I am trying to use iexpress to run my batch file which will execute the 2 exe & 1 msi files for me. when i try to do it manually, it works.
following is the code in my batch file.
Start /wait %CD%\1.exe /q
Start /wait %CD%\2.exe /q
msiexec.exe /i "%CD%\3.msi"
but this doesn't seem to be working when i create an exe file from iexpress.
Above mentioned article has some code(to copy files to temp folder) & but i am not able to understand the syntax.
%Tmp%\<UNIQUE PRODUCT NAME>\setup.exe
The problem is that, as you can see from your screenshot, the batch file is being executed by command.com, not cmd.exe. (If you don't specify an interpreter, IExpress uses command.com. Ouch.) So there are no variables like %cd% or %~dp0.
You likely don't need them anyhow. But you do need to execute your batch file explicitly in IExpress like:
cmd.exe /c file.bat
so that it uses a modern command interpreter.
The second bit of code in your question makes the files persistent (ie they won't be deleted after the IExpress archive terminates) by xcopying them to a different directory.
Here is what it means:
1) Creates a directory(MKDIR) with name of "UNIQUE PRODUCT NAME" in the path stored in %TMP% Environment Variable, which normally points to: C:\DOCUME~1\yourusername\LOCALS~1\Temp
2) Then copy recursively all installation files from current folder into the new folder created before.
XCOPY arguments:
/S Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones.
/E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T.
/Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
existing destination file.
3) Finally execute the application from the new location
Hope this helps
Try replacing %CD% with %~dp0
Assuming that 1.exe is in the same folder as your batch script.
Your %CD% is not working. Please be sure that CMD extensions are enabled (type CMD /x to enable and CMD /y to disable) then expand the %CD% with this code
Start /wait "%CURDIR%\1.exe" /q
Start /wait "%CURDIR%\2.exe" /q
msiexec.exe /i "%CURDIR%\3.msi"
And I'm not sure that you can start an exe from that location (APPDATA) for security reasons.
Thanks a lot for this forum discussion.Finally i could able to compile all msi files and executables in an one .exe file.
Complete procedure as follows create a batch file
echo on
msiexec.exe /i "%CURDIR%\1.msi"
echo off
You can arrange any number of exe files or msi files as you wish and save the batch file as yourfile.bat.
Now the tricky part is before you proceed to Iexpress, convert the batch file to exe with the software provided by http://www.f2ko.de/programs.php?pid=b2e
Now when you run the program keep the 'Invisible Application' checked to hide the command prompt.You can also encrypt your exe with the password.'Delete at Exit' is optional as the temporary folder will be automatically deleted when the execution of files completed.
Once you successfully compile the batch file,execute the .exe file created.
Bingo!! you'll not see the command prompt window and your applications start executing sequentially.
Begin your Iexpress tool and Add all your files present in the batch file(except batch file).On the ‘Install Program to Launch’ screen, leave the Post Install Command blank and find the following in the Install Program dropdown:'demo.exe'and proceed further to create your complete bunch of single package. Cheers!!
I tried to establish a process through a click button where I can do following activities.
Download the latest code from SVN.
Build 2 set of Codes to create dlls and exe-
(a)Web application in Release mode
(b)Standalone application in debug mode
Then Replace some values of keys inside config files.
Then Place them to particular location.
Steps followed so far
Created demo.bat file which will build exe and dlls for Standalone as shown below
REM * ============================Starting Setup for Standalone======================================
SET Folder= C:\Automating\Application\Source\StandaloneApp\
cd %Folder%App1
msbuild /property:Configuration=Debug App1.csproj /t:clean /t:build
cd %Folder%App2
msbuild /property:Configuration=Debug App2.csproj /t:clean /t:build
del /F /S /Q /A %Folder%Setup\*.*
XCOPY %Folder%App1\bin\Debug\*.* %Folder%Setup\*.* /S /Y /F /Q
XCOPY %Folder%App2\bin\Debug\*.* %Folder%Setup\*.* /S /Y /F /Q
Created Another bat file demo1.bat to change command prompt to VS2010 cmd prompt
%comspec% /k ""c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"" x86
%comspec% /k ""C:\Automating\BuildAuto\BuildAutomation\demo.bat""
Created one more cmd files to download from svn
TortoiseProc.exe /command:export /URL:[URL path] /Path:"C:/Automating/Demo"
Finally A web application where from user can click button to download as per svnExport.bat and build the downloaded code as per demo1.bat.
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(#"C:\AutomatingPOC\BuildAuto\BuildAutomation\demo1.bat");
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
psi.CreateNoWindow = false;
Downloading event is working correctly, but build is not working. I need help on how can I build the code
Why reinventing the wheel? Use available tools, such as TeamCity and msbuild (there are plenty other alternatives as well).
I found Eugene made a really nice introduction here.
