Autofac Binding at Runtime - c#

I currently use Autofac to do simple constructor injection without any issues. However what I would like to know is how to resolve dependencies at runtime. The example below shows multiple ways in which we can export a document. With simple constructor injection the concrete implementation of IExport is resolved at runtime. However what need to do is to resolve IExport on a user selection from a dropdown list which will happen after the construction of my container. Is there any examples of how I can achieve this?
Public interface IExport
void Run(string content);
public class PDFformat : IExport
public void Run(string content)
// export in pdf format
public class HTMLformat : IExport
public void Run(string content)
// export in html format
public class RTFformat : IExport
public void Run(string content)
// export in rtf format
public class HomeController : Controller
IExport Export;
public HomeController(IExport export)
Export = export;
public void ExportDocument(string content)
Any help on this would be much appreciated.

You should use a factory:
public interface IExportFactory
IExport CreateNewExport(string type);
class ExportFactory : IExportFactory
private readonly IComponentContext container;
public ExportFactory(IComponentContext container)
this.container = container;
public IExport CreateNewExport(string type)
switch (type)
case: "html":
return this.container.Resolve<HTMLformat>();
// etc
c=> new ExportFactory(c.Resolve<IComponentContext>()))));
public class HomeController : Controller
IExportFactory factory;
public HomeController(IExportFactory factory)
this.factory = factory;
public void ExportDocument(string content)


Dependency Injection in Xamarin.Android

I am working on a Xamarin.Android project developed by another developer. I got to know that they have used Dependancy Injection. There is a class like this
public class RemoteSupportHandler : DataAccessor<FwDataContext>, IRemoteSupportSettingHandler
private RemoteSupportSetting[] _cached;
public RemoteSupportHandler(IDatabaseController db, ILogger logger, IPerfLogger perfLogger)
: base(db, logger, perfLogger)
public async Task<RemoteSupportSetting> GetRemoteSupportDemoVideoUrlAsync()
return await WithDataContextAsync(ctx =>
return (from row in ctx.RemoteSupportSettings
where row.ParamName == "DEMO_VIDEO"
select new RemoteSupportSetting
ParamName = row.ParamName
In another file, they have registered this class with UnityContainer. Now I want to call this GetRemoteSupportDemoVideoUrlAsync() method from my Activity. I know I cannot create an object using this constructor. I have no idea how I should I do this.
Registration Code
public class Registrar : IRegistrar {
protected virtual void OnApplyInitializedRegistrations(IUnityContainer container) {
container.RegisterType<IRemoteSupportSettingHandler, RemoteSupportHandler>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
public interface IRegistrar
void ApplySessionRegistrations(IUnityContainer container);
void ApplyInitializedRegistrations(IUnityContainer container);
public abstract class MyApplication : Application, IPlatformApplication {
public IUnityContainer AppUnityContainer => _container;
protected virtual void OnLaunched()
IActivityService activityService = new ActivityService(this);
AppUnityContainer.RegisterType<IRegistrar, PlatformRegistrar>();

