Divide a string at first space - c#

For a chat-bot, if someone says "!say " it will recite what you say after the space. Simple.
Example input:
!say this is a test
Desired output:
this is a test
The string can be represented as s for sake of argument. s.Split(' ') yields an array.
s.Split(' ')[1] is just the first word after the space, any ideas on completely dividing and getting all words after the first space?
I've tried something along the lines of this:
s.Split(' ');
for (int i = 0; i > s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == "!say")
s[i] = "";
The input being:
!say this is a test
The output:
Which is obviously not what I wanted :p
(I know there are several answers to this question, but none written in C# from where I searched.)

Use the overload of s.Split that has a "maximum" parameter.
It's this one:
Looks like:
var s = "!say this is a test";
var commands = s.Split (' ', 2);
var command = commands[0]; // !say
var text = commands[1]; // this is a test

You can use string.Substring method for that:
s.Substring(s.IndexOf(' '))

var value = "say this is a test";
return value.Substring(value.IndexOf(' ') + 1);

This code is working for me. I added the new [] and it works
var s = "!say this is a test";
var commands = s.Split (new [] {' '}, 2);
var command = commands[0]; // !say
var text = commands[1]; // this is a test


Split a special character string using c#

I have a string as below
"/calc 2 3 +"
how to split in such a way that i can get
str2= "2 3 +"
is there any method in c# does special character splitting?
If it's just that string and always split like you have it, then you can do this:
var x = #"/calc 2 3 +";
var str1 = x.Substring(0, 5);
var str2 = x.Substring(6);
Otherwise, no, there's not special thing that does it because you don't have a unique delimiter.
Use IndexOf method to find the first occurrence of space character. And then use Substring method to split the string into 2.
string strInput = #"/calc 2 3 +";
var list = strInput.Split(' ').ToList();
str1 = list[0];
str2 = String.Join(" ",list.RemoveAt(0));
I'm surprised that no one provided the most obvious answer - using one of the string.Split overloads that allows you to specify the maximum number of substrings to return:
string input = "/calc 2 3 +";
var result = input.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2);
Debug.Assert(result.Length == 2 && result[0] == "/calc" && result[1] == "2 3 +");
There are lots of ways to do that. The easiest one is to use index of the first space.
var mystr = #"/calc 2 3 +";
int index= mystr.IndexOf(' ');
var str1 = mystr.Substring(0, index);
var str2 = mystr.Substring(index+1);
Also if there is any pattern in your text, you can also use RegEx
string a = "/calc 2 3 +";
string[] array = a.Split(' ');
str1= array[0];
str2= string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", array[1], array[2], array[3]);

Remove trailing pipes - '|' in c#

I have a string that looks something like this:
"PID||000000|Z123345|23345|SOMEONE^FIRSTNAME^^^MISS^||150|F|1111||1 DREYFUS CLOSE^SOUTH CITY^COUNTY^^POST CODE^^^||0123 45678910^PRN^PH^^^^0123 45678910^^~^^CP^^^^^^~^NET^^^^^^^||||1A|||||A||||||||N||||||||||";
I am trying to remove any separating '|' characters after the 30th '|' in the string so that the output string looks like this:
"PID||000000|Z123345|23345|SOMEONE^FIRSTNAME^^^MISS^||150|F|1111||1 DREYFUS CLOSE^SOUTH CITY^COUNTY^^POST CODE^^^||0123 45678910^PRN^PH^^^^0123 45678910^^~^^CP^^^^^^~^NET^^^^^^^||||1A|||||A||||||||N";
I am trying to do it using as little code as possible, but not having much luck. Any help or ideas would be great.
You can use the TrimEnd method
string text = "stuff||||N||||||||||";
string result = text.TrimEnd('|'); //Result is stuff||||N
Brute force but only a little bit of code:
string s2 = string.Join("|", s1.Split('|').Take(31));
If you need any other processing of this kind of data (it looks like a kind of nested CSV) then string.Split() is useful to know.
string str = "PID||000000|Z123345|23345|SOMEONE^FIRSTNAME^^^MISS^||150|F|1111||1 DREYFUS CLOSE^SOUTH CITY^COUNTY^^POST CODE^^^||0123 45678910^PRN^PH^^^^0123 45678910^^~^^CP^^^^^^~^NET^^^^^^^||||1A|||||A||||||||N||||||||||";
int c = 0;
int after = 30;
StringBuilder newStr = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0;i < str.length; i++){
if(str[i] == '|'){
if(after != c){
results in
newStr == "PID||000000|Z123345|23345|SOMEONE^FIRSTNAME^^^MISS^||150|F|1111||1 DREYFUS CLOSE^SOUTH CITY^COUNTY^^POST CODE^^^||0123 45678910^PRN^PH^^^^0123 45678910^^~^^CP^^^^^^~^NET^^^^^^^||||1A|||||A||||||||N";
A regex should do the trick:
var regex = new Regex(#"^([^\|]*\|){0,30}[^\|]*");
var match = regex.Match(input);
var val = match.Value;
If what you really want is that everything after the 30th chunk loses its '|', then try:
var chunks = input.Split('|');
var output = String.Join('|',chunks.Take(30)) + String.Concat(chunks.Skip(30));
That said, I think it sounds like what you're really looking for is probably something like:
var output = input.TrimEnd('|');
// Get the indexes of all the | characters.
int[] pipeIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, s.Length).Where(i => s[i] == '|').ToArray();
// If there are more than thirty pipes:
if (pipeIndexes.Length > 30)
// The former part of the string remains intact.
string formerPart = s.Substring(0, pipeIndexes[30]);
// The latter part needs to have all | characters removed.
string latterPart = s.Substring(pipeIndexes[30]).Replace("|", "");
s = formerPart + latterPart;

