c# object/design fundamentals - c#

Is this a standard, good practice way of doing things? Basically return a list of itself? Should the actual fields (id, title, etc) be a separate class? (I've seen people call it DTO objects)
I'm starting a project & I want to try & get some of these fundamentals down--
public class Calendar
public int id { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public List<calendar> GetAll()
var list = new List<calendar>();
var db = new mssql2();
string sql = #"select * from [cal]";
var dr = db.dr(sql);
while (dr.Read())
var e = new calendar();
e.id = (int)dr["id"];
e.title = dr["title"].ToString();
return list;

You seem to be mixing your Domain model with your Data Access layer.
Keep Calendar as it's own class, and maybe make another class called CalendarService or CalendarRepository that returns you a list of Calendar objects.
Here is an example:
public class Calendar
public Calendar() { }
public Calendar(int id, string title)
Id = id;
Title = title;
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public class CalendarService
public static List<Calendar> GetAll()
var list = new List<Calendar>();
var db = new mssql2();
string sql = #"select * from [cal]";
var dr = db.dr(sql);
while (dr.Read())
// Use the constructor to create a new Calendar item
list.Add(new Calendar((int)dr["id"], dr["title"].ToString()));
return list;

The general idea is for the classes to represent domain objects, and class members various properties of those domain objects. Class functions would represent what the objects can do.
In your case, it might be more fitting to remove the get_all() to a some class abstracting database operations. Calendar would have the functionalities of a calendar (getting/setting some dates, getting skip years, getting/setting some appointments); depending of what you want to accomplish with a calendar.

You're tightly coupling data access, and your "get_all" method isn't even using anything from the object of type calendar. If, as in this case, your method doesn't use any data from the instance of the class to which it belongs, then that method should either not be there, or should be a static method. My preference would be for the former -- have a class whose intent is to retrieve a calendar or calendars from the database. It is a more sensible organization of code, is more testable, can be more easily abstracted from the data layer, and it also makes your data object more portable.