People spent man-years developing and polishing build automation tools. If I were you, I would stop right there and had a look around.
if you set psi.UserShellExecute to false, then you will need to specify that the command to execute is actually "cmd.exe" and that the batch file is an argument. You'll also have to manages the delay between the time that the request is made and the time the build is actually completed.
automating a task like this can be done easily with Auto Hot Key. also to automatically download you can use the start command and the type of browser of your choice IE Firefox iexplore chrome ~ then you can automate the download. but do note that with some websites page number may change IE.This address has a specified page code:
Try to Automate the Build Process for C# Solution through user click
so instead of putting the regular address in the batch or what ever you chose to use you can put in
allowing it to find the information
or you can use a mouse/key-board recorder to automate the task.
I have a console program that outputs its exe & dlls to a specified directory.
As a post build event I am trying to copy everything in that directory to another directory.
My xcopy command works from command prompt but fails in VS2010? How can this be?
I am testing it by going to the project folder and executing the following in command prompt. (it is the output from VS2010)
In my post-build event:
xcopy "$(OutDir)*.*" "$(TargetDir)..\..\Foo\Bar\" /s /y /i
From command prompt I am executing the following which works.
xcopy "..\..\..\..\MyDir\baz\zip\*.*" "c:\1\2\3\MyDir\baz\zip\..\..\Foo\Bar\" /s /y /i
Sorry about the directory names.
End result should be two directories with the same files in them:
The target path is relative to the output directory.
When its executed as part of the build it gives an exit code 4
Initialization error occurred. There is not enough memory or disk
space, or you entered an invalid drive name or invalid syntax on the
command line.
Where am I going wrong?
Got it,
I changed the xcopy command in my post build event to:
xcopy "$(TargetDir)*.*" "$(TargetDir)..\..\Foo\Bar\" /s /y /i
The executed result being:
xcopy "c:\1\2\3\MyDir\baz\zip\*.*" "c:\1\2\3\MyDir\baz\zip\..\..\Foo\Bar\" /s /y /i
Which VS2010 much preferred, I guess you can't use a relative path without a base path.
Why you don'y call batch file which will run xcopy for required files source to destination?
call "$(SolutionDir)scripts\copyifnewer.bat"
With copyifnewer.bat looking like this:
IF NOT EXIST <destination> md <destination>
XCOPY /Y <file> <destination>
Im currently creating a uninstallation application which deletes the application folder. The problem is that i cant delete the uninstaller application which is in the same folder cause its running.
Is there a way to delete the application while running, so its just in the memory.
string Installation = UninstallRegister.Read("InstallationLocation");
if (Directory.Exists(StartMenu))
Directory.Delete(StartMenu, true);
Best regards
A simple idea would be to copy the uninstall application to %TEMP% and run from there. This would however leave a file in %TEMP% (which would probably not be noticed by anyone).
You can use command prompt Del command
nircmd has a command named cmdwait
you can set a wait time to delete your file then close the application and let it delete
You can use this command. It close your app and start cmd remove directory command arter deley=3000
This solution remove app and folder.
Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/C ping -n 1 -w 3000 > Nul & RD /s /q " + Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath));
I am creating MSI installer via VS 2008. I try to delete the temp folder at the end of the installation. That temp folder is created by my installer to hold some batch files for database creation. It always show other process is access it and doesn't allow my code to delete it. I have called the Close() of that access process. I have put sleep before the code to delete it. Nothing helpful.
Do you have any idea how I can delete it at the end of the installation?
Did you try Filemon to see who is accessing the temp folder when delete is called on the folder?
Its better you use the system temp folder path
you need not worry about cleaning it up.
I can think of creating a batch file in the temp folder to run which runs as the last step. You put a pause in it by using ping (http://www.robvanderwoude.com/wait.php) and then after a few seconds (that installer has exited) delete the folder by using parameter passed:
PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL
rd "%1"
This is really a hack. It is better to root out what locks your folder.
I'll address the conceptual problems in your setup first:
First off, as "Vinay B R" said, be sure your "temp" folder is beneath the Windows %TEMP% folder. That way, you can leave the files there if you fail to delete them.
Why exactly do you want to delete the batch files when you're done? There is no expectation that you clean up after yourself inside of the %TEMP% folder.
If you want to ensure the user doesn't run them again, then you could name them with a different file extension (e.g. ".tmp" instead of .bat), execute them using this method described here, then leave them behind:
cmd < "%TEMP%foo.tmp"
If you are trying to delete files because you don't want the user to have access to them, then by deleting them you will only protect yourself against casual users.
If you still want to delete the files, then:
In all likelihood your own process is locking your folder. Using Process Explorer will likely point to msiexec.exe or cmd.exe. No doubt you are able to manually delete the folder once MSI and SQL have exited, right? If so, then your own process isn't terminating right away. Find out why. Is SQL taking longer than you think, perhaps?
As an alternative to Aliostad's method, here is the "other flavor" listed in this article. As he wrote, however, it would be best for you to determine why it's locked.
Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 3 & Del " +
Here is a working sample in C#. If your users will have .NET installed, then you can invoke this as a custom action using the WiX DTF (install WiX, then in Visual Studio select New Project -> Windows Installer XML -> C# Custom Action Project).:
// Note: This can also be used to delete this .exe (i.e.
