Converting time between Timezones - c#

I'm using TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime method to convert time from one to another.
While converting the Date Time 1/1/2006 2.00 AM from Perth to Sri Jeyawardenepura its converted to 1/31/2005 11.30pm
While converting the same time back (1/31/2005 11.30pm) from Sri Jeyawardenepura to Perth its converted to 1/1/2006 3.00 AM.
Why there is one hour difference in the Time Zone conversion?

Wow, this is a Double Whammy! I just stumbled across this post and wasn't going to post anything at all since it's so old and the OP didn't show any code. But then curiosity got the best of me so I checked it out.
Using just the .NET BCL:
string tzid1 = "W. Australia Standard Time"; // Perth
TimeZoneInfo tz1 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(tzid1);
string tzid2 = "Sri Lanka Standard Time"; // Sri Jeyawardenepura
TimeZoneInfo tz2 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(tzid2);
DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2006, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0);
Debug.WriteLine(dt1); // 1/1/2006 2:00:00 AM
DateTime dt2 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dt1, tz1, tz2);
Debug.WriteLine(dt2); // 12/31/2005 11:30:00 PM
DateTime dt3 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dt2, tz2, tz1);
Debug.WriteLine(dt3); // 1/1/2006 3:00:00 AM
Sure enough, there is the discrepancy that the OP described. At first I thought this must be due to some kind of DST issue, so I checked for Sri Lanka and Perth. While both had a transition in 2006, neither were anywhere close to it for this date. Still, I thought I should check using DateTimeOffset to avoid any ambiguity issues:
string tzid1 = "W. Australia Standard Time"; // Perth
TimeZoneInfo tz1 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(tzid1);
string tzid2 = "Sri Lanka Standard Time"; // Sri Jeyawardenepura
TimeZoneInfo tz2 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(tzid2);
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2006, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0);
DateTimeOffset dto1 = new DateTimeOffset(dt, tz1.GetUtcOffset(dt));
Debug.WriteLine(dto1); // 1/1/2006 2:00:00 AM +08:00
DateTimeOffset dto2 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dto1, tz2);
Debug.WriteLine(dto2); // 12/31/2005 11:30:00 PM +05:30
DateTimeOffset dto3 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(dto2, tz1);
Debug.WriteLine(dto3); // 1/1/2006 3:00:00 AM +09:00
And it's still off. You can see that it thinks the target time should be at +09:00, but Perth didn't switch to that until December 3rd 2006. In January it was clearly still +08:00.
So then I thought... Noda Time to the rescue!
First let's check using the same Windows .NET BCL time zones.
string tzid1 = "W. Australia Standard Time"; // Perth
DateTimeZone tz1 = DateTimeZoneProviders.Bcl[tzid1];
string tzid2 = "Sri Lanka Standard Time"; // Sri Jeyawardenepura
DateTimeZone tz2 = DateTimeZoneProviders.Bcl[tzid2];
LocalDateTime ldt1 = new LocalDateTime(2006, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0);
ZonedDateTime zdt1 = ldt1.InZoneStrictly(tz1);
Debug.WriteLine(zdt1.ToDateTimeOffset()); // 1/1/2006 2:00:00 AM +08:00
ZonedDateTime zdt2 = zdt1.WithZone(tz2);
Debug.WriteLine(zdt2.ToDateTimeOffset()); // 12/31/2005 11:30:00 PM +05:30
ZonedDateTime zdt3 = zdt1.WithZone(tz1);
Debug.WriteLine(zdt3.ToDateTimeOffset()); // 1/1/2006 2:00:00 AM +08:00
Hey, that seems like it fixed it, right? If so, that would mean that the problem isn't with the Windows time zone data, because Noda Time's BCL provider uses the exact same data. So there must be something actually defective in TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime. There's Whammy #1.
So just to check that it's all good and well, let's try the same thing with IANA TZDB data. It's known to be more accurate after all:
string tzid1 = "Australia/Perth";
DateTimeZone tz1 = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[tzid1];
string tzid2 = "Asia/Colombo"; // Sri Jeyawardenepura
DateTimeZone tz2 = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[tzid2];
LocalDateTime ldt1 = new LocalDateTime(2006, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0);
ZonedDateTime zdt1 = ldt1.InZoneStrictly(tz1);
Debug.WriteLine(zdt1.ToDateTimeOffset()); // 1/1/2006 2:00:00 AM +08:00
ZonedDateTime zdt2 = zdt1.WithZone(tz2);
Debug.WriteLine(zdt2.ToDateTimeOffset()); // 1/1/2006 12:00:00 AM +06:00
ZonedDateTime zdt3 = zdt1.WithZone(tz1);
Debug.WriteLine(zdt3.ToDateTimeOffset()); // 1/1/2006 2:00:00 AM +08:00
And there, my friends, is Whammy #2. Notice that the middle time is using a +06:00 offset? I thought this was in error, but when I checked once more here it turns out that the TZDB data is correct. Sri Lanka was at +06:00 at that time. It didn't switch to +05:30 until April.
So to recap the Whammys:
The Windows TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime function appears to be flawed.
The Windows Time Zone data for the "Sri Lanka Standard Time" zone is incorrect.
All the better to just use Noda Time and TZDB always!
Thanks to Jon Skeet for helping identify that the first problem is with the way that the "W. Australia Standard Time" zone is being interpreted by the TimeZoneInfo class.
I dug much deeper into the .NET Framework reference source code, and I believe this is happening in the private static method TimeZoneInfo.GetIsDaylightSavingsFromUtc. I believe that they are not taking into account that DST doesn't always start and stop in the same calendar year.
In this case, they are applying the 2006 adjustment rule with the 2005 year, and getting an endTime of 1/2/2005 before the startTime of 12/4/2005. They do attempt to reconcile that this should be in 2006 (by incorrectly adding a year), but they don't consider that data is in reversed order.
This problem will probably show up for any time zones that start their DST in the winter (such as Australia), and it will show up in one form or another any time the transition rule changes - which it did in 2006.
I've raised an issue on Microsoft Connect here.
The "second whammy" I mentioned is just because the historical data for Sri Lanka doesn't exist in the Windows time zone registry keys.

Just to add a little more information to Matt's answer, it seems that the BCL is very confused about its own data for Perth. It seems to think there were two transitions around the end of 2005 - one at 4pm UTC, and one eight hours later.
using System;
class Test
static void Main()
var id = "W. Australia Standard Time"; // Perth
var zone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(id);
var utc1 = new DateTime(2005, 12, 31, 15, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var utc2 = new DateTime(2005, 12, 31, 16, 00, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var utc3 = new DateTime(2005, 12, 31, 23, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var utc4 = new DateTime(2006, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
08:00:00 // 3:59pm UTC
09:00:00 // 4:00pm UTC
09:00:00 // 11:59pm UTC
08:00:00 // 12:00am UTC the next day
This is highly bizarre, and may be related to the Libyan time zone breakage - although that doesn't have two transitions, just one misplaced one.

You would have to post the specific code to be certain. There could be an issue e.g. with daylight time being applied by one conversion but not the other.
There are may nuances of timezone management. Suggest you review this Jon Skeet blog for a great overview.
It is in fact so tricky to correctly use the .NET time classes that Jon has undertaken a port of Joda-Time to .NET, called Noda Time.
It's worth seriously considering for any project that supports multiple time zones.

Have you considered Day light savings when converting times ?
Refer following link and you will get your answer. The time displayed is absolutely correct


Convert DateTime to DateTimeOffset taking into account SummerTime

Consider the code below. I have a list of dates around the point in time when CEST changes from summer to winter time. I need to convert them to UTC. However using this code the midnight gets lost, I can't understand how to fix it.
DateTime firstDate = new DateTime(2020, 10, 24, 21, 0, 0);
DateTime lastDate = new DateTime(2020, 10, 25, 3, 0, 0);
DateTime[] dates = Enumerable.Range(0, (lastDate - firstDate).Hours + 1)
.Select(r => firstDate.AddHours(r))
TimeZoneInfo tzo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");
List<DateTimeOffset> offsets = new List<DateTimeOffset>();
foreach(var date in dates)
var timeSpan = tzo.GetUtcOffset(date);
var offset = new DateTimeOffset(date, timeSpan);
10/24/2020 09:00:00 PM +02:00 = 19:00Z
10/24/2020 10:00:00 PM +02:00 = 20:00Z
10/24/2020 11:00:00 PM +02:00 = 21:00Z
10/25/2020 12:00:00 AM +02:00 = 22:00Z
10/25/2020 01:00:00 AM +02:00 = 23:00Z
10/25/2020 02:00:00 AM +01:00 = 01:00Z - What happened to 00:00Z?
10/25/2020 03:00:00 AM +01:00 = 02:00Z
You're converting from what I'd call a "local date/time" to a UTC value. Some local date/time values are skipped and some are repeated, due to daylight saving transitions (and other time zone changes).
In the situation you're showing, every local time between 2am inclusive and 3am exclusive happened twice, because at 3am (the first time) the clocks went back to 2am - this line:
10/25/2020 02:00:00 AM +01:00 = 01:00Z
... shows the second mapping of 2am. But at 2020-10-25T00:00:00Z the local time was also 2am due to the clocks going back. Your conversion is ambiguous, in other words.
The TimeZoneInfo documentation states:
If dateTime is ambiguous, or if the converted time is ambiguous, this method interprets the ambiguous time as a standard time.
Here, "standard time" is the second occurrence of any ambiguous time (because it's a transition from daylight time to standard time).
Fundamentally, if you only have local values then you have incomplete information. If you want to treat ambiguous values as daylight time instead of standard time (or flag them up as ambiguous), you can always use TimeZoneInfo.IsAmbiguousTime(DateTime) to detect that.
The problem is that there are two 2AM's on 25th October 2020 - 02:00 AM +02:00 and 02:00 AM +01:00.
Since the source DateTime has no offset available, the GetUtcOffset method has no way to determine which 2AM the value refers to, and so it defaults to using the non-DST offset - 02:00 AM +01:00.
Depending on what you're actually trying to do, you may be able to resolve this by converting the start time to UTC, generating a list of UTC DateTimeOffset values, and then converting them back to the desired time-zone:
DateTime firstDate = new DateTime(2020, 10, 24, 21, 0, 0);
TimeZoneInfo tzo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central European Standard Time");
DateTimeOffset firstDateUtc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(firstDate, tzo, TimeZoneInfo.Utc);
DateTimeOffset[] utcDates = Enumerable.Range(0, 7).Select(r => firstDateUtc.AddHours(r)).ToArray();
DateTimeOffset[] offsets = Array.ConvertAll(utcDates, d => TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(d, tzo));
24/10/2020 21:00:00 +02:00
24/10/2020 22:00:00 +02:00
24/10/2020 23:00:00 +02:00
25/10/2020 00:00:00 +02:00
25/10/2020 01:00:00 +02:00
25/10/2020 02:00:00 +02:00
25/10/2020 02:00:00 +01:00
Alternatively, you might want to look at NodaTime, which provides a much clearer model for working with dates and times.

Create DateTime in specific time zone then convert to utc

I need to create a DateTime with a set date and time which will be in a specific time zone(West Asia Standard Time, W. Europe Standard Time etc).
DST must be preserved, so offset is out because for half of the year for a given time zone it will be for example +2h and for the other half +3h.
Then I want to convert the date to UTC.
I tried to do it in such a way that I could add this timezone offset later. However, firstly I do not like this solution and I am afraid that I will lose one hour when the time changes twice a year, and secondly I get an error:
"The UTC Offset for Utc DateTime instances must be 0."
var testTime = new DateTime(testDate.Year, testDate.Month, testDate.Day, 4, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("West Asia Standard Time");
var timezoneTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(runTime, timeZoneInfo);
var offset = timeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(timezoneTime);
I would like to get this kind of code
var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("West Asia Standard Time");
var testTime = new DateTime(testDate.Year, testDate.Month, testDate.Day, 4, 0, 0, timeZoneInfo);
var utcTime = testTime.ToUniversalTime();
So, to sum up, I want to have method, where I pass year, month, day, hour, minute and timeZone and in return I will get DateTime that is in UTC
In javascript there are libraries, where the given time zone is given as a parameter but I have to do it on the server side.
You'd basically need TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc method.
Just make sure the Kind property of the passed DateTime is Unspecified, otherwise the method has special expectations for the sourceTimeZone argument and will throw exception.
var testTime = new DateTime(testDate.Year, testDate.Month, testDate.Day, 4, 0, 0);
var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("West Asia Standard Time");
var utcTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(testTime, timeZoneInfo);;

How to check if an hour exists in a specific Time Zone in .NET

During a Daylight Saving Time transition, the clock is moved forward, and so a specific hour will not exist in that specific day for that specific time zone.
Is there an easy way in .NET to find out if an hour exists or not for a time zone?
The only way I found was by trying to convert an hour to UTC, and check for an exception:
public bool IsValidTime(DateTime date, TimeZoneInfo tzi)
date = DateTime.SpecifyKind(date, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(date, tzi);
return true;
return false;
And so running something like this will return false:
var date = new DateTime(2020, 3, 8);
var tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Cuba Standard Time");
var isValid = IsValidTime(date, tzi);
Is there any built in way of doing this, that is less messy?
You can use IsInvalidTime method of TimeZoneInfo.
From Microsoft :
Example: In the Pacific Time zone, daylight saving time begins at 2:00 A.M. on April 2, 2006. The following code passes the time at one-minute intervals from 1:59 A.M. on April 2, 2006, to 3:01 A.M. on April 2, 2006, to the IsInvalidTime method of a TimeZoneInfo object that represents the Pacific Time zone. The console output indicates that all times from 2:00 A.M. on April 2, 2006, to 2:59 A.M. on April 2, 2006, are invalid.
// Specify DateTimeKind in Date constructor
DateTime baseTime = new DateTime(2007, 3, 11, 1, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
DateTime newTime;
// Get Pacific Standard Time zone
TimeZoneInfo pstZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
// List possible invalid times for a 63-minute interval, from 1:59 AM to 3:01 AM
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 63; ctr++)
// Because of assignment, newTime.Kind is also DateTimeKind.Unspecified
newTime = baseTime.AddMinutes(ctr);
Console.WriteLine("{0} is invalid: {1}", newTime, pstZone.IsInvalidTime(newTime));

Why doesn't subtracting two local DateTime values appear to account for Daylight Saving Time?

I'm playing with some C# code to try to gain an understanding of how subtracting DateTime objects in C# works with respect to Daylight Saving Time.
Per Google and other sources, the Daylight Saving Time "spring ahead" event in the Eastern Standard Time zone in 2017 was at 2:00am on March 12. So, the first few hours of the day on that date were:
12:00am - 1:00am
1:00am - 2:00am
(There was no 2:00am - 3:00am hour due to the "spring ahead")
3:00am - 4:00am
So, if I were to calculate the time differential between 1:00am and 4:00am in that time zone on that date, I'd expect the result to be 2 hours.
However, the code I put together to try to simulate this problem is returning a 3 hour TimeSpan.
TimeZoneInfo easternStandardTime = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
DateTime oneAm = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 01, 00, 00), easternStandardTime);
DateTime fourAm = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 04, 00, 00), easternStandardTime);
TimeSpan difference = (fourAm - oneAm);
On my PC, this generates:
2017-03-12 01:00:00.000 -5
2017-03-12 04:00:00.000 -4
All of that output is as expected -- except that final value of 3 hours, which as I noted above, I would expect to be 2 hours instead.
Obviously, my code isn't correctly simulating the situation that I have in mind. What is the flaw?
// These are just plain unspecified DateTimes
DateTime dtOneAm = new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 01, 00, 00);
DateTime dtFourAm = new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 04, 00, 00);
// The difference is not going to do anything other than 4-1=3
TimeSpan difference1 = dtFourAm - dtOneAm;
// ... but we have a time zone to consider!
TimeZoneInfo eastern = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
// Use that time zone to get DateTimeOffset values.
// The GetUtcOffset method has what we need.
DateTimeOffset dtoOneAmEastern = new DateTimeOffset(dtOneAm, eastern.GetUtcOffset(dtOneAm));
DateTimeOffset dtoFourAmEastern = new DateTimeOffset(dtFourAm, eastern.GetUtcOffset(dtFourAm));
// Subtracting these will take the offset into account!
// It essentially does this: [4-(-4)]-[1-(-5)] = 8-6 = 2
TimeSpan difference2 = dtoFourAmEastern - dtoOneAmEastern;
// Let's see the results
Console.WriteLine("dtOneAm: {0:o} (Kind: {1})", dtOneAm, dtOneAm.Kind);
Console.WriteLine("dtFourAm: {0:o} (Kind: {1})", dtFourAm, dtOneAm.Kind);
Console.WriteLine("difference1: {0}", difference1);
Console.WriteLine("dtoOneAmEastern: {0:o})", dtoOneAmEastern);
Console.WriteLine("dtoFourAmEastern: {0:o})", dtoFourAmEastern);
Console.WriteLine("difference2: {0}", difference2);
dtOneAm: 2017-03-12T01:00:00.0000000 (Kind: Unspecified)
dtFourAm: 2017-03-12T04:00:00.0000000 (Kind: Unspecified)
difference1: 03:00:00
dtoOneAmEastern: 2017-03-12T01:00:00.0000000-05:00)
dtoFourAmEastern: 2017-03-12T04:00:00.0000000-04:00)
difference2: 02:00:00
Note that DateTime carries a DateTimeKind in its Kind property, which is Unspecified by default. It doesn't belong to any particular time zone. DateTimeOffset doesn't have a kind, it has an Offset, which tells you how far that local time is offset from UTC. Neither of these give you the time zone. That is what TimeZoneInfo object is doing. See "time zone != offset" in the timezone tag wiki.
The part I think you are perhaps frustrated with, is that for several historical reasons, the DateTime object does not ever understand time zones when doing math, even when you might have DateTimeKind.Local. It could have been implemented to observe the transitions of the local time zone, but it was not done that way.
You also might be interested in Noda Time, which gives a very different API for date and time in .NET, in a much more sensible and purposeful way.
using NodaTime;
// Start with just the local values.
// They are local to *somewhere*, who knows where? We didn't say.
LocalDateTime ldtOneAm = new LocalDateTime(2017, 3, 12, 1, 0, 0);
LocalDateTime ldtFourAm = new LocalDateTime(2017, 3, 12, 4, 0, 0);
// The following won't compile, because LocalDateTime does not reference
// a linear time scale!
// Duration difference = ldtFourAm - ldtOneAm;
// We can get the 3 hour period, but what does that really tell us?
Period period = Period.Between(ldtOneAm, ldtFourAm, PeriodUnits.Hours);
// But now lets introduce a time zone
DateTimeZone eastern = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb["America/New_York"];
// And apply the zone to our local values.
// We'll choose to be lenient about DST gaps & overlaps.
ZonedDateTime zdtOneAmEastern = ldtOneAm.InZoneLeniently(eastern);
ZonedDateTime zdtFourAmEastern = ldtFourAm.InZoneLeniently(eastern);
// Now we can get the difference as an exact elapsed amount of time
Duration difference = zdtFourAmEastern - zdtOneAmEastern;
// Dump the output
Console.WriteLine("ldtOneAm: {0}", ldtOneAm);
Console.WriteLine("ldtFourAm: {0}", ldtFourAm);
Console.WriteLine("period: {0}", period);
Console.WriteLine("zdtOneAmEastern: {0}", zdtOneAmEastern);
Console.WriteLine("zdtFourAmEastern: {0}", zdtFourAmEastern);
Console.WriteLine("difference: {0}", difference);
ldtOneAm: 3/12/2017 1:00:00 AM
ldtFourAm: 3/12/2017 4:00:00 AM
period: PT3H
zdtOneAmEastern: 2017-03-12T01:00:00 America/New_York (-05)
zdtFourAmEastern: 2017-03-12T04:00:00 America/New_York (-04)
difference: 0:02:00:00
We can see a period of three hours, but it doesn't really mean the same as the elapsed time. It just means the two local values are three hours apart in their position on a clock. NodaTime understands the difference between these concepts, while .Net's built-in types do not.
Some follow-up reading for you:
What's wrong with DateTime anyway?
More Fun with DateTime
The case against DateTime.Now
Five Common Daylight Saving Time Antipatterns of .NET Developers
Oh, and one other thing. Your code has this...
DateTime oneAm = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 01, 00, 00), easternStandardTime);
Since the DateTime you create has unspecified kind, you are asking to convert from your computer's local time zone to Eastern time. If you happen to be not in Eastern time, your oneAm variable might not be 1 AM at all!
Ok, so I made some minor changes to your code. Not sure if this is what you are trying to achieve or not but this will give you what you want...
static void Main() {
TimeZoneInfo easternStandardTime = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time");
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
DateTime oneAm = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 01, 00, 00), easternStandardTime);
DateTime fourAm = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(new DateTime(2017, 03, 12, 04, 00, 00), easternStandardTime);
DaylightTime time = timeZone.GetDaylightChanges(fourAm.Year);
TimeSpan difference = ((fourAm - time.Delta) - oneAm);
So this is addressed in the MSDN documentation.
Basicaly, when subtracting one date from another you should be using DateTimeOffset.Subtract() and not arithmetic subtraction as you have here.
TimeSpan difference = fourAm.Subtract(oneAm);
Yields the expected 2 hour time difference.

Are adding weeks, months or years to a date/time independent from time zone?

My software displays date/time using local time and then send it to server in UTC. On the server-side I want to add months, years, weeks, days etc to this date/time. However, the question is, if I use such methods with UTC date/time and then convert it back to local time, would the result be always the same, as if I use this methods with local time directly?
This is an example in C#:
// #1
var utc = DateTime.Now.ToUtcTime();
utc = utc.AddWeeks(2); // or AddDays, AddYears, AddMonths...
var localtime = utc.ToLocalTime();
// #2
var localtime = DateTime.Now;
localtime = localtime.AddWeeks(2); // or AddDays, AddYears, AddMonths...
Would the results in #1 and #2 always be the same? Or timezone can influence the result?
The answer may surprise you but it is NO. You cannot add days, weeks, months, or years to a UTC timestamp, convert it to a local time zone, and expect to have the same result as if you had added directly to the local time.
The reason is that not all local days have 24 hours. Depending on the time zone, the rules for that zone, and whether DST is transitioning in the period in question, some "days" may have 23, 23.5, 24, 24.5 or 25 hours. (If you are trying to be precise, then instead use the term "standard days" to indicate you mean exactly 24 hours.)
As an example, first set your computer to one of the USA time zones that changes for DST, such as Pacific Time or Eastern Time. Then run these examples:
This one covers the 2013 "spring-forward" transition:
DateTime local1 = new DateTime(2013, 3, 10, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
DateTime local2 = local1.AddDays(1);
DateTime utc1 = local1.ToUniversalTime();
DateTime utc2 = utc1.AddDays(1);
DateTime local3 = utc2.ToLocalTime();
Debug.WriteLine(local2); // 3/11/2013 12:00:00 AM
Debug.WriteLine(local3); // 3/11/2013 1:00:00 AM
And this one covers the 2013 "fall-back" transition:
DateTime local1 = new DateTime(2013, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
DateTime local2 = local1.AddDays(1);
DateTime utc1 = local1.ToUniversalTime();
DateTime utc2 = utc1.AddDays(1);
DateTime local3 = utc2.ToLocalTime();
Debug.WriteLine(local2); // 11/4/2013 12:00:00 AM
Debug.WriteLine(local3); // 11/3/2013 11:00:00 PM
As you can see in both examples - the result was an hour off, one direction or the other.
A couple of other points:
There is no AddWeeks method. Multiply by 7 and add days instead.
There is no ToUtcTime method. I think you were looking for ToUniversalTime.
Don't call DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(). That is redundant since inside .Now it has to take the UTC time and convert to local time anyway. Instead, use DateTime.UtcNow.
If this code is running on a server, you shouldn't be calling .Now or .ToLocalTime or ever working with DateTime that has a Local kind. If you do, then you are introducing the time zone of the server - not of the user. If your users are not in the same time zone, or if you ever deploy your application somewhere else, you will have problems.
If you want to avoid these kind of problems, then look into NodaTime. It's API will prevent you from making common mistakes.
Here's what you should be doing instead:
// on the client
DateTime local = new DateTime(2013, 3, 10, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
DateTime utc = local.ToUniversalTime();
string zoneId = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id;
// send both utc time and zone to the server
// ...
// on the server
TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(zoneId);
DateTime theirTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(utc, tzi);
DateTime newDate = theirTime.AddDays(1);
Debug.WriteLine(newDate); // 3/11/2013 12:00:00 AM
And just for good measure, here is how it would look if you used Noda Time instead:
// on the client
LocalDateTime local = new LocalDateTime(2013, 3, 10, 0, 0, 0);
DateTimeZone zone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetSystemDefault();
ZonedDateTime zdt = local.InZoneStrictly(zone);
// send zdt to server
// ...
// on the server
LocalDateTime newDate = zdt.LocalDateTime.PlusDays(1);
Debug.WriteLine(newDate); // 3/11/2013 12:00:00 AM