Best way to send multiple email types in ASP.NET MVC

Hi there to the good friends of SO!
This is more of a design question so I'll get into a detailed example.
Let me explain the way we're sending emails.
In various parts of the application, we create entries in our Notification table for different kinds of email we might have to send.
For eg: The NotificationQueue table looks like this:
NotificationQueueID OrderID EmailType Notes SentDatetime
1 461196 OrderUpdate SomeNote1 2020-09-01 14:45:13.153
2 461194 OrderCancellation SomeNote2 2020-09-01 14:45:13.153
It's accessed using the property in the DbContext as:
public DbSet<NotificationQueue> NotificationQueues { get; set; }
The different types of email is modeled in an enum:
public enum TypeOfEmail
We have a EmailModel class that has a TicketsInNotificationQueue property that has a list of any of the email types we have. For eg: At any given time, it can have list of either UpdatedTickets or CancelledTickets. The email type says what type of tickets are in the TicketsInNotificationQueue property.
public class EmailModel
public EmailModel(TypeOfEmail emailType, TicketsInNotificationQueue ticketsInNotificationQueue)
EmailType = emailType;
TicketsInNotificationQueue = ticketsInNotificationQueue;
public TypeOfEmail EmailType { get; set; }
public TicketsInNotificationQueue TicketsInNotificationQueue { get; set; }
public class TicketsInNotificationQueue
public List<OrderCancellation> CancelledTickets { get; set; }
public List<OrderUpdate> UpdatedTickets { get; set; }
public class OrderCancellation : CommonOrderInformation
public string SomeOrderId { get; set; }
public class OrderUpdate: CommonOrderInformation
public string SomeUpdateRelatedProperty { get; set; }
public class CommonOrderInformation
public int NotificationQueueId { get; set; }
public string ReferenceNumber { get; set; }
There's a method that retrieves tickets from Notification table:
public async Task<TicketsInNotificationQueue> GetTicketsfromNotificationQueueAsync(TypeOfEmail emailType)
var ticketsInNotificationQueue = new TicketsInNotificationQueue();
using (var dbCon = GetSomeDbContext())
var notifications = dbCon.NotificationQueues.Where(x => x.EmailType == emailType.ToString()).ToList();
foreach (var ntf in notifications)
if (ntf.EmailType == TypeOfEmail.OrderCancellation.ToString())
if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets == null)
ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets = new List<OrderCancellation>();
ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets.Add(new OrderCancellation()
NotificationQueueId = ntf.NotificationQueueID,
ReferenceNumber = ntf.OrderID,
SomeOrderId = "Something from a table."
else if (ntf.EmailType == TypeOfEmail.OrderUpdate.ToString())
if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets == null)
ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets = new List<OrderUpdate>();
var notes = dbCon.NotificationQueues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NotificationQueueID == ntf.NotificationQueueID)?.Notes;
ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets.Add(new OrderUpdate()
NotificationQueueId = ntf.NotificationQueueID,
ReferenceNumber = ntf.OrderID,
SomeUpdateRelatedProperty = "Something from a table."
return ticketsInNotificationQueue;
Now I just take this list, and filter out the notificationIds for the type of tickets that I just received, and work on them down the line. (I need those notificationIds to set the SentDatetime after the notification has been sent).
var ticketsReceived = false;
notificationIds = new List<int>();
if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets != null && ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets.Any())
ticketsReceived = true;
notificationIds = ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets.Select(x => x.NotificationQueueId).ToList();
else if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets != null && ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets.Any())
ticketsReceived = true;
notificationIds = ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets.Select(x => x.NotificationQueueId).ToList();
if (ticketsReceived)
// Proceed with the process of sending the email, and setting the `SentDateTime`
The problem I see here is that as the type of emails grows bigger, let's say 10-20, the method to retrieve tickets and filter them out later needs to grow so big that it's going to spin out of control in terms of readability and code manageability which I'm not liking at all. The part where I need to check what emailType is requested in the fetch and what emailType has been received(to get the corresponding notificationIds for SentDateTime update).
So is there some other way to design this workflow (I'm even open to using reflection and such) to make it more manageable and concise?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is significant improvements that you can make to the existing system and the existing code. In the interest of having a more complete answer I'm going to recommend a not-too-expensive system overhaul and then proceed to your exact answer.
A different and industry standard approach
You already have the data structure correct, this is a perfect job for distributed persistent queues, where you don't need to worry about querying the database as much; instead you just enqueue the messages and have a processor that deals with them. Since you're using C# and .net, I strongly encourage you to check out Azure Service Bus. This is effectively a large queue where you can send messages (in your case send email requests) and you can enqueue your messages to different channels in the service bus depending on their type.
