I've written a program in C# that runs as a Windows Service. The application starts up and runs fine, but the OnStop function doesn't get called when I use the Management Console to stop the service.
The OnStart method starts a background thread for the main program, and that background thread starts another thread and a ThreadPool to do work for it.
OnStop I set a boolean flag that all the other threads check in order to see if they should stop processing. The threads should all then finish, and the program should end.
Here's the code for my OnStart
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
mainProgram.IsBackground = true;
That code works. Below is the code for OnStop, which as far as I can tell doesn't ever get called.
protected override void OnStop()
Log.LogMessage("Caught shutdown signal from the OS", "debug");
shutdown = true;
if (mainProgram.IsAlive) mainProgram.Abort();
That log message never gets written to the log file.
Any help would be appreciated. I don't even know where to start looking. Thanks.
I solved the problem that was locking the background thread. I also commented out that logging statement, so I know the log statement isn't causing the problem.
I added a ManualResetEvent in addition to the boolean flag. The OnStop now looks like this:
protected override void OnStop()
//Log.LogMessage("Caught shutdown signal from the OS", "debug");
shutdown = true;
ShutdownX.Set(); //this is the ManualResetEvent
if (mainProgram.IsAlive) mainProgram.Abort();
The place this should stop the code is here in the mainProgram.RunAgent() function (which is its own thread)
while (!shutdown)
SqlCommand DbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand();
DbCommand.CommandText = "SELECT id, SourceID, CastingSN, Result FROM db_owner.queue";
SqlDataReader DbReader = null;
DbReader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader();
while (DbReader.Read() && !shutdown)
long SourceID = DbReader.GetInt64(1);
string CastingSN = DbReader.GetString(2);
bool Result = DbReader.GetBoolean(3);
WaitCallback callback = new WaitCallback(oComm.RunAgent);
CommunicatorState commstate = new CommunicatorState(CastingSN, Result, SourceID);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callback, commstate);
callback = null;
commstate = null;
//Console.WriteLine("Finished Queueing Threads");
catch (SqlException Ex)
Log.LogMessage("There was an error with a query run on the FlexNet Database.", "error");
Log.LogMessage(">> " + Ex.Message, "error");
if (DbReader != null) DbReader.Dispose();
ManualResetEvent[] handles = new ManualResetEvent[2] { eventX, ShutdownX };
//eventX.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, true);
I think this should read from the database, queue up all the threads it finds, then wait for either all the threads to finish processing (the eventX reset event) or the ShutdownX Event.
Once the ShutdownX event is triggered, the outer loop shouldn't continue because the shutdown bool is true, then the thread closes it's SQL connections and should terminate. None of this happens. Any ideas?
You are using ThreadPool. OnStop is reportedly never called until all tasks in the thread pool complete. See also here and here. However, I am leaning towards this not being the main or only cause as some people seem to be using it with success.
It seems to me that your question currently says that OnStop never gets called but that you have seen the log message that it emits. So I assume that OnStop does get called but that some of the threads do not notice that.
Please wrap all code that gets or sets shutdown in a lock statement, using a single global object. This is not for atomicity or mutual exclusion. This is to ensure proper memory barriers on a multiprocessor system.
A customer asked me to find out why their C# application (we'll call it XXX, delivered by a consultant who has fled the scene) is so flaky, and fix it. The application controls a measurement device over a serial connection. Sometimes the device delivers continuous readings (which are displayed on screen), and sometimes the app needs to stop continuous measurements and go into command-response mode.
How NOT to do it
For continuous measurements, XXX uses System.Timers.Timer for background processing of serial input. When the timer fires, C# runs the timer's ElapsedEventHandler using some thread from its pool. XXX's event handler uses a blocking commPort.ReadLine() with a several second timeout, then calls back to a delegate when a useful measurement arrives on the serial port. This portion works fine, however...
When its time to stop realtime measurements and command the device to do something different, the application tries to suspend background processing from the GUI thread by setting the timer's Enabled = false. Of course, that just sets a flag preventing further events, and a background thread already waiting for serial input continues waiting. The GUI thread then sends a command to the device, and tries to read the reply – but the reply is received by the background thread. Now the background thread becomes confused as its not the expected measurement. The GUI thread meanwhile becomes confused as it didn't receive the command reply expected. Now we know why XXX is so flaky.
