I would like to programmatically add or remove some elements to a string array in C#, but still keeping the items I had before, a bit like the VB function ReDim Preserve.
The obvious suggestion would be to use a List<string> instead, which you will have already read from the other answers. This is definitely the best way in a real development scenario.
Of course, I want to make things more interesting (my day that is), so I will answer your question directly.
Here are a couple of functions that will Add and Remove elements from a string[]...
string[] Add(string[] array, string newValue){
int newLength = array.Length + 1;
string[] result = new string[newLength];
for(int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
result[i] = array[i];
result[newLength -1] = newValue;
return result;
string[] RemoveAt(string[] array, int index){
int newLength = array.Length - 1;
if(newLength < 1)
return array;//probably want to do some better logic for removing the last element
//this would also be a good time to check for "index out of bounds" and throw an exception or handle some other way
string[] result = new string[newLength];
int newCounter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
if(i == index)//it is assumed at this point i will match index once only
result[newCounter] = array[i];
return result;
If you really won't (or can't) use a generic collection instead of your array, Array.Resize is c#'s version of redim preserve:
var oldA = new [] {1,2,3,4};
Array.Resize(ref oldA,10);
foreach(var i in oldA) Console.WriteLine(i); //1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Don't use an array - use a generic List<T> which allows you to add items dynamically.
If this is not an option, you can use Array.Copy or Array.CopyTo to copy the array into a larger array.
Since arrays implement IEnumerable<T> you can use Concat:
string[] strArr = { "foo", "bar" };
strArr = strArr.Concat(new string[] { "something", "new" });
Or what would be more appropriate would be to use a collection type that supports inline manipulation.
Use List<string> instead of string[].
List allows you to add and remove items with good performance.
What's abaut this one:
List<int> tmpList = intArry.ToList();
intArry = tmpList.ToArray();
One liner:
string[] items = new string[] { "a", "b" };
// this adds "c" to the string array:
items = new List<string>(items) { "c" }.ToArray();
You should take a look at the List object. Lists tend to be better at changing dynamically like you want. Arrays not so much...
You can use a generic collection, like List<>
List<string> list = new List<string>();
// add
// remove
You can use this snippet:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Enter number:");
int fnum = 0;
bool chek = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(),out fnum);
Console.WriteLine("Enter number:");
int snum = 0;
chek = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(),out snum);
Console.WriteLine("Enter number:");
int thnum = 0;
chek = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(),out thnum);
int[] arr = AddToArr(fnum,snum,thnum);
IOrderedEnumerable<int> oarr = arr.OrderBy(delegate(int s)
return s;
Console.WriteLine("Here your result:");
oarr.ToList().FindAll(delegate(int num) {
return num > 0;
public static int[] AddToArr(params int[] arr) {
return arr;
I hope this will help to you, just change the type
I'm not sure if this has been asked before but I couldn't see it anywhere.
Can you loop an array? For example:
string[] = array1;
int num1 = 1;
lbl1.Text = array1[0]
}while(num1 = 1);
How can I make it so it adds one to the element every loop.
I agree that you need to better explain what you're trying to accomplish. If you hardcode num1 then perform a while num1 is equal to its initial value without ever modifying it, you're going to have an indefinite loop. In your example, it will just keep overwriting lbl1 to display the first item in your array.
By "add one to the element every loop", do you mean add each item in the array to your label? Try something like...
foreach (string item in array1)
lbl1.Text += array1[item];
Otherwise, please provide further details on what you're looking for.
It is really not clear what You want to achieve, but maybe this will get You nearer to the goal:
int[] array1 = new [] {0};
int num1 = 1;
do {
lbl1.Text = (array1[0]++).ToString();
} while (num1 < 9);
int[] array1 = new [] {0};
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
lbl1.Text = (array1[0]++).ToString();
Not sure what you are trying to accomplish but the following is a stab at a solution
private static void foo(string[] array1)
if (array1 != null && array1.Length > 0)
for (int num1 = 0; num1 < array1.Length; num1++)
string doSomethingWithArrayElement = array1[num1];
How can i find out an array is empty or not, without looping?!
is there any method or anything else?
I mean, in some code like this:
string[] names = new string[5];
names[0] = "Scott";
names[1] = "jack";
names[2] = null;
names[3] = "Jones";
names[4] = "Mesut";
// or
int[] nums = new int[4];
nums[0] = 1;
// nums[1] = 2;
nums[2] = 3;
nums[3] = 4;
or some code like this:
using System;
class Example
static void Main()
int size = 10;
int counter;
string[] str = new string[size];
for (counter = 0; counter < size; counter++)
str[counter] = "A" + counter;
str[3] = null;
if (counter == size)
Console.WriteLine("Our array is full!");
if(counter < size)
Console.WriteLine("Our array is not full");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
is there anything else for detecting an empty array without looping?
An array just contains a number of elements. There's no concept of an array being "empty" just because each element happens to contain the default value (0, null, or whatever).
If you want a dynamically sized collection, you should use something like List<T> instead of an array.