You could also look into creating a queue processor / which Azure Functions have a trigger out of the box. Once your email is sent, then you can write to your DB, we've sent this email.
So, the good design looks like
Have distributed persistent queues, channels / enqueue the email requests to them directly.
If you want to process them at a cadence, run your processor using cron - which most industry solutions support.
If you want to process them as they are ending up in the queue, use a trigger.
You can enrich your processor based on your scenario, it looks like it has something to do with orders, so you may need to handle cases like not sending an already queued email after an order in cancelled, etc..
Improving what you have
Due to some circumstances, the solution above might not be available to you - so let's get to it.
See how to refactor switch statements (since you have one with if / else ifs)
Ways to eliminate switch in code
You could get this through polymorphism, just create a base mail type and override the behaviors in subclasses. This way you can associate the correct queue with the correct email type.
var results = await getSomeEmails(OrderMail);
// returns a separate processor inherited from the base one, implemented in different ways.
var processor = ProcessorFactory.Create(OrderMail);
await processor.Send(results);
Some more improvements
foreach (var ntf in notifications)
if (ntf.EmailType == TypeOfEmail.OrderCancellation.ToString())
You are checking the email type over and over again unnecessarily in this loop, you should look into moving those statements above the for and check through the passed-in parameter, since you already know the type you're querying for.
Thank you for the answer #Mavi Domates.
But this is what I ended up doing:
I modified the EmailModel's TicketsInNotificationQueue property so that instead of having different types of classes for different types of email, we just have one type of common class. This will avoid having us to put those checks for checking what kind of email was requested in the fetch logic and also to retrieve notification Ids down the line (to update SentDateTime after email is sent) as indicated in the original question.
public class EmailModel
public EmailModel(TypeOfEmail emailType, IEnumerable<CommonEmailModel> ticketsInNotificationQueue)
EmailType = emailType;
TicketsInNotificationQueue = ticketsInNotificationQueue;
public TypeOfEmail EmailType { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<CommonEmailModel> TicketsInNotificationQueue { get; set; }
public enum TypeOfEmail
I added a new class called: CommonEmailModel and removed all those different email type classes (classes for OrderCancellation, OrderUpdate etc.).
public class CommonEmailModel
// Common to all email types. A lot of email types only need these first 4 properties
public string EmailType { get; set; }
public int NotificationQueueId { get; set; }
public string OrderId { get; set; }
public string Notes { get; set; }
// Cancellation related
public string SomeOrderId { get; set; }
// Update related
public string SomeUpdateRelatedProperty { get; set; }
public static async Task<IEnumerable<CommonEmailModel>> GetEmailBodyRecordsAsync(TypeOfEmail emailType)
var emailModels = new List<CommonEmailModel>();
var emailEntries = await EmailNotificationQueue.GetEmailEntriesAsync(emailType);
var relevantOrdIds = emailEntries.Select(x => x.OrderID).Distinct().ToList();
using (var dbCon = GetSomeDbContext())
orders = dbCon.Orders.Where(x => relevantOrdIds.Contains(x.OrdNumber)).ToList();
foreach (var record in emailEntries)
var emailModel = new CommonEmailModel
EmailType = emailType,
NotificationQueueId = record.NotificationQueueID,
OrderId = record.OrderID,
Notes = record.Notes,
SomeOrderId = orders?.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrdNumber == record.OrderID)?.SomeOrderIdINeed,
SomeUpdateRelatedProperty = orders?.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrdNumber == record.OrderID)?.UpdateRelatedPropertyINeed
return emailModels;
I just get the records the following way:
var emailRecords = await CommonEmailModel.GetEmailBodyRecordsAsync(emailType);
And simply pass this to EmailModel constructor as the ticketsInNotificationQueue parameter. No need to do all that extra check of figuring out if records of certain emailType was requested. The views for OrderCancellation and OrderUpdate will use the common properties and their respective relevant properties that are present in the CommonEmailModel class.
if (emailRecords.Any())
var emailModel = new EmailModel(emailType, emailRecords);
Now all I have to do is pass the notification Ids to a method that marks the SentDateTime column with the current timestamp by simply calling:
if (emailWasSent)
await UpdateNotificationSentTimeAsync(emailRecords.Select(t => t.NotificationQueueId));
In the future if we keep on adding new emailType (most probably they'll carry the information in those 4 first common properties in CommonEmailModel), we can simply add new properties to the CommonEmailModel to accommodate that and just create a new view. This way I can avoid code repetition and complexity in the fetch and also at the end while updating the SentDateTime.

