I am opening multiple modal dialog forms (2) one on top of the other. I hide the modal dialog forms along with their parent and open the Microsoft Word application. A short while after calling the Hide method for each form I noticed that the system calls the Close method automatically for each of the forms as a result of running FContinueMessageLoop (I noticed this in the StackTrace).
After reading this forum entry, I found out that this might be caused by cross-threading issues but the author is not very specific.
Does anyone know which are the situations in which FContinueMessageLoop decides that a message loop should be terminated?
When I open any dialog in my Winforms application then Windows 10 behaves oddly in these ways:
ALT-TAB no longer displays the list of windows
I cannot switch to hidden applications using taskbar icons - if I select a taskbar icon of a window that is not currently visible (even if it is not hidden by the winforms app) the icon just flashes and then stays highlighted, but is not brought to the foreground. I can use other applications that are visible. As soon as I close the dialog form the other I can use the windows of other applications correctly
If I switch to the application window that is behind the winforms application by clicking on it, I cannot go back to the winforms app either by ALT-TAB or by clicking on the taskbar icon. I can get back to it by minimizing the other application
I'm opening the dialogs with
TopMost is set false on all forms and is not set in the code.
I've read about 50 related articles and the only problems seem to be either TopMost is set or ShowDialog is not called with the parent form. I'm not a regular Winforms developer so I'm probably doing something stupid. This is driving me crazy, so I'd really appreciate any help!
Edit: The same issues occur with MessageBox.Show(this, "test"). The issue does not occur with a newly created app just with a single button calling MessageBox.Show(this, "test"). The problem application uses EntityFramework but no other packages and the problem existed before I added EF.
After trying different scenarios I eventually found the issue. In my case I was calling ShowDialog() after a user clicks an item on a ContextMenu. The blocking of ALT-TAB was caused by the following code that attached the ContextMenu to the ListView that the menu was contextually for:
lstList.ContextMenu = myContextMenu;
As soon as I removed that association, the ShowDialog no longer blocked ALT-TAB.
Form.ShowDialog() blocks the parent form until it's closed.
Use Show() to display the form separately without blocking its parent.
I'm currently doing a security assessment of an extremely large C# application. I have wrote a tool to help me do the assessment that also runs in C#. The entire application uses ShowDialog aka modal forms. I'm trying to come up with a way where I can still use my tool (click on it for example) while modal dialog boxes are popped up. I figure, this may require another thread or something else. If anyone has any easy tips on a way to make it so that my form doesn't get blocked by ShowDialog, that would be great.
The entire purpose in using a modal dialog is for it to block it's parent until it is dismissed.
I've written a relatively large application with lots of dialog boxes and forms, etc.
I'm opening them with Form.ShowDialog().
A lot of the time, the forms open behind existing windows, e.g. yesterday I was testing it on a machine with several other programs open: many Windows Explorer windows, a few Excel windows, etc. A lot of my forms, open/save file dialogs, etc were supposed to open but didn't. I was twiddling my thumbs until I pressed alt+tab and realised that they were, in fact, behind another window.
Why is this happening, and how can I stop it in future? Thanks.
Use the ShowDialog override which takes an owner window as a parameter.
By passing in your main window as the dialog's owner, you guarantee that the dialog always pops in front of it, and stays in front of it.
And it won't annoy the user if they were using some other application.
I'm trying to make a video recording application for a project and was wondering if there was anyway to make the OpenFileDialog open up in a modeless diaglog box or would I have to make my own custom version? The reason I ask is the ShowDialog() function freezes my video. Thanks in advance for the help.
Yes, you can prevent a file dialog from blocking the UI thread, but it can be rather non-trivial depending on the details of how you want it to behave. If you're open to buying a component that does this automatically, ComponentAge offers one. Otherwise, you can roll your own by opening the dialog on a spawned thread. If you want the dialog to appear modal to the form that opened it, you'll need to do some extra work to trap the handle of the opened dialog so that you can set focus to it when the parent form is activated. An example is available at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dialog/CustomizeFileDialog.aspx.
I have a basic .net 3.5 cf application with 4+ forms. I am using a window handler class that I created to make sure that certain forms only have one instance open at a time where as other (Product Details for example) can be opened as many times as the user wants. My problem lies in the fact that when the user closes all the forms (By clicking the "x" on the form rather than the "exit" button in the menu) that the application does not release the database connection. In addition to this if the user closes all the forms and then opens the app up again their previous search results are shown rather than a new form. How can I make sure to release all resources when the user closes all the forms??
The (X) button is a minimize button, not a Close button. You need to eitehr change the MinimizeButton on the Forms to false - which changes the (X) to an (ok) - or add logic to handle cases where all Forms get minimized.
Be aware that on Windows Mobile that clicking the 'X' is more like minimizing a window than closing it. It definitely won't exit the application, and may actually literally perform a minimize rather than a close on the form (I can't remember for sure)
So when they're "opening up the app again", it's likely it's just re-showing the same form.