Checking existing 'wired up' methods - c#

I may be misunderstanding something fundamental here as I'm new to these concepts so please bear with me.
I'm currently removing methods from an event like so:
scheduleView.TouchDown -= scheduleView_TouchDown;
And then on other occasions - adding the methods:
scheduleView.TouchDown += scheduleView_TouchDown;
It all works fine so far, and I can understand it's possible to add several methods, like so:
scheduleView.TouchDown += scheduleView_TouchDown;
scheduleView.TouchDown += scheduleView_AnotherTouchDownEventHandler;
But how would I then later check what methods were wired up to this event?

Interestingly, you can't (at least, from the outside). An event is only obliged to offer 2 accessors - add and remove. There are other accessor methods defined in the CLI spec, but they aren't used in C# or anywhere else AFAIK. The key point: we can't ask an event what is subscribed (and indeed, we shouldn't need to know). All you can do is: add or remove.
If you are worried about double-subscribing, then note that if you try to unsubscribe and you haven't actually subscribed, then under every sane implementation this is simply a no-op; which means you can do:
// make sure we are subscribed once but **only** once
scheduleView.TouchDown -= scheduleView_TouchDown;
scheduleView.TouchDown += scheduleView_TouchDown;
From the perspective of the code raising the event, you rarely need to know who - simply:
// note I'm assuming a "field-like event" implementation here; otherwise,
// change this to refer to the backing-field, or the delegate from the
// event-handler-list
var handler = TouchDown;
if(handler != null) handler(this, EventArgs.Empty); // or similar
There is also a way to break the delegate list into individual subscribers, but it is very rarely needed:
var handler = TouchDown;
if(handler != null) {
foreach(EventHandler subscriber in handler.GetInvocationList()) {
subscriber(this, EventArgs.Empty);
The main uses for this are:
when you want to perform exception-handling on a per-subscriber basis
when the delegate returns a value or changes state, and you need to handle that on a per-subscriber basis

Yes: If you are within the class that publishes the Event, you can just access the delegate, and you can call the GetInvocationList method to get a list of the subscribers.
No: If you are working outside the class, as the delegate is not exposed to you. You could use reflection to get at it, but that would be a hack, at best.

In the type that declares the event, you can use GetInvocationList() to find out which delegates are subscribed:
public class EventProvider
public event EventHandler SomeEvent;
protected virtual void OnSomeEvent(EventArgs args)
if (SomeEvent != null)
var delegates = SomeEvent.GetInvocationList();
foreach (var del in delegates)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has subscribed to SomeEvent", del.Method.Name);
SomeEvent(this, args);
public void RaiseSomeEvent()
public class Program
public static void Main()
EventProvider provider = new EventProvider();
provider.SomeEvent += Callback1;
provider.SomeEvent += Callback2;
public static void Callback1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Callback 1!");
public static void Callback2(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Callback 2!");
This produces the following output:
Callback1 has subscribed to SomeEvent
Callback2 has subscribed to SomeEvent
Callback 1!
Callback 2!


Get a List of all Subscribers of an event [duplicate]

