Semaphore scope and behavior - c#

I learned about semaphores from an earlier question I had today, and I stll am scratching my head here. There seems to be no discussion about scope beyond global and local, where global is defined as the entire operating system.
If I have an application made from several assemblies, and each assembly has several classes, and each class has a private static semaphore object, with different "queue" lengths, if I start queuing different tasks up in my application thread pool in different places, how does that work? How do the threads behave around each other? All the examples I see include one or two classes in one assembly, and I'm not getting a clear picture on how this works.
I use thread pooling all over my app. It parallelizes data (sending customized emails to various people, generating customized reports en masse, collecting data from various web services, etc) while leaving my interface responsive, which is a wonderful thing.
One of my web service sources limits me to five concurrent connections, and I could not figure out how to limit the web requests to 5 active threads while still allowing the rest of the application to utilize other threads as necessary. So, I turned to SO, and asked how to do it. The proposed answer was use Semaphores.
Until that point, I did not know a thing about semaphores, so I researched it. It does indeed seem to limit the number of threads executing a specific method, but it does not make sense how this communicates properly with the thread pool manager. If I implemented a semaphore on my web request functionality, and I get a backlog of threads waiting to perform web service calls, how does the thread pool know (can it know?) to issue more threads for other processes? The scope of the semaphore is private; it shouldn't see the object.
Further, is that what the semaphore is supposed to do? Can I likewise limit other groups of tasks, by having them share a common semaphore? Is this a gross bastardization of the intent of a semaphore, or exactly what it's meant to do. There's so much information out there on it, but in simplified, abstract form, and I couldn't find an article describing when and how it is appropriate to use these things.
So how does a private static semaphore communicate with the thread pool so the thread pool knows whether or not to spawn another worker thread? Does it? Will I be creating more problems than solutions by doing this? What sort of behavior can I expect my thread pool to exhibit with a backlog of web requests? Will it spawn new threads for the web requests until it's "full", reducing the thread availability for other methods? Can I make it not do that?

The scope constraints, (if you can call them that!), are because the semaphores are OS kernel synchronization primitives that can be used, (unnamed), for inter-thread comms or, (named), or inter-process, (inter-assembly) comms. The language cannot restrict the scope of the named variant.
There is a huge pile of information on semaphores in general on Google. For .NET-wapped ones, MSDN.
Inter-process signalling and communication via. named semaphores is certainly possible in general. How you might do it in the managed environment is another matter. In unmanaged code, it usually involves other comms elements, like shared memory areas and/or memory-mapped files. You should probably not go there.
Be careful about trying to constrain thread pools in different assemblies by making the tasks signa/wait on named semaphores. By all means try it, if you think it may solve some problem with your app, but there is at least the possibility that the pool thread counts, running pool threads, pool threads blocked on semaphores, pool threads blocked inside tasks on IO etc. may become unstable.

You seem to be assuming that the only solution is to partition the builtin .NET thread pool. How about using separate custom thread pools for your task groups? See this link for Jon Skeet's sample code.


Asynchronous programming in Windows service, Is it relevant

In windows service, we do not have any blocking UI thread, so is it relevant to use Asynchronous programming inside windows service ??
The alternatives are to either block (i.e. do nothing until required data is available) or await (yield processing and then return automatically when the data is available).
In a situation when the program (a Windows service included) can do nothing further until the data arrives, there may seem little difference between the two, and as far as that program itself is concerned, this is true.
However, the program will be running in a thread allocated to it by the operating system (even if it is using only a single thread). Threads are not free resources and if a large number are in use, the OS will not hand out new ones until old ones terminate or become free. Thus other programs will be held up.
When a program blocks, it keeps hold of its thread, making it unavailable for use else where. When it awaits, the thread becomes available for others to use.
So using await will make the whole computer run more efficiently.
Async programming allows the efficient use of threads when they are executing blocking tasks. Blocking occurs in the ui but also when performing IO and therefore when communicating.
If your service does not perform heavy IO and does not use sockets and pipes, you won't have a benefit within the service; although I cannot image what such service could do.
Generally speaking, async programming produce also a benefit in the hosting system because it allows to globally use fewer resources to run your workload. However, you have to consider that async programming does not perform any resource sharing as said in other answers: your implementation will use your threads in a more efficient way (i.e. Task oriented), but you won't magically have more threads available.
The two things aren't related.
Most Windows services don't have a gui thread as they don't have a GUI. Instead they'll have a main thread, and probably many other child threads that implement the service. Any of these threads may want to mak use of asynchronous programing techniques. For example, they may be reading or writing over a socket, a classic example of using an asychronous programming model.

