Customize double click for text box - c#

private void newThumbNail(int docType, string fileName)
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt] = new GroupBox();
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Parent = panel1;
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Visible = true;
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Location = new Point(2, 5 + ((thmbNailCnt * 50) + 2));
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Size = new Size(222, 50);
picBox[thmbNailCnt] = new PictureBox();
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Parent = thmbNail[thmbNailCnt];
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Visible = true;
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Location = new Point(6, 13);
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Size = new Size(31, 31);
switch (docType)
case 1: picBox[thmbNailCnt].Image = wordImg;
case 2: picBox[thmbNailCnt].Image = pptImg;
case 3: picBox[thmbNailCnt].Image = excelImg;
case 4: picBox[thmbNailCnt].Image = pdfImg;
texBox[thmbNailCnt] = new TextBox();
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Parent = thmbNail[thmbNailCnt];
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Visible = true;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Location = new Point(53, 24);
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Size = new Size(163, 20);
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Text = fileName;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Enabled = false;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].BackColor = Color.Silver;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].ForeColor = Color.Black;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].DoubleClick += new System.EventHandler(changeText);
thmbNailFN[thmbNailCnt] = fileName;
data[thmbNailCnt, 0] = fileName;
data[thmbNailCnt, 1] = docType.ToString();
private void changeText(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Enabled = true;
The private void newThumbNail, adds a group box with picture box and text box as its elements. I have customize a double click event for the text Box, unfortunately it does not executes. Why is that so?

Your event won't fire because the TextBox is disabled. However I think the the solution might be a redesign of your interface since it is not expected behaviour for a control to be enabled when double-clicked. The whole point of disabling a control is to prevent a user from interacting with it.
Perhaps setting it to readonly might be a better option? That way it will still fire events.

The DoubleClick event will not fire on the TextBox if it is not enabled. So, it will not work because you are doing this:
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Enabled = false;
I presume you meant to do the following in the double click handler (instead of using this)
(sender as TextBox).Enabled = true;
You must be trying to make the textbox enable itself with a double click?
If so, then you can't use the Enabled property because the click events will not fire while your textbox is disabled.
Instead, you can use the ReadOnly property which will prevent the user from making any changes to the text:
texBox[thmbNailCnt].ReadOnly = true;
private void changeText(object sender, EventArgs e)
(sender as TextBox).ReadOnly = false;
This will not give it the dimmed out look it has when it is disabled. You could make some aditional changes to get it looking the same though if you wanted.