I need to copy the subscribers of one event to another event. Can I get the subscribers of an event (like MyEvent[0] returning a delegate)?
If this is not possible I would use the add accessor to add the delegates to a list. Would that be the best solution?
C# events/delegates are multicast, so the delegate is itself a list. From within the class, to get individual callers, you can use:
if (field != null)
// or the event-name for field-like events
// or your own event-type in place of EventHandler
foreach(EventHandler subscriber in field.GetInvocationList())
// etc
However, to assign all at once, just use += or direct assignment:
SomeType other = ...
other.SomeEvent += localEvent;
If the event is one published by another class, you can't - at least, not reliably. While we often think of an event as being just a delegate variable, it's actually just a pair of methods: add and remove (or subscribe and unsubscribe).
If it's your own code that's publishing the event, it's easy - you can make the add/remove accessors do whatever you like.
Have a look at my article on events and see if that helps you. If not, please give more details about what you want to do, specifying which bits of code you're able to modify and which you aren't.
In case you need to examine subscribers of an external class' event:
EventHandler e = typeof(ExternalClass)
.GetField(nameof(ExternalClass.Event), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.GetValue(instanceOfExternalClass) as EventHandler;
if (e != null)
Delegate[] subscribers = e.GetInvocationList();
Update (thanks to commenters): delegate immutability means that cloning achieves nothing over an assignment.
When one writes:
myDelegate += AHandler
A completely new delegate instance is created and assigned to myDelegate.
Therefore, the code below would work exactly the same without the Clone call.
MulticastDelegate (the underlying type) has a Clone method.
To be able to get to the underlying delegate you might need to avoid the usual helper that the event keyword generates, and manage things directly (custom add and remove accessors).
To show this:
public class Program {
public delegate void MyDelegate(string name);
public event MyDelegate EventOne;
public void HandlerOne(string name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is handler one: {name}");
public void HandlerTwo(string name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is handler two: {name}");
public void HandlerThree(string name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is handler three: {name}");
public void Run() {
EventOne += HandlerOne;
EventOne += HandlerTwo;
Console.WriteLine("Before clone");
MyDelegate eventTwo = (MyDelegate)EventOne.Clone();
MyDelegate eventTwo = EventOne;
Console.WriteLine("After clone copy");
Console.WriteLine("Change event one to show it is different");
EventOne += HandlerThree;
private static void Main(string[] args) => (new Program()).Run();

Use of the event keyword in c#

I was wondering what the exact use of events is in c#. I am still in the process of learning c# so I maybe missing something but is it possible to just use delegates.
In this example I wrote a class with a method that counts from 0 to 2^64 and every time it reaches a multiple of a thousand raises an event. Here is the code:
namespace EventDelegate
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EventRaiserClass _eventraiser = new EventRaiserClass();
_eventraiser.handler = SomeEventHandler;
_eventraiser.handler += AnotherEventHandler;
static void SomeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Event raised");
static void AnotherEventHandler(object sendr, EventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Event raised (Another handler)");
public delegate void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args);
class EventRaiserClass
public Handler handler;
public void Loop()
for (long i = 0; i < Int64.MaxValue; i++)
if ((i % 1000) == 0)
EventArgs args = new EventArgs();
private void RaiseEvent(EventArgs args)
if (handler != null)
handler(this, args);
What would the difference have been if I had declared the handler delegate variable to be an event like this public event Handler handler.
Sorry if I am been a bit vague or missing something obvious, but I am just wondering if something else happens behind the scenes when using event rather just using delegates or if it's just for readability purposes.
Events and delegates are similar, but events are more restricted, for good reasons.
In your code, you could do all kinds of things with _eventraiser.handler from the outside. You aren't supposed to do most of those things though.
Consider this line:
_eventraiser.handler = SomeEventHandler;
If you use delegates, you would have to check every time you try to attach an event handler if the delegate is null, and then initialize it with =, and if it is not null, you just have to add handlers with +=. If you forget an initialization, you get a null reference exception, if you put in one too many, you will overwrite all the previous things.
If you use events instead of delegates in this example, you don't have to do any of this, and, in fact, you can't even do it. With delegates you could even take it and then pass it around to some other classes, which could potentially be very dangerous.
The same goes for Invoke, and all the other things you can do with a delegate: They aren't there for events. The only things you can do with an event from an outside class is += and -=, that's it. You can view them as delegates with a special public interface with complicated getters and setters.
(Events also have a special add and remove syntax, but that's a rather uncommonly used feature)