Possible Method 1
In another similar application, I used a System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker thread for free-running measurements. To suspend background processing I did two things in the GUI thread:
call the CancelAsync method on the thread, and
call commPort.DiscardInBuffer(), which causes a pending (blocked, waiting) comport read in the background thread to throw a System.IO.IOException "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.\r\n".
In the background thread I catch this exception and clean up promptly, and all works as intended. Unfortunately DiscardInBuffer provoking the exception in another thread's blocking read is not documented behavior anywhere I can find, and I hate relying on undocumented behavior. It works because internally DiscardInBuffer calls the Win32 API PurgeComm, which interrupts the blocking read (documented behavior).
Possible Method 2
Directly use the BaseClass Stream.ReadAsync method, with a monitor cancellation token, using a supported way of interrupting the background IO.
Because the number of characters to be received is variable (terminated by a newline), and no ReadAsyncLine method exists in the framework, I don't know if this is possible. I could process each character individually but would take a performance hit (might not work on slow machines, unless of course the line-termination bit is already implemented in C# within the framework).
Possible Method 3
Create a lock "I've got the serial port". Nobody reads, writes, or discards input from the port unless they have the lock (including repeating the blocking read in background thread). Chop the timeout values in the background thread to 1/4 second for acceptable GUI responsiveness without too much overhead.
Does anybody have a proven solution to deal with this problem?
How can one cleanly stop background processing of the serial port?
I've googled and read dozens of articles bemoaning the C# SerialPort class, but haven't found a good solution.
Thanks in advance!
MSDN article for the SerialPort Class clearly states:
If a SerialPort object becomes blocked during a read operation, do not abort the thread. Instead, either close the base stream or dispose of the SerialPort object.
So the best approach, from my point of view, is second one, with async reading and step by step checking for the line-ending character. As you've stated, the check for each char is very big performance loss, I suggest you to investigate the ReadLine implementation for some ideas how to perform this faster. Note that they use NewLine property of SerialPort class.
I want also to note that there is no ReadLineAsync method by default as the MSDN states:
By default, the ReadLine method will block until a line is received. If this behavior is undesirable, set the ReadTimeout property to any non-zero value to force the ReadLine method to throw a TimeoutException if a line is not available on the port.
So, may be, in your wrapper you can implement similar logic, so your Task will cancel if there is no line end in some given time. Also, you should note this:
Because the SerialPort class buffers data, and the stream contained in
the BaseStream property does not, the two might conflict about how
many bytes are available to read. The BytesToRead property can
indicate that there are bytes to read, but these bytes might not be
accessible to the stream contained in the BaseStream property because
they have been buffered to the SerialPort class.
So, again, I suggest you to implement some wrapper logic with asynchronous read and checking after each read, are there line-end or not, which should be blocking, and wrap it inside async method, which will cancel Task after some time.
Hope this helps.
OK, here's what I did... Comments would be appreciated as C# is still somewhat new to me!
Its crazy to have multiple threads trying to access the serial port concurrently (or any resource, especially an asynchronous resource). To fix up this application without a complete rewrite, I introduced a lock SerialPortLockObject to guarantee exclusive serial port access as follows:
The GUI thread holds SerialPortLockObject except when it has a background operation running.
The SerialPort class is wrapped so that any read or write by a thread not holding SerialPortLockObject throws an exception (helped find several contention bugs).
The timer class is wrapped (class SerialOperationTimer) so that the background worker function is called bracketed by acquiring SerialPortLockObject.
SerialOperationTimer allows only one timer running at a time (helped find several bugs where the GUI forgot to stop background processing before starting up a different timer). This could be improved by using a specific thread for timer work, with that thread holding the lock for the entire time the timer is active (but would be still more work; as coded System.Timers.Timer runs worker function from thread pool).
When a SerialOperationTimer is stopped, it disables the underlying timer and flushes the serial port buffers (provoking an exception from any blocked serial port operation, as explained in possible method 1 above). Then SerialPortLockObject is reacquired by the GUI thread.
Here's the wrapper for SerialPort:
/// <summary> CheckedSerialPort class checks that read and write operations are only performed by the thread owning the lock on the serial port </summary>
// Just check reads and writes (not basic properties, opening/closing, or buffer discards).
public class CheckedSerialPort : SafePort /* derived in turn from SerialPort */
private void checkOwnership()
if (Monitor.IsEntered(XXX_Conn.SerialPortLockObject)) return; // the thread running this code has the lock; all set!