Extracting parts of a string c#

In C# what would be the best way of splitting this sort of string?
So that I end up with the value between the %% AND another variable containing everything right of the second %%
i.e. var x = "x"; var y = "a,b,c,d"
Where a,b,c.. could be an infinite comma seperated list. I need to extract the list and the value between the two double-percentage signs.
(To combat the infinite part, I thought perhaps seperating the string out to: %%x%% and a,b,c,d. At this point I can just use something like this to get X.
var tag = "%%";
var startTag = tag;
int startIndex = s.IndexOf(startTag) + startTag.Length;
int endIndex = s.IndexOf(tag, startIndex);
return s.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
Would the best approach be to use regex or use lots of indexOf and substring to do the extracting based on te static %% characters?
Given that what you want is "x,a,b,c,d" the Split() function is actually pretty powerful and regex would be overkill for this.
Here's an example:
string test = "%%x%%a,b,c,d";
string[] result = test.Split(new char[] { '%', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string s in result) {
Basicly we ask it to split by both '%' and ',' and ignore empty results (eg. the result between "%%"). Here's the result:
To Extract X:
If %% is always at the start then;
string s = "%%x%%a,b,c,d,h";
s = s.Substring(2,s.LastIndexOf("%%")-2);
string s = "v,u,m,n,%%x%%a,b,c,d,h";
s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("%%")+2,s.LastIndexOf("%%")-s.IndexOf("%%")-2);
If you need to get them all at once then use this;
string s = "m,n,%%x%%a,b,c,d";
var myList = s.ToArray()
.Where(c=> (c != '%' && c!=','))
This'll let you do it all in one go:
string pattern = "^%%(.+?)%%(?:(.+?)(?:,|$))*$";
string input = "%%x%%a,b,c,d";
Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern);
if (match.Success)
// "x"
string first = match.Groups[1].Value;
// { "a", "b", "c", "d" }
string[] repeated = match.Groups[2].Captures.Cast<Capture>()
.Select(c => c.Value).ToArray();
You can use the char.IsLetter to get all the list of letter
string test = "%%x%%a,b,c,d";
var l = test.Where(c => char.IsLetter(c)).ToArray();
var output = string.Join(", ", l.OrderBy(c => c));
Since you want the value between the %% and everything after in separate variables and you don't need to parse the CSV, I think a RegEx solution would be your best choice.
var inputString = #"%%x%%a,b,c,d";
var regExPattern = #"^%%(?<x>.+)%%(?<csv>.+)$";
var match = Regex.Match(inputString, regExPattern);
foreach (var item in match.Groups)
The pattern has 2 named groups called x and csv, so rather than just looping, you can easily reference them by name and assign them to values:
var x = match.Groups["x"];
var y = match.Groups["csv"];

