Split a period of time into multiple time periods - c#

If i have a time period, lets say DateFrom and DateTo and I have a list of Dates, These dates will be the split dates. For example:
DateTime dateFrom = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1);
DateTime dateTo = new DateTime(2012, 12, 31);
List<DateTime> splitDates = new List<DateTime>
new DateTime(2012,2,1),
new DateTime(2012,5,1),
new DateTime(2012,7,1),
new DateTime(2012,11,1),
List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> periods = SplitDatePeriod(dateFrom, dateTo, splitDates);
I want the result to be a list of periods, so for the previous example the result should be:
(01/01/2012 - 01/02/2012)
(02/02/2012 - 01/05/2012)
(02/05/2012 - 01/07/2012)
(02/07/2012 - 01/11/2012)
(02/11/2012 - 31/12/2012)
I have already wrote a method to do that:
List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> SplitDatePeriod(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, List<DateTime> splitDates)
var resultDates = new List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>>();
// sort split dates
List<DateTime> _splitDates = splitDates.OrderBy(d => d.Date).ToList();
DateTime _curDate = dateFrom.Date;
for (int i = 0; i <= _splitDates.Count; ++i)
DateTime d = (i < _splitDates.Count) ? _splitDates[i] : dateTo;
// skip dates out of range
if (d.Date < dateFrom.Date || d.Date > dateTo.Date)
resultDates.Add(Tuple.Create(_curDate, d));
_curDate = d.AddDays(1);
return resultDates;
The Question
It looks so ugly, Is there more neat and shorter way of doing this? using Linq maybe?

This is one that works and takes care of some edge cases also:
var realDates = splitDates
.Where(d => d > dateFrom && d < dateTo)
.Concat(new List<DateTime>() {dateFrom.AddDays(-1), dateTo})
.Select(d => d.Date)
.OrderBy(d => d)
// now we have (start - 1) -- split1 -- split2 -- split3 -- end
// we zip it against split1 -- split2 -- split3 -- end
// and produce start,split1 -- split1+1,split2 -- split2+1,split3 -- split3+1,end
realDates.Zip(realDates.Skip(1), (a, b) => Tuple.Create(a.AddDays(1), b));

You can do it like this:
List<DateTime> split =
splitDates.Where(d => d >= dateFrom && d <= dateTo).ToList();
List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> periods =
Enumerable.Range(0, split.Count + 1)
.Select(i => new Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>(
i == 0 ? dateFrom : split[i - 1].AddDays(1),
i == split.Count ? dateTo : split[i]

While L.B is correct and this probably belongs on Code Review, I felt like taking a crack at this:
Given Your First Code Block, the following code will do what you're asking for:
// List of all dates in order that are valid
var dateSegments = new [] { dateFrom, dateTo }
.Concat(splitDates.Where(x => x > dateFrom && x < dateTo))
.OrderBy(x => x)
List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> results = new List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>>();
for(var i = 0; i < dateSegments.Length - 1; i++)
results.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>(dateSegments[i], dateSegments[i+1]));

If you put all the dates into a single list, then this should work:
var dates = new List<DateTime>
new DateTime(2012, 1, 1),
new DateTime(2012, 2, 1),
new DateTime(2012, 5, 1),
new DateTime(2012, 7, 1),
new DateTime(2012, 11, 1),
new DateTime(2012, 12, 31)
var z = dates.Zip(dates.Skip(1), (f, s) => Tuple.Create(f.Equals(dates[0]) ? f : f.AddDays(1), s));

List<DateTime> splitDates = GetSplitDates();
DateTime dateFrom = GetDateFrom();
DateTime dateTo = GetDateTo();
List<DateTime> edges = splitDates
.Where(d => dateFrom < d && d < dateTo)
.Concat(new List<DateTime>() {dateFrom, dateTo})
.OrderBy(d => d)
//must be at least one edge since we added at least one unique date to this.
DateTime currentEdge = edges.First();
List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> resultItems = new List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>>();
foreach(DateTime nextEdge in edges.Skip(1))
resultItems.Add(Tuple.Create(currentEdge, nextEdge));
currentEdge = nextEdge;
return resultItems;

