Is it possible to click programmatically a location in another window without moving the mouse to that location and even if the window is not on-top? I want to send a kind of message to another window to simulate a mouse click on a location.
I tried to accomplish this with PostMessage:
PostMessage(WindowHandle, 0x201, IntPtr.Zero, CreateLParam(300,300));
PostMessage(WindowHandle, 0x202, IntPtr.Zero, CreateLParam(300,300));
I made the CreateLParam function this way:
private static IntPtr CreateLParam(int LoWord, int HiWord)
return (IntPtr)((HiWord << 16) | (LoWord & 0xffff));
The problem is that the window gets locked on his location. I think that my application clicks on the (1,1) coordinate. Can some on help me with this problem?
This is PostMessage:
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr WindowHandle, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
And 0x201 and 0x202 are WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP respectively.
You can't do that by sending messages, instead use SendInput Windows API.
Call method ClickOnPoint, this is an example from form click event, so this.handle is form handle, note that these are client coordinates on window witch handle is send, you can easily change this and send screen coordinates, and in that case you don't need handle or ClientToScreen call below.
ClickOnPoint(this.Handle, new Point(375, 340));
UPDATE: using SendInput now, tnx Tom.
btw. I used only declarations needed for this sample, for anything more there is a nice library : Windows Input Simulator (C# SendInput Wrapper - Simulate Keyboard and Mouse)
public class ClickOnPointTool
static extern bool ClientToScreen(IntPtr hWnd, ref Point lpPoint);
internal static extern uint SendInput(uint nInputs, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray), In] INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);
#pragma warning disable 649
internal struct INPUT
public UInt32 Type;
public MOUSEINPUT Mouse;
internal struct MOUSEINPUT
public Int32 X;
public Int32 Y;
public UInt32 MouseData;
public UInt32 Flags;
public UInt32 Time;
public IntPtr ExtraInfo;
#pragma warning restore 649
public static void ClickOnPoint(IntPtr wndHandle , Point clientPoint)
var oldPos = Cursor.Position;
/// get screen coordinates
ClientToScreen(wndHandle, ref clientPoint);
/// set cursor on coords, and press mouse
Cursor.Position = new Point(clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y);
var inputMouseDown = new INPUT();
inputMouseDown.Type = 0; /// input type mouse
inputMouseDown.Data.Mouse.Flags = 0x0002; /// left button down
var inputMouseUp = new INPUT();
inputMouseUp.Type = 0; /// input type mouse
inputMouseUp.Data.Mouse.Flags = 0x0004; /// left button up
var inputs = new INPUT[] { inputMouseDown, inputMouseUp };
SendInput((uint)inputs.Length, inputs, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(INPUT)));
/// return mouse
Cursor.Position = oldPos;
I found in the past, a way to send message to Windows Media Player
so I used that to simulate click in application I wanted!
Using this class (code below) to find the window and to send messages you want!
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Mouse_Click_Simulator
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Win32.
/// </summary>
public class Win32
// The WM_COMMAND message is sent when the user selects a command item from
// a menu, when a control sends a notification message to its parent window,
// or when an accelerator keystroke is translated.
public const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;
public const int WM_KEYUP = 0x101;
public const int WM_COMMAND = 0x111;
public const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x201;
public const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x202;
public const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x203;
public const int WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x204;
public const int WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x205;
public const int WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x206;
// The FindWindow function retrieves a handle to the top-level window whose
// class name and window name match the specified strings.
// This function does not search child windows.
// This function does not perform a case-sensitive search.
public static extern int FindWindow(string strClassName, string strWindowName);
// The FindWindowEx function retrieves a handle to a window whose class name
// and window name match the specified strings.
// The function searches child windows, beginning with the one following the
// specified child window.
// This function does not perform a case-sensitive search.
public static extern int FindWindowEx(
int hwndParent,
int hwndChildAfter,
string strClassName,
string strWindowName);
// The SendMessage function sends the specified message to a window or windows.
// It calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return
// until the window procedure has processed the message.
public static extern Int32 SendMessage(
int hWnd, // handle to destination window
int Msg, // message
int wParam, // first message parameter
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lParam); // second message parameter
public static extern Int32 SendMessage(
int hWnd, // handle to destination window
int Msg, // message
int wParam, // first message parameter
int lParam); // second message parameter
For Example:
Win32.SendMessage(iHandle, Win32.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0x00000001, 0x1E5025B);
Here's My Application Source Code that I Created to auto click in "BlueStacks" Application in a specific interval!