Dynamically change a type with C#

I am very new to C# and ServiceStack and I am working on a small project that consists on calling a third party API and loading the data I get back from the API into a relational database via ServiceStack's ORMLite.
The idea is to have each endpoint of the API have a reusable model that determines how it should be received in the API's response, and how it should be inserted into the database.
So I have something like the following:
[Route("/api/{ApiEndpoint}", "POST")]
public class ApiRequest : IReturn<ApiResponse>
public Int32 OrderId { get; set; }
public DateTime PurchaseDate { get; set; }
public String ApiEndpoint { get; set; }
public class ApiResponse
public Endpoint1[] Data { get; set; }
public String ErrorCode { get; set; }
public Int32 ErrorNumber { get; set; }
public String ErrorDesc { get; set; }
public class Endpoint1
public Int32 Id { get; set; }
public String PurchaseDate { get; set; }
public String Customer { get; set; }
public String PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public Int32 Amount { get; set; }
My first class represents the API's request with its route, the second class represents the API's response. The API's response is the same for all endpoints, but the only thing that varies is the structure of the Data field that comes back from that endpoint. I've defined the structure of one of my endpoints in my Endpoint1 class, and I am using it in my API's response class. As you can see, I am also defining a few attributes on my Endpoint1 class to help the ORM make better decisions later when inserting the data.
Ok, so the issue is that I have about 15 endpoints and I don't want to create 15 ApiResponse classes when I know the only thing that changes is that first Data field in the class.
So I made something like this:
public class DataModels
public Type getModel(String endpoint)
Dictionary<String, Type> models = new Dictionary<String, Type>();
models.Add("Endpoint1", typeof(Endpoint1));
// models.Add("Endpoint2", typeof(Endpoint2));
// models.Add("Endpoint3", typeof(Endpoint3));
// and so forth...
return models[endpoint];
I would like for getModel() to be called when the request is made so that I can pass in the ApiEndpoint field in the ApiRequest class and store the type that I want my Data field to have so that I can dynamically change it in my ApiResponse class.
In addition, there is the ORM part where I iterate over every endpoint and create a different table using the model/type of each endpoint. Something like this:
(endpoint) =>
// inserting data, doing other work etc
But again, I'd like to be able to call getModel() in here and with that define the model of the specific endpoint I am iterating on.
I've attempted calling getModel() on both places but I always get errors back like cannot use variable as a typeand others... so I am definitely doing something wrong.
Feel free to suggest a different approach to getModel(). This is just what I came up with but I might be ignoring a much simpler approach.
When I DID understand you correctly, you have different API-Calls which all return the same object. The only difference is, that the field "Data" can have different types.
Then you can simply change the type of data to object:
public object Data { get; set; }
And later simply cast this to the required object:
var data1=(Endpoint1[]) response.Data;
You're going to have a very tough time trying to dynamically create .NET types dynamically which requires advanced usage of Reflection.Emit. It's self-defeating trying to dynamically create Request DTOs with ServiceStack since the client and metadata services needs the concrete Types to be able to call the Service with a Typed API.
I can't really follow your example but my initial approach would be whether you can use a single Service (i.e. instead of trying to dynamically create multiple of them). Likewise with OrmLite if the Schema of the POCOs is the same, it sounds like you would be able to flatten your DataModel and use a single database table.
AutoQuery is an example of a feature which dynamically creates Service Implementations from just a concrete Request DTO, which is effectively the minimum Type you need.
So whilst it's highly recommended to have explict DTOs for each Service you can use inheritance to reuse the common properties, e.g:
[Route("/api/{ApiEndpoint}/1", "POST")]
public ApiRequest1 : ApiRequestBase<Endpoint1> {}
[Route("/api/{ApiEndpoint}/2", "POST")]
public ApiRequest2 : ApiRequestBase<Endpoint1> {}
public abstract class ApiRequestBase<T> : IReturn<ApiResponse<T>>
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public DateTime PurchaseDate { get; set; }
public string ApiEndpoint { get; set; }
And your Services can return the same generic Response DTO:
public class ApiResponse<T>
public T[] Data { get; set; }
public String ErrorCode { get; set; }
public Int32 ErrorNumber { get; set; }
public String ErrorDesc { get; set; }
I can't really understand the purpose of what you're trying to do so the API design is going to need modifications to suit your use-case.
You're going to have similar issues with OrmLite which is a Typed code-first POCO ORM where you're going to run into friction trying to use dynamic types which don't exist at Runtime where you'll likely have an easier time executing Dynamic SQL since it's far easier to generate a string than a .NET Type.
With that said GenericTableExpressions.cs shows an example of changing the Table Name that OrmLite saves a POCO to at runtime:
const string tableName = "Entity1";
using (var db = OpenDbConnection())
db.Insert(tableName, new GenericEntity { Id = 1, ColumnA = "A" });
var rows = db.Select(tableName, db.From<GenericEntity>()
.Where(x => x.ColumnA == "A"));
Assert.That(rows.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
db.Update(tableName, new GenericEntity { ColumnA = "B" },
where: q => q.ColumnA == "A");
rows = db.Select(tableName, db.From<GenericEntity>()
.Where(x => x.ColumnA == "B"));
Assert.That(rows.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
Which uses these extension methods:
public static class GenericTableExtensions
static object ExecWithAlias<T>(string table, Func<object> fn)
var modelDef = typeof(T).GetModelMetadata();
lock (modelDef)
var hold = modelDef.Alias;
modelDef.Alias = table;
return fn();
modelDef.Alias = hold;
public static void DropAndCreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table)
ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => {
return null;
public static long Insert<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table, T obj, bool selectIdentity = false)
return (long)ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => db.Insert(obj, selectIdentity));
public static List<T> Select<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table, SqlExpression<T> expression)
return (List<T>)ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => db.Select(expression));
public static int Update<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table, T item, Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
return (int)ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => db.Update(item, where));
But it's not an approach I'd take personally, if I absolutely needed (and I'm struggling to think of a valid use-case outside of table-based Multitenancy or sharding) to save the same schema in multiple tables I'd just be using inheritance again, e.g:
public class Table1 : TableBase {}
public class Table2 : TableBase {}
public class Table3 : TableBase {}

