How to do the inverse Mercator projection - c#

Here is some code I started writing, the Mercator projection is based on this answer.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
namespace CoordinatesTool
public class GeoPoint
public double Longitude { get; set; }
public double Latitude { get; set; }
public string ToString()
return Latitude + "," + Longitude;
public PointF ToMercator(int width, int height)
var x = (float)((Longitude + 180) * width / 360);
var latRadians = Latitude * Math.PI / 180;
var yTransformed = Math.Log(Math.Tan((latRadians / 2) + (Math.PI / 4)));
var yScaled = (float)((height / 2.0) - (width * yTransformed / (2 * Math.PI)));
return new PointF(x, yScaled);
public static GeoPoint FromMercator(PointF point, int width, int height)
return FromMercator(point.X, point.Y, width, height);
public static GeoPoint FromMercator(double x, double y, int width, int height)
// No clue what to do here
My goal is to use this utility class in a WinForms application. I'm using it with this map: (width: 2048, height: 1588).
The Mercator inversion is working quite well (however, I suspect it's not very accurate in the arctic/antarctic reagions).
But the inverse Mercator projection really leaves me puzzled. I played around with the solution proposed in another question, but couldn't get anywhere. Especially I don't understand the Gudermannian (and inverse) function, the DEGREES_PER_RADIAN and RADIANS_PER_DEGREE constants, and how I should convert the y value into a latitude to call the GudermannianInv() function with.
EDIT: Here is how I tried how to do the inverse projection:
Starting with yScaled (parameter y in FromMercator function):
var yTransformed = 2 * Math.PI * (height / 2.0 - yScaled) / width;
var latRadians = Math.Arctan(Math.Pow(Math.E, yTransformed) - Math.PI / 4) / 2;
// ...

Here are some bits of what you seek:
radians * degrees/radians == degrees : degrees_per_radian is just a way of expressing degrees/radians in 'English' rather than in 'maths'. radians_per_degree is left as an exercise for the reader. So these two constants represent the numbers you use when converting between angles in degrees and angles in radians.
Looking at the code you've posted, you have the lines to convert latRadians to y. It looks straightforward to implement code to invert those operations. You need to 'un'-scale and 'un'-transform 'yScaled'. For example, treating the line (part):
yScaled = ((height / 2.0) - (width * yTransformed / (2 * Math.PI)))
as a mathematical equation, you need to solve for yTransformed in terms of yScaled.
As for the Gudermannian, the question you refer to implements that in one line of code and the inverse Gudermannian in 3 lines. The Gudermannian is just a way of transforming a circular measurement (such as a measurement in degrees or radians) into a linear measurement (such as one in centimetres on a chart to be published on paper). In particular, and pertinent here, the Gudermannian will transform a latitude into a linear distance from 0.
OK, so looking a bit closer, in your original code you transform the latitude from an angular measurement into a linear one with the line:
yTransformed = Math.Log(Math.Tan((latRadians / 2) + (Math.PI / 4)))
I think that you should probably replace this with a call to the inverse Gudermannian, as indicated in the answer to the question you link to. I suspect that your home-brewed transformation is stumbling over extreme points in the tan/arctan functions. You would then use the direct Gudermannian in the un-transformation of course.


