Does async and await increase performance of an ASP.Net application - c#

I recently read an article about c#-5 and new & nice asynchronous programming features . I see it works greate in windows application. The question came to me is if this feature can increase ASP.Net performance?
consider this two psudo code:
public T GetData()
var d = GetSomeData();
return d;
public async T GetData2()
var d = await GetSomeData();
return d;
Has in an ASP.Net appication that two codes difference?

Well for a start your second piece of code would return Task<T> rather than T. The ultimate answer is "it depends".
If your page needs to access multiple data sources, it may make it simpler to parallelize access to those sources, using the result of each access only where necessary. So for example, you may want to start making a long-running data fetch as the first part of your page handling, then only need the result at the end. It's obviously possible to do this without using async/await, but it's a lot simpler when the language is helping you out.
Additionally, asynchrony can be used to handle a huge number of long-running requests on a small number of threads, if most of those requests will be idle for a lot of the time - for example in a long-polling scenario. I can see the async abilities being used as an alternative to SignalR in some scenarios.
The benefits of async on the server side are harder to pin down than on the client side because there are different ways in which it helps - whereas the "avoid doing work on the UI thread" side is so obvious, it's easy to see the benefit.
Don't forget that there can be a lot more to server-side coding than just the front-end. In my experience, async is most likely to be useful when implementing RPC services, particularly those which talk to multiple other RPC services.
As Pasi says, it's just syntactic sugar - but I believe that it's sufficiently sweet sugar that it may well make the difference between proper asynchronous handling being feasible and it being simply too much effort and complexity.

Define 'performance'.
Ultimately the application is going to be doing the same amount of work as it would have done synchronously, it's just that the calling thread in the asynchronous version will wait for the operation to complete on another, whereas in the synchronous model it's the same thread performing the task.
Ultimately in both cases the client will wait the same amount of time before seeing a response from the web server and therefore won't notice any difference in performance.
If the web request is being handled via an asynchronous handler, then, again, the response will still take the same amount of time to return - however, you can decrease the pressure on the thread pool, making the webserver itself more responsive in accepting requests - see this other SO for more details on that.

Since the code is executed on the server and the user will still have to wait for the response, the question is like - does async call go faster than sync call.
Well, that depends mostly on the server implementation. For IIS and multiple number of users, too many threads would be spawned per user (even without async) and async would be inefficient. But in case of small amount of users it should be faster.
One way to see is to try out.

No. These are purely syntactic sugar and make your job as a programmer easier by allowing writing simple code and read code simply when you fix the bugs.
It does allow simpler approach to loading data without blocking UI, so in a way yes, but not really.

It would only increase performance if you needed to do multiple things, that can all be done without the need for any other information. Otherwise you may as well just do them in sequence.
In terms of your example, the answer is no. The page needs to wait for each one regardless.


When should I use Async Controllers in ASP.NET MVC?