Model inheritance - Repository Pattern with IoC

I am new to IoC and Repository Pattern. I was able to do some test project and it works. But, I am not so sure if what I implemented is a good practice. The test project I have created have all the repositories in place as well as a working interface with a dummy data. But what I want is that my project should not be able to know the concrete types of my models because the initial version should be implemented using MSSQL, and the second version would be a mix of MSSQL and NoSQL(for reads and logging). The models might have different properties or structures from MSSQL to NoSQL (or whatever i might use in the future)
So I tried to create an interface for each model:
public interface ISearchResult
string Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
string Url { get; set; }
And here's the repository:
public interface ISearchRepository<T> where T: class, ISearchResult
IEnumerable<T> Search<T>(string keyword, IEnumerable<string> regions, IEnumerable<string> industries,IEnumerable<string> countries, IEnumerable<string> cities, int offset);
And here's the service:
public interface ISearchService
IEnumerable<T> Search<T>(string keyword, IEnumerable<string> regions, IEnumerable<string> industries,IEnumerable<string> countries, IEnumerable<string> cities, int offset);
Because I want to have a working GUI even without MSSQL or NoSQL entities, I have created a View Model that inherited the ISearchResult:
public class SearchResultViewModel : ISearchResult
[Display(Name="Reference Id")]
public string Id { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Company")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Description")]
public string Description { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Website")]
public string Url { get; set; }
And here's how it looks on my controller:
public ActionResult Query(SearchQueryModel searchQuery)
searchQuery.Results = this._searchService.Search<SearchResultViewModel>(searchQuery.Keyword,searchQuery.Region, new List<string>() { searchQuery.Industries }, new List<string>() { searchQuery.Countries}, new List<string>() {searchQuery.City}, searchQuery.Offset)
return View(searchQuery);
And my view would look like this:
#foreach (SearchResultViewModel result in Model.Results)
//code to display
My question is: Is it fine to use this approach? I don't want my web application to be dependent on my data entities so that's why I came up of making my view models inherit an interface. And because I was new to IoC and Repository Pattern and only have a test project, I don't know if my solution would be more of a problem in the long run.
Any advise is highly appreciated.
You shouldn't need to implement an interface in your view model in order to create a separation between your web application and your data entities. Your view model should belong to your web application and should itself be independent of your data entity.
So, instead of:
You should have, in your controller:
var result = _searchService.Search<SomeEntity>(x);
var model = new SearchResultsViewModel
Name = result.Name,
Desc = result.Desc,
Url = result.Url
return View(model);
The view model belongs to the web application and is responsible for containing the data passed from controller to view (and back) - it should have nothing to do with your service layer (or any other layer of your application).
SomeEntity is a concrete class, in the form of whatever your search service exposes. Your controller will consume this in the same way as any other application would and then compile a view model for passing to and from views. You might even find that SomeEntity is more or less identical to SearchResultsViewModel initially; however, they are still distinct entities as the requirements of the view might change independently of the search service.

Code-First Entity Framework w/ Stored Procedure returning results from complex Full-text Searches