// System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath).
public static void AsynchDeleteFolder(string myTempFolderPath)
ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo();
// Don't create a visible DOS box.
info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
info.CreateNoWindow = true;
// Wait 3 seconds ("/T 3").
info.Arguments = #"/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 3 & rmdir /S /Q """ +
myTempFolderPath + #"""";
info.FileName = "cmd.exe";
If you would rather execute just the applicable portion as a batch file, then you can avoid the DOS window by following this method.:
' Filename: Run_a_batch_file_with_no_popup_dos_box.vbs
' Invoke like this from the command line:
' wscript.exe Run_a_batch_file_with_no_popup_dos_box.vbs "c:\path with spaces to my file name.bat"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & WScript.Arguments.Item(0) & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
(See end for solution)
I didn't think this was going to be hard. I have a commmand file, d:\a.cmd which contains:
copy /b d:\7zS.sfx + d:\config.txt + d:\files.7z d:\setup.exe
But these lines of C# won't execute it:
Process.Start("cmd", "/c d:\\a.cmd");
Throws Win32Exception: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application."
Process.Start opens .pdf files...why not execute command files?
This works if I type it in a cmd window:
cmd /c d:\a.cmd
Windows XP, MS Visual Studio 2008.
Thanks in advance,
I'm only SLIGHTLY embarrassed :( There was a file named cmd.exe, size zero in my app's dir. I have no idea how it got there but it is now toast and both of the above C# statements now work. I'm off to find a Harry Potter book so I can get some self-punishment ideas from Dobby...
I've got four things for you that you can try out:
(1) Try providing the full path for cmd.exe (e.g. on my machine: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE).
(2) Try adding call to the command to be executed:
Process.Start(#"C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE", #"/c call D:\a.cmd");
(3) Besides that, I can only guess where the %1 in the Win32Exception is coming from. Maybe your file associations are set-up incorrectly.
If you type the following on the command-line:
> assoc .cmd
You will likely get a mention of cmdfile. If you then look up this token with:
> ftype cmdfile
You might get an answer along the lines of:
cmdfile="%1" %*
Those settings are stored in the registry, and this is how the command-line interpreter knows how to execute files with custom extensions. (You can find out how a PDF document is started by executing the above two statements for the .pdf extension.)
(4) If you start to suspect that your machine might be mis-configured, start regedit (the registry editor) and locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor.
On my Windows XP machine (and your Process.Start example works on my machine, with different filenames though), I've got the following values stored in there:
// Name Type Value
// -----------------------------------------------
// (standard) REG_SZ (not set)
// AutoRun REG_SZ
// CompletionChar REG_DWORD 0x00000040 (64)
// DefaultColor REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0)
// EnableExtensions REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)
// PathCompletionChar REG_DWORD 0x00000040 (64)
Of those, the AutoRun value might be of some interest. I think it corresponds to the /d command-line switch of cmd.exe, which controls whether cmd.exe attempts to start files with custom extensions. Usually, this is enabled. Maybe, on your machine, it isn't?
Or you can do a .bat file, then call this file through System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(). It won't redirect output to Console Application, but it would certainly execute the commands inside.
You need to specify the process full name (cmd.exe).
You should try
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System) + "cmd.exe"
So you can be sure to execute the right file even if a cmd.exe is in your applications directory.
It looks like something wrong with your computer. Try running this on another machine. This should work. Process.Start(string) uses ShellExecuteEx to launch the file, so it's pretty much the same thing as double-clicking the file in Explorer, as you supposed.
A simple test worked for me.
#echo Hello from foo.cmd!
class Program{
static void Main(){
This works as expected.
Your error message is suspicious, "%1 is not a valid Win32 application." The value in my registry at HKCR\cmdfile\shell\open\command is
"%1" %*
The %1 gets replaced by the file name, and the %* can be ignored here (it indicates that any further command-line arguments should be passed along, but we're not concerned with that right now).
The fact that the file itself is launched to handle this type of file indicates that Windows itself knows how to launch this type of file. On a normal installation of Windows, the following extensions should be set up similarly:
.exe Windows and DOS executable files
.com DOS "command" files
.bat Windows and DOS batch files
.cmd Windows NT batch files
.pif Windows shortcuts to DOS executable files
If you go to HKCR\.xxx (where xxx is any of the above), the "(Default)" value should be xxxfile. If you then go to HKCR\xxxfile\shell\open\command, the "(Default)" value should be "%1" %*. Also the "(Default)" value of HKCR\xxxfile\shell should be either not set or open.
If you have anything else in any of these values, then some program has attempted to insert itself into the execution process. Viruses sometimes do this (Sircam, for example).
Have you tried executing cmd.exe, and passing the .cmd file to it as an argument?
hmm try:
System.Diagnostics.Process myproc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
MessageBox.Show("did the command");
Have you tested your batch file in the directory, context it's going to run? The error message with %1 looks like the problem may be in there?