Single-shot event subscription

I'm fairly convinced that this isn't possible, but I'm going to ask nonetheless.
In order to make a single-shot subscription to events, I frequently find myself using this (self-invented) pattern:
EventHandler handler=null;
handler = (sender, e) =>
SomeEvent -= handler;
SomeEvent += handler;
It's quite a lot of boiler-plate, and it also makes Resharper whinge about modified closures. Is there a way of turning this pattern into an extension method or similar? A better way of doing it?
Ideally, I'd like something like:
It's not very easy to refactor to an extension method, because the only way you can refer to an event in C# is by subscribing (+=) to or unsubscribing (-=) from it (unless it's declared in the current class).
You could use the same approach as in Reactive Extensions: Observable.FromEvent takes two delegates to subscribe to the event an unsubscribe from it. So you could do something like that:
public static class EventHelper
public static void SubscribeOneShot(
Action<EventHandler> subscribe,
Action<EventHandler> unsubscribe,
EventHandler handler)
EventHandler actualHandler = null;
actualHandler = (sender, e) =>
handler(sender, e);
Foo f = new Foo();
handler => f.Bar += handler,
handler => f.Bar -= handler,
(sender, e) => { /* whatever */ });
The following code works for me. It's not perfect to have to specify the event via a string, but I have no glue how to solve that. I guess it's not possible in the current C# version.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace TestProject
public delegate void MyEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public class MyClass
public event MyEventHandler MyEvent;
public void TriggerMyEvent()
if (MyEvent != null)
MyEvent(null, null);
Console.WriteLine("No event handler registered.");
public static class MyExt
public static void OneShot<TA>(this TA instance, string eventName, MyEventHandler handler)
EventInfo i = typeof (TA).GetEvent(eventName);
MyEventHandler newHandler = null;
newHandler = (sender, e) =>
handler(sender, e);
i.RemoveEventHandler(instance, newHandler);
i.AddEventHandler(instance, newHandler);
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass c = new MyClass();
c.OneShot("MyEvent",(sender,e) => Console.WriteLine("Handler executed."));
I would suggest using a "custom" event so that you have access to the invocation list, and then raise the event by using Interlocked.Exchange to simultaneously read and clear the invocation list. If desired, event subscription/unsubscription/raising could be done in thread-safe manner by using a simple linked-list stack; when the event is raised, the code could, after the Interlocked.Exchange, reverse the order of stack items. For the unsubscribe method, I'd probably suggest simply setting a flag within the invocation-list item. This could in theory cause a memory leak if events were repeatedly subscribed and unsubscribed without the event ever being raised, but it would make for a very easy thread-safe unsubscribe method. If one wanted to avoid a memory leak, one could keep a count of how many unsubscribed events are still in the list; if too many unsubscribed events are in the list when an attempt is made to add a new one, the add method could go through the list and remove them. Still workable in entirely lock-free thread-safe code, but more complicated.