I am looking for design advice for the following scenario:
I have a code-first EF5 MVC application. I am building a full-text search function which will incorporate multiple weighted columns from many tables. As I cannot create view with an index from these tables (some of them contain text / binary columns), I have created a stored procedure which will output the ID of my object (eg. PersonID) and the rank associated with that object based on the search terms.
My current approach is to create a helper class for executing full text searches which call the stored procedure(s) and load all the objects from the context based on the returned IDs.
My questions are:
Does my approach seem sensible / follow reasonable best practice?
Has anyone else done something similar with any lessons learned?
Is there a way to do this more efficiently (i.e. have the results of the stored procedure return/map to the entities directly without an additional look-up required?)
Moved my detailed implementation from an edit of the question into its own answer to be more in line with what is recommended frequently # meta.stackexchange.com
Seeing as you can't use SQL methods like containstable with entityframework code first which the rest of your application could be using you could be 'forced' to do something with a storedprocedure like your describe. Whether it's best practice I don't know. However it it gets the job done I don't see why it wouldn't be sensible.
Yes - I have and still am working on a project build around EF codefirst where I had to do a fairly complex search that included several search parameters marked as 'must have' and several values marked as 'nice to have' and in from that return a weighted result.
Depending on the complexity of the result set I don't think you need to do a second roundtrip to the database and I will show you a way I have been doing it below.
Bear in mind that below is simply an example:
public List<Person> GetPeople(params string[] p)
var people = new List<Person>();
using (var db = new DataContext())
var context = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext;
var command = db.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SomeStoredProcedureReturningWeightedResultSetOfPeople";
command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
//Add parameters to command object
people = context.Translate<Person>(command.ExecuteReader()).ToList();
return people;
Even though the storedprocedure will have a column for the weight value it won't get mapped when you translate it.
You could potentially derive a class from Person that includes the weight value if you needed it.
Posting this as an answer rather than an edit to my question:
Taking some of the insight provided by #Drauka's (and google) here is what I did for my initial iteration.
Created the stored procedure to do the full text searching. It was really too complex to be done in EF even if supported (as one example some of my entities are related via business logic and I wanted to group them returning as a single result). The stored procedure maps to a DTO with the entity id's and a Rank.
I modified this blogger's snippet / code to make the call to the stored procedure, and populate my DTO: http://www.lucbos.net/2012/03/calling-stored-procedure-with-entity.html
I populate my results object with totals and paging information from the results of the stored procedure and then just load the entities for the current page of results:
int[] projectIDs = new int[Settings.Default.ResultsPerPage];
foreach (ProjectFTS_DTO dto in
.Skip(Settings.Default.ResultsPerPage * (pageNum - 1))
.Take(Settings.Default.ResultsPerPage)) {
projectIDs[index] = dto.ProjectID;
IEnumerable<Project> projects = _repository.Projects
Full Implementation:
As this question receives a lot of views I thought it may be worth while to post more details of my final solution for others help or possible improvement.
The complete solution looks like:
DatabaseExtensions class:
public static class DatabaseExtensions {
public static IEnumerable<TResult> ExecuteStoredProcedure<TResult>(
this Database database,
IStoredProcedure<TResult> procedure,
string spName) {
var parameters = CreateSqlParametersFromProperties(procedure);
var format = CreateSPCommand<TResult>(parameters, spName);
return database.SqlQuery<TResult>(format, parameters.Cast<object>().ToArray());
private static List<SqlParameter> CreateSqlParametersFromProperties<TResult>
(IStoredProcedure<TResult> procedure) {
var procedureType = procedure.GetType();
var propertiesOfProcedure = procedureType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
var parameters =
propertiesOfProcedure.Select(propertyInfo => new SqlParameter(
(object) propertyInfo.Name),
propertyInfo.GetValue(procedure, new object[] {})))
return parameters;
private static string CreateSPCommand<TResult>(List<SqlParameter> parameters, string spName)
var name = typeof(TResult).Name;
string queryString = string.Format("{0}", spName);
parameters.ForEach(x => queryString = string.Format("{0} {1},", queryString, x.ParameterName));
return queryString.TrimEnd(',');
public interface IStoredProcedure<TResult> {
Class to hold stored proc inputs:
class AdvancedFTS :
DatabaseExtensions.IStoredProcedure<AdvancedFTSDTO> {
public string SearchText { get; set; }
public int MinRank { get; set; }
public bool IncludeTitle { get; set; }
public bool IncludeDescription { get; set; }
public int StartYear { get; set; }
public int EndYear { get; set; }
public string FilterTags { get; set; }
Results object:
public class ResultsFTSDTO {
public int ID { get; set; }
public decimal weightRank { get; set; }
Finally calling the stored procedure:
public List<ResultsFTSDTO> getAdvancedFTSResults(
string searchText, int minRank,
bool IncludeTitle,
bool IncludeDescription,
int StartYear,
int EndYear,
string FilterTags) {
AdvancedFTS sp = new AdvancedFTS() {
SearchText = searchText,
MinRank = minRank,
EndYear = EndYear,
IEnumerable<ResultsFTSDTO> resultSet = _context.Database.ExecuteStoredProcedure(sp, "ResultsAdvancedFTS");
return resultSet.ToList();

Is it OK to have some logic codes inside a property of a data model class?