I have Made it simple to get the Dates between the DateRange provided.
Model Object
public class DateObjectClass
public DateTime startDate { get; set; }
public DateTime endDate { get; set; }
Action :
public List<DateObjectClass> SplitDateRangeByDates(DateTime start,DateTime end)
List<DateObjectClass> datesCollection = new List<DateObjectClass>();
DateTime startOfThisPeriod = start;
while (startOfThisPeriod < end)
DateTime endOfThisPeriod =new DateTime(startOfThisPeriod.Year,startOfThisPeriod.Month,startOfThisPeriod.Day,23,59,59);
endOfThisPeriod = endOfThisPeriod < end ? endOfThisPeriod : end;
datesCollection.Add(new DateObjectClass() { startDate= startOfThisPeriod ,endDate =endOfThisPeriod});
startOfThisPeriod = endOfThisPeriod;
startOfThisPeriod = startOfThisPeriod.AddSeconds(1);
return datesCollection;


Check number of Dates in Date Range that are sequential in c#?

I'm trying to create a function that returns the number of Dates in a Date Range that are sequential, starting on a specific date.
StartDate: 9/1/2022
Date Range: 9/1/2022, 9/2/2022, 9/3/2022, 9/4/2022, 9/7/2022
In this scenario the function I'm looking for would return 4.
Assume dates could be unordered and they can roll over into the next month, so with StartDate 9/29/2022:
9/29/2022, 9/30/2022, 10/1/2022, 10/4/2022 would return 3.
I know I can loop through the dates starting at the specific date and check the number of consecutive days, but I'm wondering if there's a clean way to do it with Linq.
This is the cleanest solution I can come up with...
var startDate = new DateTime(2022, 9, 1);
var days = new List<DateTime>()
new(2022, 8, 28),
new(2022, 9, 1),
new(2022, 9, 2),
new(2022, 9, 3),
new(2022, 9, 4),
new(2022, 9, 7)
var consecutiveDays = GetConsecutiveDays(startDate, days);
foreach (var day in consecutiveDays)
static IEnumerable<DateTime> GetConsecutiveDays(DateTime startDate, IEnumerable<DateTime> days)
var wantedDate = startDate;
foreach (var day in days.Where(d => d >= startDate).OrderBy(d => d))
if (day == wantedDate)
yield return day;
wantedDate = wantedDate.AddDays(1);
yield break;
Output is:
01.09.2022 0:00:00
02.09.2022 0:00:00
03.09.2022 0:00:00
04.09.2022 0:00:00
If you wanted the count, you can call .Count() on the result or just modify the method... Should be easy.
To count the number of consecutive dates in a given date range.
first parse the dates from a string and order them in ascending order.
Then, use the TakeWhile method to take a sequence of consecutive dates from the start of the list.
Finally, count the number of elements in the returned sequence and display the result.
public class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var dateRange = "9/29/2022, 9/30/2022, 10/1/2022, 10/4/2022";
var dates = dateRange
.Split(", ")
.Select(dateStr =>
var dateData = dateStr.Split("/");
var month = int.Parse(dateData[0]);
var day = int.Parse(dateData[1]);
var year = int.Parse(dateData[2]);
return new DateTime(year, month, day);
.OrderBy(x => x)
var consecutiveDatesCounter = dates
.TakeWhile((date, i) => i == 0 || dates[i - 1].AddDays(1) == date)
Output: 3
Demo: https://dotnetfiddle.net/tYdWvz
Using a loop would probably be the cleanest way to go. I would use something like the following:
List<DateTime> GetConsecutiveDates(IEnumerable<DateTime> range, DateTime startDate)
var orderedRange = range.OrderBy(d => d).ToList();
int startDateIndex = orderedRange.IndexOf(startDate);
if (startDateIndex == -1) return null;
var consecutiveDates = new List<DateTime> { orderedRange[startDateIndex] };
for (int i = startDateIndex + 1; i < orderedRange.Count; i++)
if (orderedRange[i] != orderedRange[i - 1].AddDays(1)) break;
return consecutiveDates;
Yet another approach using a loop. (I agree with the others that said a loop would be cleaner than using Linq for this task.)
public static int NumConsecutiveDays(IEnumerable<DateTime> dates)
var previous = DateTime.MinValue;
var oneDay = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
int result = 0;
foreach (var current in dates.OrderBy(d => d))
if (current.Date - previous.Date == oneDay)
previous = current;
return result > 0 ? result + 1 : 0; // Need to add 1 to result if it is not zero.
var dates = new List<DateTime>() {new DateTime(2014,1,1), new DateTime(2014, 1, 2), new DateTime(2014, 1, 3) , new DateTime(2014, 1, 5), new DateTime(2014, 1, 6), new DateTime(2014, 1, 8) };
var startDate = new DateTime(2014,1,2);
var EarliestContiguousDates = dates.Where(x => x>=startDate).OrderBy(x => x)
.Select((x, i) => new { date = x, RangeStartDate = x.AddDays(-i) })
.TakeWhile(x => x.RangeStartDate == dates.Where(y => y >= startDate).Min()).Count();
You're either going to sort the dates and find sequential ones, or leave it unsorted and repeatedly iterate over the set looking for a match.
Here's the latter dumb approach, leaving it unsorted and using repeated calls to 'IndexOf`:
public static int CountConsecutiveDays(DateTime startingFrom, List<DateTime> data)
int count = 0;
int index = data.IndexOf(startingFrom);
while(index != -1) {
startingFrom = startingFrom.AddDays(1);
index = data.IndexOf(startingFrom);
return count;