If you want to detect whether any element of a collection (whether that's a list, an array or anything else) is a non-default value, you have to do that via looping. (You don't have to loop in your source code, but there'll be looping involved somewhere...)
There is no other way than looping through, even LINQ also does the looping automatically.
Instead, use a list<> and check if (listName!=null && listName.Length!=0)
Hope it helps :)
You can use LINQ for that, to check if any element is empty in the array you just can do:
var hasNulls = myArray.Any( a => a == null );
Or if you want to select the ones with values:
var notNulls = myArray.Where( a => a != null );
I want to shift one element in an array to the right each time whilst leaving the original elements in their specific order in C#.
Ok so I've been asked to reword the code I can understand why so here we go:
I might have a number 48390
//the ar elements have been commented out to show that we never know what ar contains but only the that I will always want to shift; ar[4]
int[] ar = new int[5];
//ar[0] = 4
//ar[1] = 8
//ar[2] = 3
//ar[3] = 9
//ar[4] = 0
while(ar != 04839)
Shift code
I might input 5 numbers 48390 if you notice its the same number but one digit is out. I want a while loop to rotate that 4 ar[1] to shift until the number forms 04839
I hope this makes sense. I am posting this question because most pages posting information about shifting based on shifting all elements to the right and I only really want to shift one specific element.
Thanks for looking.
edit: I should have been more specific. What if you don't know what each of the array elements could be? So I couldn't depend on "0" as an anchor. as another set of numbers might include another number for example "00238."
This method will give you a sequence of arrays made by inserting a single element into (between) each position in a given array:
public static IEnumerable<T[]> InsertElementBetweenAllPositions<T>(
T[] array, T element)
int newLength = array.Length + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++)
T[] rtn = new T[newLength];
rtn[i] = element;
Array.Copy(array, 0, rtn, 0, i);
Array.Copy(array, i, rtn, i + 1, array.Length - i);
yield return rtn;
For your example, you might call it as
foreach (int[] arr in InsertElementBetweenAllPositions(new[] { 6, 7, 8, 9 }, 0))
foreach (int i in arr)
Console.Write(i + " ");
How about this:
List<int> l = new List<int>(){0,6,7,8,9};
for (int i=1;i<5;i++)
l.Insert(i, 0);
What's in your example is a swap, which can be implemented like:
private void Swap(ref int[] array, int index1, int index2)
int temp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = temp;
Calling Swap(ref source, 0, 1) would exchange the first and second element. What you want then is:
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length-1; i++)
Swap(ref a, i, i+1);
This "bubbles" the first element up to the last position in each iteration.
From the example you need to shift elements around, and the example is a bit confusing over whether you need to loop them around to the start again. I have provided the below example that will loop around to the start - If you do not need to do that, the you can rework the if the statement.
private int[] Shift(int[] a)
int zeroPos = Array.IndexOf(a, 0);
int[] rtn = new int[a.Length];
a.CopyTo(rtn, 0);
if (zeroPos + 1 == a.Length)
rtn[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length - 1; i++)
rtn[i + 1] = a[i];
rtn[zeroPos] = rtn[zeroPos + 1];
rtn[zeroPos + 1] = 0;
return rtn;
for (int i = 0; ar.lenght;i++)
ar[i]=ar[i + 1];
ar[ar.lenght] = r;
Have you thought about using a LinkedList instead? A linked list data structure is probably more suited to what you are trying to do than an array. The AddFirst, AddLast, AddAfter and AddBefore methods allow you to insert elements into the list in a much more efficient way than re-organizing your array each time.
The disadvantage of linked lists is that you need to read the elements in order. So, it's very efficient for inserting/deleting elements but inefficient for accessing elements randomly.
There is a good overview of LinkedLists here.
int oldLast = ar[ar.Length - 1];
for (int i = ar.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
ar[i] = i == 0 ? oldLast : ar[i - 1];
It is just a permutation of an item , below is the full source code of permutation algorithm.
static List<string> Put(char s1, string list)
List<string> str =new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length+1; i++)
string s = list.Substring(0, i) + s1.ToString() + list.Substring(i);
return str;
static List<string> Permute(string list,int x)
List<string> Result = new List<string>();
if (list.Length == 1)
return Result;
char first = list[0];
list = list.Substring(x+1);
List<string> part = Permute(list,0);
foreach (string str in part)
List<string> hasBeenPlaced = Put(first, str);
foreach (string str2 in hasBeenPlaced)
return Result;
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> per = Permute("abc",0);
for (int i = 0; i < per.Count; i++)
Now if I add a break after the foreach , your problem has been solved . (it will writes all permuation for just an item which you want , not all of them....)
So change that to :
foreach (string str in part)
List<string> hasBeenPlaced = Put(first, str);
foreach (string str2 in hasBeenPlaced)
Hope to helps you
If you you linq, that's simple :-) But you need a size larger than the array.