Intermediate points between 2 geographic coordinates

I am trying to develop an algorithm that involves normalizing GPS coordinates (latitude/longitude). That means, that being given two points A (lat1,lon1) and B(lat2,lon2) I would like to insert a point C that is linear with AB (same arc) and is placed at a specific distance from A and B (eg: A to B distance is 0.5km and I want point C to be at 0.1 km from A, on the AB arc). How can I calculate the coordinates for point C?
For the purpose given, it is enough to approximate Earth as a perfect spherical object.
I have found this article, but it gives the formula for midpoint only (and I don't fully understand it, in order to adapt).
midpoint between two latitude and longitude
Thank you.
Edit: I tried this but it gives wrong answers
public static void normalizedPoint(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, double dist){
double constant=Math.PI/180;
double angular = dist/6371;
double a = Math.Sin( 0* angular )/Math.Sin(angular);
double b = Math.Sin(1*angular)/Math.Sin(angular);
double x = a * Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Cos(lon1) + b * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(lon2);
double y = a * Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(lon1) + b * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Sin(lon2);
double z = a * Math.Sin(lat1) + b * Math.Sin (lon2);
double lat3 = Math.Atan2(z, Math.Sqrt( x*x + y*y ));
double lon3 = Math.Atan2(y, x);
Console.WriteLine(lat3/constant + " " + lon3/constant );
As far as I understood the original formulas this should return one of the 2 original points, but it does not(because the fraction used is 1). Also the variable dist is the distance from the 2 points and is properly calculated (checked with the same website).
Edit 2: I am providing as inputs coordinates for 2 geographic points (lat1, lon1, lat2 lon2) and the distance between them. I'm trying to get an intermediary point (lat3,lon3).
As I point out in an answer on the linked to question, you need to change all of your inputs to use radians rather than degrees.
I believe you also had an error for z where you used lon2 rather than lat2.
With those corrections, I get the answer you're seeking:
public static void normalizedPoint(double lat1, double lon1,
double lat2, double lon2,
double dist)
double constant = Math.PI / 180;
double angular = dist / 6371;
double a = Math.Sin(0 * angular) / Math.Sin(angular);
double b = Math.Sin(1 * angular) / Math.Sin(angular);
double x = a * Math.Cos(lat1* constant) * Math.Cos(lon1* constant) +
b * Math.Cos(lat2* constant) * Math.Cos(lon2* constant);
double y = a * Math.Cos(lat1* constant) * Math.Sin(lon1* constant) +
b * Math.Cos(lat2* constant) * Math.Sin(lon2* constant);
double z = a * Math.Sin(lat1* constant) + b * Math.Sin(lat2* constant);
double lat3 = Math.Atan2(z, Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y));
double lon3 = Math.Atan2(y, x);
Console.WriteLine(lat3 / constant + " " + lon3 / constant);
Of course, the above can be vastly simplified by only converting angles ones, avoiding repeated calculations of the same Sin/Cos values, etc.
normalizedPoint(47.20761, 27.02185, 47.20754, 27.02177, 1);
I get the output:
47.20754 27.02177
Not sure if the original author found some answer, but since I had similar problem and developed working solution, I think it would be good to post it here.
The Problem
Having two geographical points, A and B, find intermediate point C which lies exactly on the direct way from A to B and is N kilometers far from A (where N is less than distance between A and B, otherwise C = B).
My Context
I was developing small pet project based on microservices architecture. The idea was to launch missile from given deployment platform (point A) to chosen target location (point B). I had to create some kind of simulator that sends some messages about current missile Geo location after it is launched, so I had to find those intermediate points between A and B somehow.
Solution Context
Eventually, I developed C# based solution based on this great web page -
That web page has all the explanations, formulas and JavaScript code at the bottom. If you are not familiar with the C#, you can use their JavaScript implementation.
My C# Implementation
Your input is Location A, Location B and the distance.
You need to find bearing from A to B (see 'Bearing' section on that site)
You need to find position C from A having bearing (see 'Destination point given distance and bearing from start point' on that site)
The Code
I have working solution as part of my pet project and it can be found here -
(Since original class is subject to change in the future, you might need to refer to this gist -
// 1. Find bearing between A and B
var bearing = CoordinatesHelper.FindInitialBearing(pointA, pointB);
// 2. Find intermediate point C having bearing (above) and any distance in km
var pointC = CoordinatesHelper.GetIntermediateLocation(pointA, bearing, distance);
I hope somebody will find this helpful.
def get_intermediate_point(lat1 , lon1 , lat2 , lon2 , d):
constant = np.pi / 180
R = 6371
φ1 = lat1 * constant
λ1 = lon1 * constant
φ2 = lat2 * constant
λ2 = lon2 * constant
y = np.sin(λ2-λ1) * np.cos(φ2);
x = np.cos(φ1)*np.sin(φ2) - np.sin(φ1)*np.cos(φ2)*np.cos(λ2-λ1)
θ = np.arctan2(y, x)
brng = (θ*180/np.pi + 360) % 360; #in degrees
brng = brng * constant
φ3 = np.arcsin( np.sin(φ1)*np.cos(d/R ) + np.cos(φ1)*np.sin(d/R )*np.cos(brng) )
λ3 = λ1 + np.arctan2(np.sin(brng)*np.sin(d/R )*np.cos(φ1), np.cos(d/R )-np.sin(φ1)*np.sin(φ2));
return φ3/constant , λ3/constant