C# How to find if an event is hooked up

I want to be able to find out if an event is hooked up or not. I've looked around, but I've only found solutions that involved modifying the internals of the object that contains the event. I don't want to do this.
Here is some test code that I thought would work:
// Create a new event handler that takes in the function I want to execute when the event fires
EventHandler myEventHandler = new EventHandler(myObject_SomeEvent);
// Get "p1" number events that got hooked up to myEventHandler
int p1 = myEventHandler.GetInvocationList().Length;
// Now actually hook an event up
myObject.SomeEvent += m_myEventHandler;
// Re check "p2" number of events hooked up to myEventHandler
int p2 = myEventHandler.GetInvocationList().Length;
Unfort the above is dead wrong. I thought that somehow the "invocationList" in myEventHandler would automatically get updated when I hooked an event to it. But no, this is not the case. The length of this always comes back as one.
Is there anyway to determine this from outside the object that contains the event?
If the object concerned has specified the event keyword, then the only things you can do are add (+=) and remove (-=) handlers, nothing more.
I believe that comparing the invocation list length would work, but you need to be operating inside the object to get at it.
Also, keep in mind that the += and -= operators return a new event object; they don't modify an existing one.
Why do you want to know if a particular event is hooked up? Is it to avoid registering multiple times?
If so, the trick is to remove the handler first (-=) as removing a handler that's not there is legal, and does nothing. Eg:
// Ensure we don't end up being triggered multiple times by the event
myObject.KeyEvent -= KeyEventHandler;
myObject.KeyEvent += KeyEventHandler;
There is a subtle illusion presented by the C# event keyword and that is that an event has an invocation list.
If you declare the event using the C# event keyword, the compiler will generate a private delegate in your class, and manage it for you. Whenever you subscribe to the event, the compiler-generated add method is invoked, which appends the event handler to the delegate's invocation list. There is no explicit invocation list for the event.
Thus, the only way to get at the delegate's invocation list is to preferably:
Use reflection to access the compiler-generated delegate OR
Create a non-private delegate (perhaps internal) and implement the event's add/remove methods manually (this prevents the compiler from generating the event's default implementation)
Here is an example demonstrating the latter technique.
class MyType
internal EventHandler<int> _delegate;
public event EventHandler<int> MyEvent;
add { _delegate += value; }
remove { _delegate -= value; }
It can be done, but it takes some hackery... as mentioned above the compiler generates the implementation of the event, including its backing field. Reflection lets you retrieve the backing field by name, and once you have access to it you can call GetInvocationList() even though you're outside the class itself.
Since you're asking to use reflection to get the event by name I assume you're also using reflection to get the Type by name--I'm whipping up an example that will show how to do it.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string typeName = "ConsoleApplication1.SomeClass, ConsoleApplication1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null";
string eventName = "SomeEvent";
Type declaringType = Type.GetType(typeName);
object target = Activator.CreateInstance(declaringType);
EventHandler eventDelegate;
eventDelegate = GetEventHandler(target, eventName);
if (eventDelegate == null) { Console.WriteLine("No listeners"); }
// attach a listener
SomeClass bleh = (SomeClass)target;
bleh.SomeEvent += delegate { };
eventDelegate = GetEventHandler(target, eventName);
if (eventDelegate == null)
Console.WriteLine("No listeners");
Console.WriteLine("Listeners: " + eventDelegate.GetInvocationList().Length);
static EventHandler GetEventHandler(object classInstance, string eventName)
Type classType = classInstance.GetType();
FieldInfo eventField = classType.GetField(eventName, BindingFlags.GetField
| BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.Instance);
EventHandler eventDelegate = (EventHandler)eventField.GetValue(classInstance);
// eventDelegate will be null if no listeners are attached to the event
if (eventDelegate == null)
return null;
return eventDelegate;
class SomeClass
public event EventHandler SomeEvent;
You should be able to get the invocation list via the "event". Roughly, it will be something like..
public delegate void MyHandler;
public event MyHandler _MyEvent
public int GetInvocationListLength()
var d = this._MyEvent.GetInvocationList(); //Delegate[]
return d.Length;
I used your example and modified it a little bit. registering an event handler increases the number of invocations. even when using two different callback methods (as shown here) or using the same callback method.
private void SomeMethod()
// Create a new event handler that takes in the function I want to execute when the event fires
var myEventHandler = new EventHandler(OnPropertyChanged);
// Get "p1" number events that got hooked up to myEventHandler
int p1 = myEventHandler.GetInvocationList().Length; // 1
// Now actually hook an event up
myEventHandler += OnPropertyChanged2;
// Re check "p2" number of events hooked up to myEventHandler
int p2 = myEventHandler.GetInvocationList().Length; // 2
myEventHandler.Invoke(null, null);
// each of the registered callback methods are executed once.
// or if the same callback is used, then twice.
private void OnPropertyChanged2(object? sender, EventArgs e)
private void OnPropertyChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e)
As others already mentioned, the access to eventhandler.GetInvocationList is limited to the class itself, you need to expose a property or method to retrieve the delegate list.
Like this:
protected Delegate[]? GetInvocations() => PropertyChanged?.GetInvocationList();
depending on your usage make it protected, internal or both.