Inject Dependency into Core Module of a ASP Boilerplate project

I have NotificationJob class where I have all the functions related to Notification Feature for my .Net Core application. It has some injected dependencies from Domain services. I am having a problem trying to inject INotificationJob interface of the class into the CoreModule of the project.
I initially tried injecting the interface directly into the CoreModule but failed so I created another module in the same file called NotificationModule where I inject INotificationJob interface. Then I try to link it with the CoreModule using [DependsOn(typeof(oasisCoreModule))] annotation.
Core Module of the project
public class oasisCoreModule : AbpModule
public override void PreInitialize()
Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().SendAllExceptionsToClients = true;
Configuration.Auditing.IsEnabledForAnonymousUsers = true;
// Declare entity types
Configuration.Modules.Zero().EntityTypes.Tenant = typeof(Tenant);
Configuration.Modules.Zero().EntityTypes.Role = typeof(Role);
Configuration.Modules.Zero().EntityTypes.User = typeof(User);
// Enable this line to create a multi-tenant application.
Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled = oasisConsts.MultiTenancyEnabled;
// Configure roles
public override void Initialize()
public override void PostInitialize()
IocManager.Resolve<AppTimes>().StartupTime = Clock.Now;
// This is the custom module that I created in the same file as the core module.
public class NotificationModule : AbpModule
INotificationJob _job;
public NotificationModule(INotificationJob job)
_job = job;
public override void Initialize()
public override void PostInitialize()
INotificationJob Interface I am Injecting into the NotificationModule
public interface INotificationJob: IDomainService
void Loop();
void CheckTickets();
void CheckReminders(string email, string ticket);
Class Implementation of INotificationJob Interface
public class NotificationJob: DomainService, INotificationJob
private readonly ITicketRefManager _ticketRefManager;
private readonly IClientManager _clientManager;
private readonly IEmailManager _emailManager;
public NotificationJob(
ITicketRefManager ticketRefManager,
IClientManager clientManager,
IEmailManager emailManager,
_ticketRefManager = ticketRefManager;
_clientManager = clientManager;
_emailManager = emailManager;
public void Loop()
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(() => CheckTickets(), Cron.Minutely);
When I run the solution, I am presented with an error saying as shown:
Are there any other steps that I need to take to complete the Dependency Injection process? Or are the steps that I described flawed?
I'm not sure what you're trying to do with you "interface injecting", but you can try this if I understand correctly what you're trying to do :
Core Module
public override void PostInitialize()
var recurrentJobs = IocManager.Resolve<NotificationJob>();
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("JobName", () => recurrentJobs.CheckTickets(), Cron.Minutely);
Your class
public class NotificationJob : ISingletonDependency
private readonly ITicketRefManager _ticketRefManager;
private readonly IClientManager _clientManager;
private readonly IEmailManager _emailManager;
public NotificationJob(
ITicketRefManager ticketRefManager,
IClientManager clientManager,
IEmailManager emailManager,
_ticketRefManager = ticketRefManager;
_clientManager = clientManager;
_emailManager = emailManager;
public void CheckTickets()
//Do something
Does it helps ?

autofac instance a class in constructor

I have the next problem, i dont understand why this code dont work i think is because i dont injectate the class of constructor by autofac but i dont know how do that, can us help me to do that the better way?
Before I add the generator this work if i comment the generator code in service work.
This is my code:
I have a class Controller that invoke a serv:
public class ZonesController : Controller
private IZoneService zoneService;
public ZonesController(IZoneService zoneService)
this.zoneService = zoneService;
//Do work
This is the service and interface:
public class ZoneService : IZoneService
private readonly IZoneRepository zoneRepository;
private readonly IDtoFactory dtoFactory;
private readonly ZoneGenerator zoneGenerator;
public ZoneService(IZoneRepository zoneRepository,
IDtoFactory dtoFactory,
ZoneGenerator zoneGenerator)
this.zoneRepository = zoneRepository;
this.dtoFactory = dtoFactory;
this.zoneGenerator = zoneGenerator;
public void Add(ZoneDetailDTO zone)
//Do Work
public interface IZoneService
void Add(ZoneDetailDTO zone);
//Do Methods
The generator invoke ohter class, factories:
public class ZoneGenerator
private readonly ZoneFactory zoneFactory;
private readonly IZoneRepository zoneRepository;
public ZoneGenerator(ZoneFactory zoneFactory, IZoneRepository zoneRepository)
this.zoneFactory = zoneFactory;
this.zoneRepository = zoneRepository;
public void Generate(ZoneDetailDTO zoneModel)
var zone = zoneFactory.Create(zoneModel);
The Factory:
public class ZoneFactory
private readonly ZoneMapFactory zoneMapFactory;
private readonly ZoneScheduleFactory zoneScheduleFactory;
public ZoneFactory(ZoneMapFactory zoneMapFactory,
ZoneScheduleFactory zoneScheduleFactory)
this.zoneMapFactory = zoneMapFactory;
this.zoneScheduleFactory = zoneScheduleFactory;
public Zone Create(zoneDetailDTO zone)
var map = zoneMapFactory.Create(zone.Map.Address, zone.Map.Latitude, zone.Map.Longitude);
var schedule = zoneScheduleFactory.Create(zone.Schedule.StartHour, zone.Schedule.EndHour);
return new Zone(zone.Name,
And finally my container:
//method in Startup class Asp.Net Core
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton(_ => Configuration);
// Add framework services.
var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = containerBuilder.Build();
return new AutofacServiceProvider(container);
public class DefaultModule : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
You have missed to add to your Load method the following:

AutoFac - How to register and resolve an object with parameter?

public class FooController : ApiController
private IDb db;
public FooController (IDb context)
db = context;
public void DoSomething(string value)
var output = new DoSomethingElse(value);
DoSomethingElse object is used by couple of methods in this class but it's not a requirement for all the methods. How do I register and resolve DoSomethingElse?
The problem as I understand it:
public class FooController : ApiController
private IDb db;
public FooController (IDb context)
db = context;
public void DoSomething(string value)
var output = new DoSomethingElse(value);
You don't want to instantiate the DoSomethingElse type everytime you instantiate the FooController. You also want to provide it with a value at run time.
So this calls for the Factory Pattern:
public interface IDoSomethingElseFactory
IDoSomethingElse Create(string value);
public class DoSomethingElseFactory : IDoSomethingElseFactory
public IDoSomethingElse Create(string value)
// Every call to this method will create a new instance
return new DoSomethingElse(value);
public class FooController : ApiController
private IDb db;
private readonly IDoSomethingElseFactory doSomethingElseFactory;
public FooController (
IDb context,
IDoSomethingElseFactory doSomethingElseFactory)
db = context;
this.doSomethingElseFactory = doSomethingElseFactory;
public void DoSomething(string value)
// this will be the point at which a brand new
// instance of `DoSomethingElse` will be created.
var output = doSomethingElseFactory.Create(value);
Then to register this:

Implementing CastleWindsor with Model View Presenter (MVP)

I would like to implement CastleWindsor with the MVP pattern, but I keep getting an 'Object Reference Not Set to an Object reference on the Presenter when the repository is called to obtain some data.
This is how I did it and I am wondering if there is anything wrong, so please let me know if you can:
public class CategoryPresenter
ICategoryRepository categoryRepository;
ICategoryView categoryView;
public CategoryPresenter(ICategoryView _categoryView, ICategoryRepository _categoryRepository)
categoryView = _categoryView;
categoryRepository = _categoryRepository;
//public CategoryPresenter(ICategoryView _categoryView) : this (_categoryView, new CategoryRepository())
//{ }
public CategoryPresenter(ICategoryView _view)
categoryView = _view;
public IEnumerable<object> GetActiveCategories()
return categoryRepository.GetActiveCategories();
IoC Class:
public static class IoC
public static IWindsorContainer windsorContainter { get; set; }
IoCConfig Class:
class IoCConfig
public static IWindsorContainer RegisterCastleWindsorContainer()
IWindsorContainer windsorContainer = new WindsorContainer()
.Install(new RepositoryInstaller())
IoC.windsorContainter = windsorContainer;
return windsorContainer;
Installer Class:
public class RepositoryInstaller: IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
Finally in Global.ascx file I am doing this at App_Start:
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
With this, the error message is as said above; the error happens at the presenter's method: GetActiveCategories();
As you see at no where in code I invoke the resolve method on the container.
Please let me know if if you have any suggestions.
Thank you.
I have resolved this to the IoC Class
public static T Resolve<T>()
return windsorContainer.Resolve<T>();
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
And then add this to the presenter:
ICategoryRepository categoryRepository = IoC.Resolve<ICategoryRepository>();
ICategoryView categoryView = IoC.Resolve<ICategoryView>();