// Ooops...
throw new Exception("Serial IO attempted without lock ownership");
catch (Exception ex)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
sb.AppendFormat("Message: {0}\n", ex.Message);
sb.AppendFormat("Exception Type: {0}\n", ex.GetType().FullName);
sb.AppendFormat("Source: {0}\n", ex.Source);
sb.AppendFormat("StackTrace: {0}\n", ex.StackTrace);
sb.AppendFormat("TargetSite: {0}", ex.TargetSite);
Debug.Assert(false); // lets have a look in the debugger NOW...
public new int ReadByte() { checkOwnership(); return base.ReadByte(); }
public new string ReadTo(string value) { checkOwnership(); return base.ReadTo(value); }
public new string ReadExisting() { checkOwnership(); return base.ReadExisting(); }
public new void Write(string text) { checkOwnership(); base.Write(text); }
public new void WriteLine(string text) { checkOwnership(); base.WriteLine(text); }
public new void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { checkOwnership(); base.Write(buffer, offset, count); }
public new void Write(char[] buffer, int offset, int count) { checkOwnership(); base.Write(buffer, offset, count); }
And here's the wrapper for System.Timers.Timer:
/// <summary> Wrap System.Timers.Timer class to provide safer exclusive access to serial port </summary>
class SerialOperationTimer
private static SerialOperationTimer runningTimer = null; // there should only be one!
private string name; // for diagnostics
// Delegate TYPE for user's callback function (user callback function to make async measurements)
public delegate void SerialOperationTimerWorkerFunc_T(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e);
private SerialOperationTimerWorkerFunc_T workerFunc; // application function to call for this timer
private System.Timers.Timer timer;
private object workerEnteredLock = new object();
private bool workerAlreadyEntered = false;
public SerialOperationTimer(string _name, int msecDelay, SerialOperationTimerWorkerFunc_T func)
name = _name;
workerFunc = func;
timer = new System.Timers.Timer(msecDelay);
timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(SerialOperationTimer_Tick);
private void SerialOperationTimer_Tick(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs eventArgs)
lock (workerEnteredLock)
if (workerAlreadyEntered) return; // don't launch multiple copies of worker if timer set too fast; just ignore this tick
workerAlreadyEntered = true;
bool lockTaken = false;
// Acquire the serial lock prior calling the worker
Monitor.TryEnter(XXX_Conn.SerialPortLockObject, ref lockTaken);
if (!lockTaken)
throw new System.Exception("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Failed to get serial lock");
// Debug.WriteLine("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Got serial lock");
workerFunc(source, eventArgs);
// release serial lock
if (lockTaken)
// Debug.WriteLine("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": released serial lock");
workerAlreadyEntered = false;
public void Start()
Debug.Assert(Form1.GUIthreadHashcode == Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); // should ONLY be called from GUI thread
Debug.Assert(!timer.Enabled); // successive Start or Stop calls are BAD
Debug.WriteLine("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Start");
if (runningTimer != null)
Debug.Assert(false); // Lets have a look in the debugger NOW
throw new System.Exception("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Attempted 'Start' while " + runningTimer.name + " is still running");
// Start background processing
// Release GUI thread's lock on the serial port, so background thread can grab it
runningTimer = this;
timer.Enabled = true;
public void Stop()
Debug.Assert(Form1.GUIthreadHashcode == Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); // should ONLY be called from GUI thread
Debug.Assert(timer.Enabled); // successive Start or Stop calls are BAD
Debug.WriteLine("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Stop");
if (runningTimer != this)
Debug.Assert(false); // Lets have a look in the debugger NOW
throw new System.Exception("SerialOperationTimer " + name + ": Attempted 'Stop' while not running");
// Stop further background processing from being initiated,
timer.Enabled = false; // but, background processing may still be in progress from the last timer tick...
runningTimer = null;
// Purge serial input and output buffers. Clearing input buf causes any blocking read in progress in background thread to throw
// System.IO.IOException "The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.\r\n"
if(Form1.xxConnection.PortIsOpen) Form1.xxConnection.CiCommDiscardBothBuffers();
bool lockTaken = false;
// Now, GUI thread needs the lock back.