I have some concerns using async actions in ASP.NET MVC. When does it improve performance of my apps, and when does it not?
Is it good to use async action everywhere in ASP.NET MVC?
Regarding awaitable methods: shall I use async/await keywords when I want to query a database (via EF/NHibernate/other ORM)?
How many times can I use await keywords to query the database asynchronously in one single action method?
You may find my MSDN article on the subject helpful; I took a lot of space in that article describing when you should use async on ASP.NET, not just how to use async on ASP.NET.
I have some concerns using async actions in ASP.NET MVC. When it improves performance of my apps, and when - not.
First, understand that async/await is all about freeing up threads. On GUI applications, it's mainly about freeing up the GUI thread so the user experience is better. On server applications (including ASP.NET MVC), it's mainly about freeing up the request thread so the server can scale.
In particular, it won't:
Make your individual requests complete faster. In fact, they will complete (just a teensy bit) slower.
Return to the caller/browser when you hit an await. await only "yields" to the ASP.NET thread pool, not to the browser.
First question is - is it good to use async action everywhere in ASP.NET MVC?
I'd say it's good to use it everywhere you're doing I/O. It may not necessarily be beneficial, though (see below).
However, it's bad to use it for CPU-bound methods. Sometimes devs think they can get the benefits of async by just calling Task.Run in their controllers, and this is a horrible idea. Because that code ends up freeing up the request thread by taking up another thread, so there's no benefit at all (and in fact, they're taking the penalty of extra thread switches)!
Shall I use async/await keywords when I want to query database (via EF/NHibernate/other ORM)?
You could use whatever awaitable methods you have available. Right now most of the major players support async, but there are a few that don't. If your ORM doesn't support async, then don't try to wrap it in Task.Run or anything like that (see above).
Note that I said "you could use". If you're talking about ASP.NET MVC with a single database backend, then you're (almost certainly) not going to get any scalability benefit from async. This is because IIS can handle far more concurrent requests than a single instance of SQL server (or other classic RDBMS). However, if your backend is more modern - a SQL server cluster, Azure SQL, NoSQL, etc - and your backend can scale, and your scalability bottleneck is IIS, then you can get a scalability benefit from async.
Third question - How many times I can use await keywords to query database asynchronously in ONE single action method?
As many as you like. However, note that many ORMs have a one-operation-per-connection rule. In particular, EF only allows a single operation per DbContext; this is true whether the operation is synchronous or asynchronous.
Also, keep in mind the scalability of your backend again. If you're hitting a single instance of SQL Server, and your IIS is already capable of keeping SQLServer at full capacity, then doubling or tripling the pressure on SQLServer is not going to help you at all.
Asynchronous action methods are useful when an action must perform several independent long running operations.
A typical use for the AsyncController class is long-running Web
service calls.
Should my database calls be asynchronous ?
The IIS thread pool can often handle many more simultaneous blocking requests than a database server. If the database is the bottleneck, asynchronous calls will not speed up the database response. Without a throttling mechanism, efficiently dispatching more work to an overwhelmed database server by using asynchronous calls merely shifts more of the burden to the database. If your DB is the bottleneck, asynchronous calls won’t be the magic bullet.
You should have a look at 1 and 2 references
Derived from #PanagiotisKanavos comments:
Moreover, async doesn't mean parallel. Asynchronous execution frees a
valuable threadpool thread from blocking for an external resource, for
no complexity or performance cost. This means the same IIS machine can
handle more concurrent requests, not that it will run faster.
You should also consider that blocking calls start with a
CPU-intensive spinwait. During stress times, blocking calls will
result in escalating delays and app pool recycling. Asynchronous calls
simply avoid this
is it good to use async action everywhere in ASP.NET MVC?
As usual in programming, it depends. There is always a trade-off when going down a certain path.
async-await shines in places where you know you'll receiving concurrent requests to your service and you want to be able to scale out well. How does async-await help with scaling out? In the fact that when you invoke a async IO call synchronously, such as a network call or hitting your database, the current thread which is responsible for the execution is blocked waiting for the request to finish. When you use async-await, you enable the framework to create a state machine for you which makes sure that after the IO call is complete, your method continues executing from where it left off.
A thing to note is that this state machine has a subtle overhead. Making a method asynchronous does not make it execute faster, and that is an important factor to understand and a misconception many people have.
Another thing to take under consideration when using async-await is the fact that it is async all the way, meaning that you'll see async penetrate your entire call stack, top to buttom. This means that if you want to expose synchronous API's, you'll often find yourself duplicating a certain amount of code, as async and sync don't mix very well.
Shall I use async/await keywords when I want to query database (via
EF/NHibernate/other ORM)?
If you choose to go down the path of using async IO calls, then yes, async-await will be a good choice, as more and more modern database providers expose async method implementing the TAP (Task Asynchronous Pattern).
How many times I can use await keywords to query database
asynchronously in ONE single action method?
As many as you want, as long as you follow the rules stated by your database provider. There is no limit to the amount of async calls you can make. If you have queries which are independent of each other and can be made concurrently, you can spin a new task for each and use await Task.WhenAll to wait for both to complete.
async actions help best when the actions does some I\O operations to DB or some network bound calls where the thread that processes the request will be stalled before it gets answer from the DB or network bound call which you just invoked. It's best you use await with them and it will really improve the responsiveness of your application (because less ASP input\output threads will be stalled while waiting for the DB or any other operation like that). In all my applications whenever many calls to DB very necessary I've always wrapped them in awaiatable method and called that with await keyword.
My 5 cents:
Use async/await if and only if you do an IO operation, like DB or external service webservice.
Always prefer async calls to DB.
Each time you query the DB.
P.S. There are exceptional cases for point 1, but you need to have a good understanding of async internals for this.
As an additional advantage, you can do few IO calls in parallel if needed:
Task task1 = FooAsync(); // launch it, but don't wait for result
Task task2 = BarAsync(); // launch bar; now both foo and bar are running
await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2); // this is better in regard to exception handling
// use task1.Result, task2.Result
As you know, MVC supports asynchronous controllers and you should take advantage of it. In case your Controller, performs a lengthy operation, (it might be a disk based I/o or a network call to another remote service), if the request is handled in synchronous manner, the IIS thread is busy the whole time. As a result, the thread is just waiting for the lengthy operation to complete. It can be better utilized by serving other requests while the operation requested in first is under progress. This will help in serving more concurrent requests.
Your webservice will be highly scalable and will not easily run into C10k problem.
It is a good idea to use async/await for db queries. and yes you can use them as many number of times as you deem fit.
Take a look here for excellent advise.
My experience is that today a lot of developers use async/await as a default for controllers.
My suggestion would be, use it only when you know it will help you.
The reason is, as Stephen Cleary and others already mentioned, it can introduce performance issues, rather than resolving them, and it will help you only in a specific scenario:
High-traffic controllers
Scalable backend
Is it good to use async action everywhere in ASP.NET MVC?
It's good to do so wherever you can use an async method especially when you have performance issues at the worker process level which happens for massive data and calculation operations. Otherwise, no need because unit testing will need casting.
Regarding awaitable methods: shall I use async/await keywords when I
want to query a database (via EF/NHibernate/other ORM)?
Yes, it's better to use async for any DB operation as could as possible to avoid performance issues at the level of worker processes.
Note that EF has created many async alternatives for most operations, such as:
How many times can I use await keywords to query the database
asynchronously in one single action method?
The sky is the limit