.net core how to get week datetime list by datetime range

I hope get week datetime list by datetime range,I tried the following code get number of weeks per month.
var start = new DateTime(2021, 6, 09);
var end = new DateTime(2021, 7, 01);
end = new DateTime(end.Year, end.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(end.Year, end.Month));
var diff = Enumerable.Range(0, Int32.MaxValue)
.Select(e => start.AddMonths(e))
.TakeWhile(e => e <= end)
.Select(e => Convert.ToDateTime(e.ToString("yyyy-MM")));
foreach (var item in diff)
DateTime dateTime = item;
Calendar calendar = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar;
IEnumerable<int> daysInMonth = Enumerable.Range(1, calendar.GetDaysInMonth(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month));
List<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> weeks = daysInMonth.Select(day => new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, day))
.GroupBy(d => calendar.GetWeekOfYear(d, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday))
.Select(g => new Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>(g.First(), g.Last()))
Executing the above code I got the following result,get all the weeks of each month。
2021-06-01 2021-06-06
2021-07-26 2021-07-31
I want to count the week from my start date 2021-06-09 to the end date 2021-07-01, like this.
2021-06-09 2021-06-13
2021-06-14 2021-06-20
2021-06-21 2021-06-27
2021-06-28 2021-07-01
how to changed my code
This will produce the desired output:
var start = new DateTime(2021, 6, 09);
var end = new DateTime(2021, 7, 01);
// If you want to get the first week complete, add this line:
//DateTime currDate = start.AddDays(1-(int)start.DayOfWeek);
// Otherwise, use this one
DateTime currDate = start;
while(currDate <= end){
var dayOfWeek = (int)currDate.DayOfWeek;
var endOfWeek = currDate.AddDays(7 - dayOfWeek);
//If you want the complete last week, omit this if
if(endOfWeek > end)
endOfWeek = end;
Console.WriteLine($"{currDate:yyyy-MM-dd} {endOfWeek:yyyy-MM-dd}");
currDate = endOfWeek.AddDays(1);
2021-06-09 2021-06-13
2021-06-14 2021-06-20
2021-06-21 2021-06-27
2021-06-28 2021-07-01

