Where to store data in WCF request - c#

I'm using a custom username and password validation for my WCF security. Now i would like to store the username during the request so that i can access it later in the method that is called. How do i do that?
Some sample code to describe my problem:
public class CustomUserValidator : UserNamePasswordValidator
public override void Validate(string username, string password)
if (username == "aaa" && password == "bbb")
// store username where i can get it in method called later.
throw new SecurityTokenException("Unknown Username or Password");
Now the method that is being called:
public void WebServiceMethod()
Database.User.Single(c => c.Username == /* username from above */);

You would typically do this by issuing a custom "principal", which is done via IAuthorizationPolicy; IIRC, the username is made available to the auth-policy via the evaluation-context parameter. A general walkthrough to custom principals in WCF is here, however you may need to experiment a bit in Evaluate to find the incoming username in the evaluation context. In particular, if any of the keys is a "claims" dictionary, look at that. And look at the .Claims on the evaluation context - you should find a "claim" in their issued by CustomUserValidator with the username in it.
I have, however, done exactly what you describe in a previous job - and IIRC it worked fine, using the above page as my starting point.
Once you have issued a principal, it will be available, as normal, via:
string cn = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;

To store data of any kind through a single WCF request, Darin Dimitrov suggests hooking up a simple IExtension<> helper class to the current OperationContext here: Where to store data for current WCF call?


SignalR - authenticate windows forms user on windows forms server

I have a small project which contains a windows forms signalr client and a windows forms server. Clients can connect to server. Now, I want to implement a login system. I read some blogposts, articles and questions about this, but I didn't found a way to do it. I would like to use the signalr authentication system so I can use attributes such as [Authorize] because it's already there.
To use this, I need to validate the username and password. Can the client sends the credentials in header like this
Connection = new HubConnection(BaseEngine.ServerURI);
Connection.Headers.Add("Username", username);
Connection.Headers.Add("Password", password);
HubProxy = Connection.CreateHubProxy("ChatHub");
await Connection.Start();
and the server should validate those credentials somehow in a method and throw an exception if are not valid?
I've tried to use the builtin system, but no luck. I couldn't obtain the Context.User in OnConnected method. As a workaround, I've tried to send the username and password in header and validate them, but the OnConnected method cannot throw errors to client. I am sure the client has to have an auth cookie, but I really don't know how to add it.
Thank you!
It is never a good idea to send password to the server this way , it is better to send a token that the server can validate .
also SignalR has some authentication features read more about this here
I have found something like a workaround: first of all, I implemented an attribute, derived from AuthorizeAttribute used by SignalR. This implementation overrides the AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation method witch is called when a method that is decorated with this attribute is called. So, in this method, I'm checking that an Authorization Token is present in the header of the request and validate the information. The client has to add this header to connect to the server. It's the easiest method I have found so far, but it's still an workaround.
Implementation, server:
internal class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override bool AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation(Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.IHubIncomingInvokerContext hubIncomingInvokerContext, bool appliesToMethod)
string token = hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context.Headers["AuthenticationToken"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
return false;
string decryptedValue = Encryptor.Decrypt(token, Encryptor.Password);
string[] values = decryptedValue.Split(';');
string userName = values[0],
deviceId = values[1];
bool b = ...check if it's ok...
return b;
Implementation, client:
ComEngine.Connection = new HubConnection(BaseEngine.ServerURI);
ComEngine.Connection.Headers.Add("AuthenticationToken", Encryptor.Encrypt(string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", BaseEngine.UserName, BaseEngine.DeviceId, BaseEngine.Password), Encryptor.Password));
await Connection.Start();
catch (Exception ex)

Clarifications and peer review regarding authentication and roles of my web application

