tends to only affect the low-order bits. If you need a more even distribution, change return hval; to return hval * 2654435761U;.
public override int GetHashCode()
return string.Concat(this._from, this._to).GetHashCode();
This is broken. It treats from="foot",to="ar" as the same as from="foo",to="tar". Since your Equals function doesn't consider those equal, your hash function should not. Possible fixes include:
1) Form the string from,"XXX",to and hash that. (This assumes the string "XXX" almost never appears in your input strings.
2) Combine the hash of 'from' with the hash of 'to'. You'll have to use a clever combining function. For example, XOR or sum will cause from="foo",to="bar" to hash the same as from="bar",to="foo". Unfortunately, choosing the right combining function is not easy without knowing the internals of the hashing function. You can try:
int hc1=from.GetHashCode();
int hc2=to.GetHashCode();
return (hc1<<7)^(hc2>>25)^(hc1>>21)^(hc2<<11);
For C++ I've always been using Boost.Functional/Hash to create good hash values without having to deal with bit shifts, XORs and prime numbers. Is there any libraries that produces good (I'm not asking for optimal) hash values for C#/.NET? I would use this utility to implement GetHashCode(), not cryptographic hashes.
To clarify why I think this is useful, here's the implementation of boost::hash_combine which combines to hash values (ofcourse a very common operation when implementing GetHashCode()):
seed ^= hash_value(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
Clearly, this sort of code doesn't belong in the implementation of GetHashCode() and should therefor be implemented elsewhere.
I wouldn't used a separate library just for that. As mentioned before, for the GetHashCode method it is essential to be fast and stable. Usually I prefer to write inline implementation, but it might be actually a good idea to use a helper class:
internal static class HashHelper
private static int InitialHash = 17; // Prime number
private static int Multiplier = 23; // Different prime number
public static Int32 GetHashCode(params object[] values)
unchecked // overflow is fine
int hash = InitialHash;
if (values != null)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
object currentValue = values[i];
hash = hash * Multiplier
+ (currentValue != null ? currentValue.GetHashCode() : 0);
return hash;
This way common hash-calculation logic can be used:
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashHelper.GetHashCode(field1, field2);
The answers to this question contains some examples of helper-classes that resembles Boost.Functional/Hash. None looks quite as elegant, though.
I am not aware of any real .NET library that provides the equivalent.
Unless you have very specific requirements you don't need to calculate your type's hashcode from first principles. Rather combine the hash codes of the fields/properties you use for equality determination in one of the simple ways, something like:
int hash = field1.GetHashCode();
hash = (hash *37) + field2.GetHashCode();
(Combination function taken from ยง3.3.2 C# in Depth, 2nd Ed, Jon Skeet).
To avoid the boxing issue chain your calls using a generic extension method on Int32
public static class HashHelper
public static int InitialHash = 17; // Prime number
private static int Multiplier = 23; // Different prime number
public static Int32 GetHashCode<T>( this Int32 source, T next )
// comparing null of value objects is ok. See
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1972262/c-sharp-okay-with-comparing-value-types-to-null
if ( next == null )
return source;
return source + next.GetHashCode();
then you can do
Have a look at this link, it describes MD5 hashing.
Otherwise use GetHashCode().
Testing the Equals method is pretty much straight forward (as far as I know). But how on earth do you test the GetHashCode method?
Test that two distinct objects which are equal have the same hash code (for various values). Check that non-equal objects give different hash codes, varying one aspect/property at a time. While the hash codes don't have to be different, you'd be really unlucky to pick different values for properties which happen to give the same hash code unless you've got a bug.
Gallio/MbUnit v3.2 comes with convenient contract verifiers which are able to test your implementation of GetHashCode() and IEquatable<T>. More specifically you may be interested by the EqualityContract and the HashCodeAcceptanceContract. See here, here and there for more details.
public class Spot
private readonly int x;
private readonly int y;
public Spot(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public override int GetHashCode()
int h = -2128831035;
h = (h * 16777619) ^ x;
h = (h * 16777619) ^ y;
return h;
Then you declare your contract verifier like this:
public class SpotTest
public readonly IContract HashCodeAcceptanceTests = new HashCodeAcceptanceContract<Spot>()
CollisionProbabilityLimit = CollisionProbability.VeryLow,
UniformDistributionQuality = UniformDistributionQuality.Excellent,
DistinctInstances = DataGenerators.Join(Enumerable.Range(0, 1000), Enumerable.Range(0, 1000)).Select(o => new Spot(o.First, o.Second))
It would be fairly similar to Equals(). You'd want to make sure two objects which were the "same" at least had the same hash code. That means if .Equals() returns true, the hash codes should be identical as well. As far as what the proper hashcode values are, that depends on how you're hashing.
From personal experience. Aside from obvious things like same objects giving you same hash codes, you need to create large enough array of unique objects and count unique hash codes among them. If unique hash codes make less than, say 50% of overall object count, then you are in trouble, as your hash function is not good.
List<int> hashList = new List<int>(testObjectList.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < testObjectList.Count; i++)
int differentValues = 0;
int curValue = hashList[0];
for (int i = 1; i < hashList.Count; i++)
if (hashList[i] != curValue)
curValue = hashList[i];
Assert.Greater(differentValues, hashList.Count/2);
In addition to checking that object equality implies equality of hashcodes, and the distribution of hashes is fairly flat as suggested by Yann Trevin (if performance is a concern), you may also wish to consider what happens if you change a property of the object.
Suppose your object changes while it's in a dictionary/hashset. Do you want the Contains(object) to still be true? If so then your GetHashCode had better not depend on the mutable property that was changed.
I would pre-supply a known/expected hash and compare what the result of GetHashCode is.
You create separate instances with the same value and check that the GetHashCode for the instances returns the same value, and that repeated calls on the same instance returns the same value.
That is the only requirement for a hash code to work. To work well the hash codes should of course have a good distribution, but testing for that requires a lot of testing...