For FindWindow, wParam, lParam, etc. you can feel free to ask me how to do it! it's not too hard :) ;)
Hope it helped! :)
I can't add a comment :D
Work for me:
public static extern Int32 SendMessage(
int hWnd,
int Msg,
int wParam,
IntPtr lParam);
and combine coord in lParam like this:
private static IntPtr CreateLParam(int LoWord, int HiWord)
return (IntPtr)((HiWord << 16) | (LoWord & 0xffff));
and use:
Clicktoapp.SendMessage(0x00040156, Clicktoapp.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0x00000001, CreateLParam(150,150));
Clicktoapp.SendMessage(0x00040156, Clicktoapp.WM_LBUTTONUP, 0x00000000, CreateLParam(150, 150));
0x00040156 - Window Handle.
I was looking for a window handle using spy ++
Each time it is new, so it's better to use FindWindow.
Screenshot of the application window even if the window is not on top
i use this solution. work great.
I need to write an auto click C# application for Bluestack in background.
I tried using Autoit api and I can click or sendkey, but it does not support drag & drop.
I found a solution using "user32.dll" PostMessage on C#, but it doesn't seem to work in window 10 anymore.
Anyone have other solutions. Please help. Thanks a lot!
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, int wParam, int lParam);
PostMessage(handle, (uint)WMessages.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(400, 400));
Make Sure you are using correct window handle for sending click. It is with name BlueStacks Android PluginAndroid{X} {X=>instance of android running}
I tries sending message to that handle of window and it worked like charm on win10.
Win32.SendMessage(0x00060714, Win32.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0x00000001, 0x1E5025B);
Here is the winapi class I picked from here
public class Win32
// The WM_COMMAND message is sent when the user selects a command item from
// a menu, when a control sends a notification message to its parent window,
// or when an accelerator keystroke is translated.
public const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;
public const int WM_KEYUP = 0x101;
public const int WM_COMMAND = 0x111;
public const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x201;
public const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x202;
public const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x203;
public const int WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x204;
public const int WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x205;
public const int WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x206;
// The FindWindow function retrieves a handle to the top-level window whose
// class name and window name match the specified strings.
// This function does not search child windows.
// This function does not perform a case-sensitive search.
public static extern int FindWindow(string strClassName, string strWindowName);
// The FindWindowEx function retrieves a handle to a window whose class name
// and window name match the specified strings.
// The function searches child windows, beginning with the one following the
// specified child window.
// This function does not perform a case-sensitive search.
public static extern int FindWindowEx(
int hwndParent,
int hwndChildAfter,
string strClassName,
string strWindowName);
// The SendMessage function sends the specified message to a window or windows.
// It calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return
// until the window procedure has processed the message.
public static extern Int32 SendMessage(
int hWnd, // handle to destination window
int Msg, // message
int wParam, // first message parameter
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string lParam); // second message parameter
public static extern Int32 SendMessage(
int hWnd, // handle to destination window
int Msg, // message
int wParam, // first message parameter
int lParam); // second message parameter
I've created UI options menu for graphics and screen. The thing is that I was able to add obly a boolean value for fullScreen mode. I need to add a dropdown with 3 modes: fullscreen, windowed, and windowed with no frame (stretched to the entire screen size). How do I get the third mode?
Check out this sample code. It uses the user32.dll library, though, so you most likely need to reference it in your project.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UnityEngine;
public class WindowMod : MonoBehaviour
public Rect screenPosition;
static extern IntPtr SetWindowLong (IntPtr hwnd,int _nIndex ,int dwNewLong);
static extern bool SetWindowPos (IntPtr hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags);
static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow ();
// not used rigth now
//const uint SWP_NOMOVE = 0x2;
//const uint SWP_NOSIZE = 1;
//const uint SWP_NOZORDER = 0x4;
//const uint SWP_HIDEWINDOW = 0x0080;
const uint SWP_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0040;
const int GWL_STYLE = -16;
const int WS_BORDER = 1;
void Start ()
SetWindowLong(GetForegroundWindow (), GWL_STYLE, WS_BORDER);
bool result = SetWindowPos (GetForegroundWindow (), 0,(int)screenPosition.x,(int)screenPosition.y, (int)screenPosition.width,(int) screenPosition.height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
With this method your best bet would be to:
Create an enum for all options, for example public enum WindowMode { FullScreen, Borderless, Window }
Create a manager class with a method that takes the enum as an argument: public void SetWindowMode(WindowMode wm // or int) {...}
Wire it up so that the method is called whenever an item is selected from the ComboBox on the Options menu with the UUI's EventSystem thingy
That's pretty much it.