I am learning MVC 3 and I have not found people using some logic codes inside a property of a data model class.
They do the data model class as follows (for example):
public class Customer
public int CustomerId {get;set;}
//other properties without any logic code.
Is it ok to have logic codes inside a property as follows?
public class Customer
private int customerId;
public int CustomerId {
get{return customerId;}
// some logic codes go here.
//other properties go here.
Edit 1:
This is my real scenario:
Child table data model:
namespace MvcApplication1.Models
public class Choice
public int ChoiceId { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public bool IsCorrect { get; set; }
public QuizItem QuizItem { get; set; }
Parent table data model:
namespace MvcApplication1.Models
public class QuizItem
public int QuizItemId { get; set; }
public string Question { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<Choice> choices;
public IEnumerable<Choice> Choices
get { return choices; }
choices = value;
foreach (var x in choices)
x.QuizItem = this;
namespace MvcApplication1.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var data = new List<QuizItem>{
new QuizItem
QuizItemId = 1,
Question = "What color is your hair?",
Choices = new Choice[]{
new Choice{ ChoiceId=1, Description="Black.", IsCorrect=true},
new Choice{ ChoiceId=2, Description="Red.", IsCorrect=false},
new Choice{ ChoiceId=3, Description="Yellow.", IsCorrect=false}
new QuizItem
QuizItemId = 2,
Question = "What color is your noze?",
Choices = new Choice[]{
new Choice{ChoiceId=1, Description="Pink.", IsCorrect=false},
new Choice{ChoiceId=2, Description="Maroon.", IsCorrect=true},
new Choice{ChoiceId=3, Description="Navy Blue.", IsCorrect=false}
return View(data);
This calls for a method. Two reasons why:
I don't recommend setters for Collections
Property Usage Guidelines - Setting a property for each item in collection every time property is set is expensive and should not be in a property. A method is preferred instead.
Code (that you have in your case) in setter causes enough side-effects to disqualify use of property
Setters for collection type properties - A discussion on StackOverflow regarding setters for collections.
I suggest following:
public class QuizItem
public int QuizItemId { get; set; }
public string Question { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<Choice> choices;
public IEnumerable<Choice> Choices
get { return choices; }
public void SetChoices(IEnumerable<Choice> choices)
foreach (var x in choices)
x.QuizItem = this;
this.choices = choices;
I think this logic you should implement in controller. However I always define POCO classes in my model and use ViewModel to implement such simple logic.
This is more of a realm of philosophical approach. As such it is up to a debate.
Today by far the most prevalent approach is to use strict layered approach of separation of concerns where "model" objects are only responsible for containing data and if you want to apply any sort of business logic on top of that, you need to implement that on a separate "business logic" layer, which handles application of such concerns as validation/vewrification of the integrity of data, mutation of data according to a business processes, etc.
Another approach is to use model layer to actually model (as in verb) the business of the target domain. In this case, the model acts as a direct definition of the business rules and should just as rich as rules of the business require it to be. (this approach has been taken to extreme by Naked Objects, that basically keeps data structures as well as business logic in the model and generates ORM, controller logic and views from the same model)
Generally the question of "how smart can/should be my model objects" is one to ask from the frameworks you use. Some frameworks simply don't care either way (ASP.NET MVC), others want you to never worry about coding this stuff, as long as you provide enough metadata so that they can do their job for you (NHibernate, Entity Framework). Others yet encourage you to express all your business rules and logic in the domain object model (e.g. Naked Objects)
In my opinion, a data model should be doing logic related to data (value) as in "is this value a valid data to...?". Also when doing hidden logic like in this case "attaching a parent", naming the method to just "set" is also wrong.
A sample of a more complex data model:
