windows phone image overlay - c#

I want to know how to overlay one image over the over in Windows Phone. I did some search online, a lot of people suggest put two images into one grid and adjust the margin. However, my case is a little different. I'm making the background image of the secondary tile, I want to integrate the two images, store it locally and make the tile. So I can't put them into a grid. So what should I do in this case? Thanks!

You can create UserControl with any layout you wish (173x173px). Then, when you need to generate a tile, put this control to a page (probably out of the screen) and make and image from it with new WriteableBitmap(YourTile, null);. Than save these image to the /Shared/ShellContent/ and you are done
Probably there are better solutions for this task but this works fine too

I made this work using Ku6opr method using the following
WriteableBitmap bmp = new WriteableBitmap(173, 173);
bmp.Render(renderRoot, new TranslateTransform());
where renderRoot is the usercontrol containing the Grid and the Image. I then save the bmp to the /Shared/ShellContent folder in Isolated storage.


Replace an image when clicked

Not sure if the title makes any sense.
In my WPF application I would like the window to contain a small image, icon size. When the user clicks on the image another one simply replaces it, that holds the same dimensions.
I have all the images loaded into my project for C#/WPF. (By the way there are 3 images)
What I have been trying:
I tried changing the opacity in the code-behind to make one image
have full opacity and the others have no opacity. Didn't work as the
first toggle would strangely make all images disappear.
I also tried dynamically changing the image source in the code-behind. I
used if statements and a field to determine what image to switch
the source to. Code being:
if (toggle == 1)
thebutton.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(#"/images/icon2.png", UriKind.Relative));
toggle = 2;
Also did not work (made it blank, rather than switching to another image) but I feel like there is an obvious way I'm not seeing.
What I initially wanted to do was simply (like in graphics programs) raise and lower the images to the top and bottom to determine which ones the user should see. All that matters is the visual. The user clicks image 1, image 1 disappears and image 2 appears in its place, and so on for image 3.
Set the Build Action of the image files to Resource, and load them by Resource File Pack URIs:
thebutton.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/images/icon2.png"));

How to display scaled image without anti-aliasing?

How can I scale an image in XAML quickly without anti-aliasing applied?
I am trying to make a pixel editor as a Windows 8 XAML/C# app. I'm using c#/XAML because most of my experience is with c#/WPF.
Method 1: WriteableBitmap + Image control. Originally, I used a WriteableBitmap to store and edit an image. That image is displayed in a resized XAML Image control. The problem is that the image does not get scaled properly because of anti-aliasing. (XAML does not seem to provide the BitmapScalingOptions that are available in WPF)
Method 2: Redrawn WriteableBitmap + Image control. Next I tried writing my own scaling, where I take my original image and write to a larger WriteableBitmap so that the scaled image is pixelated. The scaled image is then presented inside a XAML Image control. This process is slow and inefficient.
Method 3: SharpDX + Direct2d ?? I am pretty sure a solution exists somewhere between SharpDx, SurfaceImageSource, and Direct2d. Event still, I can't quite figure out how to display a SharpDx.WIC.Bitmap inside a Windows.UI.Xaml Image control, and am generally getting lost in the documentation.
What exactly is a recommended setup for achieving my desired end? Are there c# samples available which might point me in the right direction?
I don't know if you mean by scaling it by resizing it with the mouse or just with a button click to auto scale to a predetermined size.
But the thing you can do is to use an Image panel and then, just set it to image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; so if you override and create a method for the Resize event of the Image Panel, your image will take the size to fill the Image panel.

Save Image in PictureBox with overlapping Controls

I am developing an application in which user can select an image in a picture box.
After that he can right click on the image and add a user control which will again display an Image along with some text. This user control can be added any number of times.
User can also re-position the user controls as per need.
All this functionality has been implemented and is working fine.
Now, the requirement is to save the Image along with the user control.
Above you can see the complete image which needs to be saved. Back image is the picture box image and the user control (small images with text).
When user will click on save button the image should get saved on his disk as a single image.
This is a windows application developed in C#.
I want to know that whether this functionality can be achieved or not. If yes, then please guide me in the right direction.
If you create a copy of the bitmap then with the Graphics.DrawImage() you can draw those images onto it. You need to calculate the position of those controls.
Look here for DrawImage:
Bitmap copy = new Bitmap(OriginalBitmap);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(copy);
g.DrawImage(arrowBitmap, new Point(..));
A very simple and straight forward solution exists, has been thought of by Microsoft and includes these steps:
Instead of PictureBox use a Panel and instead of using the Image property of the PictureBox use the BackgroundImage property of the Panel
note: By using also the BackgroundImageLayout property you can quite easily instruct the Panel to stretch, center or zoom the image (I'm presuming the default value which is tile is not a good option in your case)
Instead of placing the other user controls at higher Z order but alongside the previous PictureBox place them inside the Panel
Use the Control.DrawToBitmap method like so:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var bmp = new Bitmap(this.panel1.Width, this.panel1.Height);
this.panel1.DrawToBitmap(bmp, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmp.Size));
bmp.Save(#"D:\test.png", ImageFormat.Png);
That will result in your controls begin rendered along with the picture:
Furthermore, and if your scenario allows it, you could simply use the DrawToBitmap method with any control which contains all of the actors you wish to render, for instance the actual Form.

Showing image / text on screen without forms in c#

How can I show something on screen wihtout using forms?
Actually, I want to show some text and images popping on screen.
EDIT: just like i said HERE
What you can do is to create a alphatransparent form that draws the PNG and position it at the correct location and bind move etc.
PerPixelAlphaForm transparentImageForm = new PerPixelAlphaForm();
transparentImageForm.SetBitmap(<IMAGE GOES HERE>,<OPACITY GOES HERE>);
//opacity is the opacity that the image will be drawn with, a value of 255 = all transparent parts will be alpha/transparent just as much as the original PNG etc..
and you can put a timer that calls SetBitmap and changes the Opacity to fade in/out the image on the screen
And you can generate the text (on the fly) in a nice way with code from THIS article
and pass that image to the SetBitmap of the AlphaTransparent form.
I don't think you can: a form is equivalent to a window, and Windows applications draw into a window and not directly onto the screen (unless perhaps it's the backgroun/wallpaper, which I don't know about).
I think that's overdoing it but XNA will allow you to draw to the screen, but it is meant to be used for games so you will have trouble fitting it to a normal application.

How do you draw a string to a Bitmap in Silverlight?

In normal C# it is easy to draw to a bitmap using the Grpahics.DrawString() method. Silverlight seems to have done away with Bitmap objects and Graphics is no longer available either. So...How am I meant to manipulate/create a bitmap when using Silverlight? If it helps, I am using Silverlight 3.
Let me tell you what I am doing. I am being given a template, basically a pre-rendered image. The user is then able to select from multiple images and enter the deisred text. I then render it to the image, adjusting size etc... within bounds and centering it in the pre-defined area of the image. If I can calculate the size (as in the MeasureString method) and then draw the string (as in the Graphics.DrawString method) that would be fine. The real question, no matter why I want to be able to do this, is can it be done?
The question is: why do you want to? Why not just use a TextBlock?
If you are trying to dynamically generate an image, use standard Silverlight/WPF controls (including TextBlock) and render them to a WritableBitmap.
Ok, you've updated and expanded, which gives me more to go on. Unfortunately, you're not going to like the answer. First, keep in mind that Silverlight and WPF in general are vector based, and intended to be used as such. Although the Canvas allows you to do pseudo-pixel manipulations, you cannot be nearly as pixel-accurate as old-school GDI. This is a factor of your medium. If you absolutely have to measure things the way you want to measure them, I suggest you build your images on a remote server and transmit them to your Silverlight app.
You can calculate the size on-screen of the text rendered via a TextBlock using the ActualWidth and ActualHeight properties. But it only works on an already rendered control. Something like MeasureString is simply not available in Silverlight. Based on your description of your app, some user interaction could accomplish what you want. The user selects the image, enters the text, and is shown a preview. The user can then adjust the width and height of the various text areas until satisfied, at which point you can take a snapshot using the render method I liked to above.
The following may work, its a bit nebulous because I haven't tried yet myself.
The object you are looking for is the WritableBitmap.
You create a Visual tree, for example create your self a Grid or Canvas (you're not adding this to the UI). Add to it the selected image and a TextBlock positioned and sized as you prefer.
Create a new WritableBitmap either of a specific size or using the selected image to initialize it.
Use the WritableBitmap Render method passing the above root Grid or Canvas to it.
Now you have a bitmap which you should able to use to do whatever its you needed to do that required all this hoop jumping in the first place.