Retrieve String Containing Specific substring C#

I am having an output in string format like following :
"ABCDED 0000A1.txt PQRSNT 12345"
I want to retreieve substring(s) having .txt in above string. e.g. For above it should return 0000A1.txt.
You can either split the string at whitespace boundaries like it's already been suggested or repeatedly match the same regex like this:
var input = "ABCDED 0000A1.txt PQRSNT 12345 THE.txt FOO";
var match = Regex.Match (input, #"\b([\w\d]+\.txt)\b");
while (match.Success) {
Console.WriteLine ("TEST: {0}", match.Value);
match = match.NextMatch ();
Split will work if it the spaces are the seperator. if you use oter seperators you can add as needed
string input = "ABCDED 0000A1.txt PQRSNT 12345";
string filename = input.Split(' ').FirstOrDefault(f => System.IO.Path.HasExtension(f));
filname = "0000A1.txt" and this will work for any extension
You may use c#, regex and pattern, match :)
Here is the code, plug it in try. Please comment.
string test = "afdkljfljalf dkfjd.txt lkjdfjdl";
string ffile = Regex.Match(test, #"\([a-z0-9])+.txt").Groups[1].Value;
Reference: regexp
I did something like this:
string subString = "";
char period = '.';
char[] chArString;
int iSubStrIndex = 0;
if (myString != null)
chArString = new char[myString.Length];
chArString = myString.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < myString.Length; i ++)
if (chArString[i] == period)
iSubStrIndex = i;
substring = myString.Substring(iSubStrIndex);
Hope that helps.
First split your string in array using
char[] whitespace = new char[] { ' ', '\t' };
string[] ssizes = myStr.Split(whitespace);
Then find .txt in array...
// Find first element starting with .txt.
string value1 = Array.Find(array1,
element => element.Contains(".txt", StringComparison.Ordinal));
Now your value1 will have the "0000A1.txt"
Happy coding.

C# Regex.Split and Regular expression

I have string, I need split it two times and select part which goes after special character.
Lets say:
string myString = "Word 2010|82e146e7-bc85-4bd4-a691-23d55c686f4b;#Videos|55140947-00d0-4d75-9b5c-00d8d5ab8436";
string[] guids = Regex.Split(myString,";#");
So here I am getting array of two elements with Value + GUID. But I need only Guids, like:
Any way of doing it in one/two lines?
You can do this but just because you can do it in one line doesn't mean you should (readability comes into play if you get too fancy here). There's obviously no validation here at all.
string myString = "Word 2010|82e146e7-bc85-4bd4-a691-23d55c686f4b;#Videos|55140947-00d0-4d75-9b5c-00d8d5ab8436";
string[] guids = Regex.Split(myString, ";#")
.SelectMany(s => Regex.Split(s, #"\|").Skip(1))
Assert.AreEqual(2, guids.Length);
Assert.AreEqual("82e146e7-bc85-4bd4-a691-23d55c686f4b", guids[0]);
Assert.AreEqual("55140947-00d0-4d75-9b5c-00d8d5ab8436", guids[1]);
You could easily do this without a regex if the last part of each is always a guid:
string[] guids = String.Split(";").Select(c => c.Substring(c.Length - 36)).ToArray();
string[] guids = myString.Split(';').Select(x => x.Split('|')[1]).ToArray();
string myString = "Word 2010|82e146e7-bc85-4bd4-a691-23d55c686f4b;#Videos|55140947-00d0-4d75-9b5c-00d8d5ab8436";
//split the string by ";#"
string[] results = myString.Split(new string[] { ";#" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//remove the "value|" part
results[0] = results[0].Substring(results[0].IndexOf('|') + 1);
results[1] = results[1].Substring(results[1].IndexOf('|') + 1);
//Same as above, but in a for loop. usefull if there are more then 2 guids to find
//for(int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
// results[i] = results[i].Substring(results[i].IndexOf('|') + 1);
foreach(string result in results)
var guids = Regex
.Matches(myString, #"HEX{8}-HEX{4}-HEX{4}-HEX{4}-HEX{12}".Replace("HEX", "[A-Fa-f0-9]"))
.Select(m => m.Value)