I am trying to learn basic security and access limitations on ASP MVC.
So far, i have read/watched tutorials but all of them seems different from one another. If i will search something, it will lead me to another implementation which is totally different from what i have.
I implemented Authentication and custom role provider and i have some questions regarding how things work. Majority of explanations that i found from the internet seems overly complicated or outdated.
This is how i implemented my authentication.
login controller:
public ActionResult login_load()
return View();
public ActionResult login_post(string uname,string pword)
using (EmployeeContext emp = new EmployeeContext())
int success = emp.login.Where(x => x.username == uname && x.password == pword).Count();
if (success == 1)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(uname, false);
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Enrollment");
return View();
Then i protected most of my controllers with [Authorize]
Question #1
What's the purpose of FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(uname, false); and what should i typicalfly use it for? would it be alright to store the username. Do i need it for comparison later on?(further security?). It says here that Authentication ticket will be given to the username. Are those the ones with random letters?
After that, i decided to dive deeper and implemented a custom role provider
from roleprovider.cs(I only implemented 2 methods so far)
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return null;
var cacheKey = username;
if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] != null)
return (string[])HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey];
string[] roles = new string[] { };
using (MvcApplication6.Models.EmployeeContext emp = new MvcApplication6.Models.EmployeeContext())
roles = (from a in emp.login
join b in emp.roles on a.role equals b.id
where a.username.Equals(username)
select b.role).ToArray<string>();
if (roles.Count() > 0)
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, roles, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cacheTimeoutInMinute), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
return roles;
Question #2
I am kinda confused here and i need a deep clarification: so what is basically the purpose of the cacheKey and from my example, i just made it equal to uname since i have no idea what's going on.
Question #3
Why is it returned (string[])HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey]; if the value is null? when is it returned and who is receiving it?
Question #4
After getting the value the list of roles from the database, this function will be called HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, roles, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cacheTimeoutInMinute), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);. So from what i see, the roles are being inserted into the cache? is it for checking the login type later on?
Question #5
from this lines of code:
public override bool IsUserInRole(string uname, string roleName)
var userRoles = GetRolesForUser(uname);
return userRoles.Contains(roleName);
When are they exactly triggered and who provides the parameters? is the roleName from the cache?
I am having a hard time visualizing what's happening under the hood. Explanations/Referrals will be very helpful.
What's the purpose of FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie()?
This is ASP.NET FormsAuthentication's built-in method for dealing with authentication cookies.
How does cookie based authentication work?
Explained: Forms Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0
Basically, it's doing the hard work for you; creating a cookie for a specific user, giving it to them and then using it to recognise the same user in the future. You want to use this function to log a user in (if they enter correct credentials).
The string parameter is for a username. Yes, you can use username.
The bool parameter is for if you want the cookie to be persistent. That is, keep them logged in even if they close the browser (whether or not to use a session).
By using FormsAuthentication in this way, ASP.NET will automatically detect the user again when they visit subsequent pages.
What is basically the purpose of the cacheKey?
The Cache component of the HttpRuntime is for managing a "box" of objects that you might retrieve frequently but don't want to be hitting the database all the time for.
The Cache is implemented as a kind of Key-Value Pair. The cacheKey in your example is a key in the Key-Value collection. You can think of it like other similar data structures used in other languages.
"carlobrew": {
"roles": {
"Name": "Administrator"
So you're basically "saving" the roles of the user carlobrew in a container so that you can get them again later. The key in a Key-Value Pair is used to refer back to the data that you put in there. The key you are using to refer back to the saved information is the uname; that is, the username.
The key in Key-Value Pairs is unique, so you cannot have two keys called carlobrew.
Why is it returned (string[])HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey]; if the value is null?
There are two steps to using a typical "cache box" like this.
If we find the key (such as the user carlobrew) then we can simply return the data straight away. It's not if the value is null. It's if the value is not null. That's why the code is if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] != null).
If the key cannot be found (that is, we don't have the key for carlobrew), well then we have to add it ourselves, and then return it.
Since it's a cache, ASP.NET MVC will automatically delete things from the cache when the timer expires. That's why you need to check to see if the data is null, and re-create it if it is.
The "who is receiving it" is whichever object is responsible for calling the GetRolesForUser() method in the first place.
So from what i see, the roles are being inserted into the cache?
Basically, if the data isn't in the cache, we need to grab it from the database and put it in there ourselves, so we can easily get it back if we call the same method soon.
Let's break it down. We have:
Insert(cacheKey, roles, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cacheTimeoutInMinute), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
Insert is the method. We're calling this.
cacheKey is the key part of the Key-Value Pair. The username.
roles is the object that we want to store in cache. The object can be anything we want.
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cacheTimeoutInMinute) is telling ASP.NET MVC when we want this data to expire. It can be any amount of time that we want. I'm not sure what the variable _cacheTimeoutInMinute maybe it's 5 or 15 minutes.
Cache.NoSlidingExpiration is a special flag. We're telling ASP.NET that, when we access this data, don't reset the expiration timer back to its full. For example, if our timer was 15 mins, and the timer was about to expire with 1 minute to go, if we were using a sliding expiration and tried to access the data, the timer would reset back to 15 minutes and not expire the data.
Not sure what you mean by "is it for checking the login type later on". But no, there isn't any checking of login type here.
You would probably call this when the user is trying to do something. For example, if the user goes to /Admin/Index page, then you could check to see if the user is in the Administrator role. If they aren't, you'd return a 401 Unauthorized response and tell you the user they aren't allowed to access that page.
public Controller Admin
public ActionResult Index()
if (!IsUserInRole("Administrator"))
// redirect "not allowed"
return View();