How to achieve programmatically that the console window is not resizable.
I don't want user to change the console window size with their mouse.
See the answer in this post on MSDN. It requires p-invoking:
private const int MF_BYCOMMAND = 0x00000000;
public const int SC_CLOSE = 0xF060;
public const int SC_MINIMIZE = 0xF020;
public const int SC_MAXIMIZE = 0xF030;
public const int SC_SIZE = 0xF000;//resize
public static extern int DeleteMenu(IntPtr hMenu, int nPosition, int wFlags);
private static extern IntPtr GetSystemMenu(IntPtr hWnd, bool bRevert);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();
static void Main(string[] args)
IntPtr handle = GetConsoleWindow();
IntPtr sysMenu = GetSystemMenu(handle, false);
if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
DeleteMenu(sysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
DeleteMenu(sysMenu, SC_SIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND);//resize
Note that this does not prevent Windows window snapping (e.g. dragging window to edge of screen, Win+Left and Win+Right)
Since you're trying to disable resizing, I'm guessing you won't want scrollbars either. For that, see this answer to Remove space left after console scrollbars in C# (leftover after matching Console.SetWindowSize and SetBufferSize; also requires p-invoking to "fix").
I'm not sure you can avoid that kind of action.
But you may try to use WindowHeight, WindowWidth, LargestWindowHeight and LargestWindowWidth.
See this:
I am implementing a small application (observer) that needs to "attach" itself to the bottom of another window (observed). The latter is not a window inside the application.
At this moment I solved by getting the hWnd of the window and querying periodically in a thread the location of the observed window, moving the observer window accordingly.
However this is a very inelegant solution. What I would like to do is to listen to the resize event of the observed window so that the observer will react only when necessary.
I assume I should use a hook, and I found plenty of ways of doing it, but my lack of knowledge of the C WinAPI is blocking me in understanding which hook I need to create and how (pinvoke/parameters/etc).
I'm pretty sure this is quite trivial, and some of you familiar with C/C++ and WinAPI will have the answer ready at hand ;)
Expanding on Chris Taylor's answer: Instead of doing the native interop yourself, you can use ManagedWinApi, which contains a Hook class.
EDIT: To use ManagedWinApi. Somewhere in your code:
Hook MyHook = new Hook(HookType.WH_CALLWNDPROC, false, false);
MyHook.Callback += MyHookCallback;
MyHook StartHook();
For the callback, reference CallWndProc and CWPSTRUCT:
private static int MyHookCallback(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool callNext)
if (code >= 0)
// You will need to define the struct
var message = (CWPSTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(CWPSTRUCT));
// Do something with the data
return 0; // Return value is ignored unless you set callNext to false
A WH_CALLWNDPROC hook would probably suffice, this will allow you to monitor all messages destined for the window of interest.
Are you asking how to create a global hook using C# or are you happy to create the hook in C++ and then interop with that from .NET? The second option is the route I would go.
Basically off the top of my head, what I would do is the following
1- Create global hook in C, and export functions to InstallHook and UninstallHook, which can be called from your C# app using Interop. InstallHook take an hwnd of the window in your C# application.
2- Have the installed hook function post a custom message to the C# window provided in the call to InstallHook when ever there is a message you are interested in like WM_SIZE in your case.
3- In the C# application your window that receives the posted messages from the hook will override WndProc to handle the custom message.
That is an outline of one approach.
I suggest you use WinEvents:
public delegate void WinEventDelegate(IntPtr hWinEventHook, uint eventType, IntPtr hwnd, int idObject, int idChild, uint dwEventThread, uint dwmsEventTime);
public static extern IntPtr SetWinEventHook(uint eventMin, uint eventMax, IntPtr hmodWinEventProc, WinEventDelegate lpfnWinEventProc, uint idProcess, uint idThread, uint dwFlags);
See also:event hooks
I ran into the same thing in some code I was working with and discovered I couldn't inject a managed .DLL into the process.
Not wanting to write a C++ unmanaged DLL that used SetWindowsHook, I went with a combination of SetWinEventHook, which signals when a window starts and ends a move event and a Timer to poll the window while it's moving to give it the appearance of following the window while it moves.