Using Task.WaitAll in a WCF method

I have a .NET 4.5.1 WCF service that handles synchronization from an app that will be used by thousands of users. I currently use Task.WaitAll as shown below and it works fine but I read that this is bad, can cause deadlocks, etc. I believe I tried WhenAll in the past and it didn't work, I don't recall the issues as I'm returning to this for review again just to make sure I'm doing this right. My concern is whether or not the blocking is needed and preferred in this use, a WCF service method hence why the WaitAll appears to work without issue.
I have about a dozen methods that each update an entity in Entity Framework 6 processing the incoming data with existing data and making the necessary changes. Each of these methods can be expensive so I would like to use parallelism mainly to get all methods working at the same time on this powerful 24 core server. Each method returns as Task as wraps its contents in Task.Run. The DoSync method created a new List and adds each of these sync methods to the list. I then call Task.WaitAll(taskList.ToArray()) and all works great.
Is this the right way of doing this? I want to make sure this method will scale well, not cause problems, and work properly in a WCF service scenario.
In high-scale services it is often a good idea to use async IO (which you are not - you use Task.Run). "High scale" is very loosely defined. The benefit of async IO on the server is that it does not block threads. This leads to less memory usage and less context switching. That is all there is to it.
If you do not need these benefits you can use sync IO and blocking all you like. Nothing bad will happen. Understand, that running 10 queries on background threads and waiting for them will temporarily block 11 threads. This might be fine, or not, depending on the number of concurrent operations you expect.
I suggest you do a little research regarding the scalability benefits of async IO so that you better understand when to use it. Remember that there is a cost to going async: Slower development and more concurrency bugs.
Understand, that async IO is different from just using the thread-pool (Task.Run). The thread-pool is not thread-less while async IO does not use any threads at all. Not even "invisible" threads managed by the runtime.
What I often find is: If you have to ask, you don't need it.
Task.WhenAll is the non-blocking equivalent of Task.WaitAll, and without seeing your code I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work and wouldn't be preferable. But note that Task.WhenAll itself returns a Task which you must await. Did you do that?

Is there a performance penalty using await/async?

I'm considering rewriting my network library with await/async paradigm. Lots of code which uses the library is still synchronous, so I'm planning on moving the entire library into the async mode and then creating method stubs, which would transform the async calls into synchronous calls.
Can anyone suggest to me whether this is going to make my library worse for synchronous use? (like if it would consume more cpu, method calls would take longer to execute etc)?
It will definitely not be faster, synchronous code can respond to incoming data quicker.
The advantage you get from doing it asynchronously is that your library will scale a lot better, being able to handle many more connections. A side effect of not having hundreds of threads doing nothing but waiting for data to arrive. The disadvantage of doing it asynchronously is that your library will be much harder to use by the client app. Which is what async/await solves. There is no benefit if you make it synchronous again yourself, it must be left to the client app.
The proper answer here is to benchmark it, try rewriting a couple of methods with async and see how they perform when used synchronously.
Having said that this article explains that yes there is a cost to setting up the state required for async methods and so only use them if it's beneficial. For a network library (where the vast majority of your time is probably spent waiting for the network) the time cost for setting up async is probably negligible.
In summary, for a network library it's probably fine, but benchmarking is the only way to be sure.
Only perfomance penalty is that async/await is using state machine. So perfomance influence is such as yield return instead of returning an array/list.