// 3 sec REALLY should be enough time for background thread to cleanup and release the lock:
Monitor.TryEnter(XXX_Conn.SerialPortLockObject, 3000, ref lockTaken);
if (!lockTaken)
throw new Exception("Serial port lock not yet released by background timer thread "+name);
if (Form1.xxConnection.PortIsOpen)
// Its possible there's still stuff in transit from device (for example, background thread just completed
// sending an ACQ command as it was stopped). So, sync up with the device...
int r = Form1.xxConnection.CiSync();
Debug.Assert(r == XXX_Conn.CI_OK);
if (r != XXX_Conn.CI_OK)
throw new Exception("Cannot re-sync with device after disabling timer thread " + name);
/// <summary> SerialOperationTimer.StopAllBackgroundTimers() - Stop all background activity </summary>
public static void StopAllBackgroundTimers()
if (runningTimer != null) runningTimer.Stop();
public double Interval
get { return timer.Interval; }
set { timer.Interval = value; }
} // class SerialOperationTimer
I have read the Toub's thread pool is a good solution for longer running tasks, so I implemented it in the following code. I'm not even sure if my implementation is a good one because I seem to have sporadic memory bloat. The process runs around 50 MB most of the time then will spike to almost a GB and stay there.
The thread pool implementation is as follows (should I even be doing this?):
private void Run()
while (!_stop)
// Create new threads if we have room in the pool
while (ManagedThreadPool.ActiveThreads < _runningMax)
ManagedThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(FindWork));
// Pause for a second so we don't run the CPU to death
The method FindWork looks like this:
private void FindWork(object stateInfo)
bool result = false;
bool process = false;
bool queueResult = false;
Work_Work work = null;
using (Queue workQueue = new Queue(_workQueue))
// Look for work on the work queue
work = workQueue.ConsumeWithBlocking<Work_Work>();
// Do some work with the message from the queue ...
The ConsumeWithBlocking method blocks if there is nothing in the queue. Then we call return to exit the thread if we successfully retrieve a message and process it.
Typically we run 10 threads with them typically in the blocking state (WaitSleepJoin). The whole point of this is to have 10 threads running at all times.
Am I going about this all wrong?
I have a windows service that sends email in a one of 5 threads (done to increase the speed the service can send email):
private AutoResetEvent block;
private ThreadedQueue<Message> messageQueue;
private void DoSend()
Message message = null;
if (this.messageQueue.TryDequeue(out message))
if(message != null)
catch(Exception ex)
// Log
I have a Queue method that adds one or more new message to the messageQueue and calls block.Set() so that one of the 5 threads can send the message. When one of the threads is allowed to run, so long as there are messages in the queue, block.Set() is called so that the next message can be de-queued and another of 5 threads will work to send it. And so on, until the queue is empty. This all works OK.
However when I dispose my object, I set the disposing variable and then for each thread:
if(thread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
else if(thread.ThreadState == ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin)
Most of the time, the threads are sleeping due to the block.WaitOne and so the above code aborts the thread. However this causes thread abort exceptions to be logged. I could catch thread abort exceptions separately to other exceptions and choose not to log, but it doesn't seem very clean.
What is the best way to clean up these threads without causing this excess logging?
I've changed the above to:
private ManualResetEvent block;
private ThreadedQueue<Message> messageQueue;
private void DoSend()
Message message = null;
if (!this.messageQueue.TryDequeue(out message) && !this.disposing)
// There's nothing else to send for now to block the sending threads
// unless we're disposing as we want the other threads to exit too
if(message != null)
catch(Exception ex)
// Log
public void Dispose()
this.disposing = true;
foreach(Thread thread in this.sendingThreads) {
this.sendingThreads = null;
Thanks for the help.
You are playing a very dangerous game. Your code is particularly prone to deadlock. You'll see the thread state as ThreadState.Running and the thread calls WaitOne() a microsecond later. Your Join() call will deadlock and never return.
You can get a thread that's blocked on a WaitOne() call to unblock by disposing the AutoResetEvent. That will throw a predicable exception, ObjectDisposedException, one you can catch. Use another ManualResetEvent to signal the thread to exit. No need for Thread.Abort() that way.
Use BlockingCollection instead. it will produce simple clean and short code which can be understood, managed and debugged...
one producer five consumers... threading 101.
I have found different articles about this exception but none of them was my case.