How to find exact date range from list of date ranges by entering single date

I want to find the date range which falls in input date, following is structure
public class Duration
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
var durations = new List<Duration>();
var duration1 = new Duration()
StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 1),
EndDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 10)
var duration2 = new Duration()
StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 5),
EndDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 10)
var duration3 = new Duration()
StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 5),
EndDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 6)
Now I want to find duration which is closest to the entered date for list of <Durations> with LINQ or for-loop
My expected result for currentDate=new DateTime(2017, 08, 7); is duration2
You first need to check if the currentDate is within the start and end dates of each range. For the ones that meet that condition, you calculate the "closeness" adding both distances. When you find one lapse(gap) smaller tan the previous, you save its index... and voilá
int lapse = Integer.MaxValue;
int counter = 0;
int index = 0;
foreach (d in durations) {
if (((d.StartDate <= currentDate) && (d.EndDate >= currentDate))) {
int newlapse = ((currentDate - d.StartDate).TotalDays + (d.EndDate - currentDate).TotalDays);
if ((newlapse < lapse)) {
lapse = newlapse;
index = counter;
counter +=1;
return durations(index);
If you need the middle of interval to be closest:
durations.OrderBy((d) => Math.Abs(d.EndDate.Ticks + d.StartDate.Ticks) / 2 - currentDate.Ticks).FirstOrDefault();
If you need the start of interval to be closest:
durations.OrderBy((d) => Math.Abs(d.EndDate.Ticks - currentDate.Ticks)).FirstOrDefault();
As D le mentioned above
First check if currentDate is within the start and end dates
Second select the duration with the minimal difference between start end end date
I used a nuget package called morelinq which gives nice extensions methods like MinBy:
var result = (from d in durations
where (d.StartDate <= currentDate && d.EndDate >= currentDate)
select d).MinBy(d => d.EndDate - d.StartDate);

Simple way to populate a List with a range of Datetime

I trying to find a simple way to solve this.
I have a Initial Date, and a Final Date.
And I want to generate a List<Datetime> with each of the dates in a given period.
Example : Initial Date is "2013/12/01" and Final Date is "2013/12/05".
And I want to automatically populate a list with
What would you suggest me?
var startDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 1);
var endDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 5);
var dates = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)(endDate - startDate).TotalDays + 1)
.Select(x => startDate.AddDays(x))
for(var day = from.Date; day.Date <= end.Date; day = day.AddDays(1))
DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 1); // or any other start date
int numberOfDays = 5;
var dates = Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfDays)
.Select(i => startDate.AddDays(i))
You can use Linq like:
DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 1);
DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 5);
List<DateTime> dates =
Enumerable.Range(0, ((endDate - startDate).Days) + 1)
.Select(n => startDate.AddDays(n))
For output:
foreach (var item in dates)
You can do something like this:
DECLARE #startdate datetime, #enddate datetime, #increment int
SET #startdate = '2013/12/01'
SET #enddate = '2013/12/05'
SET #increment = 0
WHILE DATEADD(dd, #increment, #startdate) <= #enddate
SELECT DATEADD(dd, #increment, #startdate)
SET #increment = #increment + 1
Inside the while loop you can put the values on a table or do whatever you wish instead of just printing them out.

Get Dates between Ranges, c#

I've two dates
21/01/2011 [From Date]
25/01/2011 [To Date]
How can I get all the dates between these ranges using c#
The answer should be
21/01/2011 22/01/2011
23/01/2011 24/01/2011
var allDates = Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue)
.Select(x => fromDate.Date.AddDays(x))
.TakeWhile(x => x <= toDate.Date);
I'm sure this can help you:
var dateArr = new List<DateTime>();
for (var date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1)) {
Now dateArr contains your required dates.
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<DateTime> GetDatesBetween(
DateTime start,
DateTime end
DateTime current = start;
while (current <= end)
yield return current.Date;
current = current.AddDays(1);
should do the job
[edit] Added the .Date to "round" the date to midnigth
How about:
var startDT = new DateTime(2011, 01, 21);
var endDT = new DateTime(2011, 01, 25);
var workDT = startDT;
workDT = workDT.AddDays(1);
} while (workDT <= endDT);
I dont know if we have anything to do this inbuilt in Framework but you can try this:
DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(2011,01,21);
DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(2011,01,25);
List<DateTime> datetimerange = new List<DateTime>();
while(DateTime.Compare(dt1,dt2) <= 0)
dt1 = dt1.AddDays(1);
if (toDate < fromDate)
var days = (new DateTime[(toDate - fromDate).Days + 1).
Select((x, i) => fromDate.AddDays(i));
