split a string from a text file into another list - c#

Hi i know the Title might sound a little confusing but im reading in a text file with many lines of data
12345 Test
34567 Test2
i read in the text 1 line at a time and add to a list
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Test.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
how do i then separate the 1234 from the test so i can pull only the first column of data if i need like list(1).pars[1] would be 12345 and list(2).pars[2] would be test2
i know this sounds foggy but i hope someone out there understands

Maybe something like this:
string test="12345 Test";
var ls= test.Split(' ');
This will get you a array of string. You can get them with ls[0] and ls[1].
If you just what the 12345 then ls[0] is the one to choose.

If you're ok with having a list of string[]'s you can simply do this:
var list = new List<string[]>();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Test.txt"))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
list.Add(line.Split(' '));
string firstWord = list[0][0]; //12345
string secondWord = list[0][1]; //Test

When you have a string of text you can use the Split() method to split it in many parts. If you're sure every word (separated by one or more spaces) is a column you can simply write:
string[] columns = line.Split(' ');
There are several overloads of that function, you can specify if blank fields are skipped (you may have, for example columns[1] empty in a line composed by 2 words but separated by two spaces). If you're sure about the number of columns you can fix that limit too (so if any text after the last column will be treated as a single field).
In your case (add to the list only the first column) you may write:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
string[] columns = line.TrimLeft().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
First check is to skip empty or lines composed just of spaces. The TrimLeft() is to remove spaces from beginning of the line (if any). The first column can't be empty (because the TrimLeft() so yo do not even need to use StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries with an additional if (columns.Length > 1). Finally, if the file is small enough you can read it in memory with a single call to File.ReadAllLines() and simplify everything with a little of LINQ:
.Where(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x))
.Select(x => x.TrimLeft().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2)[0]));
Note that with the first parameter you can specify more than one valid separator.

When you have multiple spaces
Regex r = new Regex(" +");
string [] splitString = r.Split(stringWithMultipleSpaces);

var splitted = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("Test.txt")
.Select(line => line.Split(' ')).ToArray();
var list1 = splitted.Select(split_line => split_line[0]).ToArray();
var list2 = splitted.Select(split_line => split_line[1]).ToArray();


Got wrong data while split file into arrays

I have file contains two lines and each line contains 200 fields and I would like to split it into arrays
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(pathSensorsCalc))
string s = String.Empty;
while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) == null) { };
String line1 = sr.ReadToEnd();
String line2 = sr.ReadToEnd();
CalcValue[0] = new String[200];
CalcValue[1] = new String[200];
CalcValue[0] = line1.Split(' ');
CalcValue[1] = line2.Split(' ');
After the code above, CalcValue[1] is empty and CalcValue[0] contains data of the second line (instad of the first one). Any ideas?
When using
, you are reading to the end of your input stream. That means, after the first call of
String line1 = sr.ReadToEnd()
your stream is already at the last position. Replace your ReadToEnd() call with ReadLine() calls. That should work.
In the Windows OS, a new line is represented by \r\n. So you should not split the lines by spaces (" ").
Which means you should use another overload of the Split method - Split(char[], StringSplitOptions). The first argument is the characters you want to split by and the second is the options. Why do you need the options? Because if you split by 2 continuous characters you get an empty element.
So now it is easy to understand what this code does and why:
line1.Split (new[] {'\r', '\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

reading in text file and spliting by comma in c#

I have a text file whose format is like this
I want to read "Number" at the first column of this text file into an array to find duplication. here is the two ways i tried to read in the file.
string[] account = File.ReadAllLines(path);
string readtext = File.ReadAllText(path);
But every time i try to split the array to just get whats to the left of the first comma i fail. Have any ideas? Thanks.
You need to explicitly split the data to access its various parts. How would your program otherwise be able to decide that it is separated by commas?
The easiest approach to access the number that comes to my mind goes something like this:
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
var firstLine = lines[0];
var fields = firstLine.Split(',');
var number = fields[0]; // Voilla!
You could go further by parsing the number as an int or another numeric type (if it really is a number). On the other hand, if you just want to test for uniqueness, this is not really necessary.
If you want all duplicate lines according to the Number:
var numDuplicates = File.ReadLines(path)
.Select(l => l.Trim().Split(','))
.Where(arr => arr.Length >= 3)
.Select(arr => new {
Number = arr[0].Trim(),
Name = arr[1].Trim(),
Age = arr[2].Trim()
.GroupBy(x => x.Number)
.Where(g => g.Count() > 1);
foreach(var dupNumGroup in numDuplicates)
Console.WriteLine("Number:{0} Names:{1} Ages:{2}"
, dupNumGroup.Key
, string.Join(",", dupNumGroup.Select(x => x.Name))
, string.Join(",", dupNumGroup.Select(x => x.Age)));
If you are looking specifically for a string.split solution, here is a really simple method of doing what you are looking for:
List<int> importedNumbers = new List<int>();
// Read our file in to an array of strings
var fileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);
// Iterate over the strings and split them in to their respective columns
foreach (string line in fileContents)
var fields = line.Split(',');
if (fields.Count() < 3)
throw new Exception("We need at least 3 fields per line."); // You would REALLY do something else here...
// You would probably want to be more careful about your int parsing... (use TryParse)
var number = int.Parse(fields[0]);
var name = fields[1];
var age = int.Parse(fields[2]);
// if we already imported this number, continue on to the next record
if (importedNumbers.Contains(number))
continue; // You might also update the existing record at this point instead of just skipping...
importedNumbers.Add(number); // Keep track of numbers we have imported