Why does the number of unused physical threads fluctuate in a .NET application?

I have a .NET application which I would expect to have 5 long-running threads operating including the main thread. I can see that indeed 4 threads are newed up across the codebase, and I believe there is no direct (e.g. work item queuing / tasks) or indirect (e.g. Timers) usage of the ThreadPool anywhere. At least none I can find.
Running the app under Performance Monitor shows that the number of recognized threads stays constant at 5 (as I would expect) but the number of physical threads fluctuates between 70 and 120 over the course of about an hour!
Does anyone know why there are so many unused (as far as I can tell) physical threads? And why this number fluctuates?
I can't find any documentation that would explain this behavior so my best guess is that the ThreadPool balances itself to accommodate changing environmental factors such as free memory and resource contention but the numbers here seem excessive.
A senior support engineer at Microsoft confirmed that the physical thread counter in use definitely only reports threads for the current process, despite the odd wording in MSDN. If an answer suggests this is not the case it will need to point to a definitive source.
Both ThreadPools and the GC create threads. There is a normal (or "worker") thread pool and an IO threadpool. The normal threadpool will allocate new threads as it feels it needs to to keep the threadpool responsive. It should create one thread per CPU right away, and probably one thread per second after that up to the minimum # of threads. See ThreadPool.GetMinThreads for the minimum number of worker threads the worker thread pool will create. See ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads for the number of "active" worker threads in the worker thread pool. If you have long-running threads using worker thread-pool threads, this will make it think the thread is in use and allocate another to service future requests.
There is also a maximum # of threads in the pool, so as threads recycle back to the pool the pool may kill some off to get back down to a # it decides is best.
There is also a finalizer thread.
There are likely others that are undocumented or are a result of a library you're using.
I think part of the problem is confusion over "recognized threads" and "physical threads" and "unused threads".
Recognized threads are documented as (emphasis mine)
These threads are associated with a corresponding managed thread object. The runtime does not create these threads, but they have run inside the runtime at least once.
Physical threads are documented as (emphasis mine)
native operating system threads created and owned by the common language runtime to act as underlying threads for managed thread objects
I'm guessing that the term "unused threads" by #JRoughan refers to "physical threads"--those that aren't "recognized". Which doesn't really mean they're unused, they're just not in the recognized counter. As the documentation points out, "physical threads" are created by the runtime, and I don't believe you can tell from either of those counters whether a thread is "used" or "unused"--depending on what #JRoughan means by "unused".
Things like this do not have a simple answer. You need to investigate either under a debugger or using ETW traces.
With ETW traces, you can get events for each thread creation/destruction, optionally with call stack.
CLR itself could create threads for itself (e.g. GC threads, background GC threads, multicore JIT thread), thread pool threads, IO threads, timer thread. There is another kind of thread: gate thread.
Normally you can tell usage from the symbolic name of thread proc once symbols are resolved.
For ETW analysis, use PerfView from Microsoft.
Is the application that you are testing in performance monitor a stantalone .net application or an application under IIS? If it is a stantalone application, probably you add some extra lib/code for using performace monitor. It mays create threads.
You can use Sysinternals' Process Explorer to watch threads in your process. You can see which method in which module started the threads.
We can only speculate of course. My own bet would be about in-process COM servers. Those, and their associated threads, may be created when you use classes that wrap COM interfaces, such as the ones for directory services or WMI for example. Since they're created by native code (even though it's wrapped within a dotnet code), they're not recognized as managed threads.