(design) 2 Elements blocking each other

simple question here:
I have a problem with one of my labels.
My problem is that the (!!!) label corresponding to the textbox "Datei Name" is being blocked by said textbox. Is there a setting that I have missed that puts said label behind/in front of the textbox?
How the (this part of the) program works:
When something is incorrectly entered in one of the textboxes a label containing (!!!) and a Messagebox show up which tell the user where the error is located.
As i mentioned in the comment to the question, i'd use ErrorProvider instead of spending time to write code to manipulate controls on the form.
Here is MSDN example: How to: Display Error Icons for Form Validation with the Windows Forms ErrorProvider Component
How it works?
When the form is NOT valid, you'll see:
When you move cursor over icon, you'll see error details:
If you've got LinqPad, you can use this script to check how it works:
void Main()
MyForm mf = new MyForm();
// Define other methods and classes here
public class MyForm: Form
private TextBox TxtDateiName = null;
private TextBox TxtDateiNr = null;
private Label Label1 = null;
private Label Label2 = null;
private Button BtnValidate = null;
Dictionary<Control, ErrorProvider> ValidatedControls = null;
public MyForm()
private void Initialize()
this.Size = new Size(250, 180);
this.MinimizeBox = false;
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.Text = "ErrorProvider Example";
Label1 = new Label(){Text="Datei Name:", Location =new Point(10,12), AutoSize = true};
Label2 = new Label(){Text="Datei Nr:", Location =new Point(10,42), AutoSize = true};
TxtDateiName = new TextBox(){Name="TxtDateiName", Size= new Size(140,24), Location =new Point(78,10)};
TxtDateiNr = new TextBox(){Name="TxtDateiNr", Size= new Size(140,24), Location =new Point(78,42)};
BtnValidate = new Button(){Size = new Size(220, 48), Text = "Validate", Location = new Point(10, 78) };
BtnValidate.Click += BtnValidate_Click;
ValidatedControls = new Dictionary<Control, ErrorProvider>();
ValidatedControls.Add(TxtDateiName, new ErrorProvider(this));
ValidatedControls.Add(TxtDateiNr, new ErrorProvider(this));
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiName].SetIconAlignment(TxtDateiName, ErrorIconAlignment.MiddleRight);
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiName].SetIconPadding (TxtDateiName, 2);
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiName].BlinkRate = 1000;
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiName].BlinkStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink;
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiNr].SetIconAlignment(TxtDateiName, ErrorIconAlignment.MiddleRight);
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiNr].SetIconPadding (TxtDateiName, 2);
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiNr].BlinkRate = 1000;
ValidatedControls[TxtDateiNr].BlinkStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ErrorBlinkStyle.AlwaysBlink;
private void BtnValidate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool ans = true;
foreach(var k in ValidatedControls.Keys)
case "TxtDateiName":
ans = IsValidName(((TextBox)k).Text);
ValidatedControls[k].SetError(k, ans ? "" : "Name is wrong!");
case "TxtDateiNr":
ans = IsValidNumber(((TextBox)k).Text);
ValidatedControls[k].SetError(k, ans ? "" : "Number is wrong!");
ans = ValidatedControls.All(kvp=>kvp.Value.GetError(kvp.Key)=="");
MessageBox.Show(ans ? "Form is valid!" : "Form contains errors!", "Information");
if(ans) this.Close();
private bool IsValidName(string dName)
return Regex.IsMatch(dName, #"^(\w{3,})$");
private bool IsValidNumber(string dNumber)
return Regex.IsMatch(dNumber, #"^(\d{3,5})$");
Do not forget to add references (F4) to: System.Windows.Forms.dll
and then add the following namespaces:
Final note:
This is just an example. So, the code is not optimized.

Devexpress Checkbutton Blueline border - how to remove

I am currently working on a devexpress project and I am using the checkbutton tool. I have it doing everything I want except for a very annoying sick looking blueline that shows up on appearance.hover and appearance.pressed.
If anything at all I would expect a color that goes with the theme but a constant blueline no matter what skin is selected is annoying and feels like an old html design.
I have tried setting the bordercolor and all but still.
Below is my code of what I have tried by far from form.Designer.cs;
this.cBtnFilter.AllowFocus = false;
this.cBtnFilter.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
this.cBtnFilter.AppearanceDisabled.Options.UseBackColor = true;
this.cBtnFilter.AppearanceHovered.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
this.cBtnFilter.AppearanceHovered.Options.UseBackColor = true;
this.cBtnFilter.AppearanceHovered.Options.UseBorderColor = true;
this.cBtnFilter.AppearancePressed.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
this.cBtnFilter.AppearancePressed.Options.UseBackColor = true;
this.cBtnFilter.AppearancePressed.Options.UseBorderColor = true;
this.cBtnFilter.ImageOptions.AllowGlyphSkinning = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False;
this.cBtnFilter.ImageOptions.Location = DevExpress.XtraEditors.ImageLocation.MiddleCenter;
this.cBtnFilter.ImageOptions.SvgImage = global::form.Properties.Resources.icon_filter;
this.cBtnFilter.ImageOptions.SvgImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 40);
this.cBtnFilter.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(355, 40);
this.cBtnFilter.LookAndFeel.SkinName = "The Bezier";
this.cBtnFilter.LookAndFeel.Style = DevExpress.LookAndFeel.LookAndFeelStyle.UltraFlat;
this.cBtnFilter.LookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false;
this.cBtnFilter.Name = "cBtnFilter";
this.cBtnFilter.PaintStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.PaintStyles.Light;
this.cBtnFilter.ShowFocusRectangle = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False;
this.cBtnFilter.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(50, 50);
toolTipTitleItem4.Text = "Show active Only";
this.cBtnFilter.SuperTip = superToolTip4;
this.cBtnFilter.TabIndex = 39;
this.cBtnFilter.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Filter_Click);
The attached image is an example of when it is selected and when it is hovered respectively.
At the least if I could completely remove the blue line or change it to the theme color. It would be great.
Am using Devexpress Version 20.2.4
how I solved this is by using the simple button instead and making it act like a toggle button.
this method handles the toggle for me
public Boolean buttonState = false;
private void ToggleButton()
if (buttonState)
simpleButton.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Red;
buttonState = false;
simpleButton.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White;
buttonState = true;
this is the button
private void simpleButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
here is the button in Designer.cs
this.simpleButton1.AllowFocus = false;
this.simpleButton1.AppearanceHovered.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Teal;
this.simpleButton1.AppearanceHovered.Options.UseBackColor = true;
this.simpleButton1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(524, 214);
this.simpleButton1.LookAndFeel.SkinName = "The Bezier";
this.simpleButton1.LookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false;
this.simpleButton1.Name = "simpleButton1";
this.simpleButton1.ShowFocusRectangle = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False;
this.simpleButton1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(157, 150);
this.simpleButton1.TabIndex = 2;
this.simpleButton1.Text = "simpleButton";
this.simpleButton1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.simpleButton1_Click);
Its quite straightforward. In case anyone has a better way or has need for this, knock yourself(ves) out.
Hopefully in the future, Devexpress will not force blue borders on us.