Here is the source code:
class Program
private static Mutex mutex;
private static bool mutexIsLocked = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
ICrmService crmService =
new ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.CrmServiceWrapper(GetCrmService("Armsoft", "crmserver"));
//Lock mutex for concurrent access to workflow
mutex = new Mutex(true, "ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.FilterCtiCallLogActivity");
mutexIsLocked = true;
//Create object for updating filtered cti call log
ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.FilterCtiCallLog filterCtiCallLog =
new ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.FilterCtiCallLog(crmService);
//Bind events
filterCtiCallLog.CtiCallsRetrieved += new EventHandler<ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs>(filterCtiCallLog_CtiCallsRetrieved);
//Execute filter
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
if (mutexIsLocked)
mutexIsLocked = false;
static void filterCtiCallLog_CtiCallsRetrieved(object sender,
ArmenianSoftware.Crm.Common.CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs e)
if (mutexIsLocked)
mutexIsLocked = false;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
filterCtiCallLog.CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync(); function executes requests to server, and raises some events, one of which is CtiCallsRetrieve event. And I need to release the mutex when this event is fired. But on calling the mutex.Release() function exception is thrown. CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync works synchronously. What is the problem?
Keeping a bool around that indicates that the mutex is owned is a grave mistake. You are not making the bool thread-safe. You got into this pickle because you are using the wrong synchronization object. A mutex has thread-affinity, the owner of a mutex is a thread. The thread that acquired it must also be the one that calls ReleaseMutex(). Which is why your code bombs.
You in all likelihood need an event here, use AutoResetEvent. Create it in the main thread, call Set() in the worker, WaitOne() in the main thread to wait for the worker to complete its job. And dispose it afterwards. Also note that using a thread to perform a job and having your main thread wait for its completion is not productive. You might as well have the main thread do the job.
If you are actually doing this to protect access to an object that's not thread-safe (it isn't clear) then use the lock statement.
Another reason why this exception may occur:
if (Monitor.TryEnter(_lock))
... await MyMethodAsync(); ...
I get this exception on Monitor.Exit when after 'await' another thread continues execution.
Use SemaphoreSlim, because it doesn't require releasing thread to be the same.
You will also run into this exception if you do the following:
… Some Work...
await someTask;
That's because the code after the await can be executed on a different thread from the line just before. Basically, it seems that if you asynch code now (in early 2020), Mutexes simply don't work. Use events or something.
I have found the problem. First several things about the filterCtiCallLog class. I have designed it so to work both asynchronous and synchronous. For first I have written code for asynchronous execution. I needed a way to trigger events from child worker thread to parent, to report the working state. For this I have used AsyncOperation class and it's post method. Here is the code part for triggering CtiCallsRetrieved event.
public class FilterCtiCallLog
private int RequestCount = 0;
private AsyncOperation createCallsAsync = null;
private SendOrPostCallback ctiCallsRetrievedPost;
public void CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync()
createCallsAsync = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null);
ctiCallsRetrievedPost = new SendOrPostCallback(CtiCallsRetrievedPost);
private void CreateFilteredCtiCallLog()
int count=0;
//do the job
//Raise the event
createCallsAsync.Post(CtiCallsRetrievedPost, new CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs(count));
public event EventHandler<CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs> CtiCallsRetrieved;
private void CtiCallsRetrievedPost(object state)
CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs args = state as CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs;
if (CtiCallsRetrieved != null)
CtiCallsRetrieved(this, args);
As you can see the code is executing synchronously. The problem here is in AsyncOperation.Post() method. I presumed that if it is called in the main thread it will act as simply triggering the event, not posting it to parent thread. However it wasn't the case. I don't know how it is working, but I have changed the code, to check if the CreateFilteredCtiCallLog is called sync or async. And if it is async call I used AsyncOperation.Post method, if not, I have simply triggered the EventHandler if it is not null. Here is the corrected code
public class FilterCtiCallLog
private int RequestCount = 0;
private AsyncOperation createCallsAsync = null;
private SendOrPostCallback ctiCallsRetrievedPost;
public void CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync()
createCallsAsync = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(null);
ctiCallsRetrievedPost = new SendOrPostCallback(CtiCallsRetrievedPost);
private void CreateFilteredCtiCallLog(bool isAsync)
int count=0;
//do the job
//Raise the event
RaiseEvent(CtiCallsRetrievedPost, new CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs(count),isAsync);
public event EventHandler<CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs> CtiCallsRetrieved;
private void RaiseEvent(SendOrPostCallback callback, object state, bool isAsync)
if (isAsync)
createCallsAsync.Post(callback, state);
private void CtiCallsRetrievedPost(object state)
CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs args = state as CtiCallsRetrievedEventArgs;
if (CtiCallsRetrieved != null)
CtiCallsRetrieved(this, args);
Thanks everybody for the answers!