How to convert percent slope to degree

double mypercentslope = 1
With a calculator if I wanted to convert that to a degree, I'd simply do: arctan(0.01);
I've tried Math.Atan(0.01) and it's reporting an incorrect value. I've read that c# uses radians but not sure, based on that, how to accomplish what i need. Thanks all!
Yes, Math.Atan does give it's result in radians (from here). You could use this to convert to degrees:
private double RadianToDegree(double angle)
return angle * (180.0 / Math.PI);
(the above code snippet is taken from here)
so full working code might look like:
double myPercentSlope = 100;
double rads = Math.Atan(myPercentSlope/100);
double degrees = rads * (180.0 / Math.PI);

OpenGL draw lines based on Lat/Lon Coordinates

I need some help with drawing lines from lat/lon coordinates to an OpenGL canvas.
Gl.glViewport(0, 0, simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Width, simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Height);
Gl.glOrtho(0, simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Width, 0, simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Height, -1, 1);
Gl.glVertex2d(getX(36.0740197, -115.1051997), getY(36.0740197, -115.1051997));
Gl.glVertex2d(getX(36.0740197, -115.0845997), getY(36.0740197, -115.0845997));
And here's the methods to convert the lat/lon to XY:
public static double ToRadians(double valueInDegrees)
return (Math.PI / 180) * valueInDegrees;
public double getY(double lat, double lon)
double mercN = Math.Log(Math.Tan((Math.PI / 4) + (ToRadians(lat) / 2)));
return (simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Height / 2) - (simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Width * mercN / (2 * Math.PI));
public double getX(double lat, double lon)
return (lon + 180) * (simpleOpenGlControl.ClientRectangle.Width / 360);
However, when I run the application, nothing is drawn on the canvas. Any ideas? Additionally, the Lat/Lon coordinates are in pairs:
StartLon="-118.1624997" StartLat="33.9512797" EndLon="-118.1664997" EndLat="33.9508597"
With the conversion code, I these XY coordinates for 36.0740197, -115.1051997
If someone can point me in the right direction, I'd much appreciate it!
I was able to replicate your code and successfully draw lines between given points.
(Your lat/lon coordinate values of two points are too close to be noticeable but I was able to see a spec of line between them.)
Based on this, I wonder where you have put your first code listing (the part you setup viewport and draw lines) in your main program.
Try to render something simpler and see whether your OpenGL context is working correctly.

Find closest city to given location

I am trying to find the closest city to given location. I have stored location of some cities that I want to work with. And I have my location, but I dont know how to find the closest city to my location ?
New York - Lat 40.714353; Long -74.005973
Washington - Lat 38.895112; Long -77.036366
....more cities
My location
Philadephia - Lat 39.952335; Long -75.163789
So how should I compare the coords to find the closest city ? I am doing program in C# but just knowing the solution of algorythm is enaught for me :)
Thanks for any help
You should use your high school knowledge to solve this problem, your alghorithm is:
closest = sqrt ( (lat2 - lat1) ^2 + (Long2-Long1) ^2 )
now this give you your air distance.
so, when you do this for an array of values, you can use asort function to compare which one is closest to you.
Strictly, you'd want to use the Haversine formula.
However, while you could perhaps be just slightly out in far northern or far southern points, you could probably get by by pretending that Mercator projections are accurate for distance, and ignoring the curvature of the earth. This is especially true if you are going to have lots of cities, as the error is greater, the further points are from the target point. Hence you would just use Pythagoras':
relDist = √((xLat - yLat) × (xLat - yLat) + (xLng - yLng) × (xLng - yLng))
But since you only care about (and only get) a relative ordering, you can skip the square-root bit, which is the heaviest step:
relDist = (xLat - yLat) × (xLat - yLat) + (xLng - yLng) × (xLng - yLng)
As well as being faster in and of itself, it can also be reasonably preformed on integers, should you store your coordinates as multiples of the actual coordinate (e.g. storing New York's (40.664167, -73.938611) as the pair (406642, -739386). This can be a big boost if you want to quickly sort a large number of places in order of proximity to a given point.
If however you really care about precision in the face of the fact that the earth is round, then the following implements Haversine:
private const double radiusE = 6378135; // Equatorial radius
private const double radiusP = 6356750; // Polar radius
private const double radianConv = 180 / Math.PI;
public static double GetDistanceBetweenPoints(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2)
double dLat = (lat2 - lat1) / radianConv;
double dLong = (long2 - long1) / radianConv;
double a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Sin(dLong/2) * Math.Sin(dLong/2);
return Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(radiusE * radiusP * Math.Cos(lat1 / radianConv), 2)) / (Math.Pow(radiusE * Math.Cos(lat1 / radianConv), 2) + Math.Pow(radiusP * Math.Sin(lat1 / radianConv), 2))) * (2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)));
The distance bitween two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is
d = sqrt((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2)
so in c# you we will have:
public City FindNearestCity(double currentLatitude, double currentLogitude, List<City> cities)
Dictionary<City, double> distances = new Dictionary<City, double>();
foreach (City city in cities)
double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(city.latitude - currentLatitude, 2) + Math.Pow(city.Longitude - currentLogitude, 2));
distances.Add(city, distance);
double minimumDistance = distances.Min(distance => distance.Value);
return distances.First(distance => distance.Value == minimumDistance).Key;
Visit here
you can find two c# function using Brute force and divide-and-conquer algorithms to find the closest two points among a set of given points in two dimensions.
Jon's answer is very inspiring, although there're few missing pieces.
lat1 should be in a
double a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Cos(lat1/ RadianConv) * Math.Cos(lat2/ RadianConv) * Math.Sin(dLong / 2) * Math.Sin(dLong / 2);
The simulated radius in last statement gave 2000ish sometimes, which should be close to either RadiusE or RadiusP, so I used mean radius instead.
return 6371* (2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)));