DotNetOpenAuth: Want to access username while storing Nonce

I am using DotNetOpenAuth 4.0.20926 and trying to implement an OAuth2 based Authentication server with Db Nonce provider.
For some purpose I want to access username in NonceStore's StoreNonce function while processing the GetToken request.
I am not getting a way to retrieve Username in that call.
How can I solve this problem?
Hey Andrew thanks for your reply and DotNetOpenAuth.
My GetToken Method is like this
public ActionResult Token()
string userName = "";
//Want to fetch username here
//Using username here
var result = this.authorizationServer.HandleTokenRequest(this.Request);
return result.AsActionResult();
And I want to fetch the username before calling HandleTokenRequest.
Is there any Message Parser or Helper method to fetch the username from the request data / Code value .
As you've observed, the interface does not pass the username into the StoreNonce method. So the only way you may possibly be able to get the username would be for you to discover what it is first, before you instantiate your INonceStore instance, and pass it to that nonce store first, so that later when StoreNonce is invoked, it already knows the username.
That said, I believe any design where storing and checking a nonce requires the username needs some rethinking. Not only is it a mixing of concerns that otherwise should remain separate, you may be limiting yourself going forward or even introducing security holes.

WCF UserNamePasswordValidator - Access credentials after validation

I am using the UserNamePasswordValidator class as part of the UserName security with WCF. This all works great and the Validate function of the class gets called and works properly.
How then can I find out what UserName was used in my service functions?
For example say if a client connects and requests a list of logs using something like
IList<Log> Logs() { ... }
How can that function know which UserName was used on that request?
What I want to do is log what UserName calls what function within the service.
Not sure, but you may be looking for
var userName = OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext.PrimaryIdentity.Name;
I believe there is something in the operation context. Try this:
OperationContext oc = OperationContext.Current;
ServiceSecurityContext ssc = oc.ServiceSecurityContext;
string client = ssc.PrimaryIdentity.Name;

Generate a client-specific verification number for a web service

I have a web service that is outward-facing, however I need to generate a verification system to ensure that a request came from a valid client.
Let's say the original web service is defined as follows:
public void Service.RequestMethod (string clientId, int reqNumber,
string reqText)
// do stuff with the parameters
I want to make sure that the request actually came from the client specified by the clientId parameter.
My current plan is to add another parameter to the method signature, giving a checksum of sorts.
public void Service.RequestMethod (string clientId, int reqNumber,
string reqText, string reqChecksum)
// verify reqChecksum, then
// do stuff with the parameters
I need a function that verifies that the checksum was calculated by the approved client. It should be calculated on the reqNumber and reqText parameters as well as a client-specific "password" known by both client and server.
In effect, it should be:
private bool VerifyChecksum(int reqNumber, string reqText,
string clientPassword, string reqChecksum)
// hash reqNumber, reqTxt, and clientPassword
// ensure it matches reqChecksum
Does anyone have any suggestions for this hashing function or the model as a whole?
It needs to be message-specific, client-specific, and hard to guess (high entropy).
You're probably looking for some kind of MAC. Something like MD5 for the hash. The whole idea of MD5 is that you apply it to "some" data and get a value. As long as the "some data" part is not known to everyone, it's almost impossible to reproduce the value.
Why not use one of the standard web services authentication methods? You'll have a choice of well-known and widely implemented solutions and won't muddy up your interface by trying to pass both parameters and authentication information.
You might still have an authorization problem if an authenticated client can pass more than one 'clientId', but again there are plenty of known solutions to this and it's entirely on your side. E.g., you could go as far as an ACL implementation that lists all acceptable (userId, clientId, methodname) combinations and forbids everything else.