Dynamic Textbox event TextChanged is not firing

I have a problem with a Dynamic Textbox event. I got other dynamic textbox with their textchanged events, the others work good, but this one never get into the event, the property AutoPostBack = true, EnabledViewState too, EnabledViewTheming too, and it's into an UpdatePanel and I create a Dynamic Trigger.
This is my code:
TextBox DescUnit = new TextBox();
DescUnit.ID = "DescUnit_txt" + (No).ToString();
DescUnit.Text = "0.0";
DescUnit.TextChanged += new EventHandler(DescUnit_TextChanged);
DescUnit.AutoPostBack = true;
DescUnit.EnableViewState = true;
DescUnit.EnableTheming = true;
Trgr = new PostBackTrigger();
Trgr.ControlID = DescUnit.ID;
Table.Rows[i - 1].Cells[3].Controls.Add(DescUnit);
And this is the code of my Event
protected void DescUnit_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Descuento_Row.Visible = true;
int i = 1;
foreach (HtmlTableRow Row in Tab.Rows)
if (Row.ID != null && String.Compare(Row.ID.Substring(0, 6), "TRDet_") == 0)
Detalle = (HtmlTable)(Row.Cells[0].Controls[0]);
if (sender.Equals(Detalle.Rows[1].Cells[3].Controls[0]))
TextBox Cantidad = new TextBox();
Clonar(Tab.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[0], Cantidad);
TextBox Precio = new TextBox();
Clonar(Tab.Rows[i].Cells[4].Controls[0], Precio);
TextBox DescUnit = new TextBox();
Clonar(Detalle.Rows[1].Cells[3].Controls[0], DescUnit);
TextBox ImpDesc = new TextBox();
Clonar(Detalle.Rows[2].Cells[4].Controls[0], ImpDesc);
ImpDesc_txt.Text = ((Convert.ToDouble(ImpDesc_txt.Text) - Convert.ToDouble(ImpDesc.Text)) + (Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDouble(DescUnit.Text) / 100)) * (Convert.ToDouble(Precio.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(Cantidad.Text)))).ToString();
ImpDesc.Text = (Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDouble(DescUnit.Text) / 100)) * (Convert.ToDouble(Precio.Text) * Convert.ToInt32(Cantidad.Text))).ToString();
i = i + 2;
But never get into it. Can anyone help me?
When ever we are creating controls in ASP.Net the controls can be create on form load or after it. But if you want events of the controls. you should initialize it in onInit Method. Then It will work properly.
If suppose I want to create dynamic textbox and its event. and want to add it in panel
Please refer following code.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.ID = "t01";
t.TextChanged += t_TextChanged;
t.AutoPostBack = true;
protected void t_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Also please be sure that ID of the control is properly. Must interger,underscore and alphanumeric. ex t001, t_1 etc
But should not space.