How to do multi-threading with asynchronous webrequests

I'm trying to implement .NET 4 helper/utility class which should retrieve HTML page sources based on the url list for webtesting tool. The solution should be scalable and have high performance.
I have been researching and trying different solutions already many days, but cannot find out proper solution.
Based on my understanding best way to achieve my goal would be to use asynchronous webrequests running parallel using TPL.
In order to have full control to headers etc. I'm using HttpWebResponse instead of WebClient which is wrapping HttpWebResponse. In some cases the output should be chained to other tasks thus using TPL tasks could make sense.
What I have achieved so far after many different trials/approaches,
Implemented basic synchronous, asynchronous (APM) and parallel (using TPL tasks) solutions to see performance level of different solutions.
To see the performance of asynchrounous parallel solution I used APM approach, BeginGetResponse and BeginRead, and run it in Parallel.ForEach. Everything works fine and I'm happy with the performance. Somehow I feel that using simple Parallel.ForEach is not the way to go and for example I don't know how would I use task chaining.
Then I tried more sophisticated system using tasks for wrapping the APM solution by using TaskCompletionSource and iterator to iterate through the APM flow. I believe that this solution could be what I'm looking for, but there is a strange delay, something between 6-10s, which happens 2-3 times when running 500 urls list.
Based on the logs the execution has went back to the thread which is calling async fetch in a loop when the delay happens. The delay doesn't happen always when execution moves back to the loop, just 2-3 times, other times it works fine. It looks like that the looping thread would create a set of tasks those would be processed by other threads and while most/all tasks are completed there would be delay (6-8s) before the loop continues creating remaining tasks and other threads are active again.
The principle of iterator inside loop is:
IEnumerable<Task> DoExample(string input)
var aResult = DoAAsync(input);
yield return aResult;
var bResult = DoBAsync(aResult.Result);
yield return bResult;
var cResult = DoCAsync(bResult.Result);
yield return cResult;
Task t = Iterate(DoExample(“42”));
I'm resolving the connection limit by using System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit and timeout using ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject
My question is simply, what would be the best approach to implement helper/utility class for retrieving html pages which would:
be scalable and have high performance
use webrequests
be easily chained to other tasks
be able to use timeout
use .NET 4 framework
If you think that the solution of using APM, TaskCompletionSource and iterator, which I presented above, is fine I would appreciate any help for trying to solve the delay problem.
I'm totally new to C# and Windows development so please don't mind if something what I'm trying out doesn't make too much sense.
Any help would be highly appreciated as without getting this solved I have to drop my test tool development.
Using iterators was a great solution in the pre-TPL .NET (e.g., the Coordination and Concurrency Runtime (CCR) out of MS Robotics made heavy use of them and helped inspire TPL). One problem is that iterators alone aren't going to give you what you need - you also need a scheduler to effectively distribute the workload. That's almost done by Stephen Toub's snippet that you linked to - but note that one line:
enumerator.Current.ContinueWith(recursiveBody, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
I think the intermittent problems you're seeing might be linked to forcing "ExecuteSynchronously" - it could be causing an uneven distribution of work across the available cores/threads.
Take a look at some of the other alternatives that Stephen proposes in his blog article. In particular, see what just doing a simple chaining of ContinueWith() calls will do (if necessary, followed by matching Unwrap() calls). The syntax won't be the prettiest, but it's the simplest and interferes as little as possible with the underlying work-stealing runtime, so you'll hopefully get better results.

Choosing Between WF CodeActivity and AsyncCodeActivity for DB Operations

I'm still fairly new to WF so bear with me if I don't get this worded correctly the first time. ;)
If you're doing selects against a well-normalized database, using primary keys, returning single records, in a fairly low volume environment (a few hundred requests per day), does it really make a difference whether you use CodeActivity vs AsyncCodeActivity?
While I've got some additional research to do on hosting and execution, it will be possible, but not probable, for multiple requests to be received at or near the same time. I'm not sure if that will change the answer or not.
Microsoft used non async in their ExecuteSqlQuery activity:
Async Activities:
"This is useful for custom activities that must perform asynchronous work without holding the workflow scheduler thread and blocking any activities that may be able to run in parallel."
"As a result of going asynchronous, an AsyncCodeActivity may induce an idle point during execution. Due to the volatile nature of asynchronous work, an AsyncCodeActivity always creates a no persist block for the duration of the activity’s execution. This prevents the workflow runtime from persisting the workflow instance in the middle of the asynchronous work, and also prevents the workflow instance from unloading while the asynchronous code is executing."
Edit: I noticed that only pointed out the disadvantages of using async I would consider the responses of Ron and Tim to make a better decision
In general I strongly encourage activity developers who are doing any kind of I/O to use AsyncCodeActivity and to call the underlying Async APIs whenever possible. Even if the query is short this is always preferrable.
Obviously - it's not going to make a difference unless you're actually calling an Async API inside your activity implementation.
That said, even if it makes a difference it might not make a noticeable difference in many apps. Potential reasons:
The query just runs too fast.
You aren't running multiple queries in parallel. (Running many async operations in parallel is faster than doing them synchronously and thereby sequentially.)
You don't run a large number of workflows in parallel such as would be needed to experience thread contention.