The best way to implement massively parallel application in c#

I'm working on a network-bound application, which is supposed to have a lot (hundreds, may be thousands) of parallel processes.
I'm looking for the best way to implement it.
When I tried setting
ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
and than creating 1000 threads and making those do stuff in parallel, application's execution became really jumpy.
I've heard somewhere that delegate.BeginInvoke is somehow better that new Thread(...), so I've tried it, and than opened the app in debugger, and what I've seen are parallel threads.
If I have to create lots and lots of threads, what is the best way to ensure that the application is going to run smoothly?
Have you tried the new await / async pattern in C# 5 / .NET 4.5?
I haven't got sources to hand about how this operates under the hood, but one of the most common use-cases of this new feature is waiting for IO bound stuff.
Threads are not lightweight objects. They are expensive to create and context switch to/from; hence the reason for the Thread Pool (pre-created and recycled). Most common solutions that involve networking or other IO ports utilise lower-level IO Completion Ports (there is a managed library here) to "wait" on a port, but where the thread can continue executing as normal.
BeginInvoke will utilise a Thread Pool thread, so it will be better than creating your own only if a thread is available. This approach, if used too heavily, can immediately result in thread starvation.
Setting such a high thread pool count is not going to work in the long run as threads are too heavy for what it appears you want to do.
Axum, a former Microsoft Research language, used to achieve massive parallelism that would have been suitable for this task. It operated similarly to Stackless Python or Erlang. Lots of concepts from Axum made their way into the parallelism drive into C# 5 and .NET 4.5.
Setting the ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads will only affect how many threads the thread pool has, and it won't make a difference regarding threads you create yourself with new Thread().
Go async (model, not keyword) as suggested by many.
You should follow the advice mentioned in the other answers and comments. As fsimonazzi says, creating new threads directly has nothing to do with the ThreadPool. For a quick test lower the max worker and completionPort threads and use the ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem method. The ThreadPool will decide what your system can handle, queue your tasks and resuse threads whenever it can.
If your tasks are not compute-bound then you should also utilize asynchronous I/O. You do not your worker threads to wait for I/O completion. You need those worker threads to return to the pool as quickly as possible and not block on I/O requests.

multi threading a web application

I know there are many cases which are good cases to use multi-thread in an application, but when is it the best to multi-thread a .net web application?
A web application is almost certainly already multi threaded by the hosting environment (IIS etc). If your page is CPU-bound (and want to use multiple cores), then arguably multiple threads is a bad idea, as when your system is under load you are already using them.
The time it might help is when you are IO bound; for example, you have a web-page that needs to talk to 3 external web-services, talk to a database, and write a file (all unrelated). You can do those in parallel on different threads (ideally using the inbuilt async operations, to maximise completion-port usage) to reduce the overall processing time - all without impacting local CPU overly much (here the real delay is on the network).
Of course, in such cases you might also do better by simply queuing the work in the web application, and having a separate service dequeue and process them - but then you can't provide an immediate response to the caller (they'd need to check back later to verify completion etc).
IMHO you should avoid the use of multithread in a web based application.
maybe a multithreaded application could increase the performance in a standard app (with the right design), but in a web application you may want to keep a high throughput instead of speed.
but if you have a few concurrent connection maybe you can use parallel thread without a global performance degradation
Multithreading is a technique to provide a single process with more processing time to allow it to run faster. It has more threads thus it eats more CPU cycles. (From multiple CPU's, if you have any.) For a desktop application, this makes a lot of sense. But granting more CPU cycles to a web user would take away the same cycles from the 99 other users who are doing requests at the same time! So technically, it's a bad thing.
However, a web application might use other services and processes that are using multiple threads. Databases, for example, won't create a separate thread for every user that connects to them. They limit the number of threads to just a few, adding connections to a connection pool for faster usage. As long as there are connections available or pooled, the user will have database access. When the database runs out of connections, the user will have to wait.
So, basically, the use of multiple threads could be used for web applications to reduce the number of active users at a specific moment! It allows the system to share resources with multiple users without overloading the resource. Instead, users will just have to stand in line before it's their turn.
This would not be multi-threading in the web application itself, but multi-threading in a service that is consumed by the web application. In this case, it's used as a limitation by only allowing a small amount of threads to be active.
In order to benefit from multithreading your application has to do a significant amount of work that can be run in parallel. If this is not the case, the overhead of multithreading may very well top the benefits.
In my experience most web applications consist of a number of short running methods, so apart from the parallelism already offered by the hosting environment, I would say that it is rare to benefit from multithreading within the individual parts of a web application. There are probably examples where it will offer a benefit, but my guess is that it isn't very common.
ASP.NET is already capable of spawning several threads for processing several requests in parallel, so for simple request processing there is rarely a case when you would need to manually spawn another thread. However, there are a few uncommon scenarios that I have come across which warranted the creation of another thread:
If there is some operation that might take a while and can run in parallel with the rest of the page processing, you might spawn a secondary thread there. For example, if there was a webservice that you had to poll as a result of the request, you might spawn another thread in Page_Init, and check for results in Page_PreRender (waiting if necessary). Though it's still a question if this would be a performance benefit or not - spawning a thread isn't cheap and the time between a typical Page_Init and Page_Prerender is measured in milliseconds anyway. Keeping a thread pool for this might be a little bit more efficient, and ASP.NET also has something called "asynchronous pages" that might be even better suited for this need.
If there is a pool of resources that you wish to clean up periodically. For example, imagine that you are using some weird DBMS that comes with limited .NET bindings, but there is no pooling support (this was my case). In that case you might want to implement the DB connection pool yourself, and this would necessitate a "cleaner thread" which would wake up, say, once a minute and check if there are connections that have not been used for a long while (and thus can be closed off).
Another thing to keep in mind when implementing your own threads in ASP.NET - ASP.NET likes to kill off its processes if they have been inactive for a while. Thus you should not rely on your thread staying alive forever. It might get terminated at any moment and you better be ready for it.