c# use object before it's created

I dynamic create and trackbar on an event,
now i want a textbox tto be filled with the value of the trackbar.
but how am i possible to do that? since i'll get an error saying the dynamic created trackbar does not exist. which is logic
this is what i have so far.
TrackBar trackBar = new TrackBar();
trackBar.Name = "TrackbarWidth" + trackbarName++;
trackBar.Tag = "dispose";
trackBar.Maximum = 85;
trackBar.Minimum = 65;
trackBar.SmallChange = 5;
trackBar.TickFrequency = 5;
trackBar.Value = WidthValue;
trackBar.Location = new Point(175, 440 + (50 * trackbarName));
trackBar.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 25);
TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
textBox.Name = "TrackbarWidth" + TextboxName++;
textBox.Text = trackBar.Value.ToString();
textBox.Tag = "dispose";
textBox.Location = new Point(300, 440 + (50 * TextboxName));
textBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(30, 25);
lineWidth += 4;
private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e){
textBox1.Text = trackBar1.Value.ToString();
The problem with this solution is that I cannot access the textbox or the trackbar in the trackBar1_Scroll method.
The easiest solution here to use use an anonymous event handler that is capable of closing over the two variables that you need. Include this just after you finish constructing the textbox:
trackBar.Scroll += (s, args) => {
textbox.Text = trackbar.Value.ToString();
The sender argument is always the control which triggered the event:
private void trackBar_Scroll(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// TextBox also dynamic? One way is using ControlCollection.Find
textBox1 = this.Controls.Find("textBox1", true).FirstOrDefault() as TextBox;
if(textBox1 != null)
textBox1.Text = trackBar1.Value.ToString();
However, if you create it dynamically you also have to create the event handler:
TrackBar trackBar = new TrackBar();
trackBar.Scroll += this.trackBar_Scroll;

create custom object (combination of two objects)

hello creating a custom object may be a widely published topic, but my lack of coding skills proves problematic in actually implementing what i'm trying to do.
in a nutshell i'm adding controls at runtime in a flowpanelLayout. right now it's just listboxes, that code is all working fine. i would like a way to label the listboxes that are getting added, i can't think of a better way to do this than to use a text label. i was thinking it would be slick to create some sort of custom control (if possible) which is a listbox and a textlabel like one above the other or something. this way i can add the new custom control in my current code and assign the listbox attributes and label text, etc all in one motion.
this is what i was thinking, maybe there's even a better way to do this.
my current listview creation code:
public void addListView()
ListView newListView = new ListView();
newListView.AllowDrop = true;
newListView.DragDrop += listView_DragDrop;
newListView.DragEnter += listView_DragEnter;
newListView.MouseDoubleClick += listView_MouseDoubleClick;
newListView.MouseDown += listView_MouseDown;
newListView.DragOver += listView_DragOver;
newListView.Width = 200;
newListView.Height = 200;
newListView.View = View.Tile;
newListView.MultiSelect = false;
numberofWOLabel.Text = numWO.ToString();
maybe the actual best answer is simply to also add a textlabel here and define some set coordinates to put it. let me know what you think.
if a custom control is the way to go, please provide some resource or example for me - i'd appreciate it.
Here is a custom user control that can do that:
You just need to set TitleLabelText to set the title.
[Category("Custom User Controls")]
public class ListBoxWithTitle : ListBox
private Label titleLabel;
public ListBoxWithTitle()
this.SizeChanged +=new EventHandler(SizeSet);
this.LocationChanged +=new EventHandler(LocationSet);
this.ParentChanged += new EventHandler(ParentSet);
public string TitleLabelText
//Ensures the Size, Location and Parent have been set before adding text
bool isSizeSet = false;
bool isLocationSet = false;
bool isParentSet = false;
private void SizeSet(object sender, EventArgs e)
isSizeSet = true;
if (isSizeSet && isLocationSet && isParentSet)
private void LocationSet(object sender, EventArgs e)
isLocationSet = true;
if (isSizeSet && isLocationSet && isParentSet)
private void ParentSet(object sender, EventArgs e)
isParentSet = true;
if (isSizeSet && isLocationSet && isParentSet)
private void PositionLabel()
//Initializes text label
titleLabel = new Label();
//Positions the text 10 pixels below the Listbox.
titleLabel.Location = new Point(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y + this.Size.Height + 10);
titleLabel.AutoSize = true;
titleLabel.Text = TitleLabelText;
Example use:
public Form1()
ListBoxWithTitle newitem = new ListBoxWithTitle();
newitem.Size = new Size(200, 200);
newitem.Location = new Point(20, 20);
newitem.TitleLabelText = "Test";