Here's a (very simplified) version of a class that can do that (just replace the TODO's with code to move the window or raise an event).
public class DockingHelper
private readonly uint m_processId, m_threadId;
private readonly IntPtr m_target;
// Needed to prevent the GC from sweeping up our callback
private readonly WinEventDelegate m_winEventDelegate;
private IntPtr m_hook;
private Timer m_timer;
public DockingHelper(string windowName, string className)
if (windowName == null && className == null) throw new ArgumentException("Either windowName or className must have a value");
m_target = FindWindow(className, windowName);
ThrowOnWin32Error("Failed to get target window");
m_threadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(m_target, out m_processId);
ThrowOnWin32Error("Failed to get process id");
m_winEventDelegate = WhenWindowMoveStartsOrEnds;
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, out RECT lpRect);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool UnhookWinEvent(IntPtr hWinEventHook);
private static extern IntPtr SetWinEventHook(uint eventMin, uint eventMax, IntPtr hmodWinEventProc, WinEventDelegate lpfnWinEventProc, uint idProcess, uint idThread, uint dwFlags);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);
private void ThrowOnWin32Error(string message)
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (err != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(err, message);
private RECT GetWindowLocation()
RECT loc;
GetWindowRect(m_target, out loc);
if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != 0)
// Do something useful with this to handle if the target window closes, etc.
return loc;
public void Subscribe()
// 10 = window move start, 11 = window move end, 0 = fire out of context
m_hook = SetWinEventHook(10, 11, m_target, m_winEventDelegate, m_processId, m_threadId, 0);
private void PollWindowLocation(object state)
var location = GetWindowLocation();
// TODO: Reposition your window with the values from location (or fire an event with it attached)
public void Unsubscribe()
private void WhenWindowMoveStartsOrEnds(IntPtr hWinEventHook, uint eventType, IntPtr hwnd, int idObject, int idChild, uint dwEventThread, uint dwmsEventTime)
if (hwnd != m_target) // We only want events from our target window, not other windows owned by the thread.
if (eventType == 10) // Starts
m_timer = new Timer(PollWindowLocation, null, 10, Timeout.Infinite);
// This is always the original position of the window, so we don't need to do anything, yet.
else if (eventType == 11)
m_timer = null;
var location = GetWindowLocation();
// TODO: Reposition your window with the values from location (or fire an event with it attached)
private struct RECT
public int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
private delegate void WinEventDelegate(IntPtr hWinEventHook, uint eventType, IntPtr hwnd, int idObject, int idChild, uint dwEventThread, uint dwmsEventTime);
I have used P/Invoke to call GetSystemMenu and EnableMenuItem (win32api) to disable the close functionality. However, after minimizing or maximizing my Windows Forms application the button is re-enabled.
Obviously minimizing or maximizing is causing the behavior, but how? I'm not sure where to look to prevent this behavior.
Should I be preventing the maximize and minimize behavior or is there something particularly wrong with the way in which I P/Invoked the calls? Once the application (main form) has loaded, I call the static method from a button click.
class PInvoke
// P/Invoke signatures
static extern IntPtr GetSystemMenu(IntPtr hWnd, bool bRevert);
static extern bool EnableMenuItem(IntPtr hMenu, uint uIDEnableItem, uint uEnable);
// SysCommand (WM_SYSCOMMAND) constant
internal const UInt32 SC_CLOSE = 0xF060;
// Constants used with Add/Check/EnableMenuItem
internal const UInt32 MF_BYCOMMAND = 0x00000000;
internal const UInt32 MF_ENABLED = 0x00000000;
internal const UInt32 MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001;
internal const UInt32 MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the state of the Close (X) button and the System Menu close functionality.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="window">Window or Form</param>
/// <param name="bEnabled">Enabled state</param>
public static void EnableCloseButton(IWin32Window window, bool bEnabled)
IntPtr hSystemMenu = GetSystemMenu(window.Handle, false);
EnableMenuItem(hSystemMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bEnabled ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED));
Each window has a window class, which defines styles for all windows of that class. You can use CS_NOCLOSE class style to remove the close button for windows of that class. See here and here for details how to set this class flag.
If this doesn't give you what you want, I wouldn't disable minimize/maximize for sake of usability, but you could listen for minimize/maximimize events and re-run the code to disable the close button. Finally, it is possible to handle the close event, and simply not close. Then you know your window will definitely not be closed, even if the close button does inadvertently become enabled.