C# pattern to prevent an event handler hooked twice [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to ensure an event is only subscribed to once
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Duplicate of: How to ensure an event is only subscribed to once
and Has an event handler already been added?
I have a singleton that provides some service and my classes hook into some events on it, sometimes a class is hooking twice to the event and then gets called twice.
I'm looking for a classical way to prevent this from happening. somehow I need to check if I've already hooked to this event...
How about just removing the event first with -= , if it is not found an exception is not thrown
/// -= Removes the event if it has been already added, this prevents multiple firing of the event
((System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser)sender).Document.Click -= new System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventHandler(testii);
((System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser)sender).Document.Click += new System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventHandler(testii);
Explicitly implement the event and check the invocation list. You'll also need to check for null:
using System.Linq; // Required for the .Contains call below:
private EventHandler foo;
public event EventHandler Foo
if (foo == null || !foo.GetInvocationList().Contains(value))
foo += value;
foo -= value;
Using the code above, if a caller subscribes to the event multiple times, it will simply be ignored.
I've tested each solution and the best one (considering performance) is:
private EventHandler _foo;
public event EventHandler Foo {
add {
_foo -= value;
_foo += value;
remove {
_foo -= value;
No Linq using required. No need to check for null before cancelling a subscription (see MS EventHandler for details). No need to remember to do the unsubscription everywhere.
You really should handle this at the sink level and not the source level. That is, don't prescribe event handler logic at the event source - leave that to the handlers (the sinks) themselves.
As the developer of a service, who are you to say that sinks can only register once? What if they want to register twice for some reason? And if you are trying to correct bugs in the sinks by modifying the source, it's again a good reason for correcting these issues at the sink-level.
I'm sure you have your reasons; an event source for which duplicate sinks are illegal is not unfathomable. But perhaps you should consider an alternate architecture that leaves the semantics of an event intact.
You need to implement the add and remove accessors on the event, and then check the target list of the delegate, or store the targets in a list.
In the add method, you can use the Delegate.GetInvocationList method to obtain a list of the targets already added to the delegate.
Since delegates are defined to compare equal if they're linked to the same method on the same target object, you could probably run through that list and compare, and if you find none that compares equal, you add the new one.
Here's sample code, compile as console application:
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace DemoApp
public class TestClass
private EventHandler _Test;
public event EventHandler Test
if (_Test == null || !_Test.GetInvocationList().Contains(value))
_Test += value;
_Test -= value;
public void OnTest()
if (_Test != null)
_Test(this, EventArgs.Empty);
class Program
static void Main()
TestClass tc = new TestClass();
tc.Test += tc_Test;
tc.Test += tc_Test;
static void tc_Test(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.Out.WriteLine("tc_Test called");
tc_Test called
(ie. only once)
Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) framework can also be used to do "subscribe only once".
Given a mouse event foo.Clicked, here's how to subscribe and receive only a single invocation:
Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(foo, nameof(foo.Clicked))
private void MyHandler(IEvent<MouseEventArgs> eventInfo)
// This will be called just once!
var sender = eventInfo.Sender;
var args = eventInfo.EventArgs;
In addition to providing "subscribe once" functionality, the RX approach offers the ability to compose events together or filter events. It's quite nifty.
Create an Action instead of an event. Your class may look like:
public class MyClass
// sender arguments <----- Use this action instead of an event
public Action<object, EventArgs> OnSomeEventOccured;
public void SomeMethod()
OnSomeEventOccured(this, null);
have your singleton object check it's list of who it notifies and only call once if duplicated. Alternatively if possible reject event attachment request.
In silverlight you need to say e.Handled = true; in the event code.
void image_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true; //this fixes the double event fire problem.
string name = (e.OriginalSource as Image).Tag.ToString();
Please tick me if this helps.