How to do correct polygon rotation? ( in C# though it applies to anything )

Hi I'm using this C# code to rotate polygons in my app - they do rotate but also get skewed along the way which is not what i want to happen. All the polygons are rectangles with four corners defined as 2D Vectors,
public Polygon GetRotated(float radians)
Vector origin = this.Center;
Polygon ret = new Polygon();
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
ret.Points.Add(RotatePoint(points[i], origin, radians));
return ret;
public Vector RotatePoint(Vector point, Vector origin, float angle)
Vector ret = new Vector();
ret.X = (float)(origin.X + ((point.X - origin.X) * Math.Cos((float)angle)) - ((point.Y - origin.Y) * Math.Sin((float)angle)));
ret.Y = (float)(origin.Y + ((point.X - origin.X) * Math.Sin((float)angle)) - ((point.Y - origin.Y) * Math.Cos((float)angle)));
return ret;
Looks like your rotation transformation is incorrect. You should use:
x' = x*Cos(angle) - y*Sin(angle)
y' = x*Sin(angle) + y*Cos(angle)
For more information, check various sources on the internet. :)
I don't have any answer to why it's skewing yet, but I do have a suggestion to make the code clearer:
public Vector RotatePoint(Vector point, Vector origin, float angle)
Vector translated = point - origin;
Vector rotated = new Vector
X = translated.X * Math.Cos(angle) - translated.Y * Math.Sin(angle),
Y = translated.X * Math.Sin(angle) + translated.Y * Math.Cos(angle)
return rotated + origin;
(That's assuming Vector has appropriate +/- operators defined.)
You may still need a couple of casts to float, but you'll still end up with fewer brackets obfuscating things. Oh, and you definitely don't need to cast angle to float, given that it's already declared as float.
EDIT: A note about the rotation matrices involved - it depends on whether you take the angle to be clockwise or anticlockwise. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that the matrix is indeed what's going wrong (I did try to check it, but apparently messed up)... but "different" doesn't necessarily mean "wrong". Hopefully the matrix is what's wrong, admittedly :)
I think your rotation matrix is incorrect. There should be a + instead of - in the second equation:
+cos -sin
+sin +cos
Assuming that origin is 0,0. From your formula I would get:
X' = (X + ((X - 0) * Cos(angle)) - ((Y - 0) * Sin(angle)));
X' = X + (X * Cos(angle)) - (Y * Sin(angle));
Which differs from the initial formula
x' = x * cos angle - y * cos angle
So I think Jon Skeet's answer is correct and clearer.
Just a wild guess - are you sure the aspect ratio of your desktop resolution is the same as of the physical screen? That is, are the pixels square? If not, then rotating your rectangles in an arbitrary angle can make them look skewed.