ShiftLeft(ar, 1);
private static int[] ShiftLeft(int[] value, int countOfShift = 1)
var length = value.Length;
if (countOfShift > length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("countOfShift must less then value's length.");
var tempList = new List<int>(value);
tempList.RemoveRange(length - countOfShift, countOfShift);
tempList.InsertRange(0, value.Skip(length - countOfShift));
return tempList.ToArray();
I have made a function that can extend an arrays value by 1 but
I have an issue where I tried to make the following function:
//This is error free and compiles properly
public string[] addindex(string[] Input)
string[] ar2 = new string[Input.Length + 1];
Input.CopyTo(ar2, 0);
ar2.SetValue("", Input.Length);
Input = ar2;
return Input;
support more than 1 parameter.
So, I made this:
public string[] addindexes(params string[] lists)
string[] ar2;
for (int x = 0; x < lists.Length; x++)
ar2 = new string[lists[x].Length + 1];
lists[x].CopyTo(ar2, 0); //Error here
ar2.SetValue("", lists[x].Length);
lists[x] = ar2; //Error here
return lists;
It seems like I'm using wrong syntax or something?
You need to change params string[] lists to params string[][] lists as you're now passing in an array of arrays. (At least, the method sees an array of arrays, even if you pass in multiple separate arrays.)
Similarly you need to change the return type to string[][].
See this for more information.
You can use Resize method for simpler:
This method allocates a new array with the specified size, copies elements from the old array to the new one, and then replaces the old array with the new one.
To extend one more item:
Array.Resize(ref list, list.Length + 1);
list[list.Length - 1] = string.Empty;
To extend more than one 1:
int size = 5;
Array.Resize(ref list, list.Length + size);
for (int i = list.Length - size; i < list.Length; i++)
list[i] = string.Empty;
How about you just use generic list in the first place?
List<string> Input = new List<string>();
Input.Add("new item");
How can I define a dynamic array in C#?
C# doesn't provide dynamic arrays. Instead, it offers List class which works the same way.
To use lists, write at the top of your file:
using System.Collections.Generic;
And where you want to make use of a list, write (example for strings):
List<string> mylist = new List<string>();
mylist.Add("First string in list");
Take a look at Array.Resize if you need to resize an array.
// Create and initialize a new string array.
String[] myArr = {"The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps",
"over", "the", "lazy", "dog"};
// Resize the array to a bigger size (five elements larger).
Array.Resize(ref myArr, myArr.Length + 5);
// Resize the array to a smaller size (four elements).
Array.Resize(ref myArr, 4);
Alternatively you could use the List class as others have mentioned. Make sure you specify an initial size if you know it ahead of time to keep the list from having to resize itself underneath. See the remarks section of the initial size link.
List<string> dinosaurs = new List<string>(4);
Console.WriteLine("\nCapacity: {0}", dinosaurs.Capacity);
If you need the array from the List, you can use the ToArray() function on the list.
string[] dinos = dinosaurs.ToArray();
C# does provide dynamic arrays and dynamic array manipulation. The base of an array is dynamic and can be modified with a variable. You can find the array tutorial here (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288453%28v=vs.71%29.aspx). I have also included code that demonstrates an empty set array and a dynamic array that can be resized at run time.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int[] dynamicArray1 = { };//empty array
int[] numbers;//another way to declare a variable array as all arrays start as variable size
numbers = new int[x];//setting this array to an unknown variable (will be user input)
for (int tmpInt = 0; tmpInt < x; tmpInt++)//build up the first variable array (numbers)
numbers[tmpInt] = tmpInt;
Array.Resize(ref numbers,y);// resize to variable input
dynamicArray1 = numbers;//set the empty set array to the numbers array size
for (int z = 0; z < y; z++)//print to the new resize
Console.WriteLine(numbers[z].ToString());//print the numbers value
Console.WriteLine(dynamicArray1[z].ToString());//print the empty set value
Console.Write("Dynamic Arrays ");
var name = Console.ReadLine();
Actually you can have Dynamic Arrays in C# it's very simple.
keep in mind that the response to your question above is also correct you could declare a
List Generic
The way to Create a Dynamic Array would be to declare your Array for example
string[] dynamicArry1 = { };//notice I did not declare a size for the array
List<String> tmpList = new List<string>();
int i = 1;
for(int tmpInt = 0; tmpInt < 5; tmpInt++)
tmpList.Add("Testing, 1.0." + tmpInt + ", 200, 3.4" + tmpInt +"," + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
//dynamicArry1[tmpInt] = new string[] { tmpList[tmpInt].ToCharArray() };
dynamicArry1 = tmpList.ToArray();
how about ArrayList ?
If I'm not wrong ArrayList is an implementation of dynamic arrays
Example of Defining Dynamic Array in C#:
Console.WriteLine("Define Array Size? ");
int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter numbers:\n");
int[] arr = new int[number];
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
arr[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++ )
Console.WriteLine("Array Index: "+i + " AND Array Item: " + arr[i].ToString());
like so
int nSize = 17;
int[] arrn = new int[nSize];
arrn = new int[nSize];