I have seen this happen when you lock code using a Monitor, then call an async code and you get this, when using a lock(object) you get a compiler error, however between monitor.enter(object) and Monitor.Exist(object) the compiler does not complain... unfortunately.
Using a flag to attempt to monitor a kernel synchro object state will just not work - the point of using those synchro calls is that they work correctly without any explicit checking. Setting flags will just cause intermittent problems because the flag may be changed inappropriately due to interrupts between checking the flag and acting on it.
A mutex can only be released by the threat that acquired it. If you callback is called by a different thread, (one internal to CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync() or a kernel thread pool), the release will fail.
It's not clear exactly what you are attempting to do. Presumably, you want to serialize access to CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync() and the callback flags that the instance is available for re-use? If so, you could use a semaphore instead - init. it to one unit, wait for it at the start and release it in the callback.
Is there some issue where sometimes the callback is not called, and hence the try/finally/release? If so this way out seems a bit dodgy if the callback is asychronous and may be called by another thread after the setup thread has left the function.
I only had this one once or twice, and in every case it came about by trying to release a mutex I didn't own.
Are you sure the events are raised on the same thread the mutex was acquired on?
Although you mention that filterCtiCallLog.CreateFilteredCtiCallLogSync() is a blocking call, perhaps it spawns of worker threads that raise the event?
Maybe not the most meaningful error message, I've seen this happen in some third party code as below,
object obj = new object();
lock (obj)
//do something
Monitor.Exit(obj);//obj released
}//exception happens here, when trying to release obj
I have read the thread and got some ideas. But did not know what exactly need to do to solve the issue. I face the same error when uploading the image to the s3 at nopCommerce solution.And the below code is working for me.
using var mutex = new Mutex(false, thumbFileName);
if (pictureBinary != null)
using var image = SKBitmap.Decode(pictureBinary);
var format = GetImageFormatByMimeType(picture.MimeType);
pictureBinary = ImageResize(image, format, targetSize);
if (s3Enabled)
//await S3UploadImageOnThumbsAsync(thumbFileName, pictureBinary, picture.MimeType, picture, targetSize);
// The above code was causing the issue. Because it is wait for the thread.
//So I replace the code below line and the error disappear. This also kind of same implementation by nopCommerce.
//The thread need to wait.
S3UploadImageOnThumbsAsync(thumbFileName, pictureBinary, picture.MimeType, picture, targetSize).Wait();
File.WriteAllBytes(thumbFilePath, pictureBinary);
super simple question, but I just wanted some clarification. I want to be able to restart a thread using AutoResetEvent, so I call the following sequence of methods to my AutoResetEvent.
I know it's really obvious, but MSDN doesn't state in their documentation that the Reset method restarts the thread, just that it sets the state of the event to non-signaled.
Yes the other thread is waiting at WaitOne(), I'm assuming when it gets called it will resume at the exact point it left off, which is what I don't want, I want it to restart from the beginning. The following example from this valuable resource illustrates this:
static void Main()
new Thread (Work).Start();
_ready.WaitOne(); // First wait until worker is ready
lock (_locker) _message = "ooo";
_go.Set(); // Tell worker to go
lock (_locker) _message = "ahhh"; // Give the worker another message
lock (_locker) _message = null; // Signal the worker to exit
static void Work()
while (true)
_ready.Set(); // Indicate that we're ready
_go.WaitOne(); // Wait to be kicked off...
lock (_locker)
if (_message == null) return; // Gracefully exit
Console.WriteLine (_message);
If I understand this example correctly, notice how the Main thread will resume where it left off when the Work thread signals it, but in my case, I would want the Main thread to restart from the beginning.
#Jaroslav Jandek - It's quite involved, but basically I have a CopyDetection thread that runs a FileSystemWatcher to monitor a folder for any new files that are moved or copied into it. My second thread is responsible for replicating the structure of that particular folder into another folder. So my CopyDetection thread has to block that thread from working while a copy/move operation is in progress. When the operation completes, the CopyDetection thread restarts the second thread so it can re-duplicate the folder structure with the newly added files.