The accepted answer does propose a possible workaround to the problem (and one that I've used many times), but it simply doesn't answer the question that was originally asked:
How/why does maximizing or minimizing the form cause the close button to be re-enabled after it was disabled using the GetSystemMenu and EnableMenuItem API functions?
I arrived at this question during the course of a completely fruitless Google search after discovering this seemingly unexplainable behavior for myself. Not finding an answer that actually explained the behavior,I was forced to resort to some digging of my own.
For reference, note that the exact same code as shown in the original question works fine in a native Win32 application. The re-enabling of the Close menu item seems limited to WinForms applications.
Studying the source code for the System.Windows.Forms.Form class uncovers an interesting implementation detail: The .NET Framework designers apparently decided to adjust the form's system menu each time that the form's WindowState changes, which includes maximize and minimize events sent by the system.
Specifically, there are two methods by the name AdjustSystemMenu that are responsible for altering the system menu in response to the these events (and messing up any customization that you may have done yourself). If you're interested in examining the code (which I have abstained from posting here for the benefit of those involved with projects such as Mono), grab a free copy of .NET Reflector.
I'm not entirely sure why this decision was made, but at least I have my explanation now.
I had the same requirement. After trying several ways to disable the close menu option and then deleting and trying to recreate it (correctly), I found this hack from Microsoft .
Works like a charm. It's still a hack, but it works.
Here's my (loose) C# conversion of the VB original
static extern IntPtr GetSystemMenu(IntPtr hWnd, bool bRevert);
static extern int GetMenuItemCount(IntPtr hMenu);
static extern bool DrawMenuBar(IntPtr hWnd);
public static void EnableCloseButton(Form frm, bool enabled) {
IntPtr hMenu;
int n;
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(frm.Handle, false);
if (hMenu != IntPtr.Zero) {
n = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu);
if (n > 0) {
if (enabled) {
else {
SendMessage(frm.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)0);
public struct MENUITEMINFO {
public uint cbSize;
public uint fMask;
public uint fType;
public uint fState;
public int wID;
public int hSubMenu;
public int hbmpChecked;
public int hbmpUnchecked;
public int dwItemData;
public string dwTypeData;
public uint cch;
// public int hbmpItem;
internal const UInt32 SC_CLOSE = 0xF060;
//SetMenuItemInfo fMask constants.
const UInt32 MIIM_STATE = 0x1;
const UInt32 MIIM_ID = 0x2;
//'SetMenuItemInfo fState constants.
const UInt32 MFS_ENABLED = 0x0;
const UInt32 MFS_GRAYED = 0x3;
const UInt32 MFS_CHECKED = 0x8;
internal const int MFS_DEFAULT = 0x1000;
static extern bool SetMenuItemInfo(IntPtr hMenu, int uItem, bool fByPosition, [In] ref MENUITEMINFO lpmii);
static extern bool GetMenuItemInfo(IntPtr hMenu, int uItem, bool fByPosition, ref MENUITEMINFO lpmii);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
private const UInt32 WM_NCACTIVATE = 0x0086;
private static void DisableClose(Form frm) {
IntPtr hMenu;
int n;
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(frm.Handle, false);
if (hMenu != IntPtr.Zero) {
mif.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MENUITEMINFO));
mif.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_STATE;
mif.fType = 0;
mif.dwTypeData = null;
bool a = GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, (int)SC_CLOSE, false, ref mif);
mif.fState = MFS_GRAYED;
SetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, (int)SC_CLOSE, false, ref mif);
SendMessage(frm.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)0);
mif.wID = -10;
mif.fState = MFS_GRAYED;
SetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, (int)SC_CLOSE, false, ref mif);
private static void EnableClose(Form frm) {
IntPtr hMenu;
int n;
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(frm.Handle, false);
if (hMenu != IntPtr.Zero) {
mif.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MENUITEMINFO));
mif.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_STATE;
mif.fType = 0;
mif.dwTypeData = null;
bool a = GetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, -10, false, ref mif);
mif.wID = (int)SC_CLOSE;
SetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, -10, false, ref mif);
SendMessage(frm.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)0);
mif.fState = MFS_ENABLED;
SetMenuItemInfo(hMenu, (int)SC_CLOSE, false, ref mif);
SendMessage(frm.Handle, WM_NCACTIVATE, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)0);