What's the thread context for events in .Net using existing APIs?

When using APIs handling asynchronous events in .Net I find myself unable to predict how the library will scale for large numbers of objects.
For example, using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.UccApi library, when I create an endpoint it gets events when phone events happen. Now let's say I want to create 1000 endpoints. The number of events per endpoint is small, but is what's happening behind the scenes in the API able to keep up with the event flow? I don't know because it never says how it's architected.
Let's say I want to create all 1000 objects in the main thread. Then I want to put the Login method into a large thread pool so all objects login in parallel. Then once all the objects have logged in the next phase will begin.
Are the event callbacks the API raises happening in the original creating thread? A separate threadpool? Or the same threadpool I'm accessing with ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem?
Would I be better putting each object in it's own thread? Grouping a few objects in each thread? Or is it fine just creating all 1000 objects in the main thread and through .Net magic it will all be OK?
The events from interop assemblies are just wrappers around the COM connection points. The thread on which the call from the connection point arrive depends on the threading model of the object that advised on that connection point. COM will ensure the proper thread switching for this.
If your objects are implemented on the main thread, which in .Net is usually an STA, all events should arrive on that same thread. If you want your calls to arrive on a random thread from the COM thread pool (which I think is the same as the CLR thread pool), you need to create your objects on a thread that is configured as an MTA.
I would strongly advise against creating a thread for each object: 1) If you create these threads as STA, each of them will have a message queue, waisting system resource; 2) If you create them as MTA, nothing guarantees you the event call will arrive on your thread; 3) You'll have 1000 idle threads doing nothing and just waiting on an event to shutdown; and 4) Starting up and shutting down all these threads will have terrible perf cost on your application.
It really depends on a lot of things, primarily how powerful your hardware is. The threadpool does have a certain number of threads (which you can increase) that it will make available for your application. So if all of your events are firing at the same time some will most likely be waiting for a few moments while your threadpool waits for threads to become free again. The tradeoff is that you don't have the performance hit of creating new threads all the time either. Probably creating 1000 threads isn't the right answer either.
It may turn out that this is ideal, both because of the performance gains in reusing threads but also because having 1000 threads all running simultaneously might be more memory / CPU usage than it's worth.
I just wanted to note that in .NET 2.0 and greater it's possible to programmatically increase the maximum number of threads in the thread pool using ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(). Given this you can put a hard cap on the number of threads and so ensure the scheduler won't be brought to it's knees by the overhead.
Even more useful in this sort of case, you can set the minimum number of threads with ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(). With this you can ensure that you only pay the "horrible performance price" Franci is talking about once, at application startup. You could balance this against the expected number peak of users and so ensure you won't be creating tons of new threads.
A single new thread creation won't destroy you. What I would be worried about is the case where a lot of threads need to be created at the same time. If you can say that this will only happen at startup you would be golden.