#SwDevMan81 - I actually didn't think about that and that would work save for one caveat. In my program, the source folder that is being duplicated is emptied once the duplication process is complete. That's why I have to block and restart the second thread when new items are added to the source folder, so it can have a chance to re-parse the folder's new structure properly.
To address this, I'm thinking of maybe adding a flag that signals that it is safe to delete the source folder's contents. Guess I could put the delete operation on it's own Cleanup thread.
#Jaroslav Jandek - My apologies, I thought it would be a simple matter to restart a thread on a whim. To answer your questions, I'm not deleting the source folder, only it's content, it's a requirement by my employer that unfortunately I cannot change. Files in the source folder are getting moved, but not all of them, only files that are properly validated by another process, the rest must be purged, i.e. the source folder is emptied. Also, the reason for replicating the source folder structure is that some of the files are contained within a very strict sub-folder hierarchy that must be preserved in the destination directory. Again sorry for making it complicated. All of these mechanisms are in place, have been tested and are working, which is why I didn't feel the need to elaborate on them. I only need to detect when new files are added so I may properly halt the other processes while the copy/move operation is in progress, then I can safely replicate the source folder structure and resume processing.
So thread 1 monitors and thread 2 replicates while other processes modify the monitored files.
Concurrent file access aside, you can't continue replicating after a change. So a successful replication only occurs when there is long enough delay between modifications. Replication cannot be stopped immediately since you replicate in chunks.
So the result of monitoring should be a command (file copy, file delete, file move, etc.).
The result of a successful replication should be an execution of a command.
Considering multiple operations can occur, you need a queue (or queued dictionary - to only perform 1 command on a file) of commands.
// T1:
somethingChanged(string path, CT commandType)
commandQueue.AddCommand(path, commandType);
// T2:
while (whatever)
var command = commandQueue.Peek();
if (command.Execute()) commandQueue.Remove();
else // operation failed, do what you like.
Now you may ask how to create a thread-safe query, but that probably belongs to another question (there are many implementations on the web).
EDIT (queue-less version with whole dir replication - can be used with query):
If you do not need multiple operations (eg. always replication the whole directory) and expect the replication to always finish or fail and cancel, you can do:
private volatile bool shouldStop = true;
// T1:
// StopReplicating
shouldStop = true;
workerReady.WaitOne(); // Wait for the worker to stop replicating.
// StartReplicating
shouldStop = false;
// T2:
while (whatever)
... // prepare, throw some shouldStops so worker does not have to work too much.
if (!shouldStop)
foreach (var file in files)
if (shouldStop) break;
// Copy the file or whatever.
I think this example clarifies (to me anyway) how reset events work:
var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var myclass = new MyAsyncClass();
myclass.MethodFinished += delegate
resetEvent.WaitOne(); //We want to wait until the event fires to go on
Assume that MyAsyncClass runs the method on a another thread and fires the event when complete.
This basically turns the asynchronous "StartAsyncMethod" into a synchronous one. Many times I find a real-life example more useful.
The main difference between AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEvent, is that using AutoResetEvent doesn't require you to call Reset(), but automatically sets the state to "false". The next call to WaitOne() blocks when the state is "false" or Reset() has been called.
You just need to make it loop like the other Thread does. Is this what you are looking for?
class Program
static AutoResetEvent _ready = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static AutoResetEvent _go = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static Object _locker = new Object();
static string _message = "Start";
static AutoResetEvent _exitClient = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static AutoResetEvent _exitWork = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static void Main()
new Thread(Work).Start();
new Thread(Client).Start();
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Run for 3 seconds then finish up
_ready.Set(); // Make sure were not blocking still
static void Client()
List<string> messages = new List<string>() { "ooo", "ahhh", null };
int i = 0;
while (!_exitClient.WaitOne(0)) // Gracefully exit if triggered
_ready.WaitOne(); // First wait until worker is ready
lock (_locker) _message = messages[i++];
_go.Set(); // Tell worker to go
if (i == 3) { i = 0; }
static void Work()
while (!_exitWork.WaitOne(0)) // Gracefully exit if triggered
_ready.Set(); // Indicate that we're ready
_go.WaitOne(); // Wait to be kicked off...
lock (_locker)
if (_message != null)