Google plus API for WP7 using C#, .NET - c#

Does google plus provide an API for WP7 to access its services via C# , .NET Please let me know.

The Google+ API is just HTTPS requests really, so you could do it manually if you wanted.
There's a beta version of a .NET client library available for general access to Google services, but I don't know offhand whether it would work with WP7 - it may well perform synchronous web requests etc. It's worth a look (and putting in a feature request if it doesn't work with WP7 already) but if it doesn't work, then just making the HTTPS calls yourself shouldn't be too hard.
(Disclaimer: I work for Google, but have had nothing to do with this API.)

It's in beta:
I assume it's supports wp7, but i'm not certain.

For the record, as of 2012.04.21 it does not.


Auth service using Web Api, membership provider, and SQL Server 2012

I am looking to write an auth service using Web Api, and SQL Server for authenticating and authorizing users on my .net site, but ios and Android apps as well. I'm speculating that basic authentication over SSL is the easiest way to go, but I'm pretty new to this whole section of .net. I'm having trouble finding some clear tutorials that explain how to write such a service. Can anyone point me to some resources on how to do this? I'd appreciate it.
I think you need to look OAuth implementation in .NET.
Here is a video to give you some background on Web API security.
I also suggest getting a trial subscription to Pluralsight training and check out the courses on Web API security.
You may want to target the latest release of Web API 2.0 from Microsoft, it has the most features you'll need.
I think this might be useful for you:

Authenticated WCF Service for MonoTouch, Mono for Android and WP7

Iam writing a Phone App where the end user should be able to access their own personal messages and other personal content.
Does anyone have some good ideas of how to create a service like this, should i use Soap or Rest, should i simply send the username/password with every request or ?
What would be the best choice for a service i would like to access from all three platforms and that only returns information specific to the authenticate user.
As a suggested alternative to WCF that's at least worth taking a look at, ServiceStack, an open source REST Web Services Framework, is well suited for use in a mobile app and it supports the Mono platforms. It also has built-in support for user authentication. At the very least, it offers a JSON serializer that performs very well.
There's a Wiki for ServiceStack here.
I don't know what the support is like for MonoTouch / MonoDroid, but WCF supports secure services without adding username/password to every request manually (it actually does, but it includes it in the headers).
See this blog post for a great starting point for using WPF Custom Username/Password Validator:

Building an OAuth provider for custom API

I would like to use oAuth as a system to allow developers access to my API but not require them to pass through the login information.
There does not seem to be any good how-to's or blogs on this topic. Everything I have found is based on consuming an oAuth system such as Facebook or twitter. Wondering if anyone has any links to good instructions or libraries that could get me started. If there are no examples out there perhaps someone could consider writing one, the community really needs it.
Using OAuth to login is actually a side-effect, not the main goal of the protocol. The best place to start with providing an OAuth-protected API is the protocol specification and since this is a new service, you should take a look at OAuth 2.0 1. It is pretty much done and ready for deployment.
To implement OAuth 2.0 you will need to make a few important decisions about which features you are going to support and your scaling needs. There are also a lot of security considerations to go through. I would suggest you start with supporting the authorization code and implicit grant types.
I would look into DotNetOpenAuth. It should work for your needs, but I've only used it for the OpenID stuff.

Looking for Oauth Yahoo sample C#

I know threre a lot of libraries dotnetopenauth,oauthbase, etc.
But i need sample of using with yahoo.
Samples,which i find did not work for me.Maybe you have example.Please share :-)
I find bug OauthBase work fine for me :-)
one, I found explained very well. And this one is from oAuth official site
Another solution is SocialAuth.NET
This library takes care of all token generation and handshake with Yahoo, Google, Facebook and MSN and expose methods like Login(), GetProfile() and GetContacts(). Infact it also provides option to use its inbuilt authentication engine using which a site with no authentication can be turned authentication enabled with these providers in less than 10 minutes.

How to use oAuth tokens

I'm using a library to get an 'oAuth_token' and 'oAuth_token_secret'.
If I make a request to a REST web service how are those two keys leveraged to verify authentication?
Providing a C# example is a little difficult because there are a number of variables i.e. the signature method being used, additional parameters the service might be expecting etc. which would affect the complexity of the example.
I've developed an open source OAuth library for .Net and posted an article on beginning to use OAuth that might help to get you started - I tried to find a developers page / API specification to brightkite - but because it's a beta service I don't have access - so perhaps post me a invite to this service via my blog and I can have a go at developing an example brightkite client at which point this answer can be revisited with some concrete example code useful to others.