How can I read big txt file?

i have a 1000 text file and i want read single to single and Each file has a 4700000 record,for example one of line in file is:
43266200 6819 43295200 1393/05/23 14:28:45 113 1
and i want save into sql server for example:
how can i do this?
var seperators = " ".ToCharArray();
foreach(var line in File.ReadLines(path))
var fields = line.Split(seperators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//now you have fields[0] and fields[1], save them in your database
This may help you
var message ="43266200 6819 43295200 1393/05/23 14:28:45 113 1";
//Split your data into pieces
var messages=message.Split(' ').Where( o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o));
var i=0;
foreach(var item in messages)
// do whatever you wanna to do with pieces
Console.Write( "field {0}:{1}",++i,item);
If you're reading the text from a file, and you can reasonably assume that the space character will be your only delimiter, you should use the String.Split() method to tokenize each line:
// instantiate FileInfo of your file as yourFile
foreach (string line in yourFile.ReadLines())
string[] lineTokens = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
String.Split() allows you to separate any string into a string[] of substrings based on the char delimiters you provide in the first argument. The second argument in the code above is one of the values in the StringSplitOptions enumeration, which has values of either None (provide all strings) or RemoveEmptyEntries (do not return any substrings that consist solely of delimiter characters).
Then, from there, you can iterate through lineTokens and assemble an object from each token, or you can assemble an SQL query where any given index corresponds to a column in the row you intend to add.

C# StreamReader save to Array with separator

I´ve got a text file with tabulator separated data. What I need in my C# application is that I read one line from the text file and save them to an array, separate them at the each \t. Then I do the same thing with the next row.
My code:
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dlg.FileName);
string s = sr.ReadLine();
Now, I already tried to write the line into an array but that doesn´t work. Does anyone one how to manage this?
Use the Split method to create an Array of the line
string[] parts = s.Split('\t');
See Documentation on Split() here
foreach (string line in System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(dlg.FileName))
var myArray = line.Split('\t');
s.Split('\t') will split your string by the tabulator character, and create a string[] with appropriate length.
Ammending your example code:
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dlg.FileName);
string s = sr.ReadLine();
var items = s.Split('\t');
In the end, items contains an array of strings that represent the characters between the tabs. The tabs are not included in the array. The array may contain empty elements (for the case of two consecutive tabs).
Use the String.Split() method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b873y76a.aspx
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("input.txt");
string[] content = reader.ReadToEnd().Replace("\n","").Split('\t');
if you want to keep New Line's than
string[] content = reader.ReadToEnd().Split('\t');
In the example below, items will be a String[] containing each line of text's values. It will be overwritten with each iteration so you'll want to do something with it inside the loop. Save it to a larger collection, write it to a file, etc...
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dlg.FileName);
while (sr.Peek() >= 0) {
var line = sr.ReadLine();
var items = line.Split(new Char[] { '\t' });
If the file contains only one line, then use:
string[] myArray = s.Split('\t');

remove blank values from array and suggest a better method to read text file data delimited by '|'

Am trying to get values from a text file in which entries are delimited using '|'.am getting the values using string .Split method..but in some places the delimiter appears multiple times in succession like '||||||||',so empty space gets inserted in the array how should i remove those empty elements from array or is there any efficient technique to read values from text file delimited by '|".below is my code and the screen shot of array values
var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(#"d:\er.txt"));
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
var line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
var values = line.Split('|');
string[] ee = values;
can any one suggest a better method for reading data from text file delimited by '|'
Split has an overload that takes a StringSplitOptions enumeration value:
var values = line.Split(new char[]{'|'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
This will remove empty entries.
You can use linq on your array?
var values = line.Split("|").Where(v => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v));
See, the below line of codes, you can do something like that.
var values = line.Split('|');
List<string> FilteredValues = new List<string>();
foreach (var value in values)
if (value != "")
further to Oded's answer this is the correct syntax
var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(#"d:\er.txt"));
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
var line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
var values = line.Split(new char[]{'|'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] ee = values;
Or, maybe, you can use the trim() function !?
