I have a linq query which is not ordered the way I would like.
The Query:
return (from obj in context.table_orders
orderby obj.order_no
select obj.order_no.ToString() + '-' + obj.order_description).ToList<string>();
What happens is that my records are ordered alphabeticaly, is there a Linq keyword I can use so my records are ordered correctly (so order 30 comes before order 100)?
I want the result to be a list of string since this is used to populate a ComboBox.
Also some of the 'order_no' in the DB are like '2.10' and '9.1.1'.
What happens is that my records are ordered alphabeticaly, is there a Linq keyword I can use so my records are
ordered correctly (so order #30 comes before order #100)?
If I would get a cente everytime someone asks this I would be rich.
Yes, there is - simple answer: ORDER A NUMBER NOT A STRING.
so order #30 comes before order #100)
But #30 comes AFTER #100 for the simple reason that they ARE sorted alphabetically becase THEY ARE STRINGS.
Parse the string, convert the number to - well - a number, and order by it.
WHOEVER had the idea that order_no should be a string WITHOUT A FIXED LENGH (like 00030) should - well - ;) get a basic education on database modelling. I really like things like invoice numbers etc. to be strings (they are NOT numbers) but keeping them in (a) a defiable pattern and (b) checksummed (so that data entry errors are easily catched) should be basics ;)
This is the kind of issue you get with junior people defining databases and data models and not thinking about the consequences.
You are in for some pain - parse the string, order by parsing result.
If obj.order_no is a string, then convert it to a number for sorting
orderby Int32.Parse(obj.order_no)
orderby Decimal.Parse(obj.order_no)
of cause this works only if the string represents a valid number.
If order_no is not a valid number (e.g. "17.7-8A") then write a function that formats it to contain right aligned numbers, like "00017.007-0008A" and sort using this function
orderby FormatOrderNo(obj.order_no)
Since you are working with EF you cannot call this function in the EF part of your query. Convert the EF-result to an IEnumerable<T> and perform the sorting using LINQ-To-Objects
return (from obj in context.table_orders select ...)
.OrderBy(obj => FormatOrderNo(obj.order_no))
Based on what you said - that the numbers are not really numbers but rather custom sequence identifiers (i.e. you don't even know what level of depth you get) I would suggest implementing a custom comparer.
If you do this you can define what you exaclty want - and that is I believe something along these lines:
split the string on .
compare the sequences up to and including the array.length of the shorter sequence
if there was a shorter sequence and by now there is a tie, pick the shorter before the longer (i.e. 2.1 before 2.1.1)
if both sequences had the same length, by the end of the comparison you should know which one is 'bigger'
If you need inspiration on IComparer implementation an example below:
I would either change the datatype if possible or add it as another firld if applicable.
If that is a no-go you can look at the solutions mentioned by others in this question but beware - The .ToList() option is nice for small tables if you are pulling everything from them but getting used to it will eventually give you a world of pain. You don't wanna get everything in the long run, either use a Where or top critera.
The other solutions are nice but to complex for my taste to accomplish the task.
You could go with shooting sql directly through LinqToSql. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb399403.aspx
In the sql you are free to convert and sort however you like. Some think this is a great idea and some will tell you it it bad. You loose strong typing and gain performance. You will have to know WHY you take this kinds of decision, that is the most important thing imho.
Since nobody came up with a custom orderby function translatable into SQL, I went for the IComparer function like so:
public class OrderComparer<T> : IComparer<string>
#region IComparer<string> Members
public int Compare(string x, string y)
return GetOrderableValue(x.Split('-').First()).CompareTo(GetOrderableValue(y.Split('-').First()));
private int GetOrderableValue(string value)
string[] splitValue = value.Split('.');
int orderableValue = 0;
if (splitValue.Length.Equals(1))
orderableValue = int.Parse(splitValue[0]) * 1000;
else if (splitValue.Length.Equals(2))
orderableValue = int.Parse(splitValue[0]) * 1000 + int.Parse(splitValue[1]) * 100;
else if (splitValue.Length.Equals(3))
orderableValue = int.Parse(splitValue[0]) * 1000 + int.Parse(splitValue[1]) * 100 + int.Parse(splitValue[2]) * 10;
orderableValue = int.Parse(splitValue[0]) * 1000 + int.Parse(splitValue[1]) * 100 + int.Parse(splitValue[2]) * 10 + int.Parse(splitValue[3]);
return orderableValue;
The values have a maximum of 4 levels.
Anyone has a recommandation?
I'm building a custom textbox to enable mentioning people in a social media context. This means that I detect when somebody types "#" and search a list of contacts for the string that follows the "#" sign.
The easiest way would be to use LINQ, with something along the lines of Members.Where(x => x.Username.StartsWith(str). The problem is that the amount of potential results can be extremely high (up to around 50,000), and performance is extremely important in this context.
What alternative solutions do I have? Is there anything similar to a dictionary (a hashtable based solution) but that would allow me to use Key.StartsWith without itterating over every single entry? If not, what would be the fastest and most efficient way to achieve this?
Do you have to show a dropdown of 50000? If you can limit your dropdown, you can for example just display the first 10.
var filteredMembers = new List<MemberClass>
foreach(var member in Members)
if(member.Username.StartWith(str)) filteredMembers.Add(member);
if(filteredMembers >= 10) break;
You can try storing all your member's usernames into a Trie in addition to your collection. That should give you a better performance then looping through all 50000 elements.
Assuming your usernames are unique, you can store your member information in a dictionary and use the usernames as the key.
This is a tradeoff of memory for performance of course.
It is not really clear where the data is stored in the first place. Are all the names in memory or in a database?
In case you store them in database, you can just use the StartsWith approach in the ORM, which would translate to a LIKE query on the DB, which would just do its job. If you enable full text on the column, you could improve the performance even more.
Now supposing all the names are already in memory. Remember the computer CPU is extremely fast so even looping through 50 000 entries takes just a few moments.
StartsWith method is optimized and it will return false as soon as it encounters a non-matching character. Finding the ones that actually match should be pretty fast. But you can still do better.
As others suggest, you could build a trie to store all the names and be able to search for matches pretty fast, but there is a disadvantage - building the trie requires you to read all the names and create the whole data structure which is complex. Also you would be restricted only to a given set of characters and a unexpected character would have to be dealt with separately.
You can however group the names into "buckets". First start with the first character and create a dictionary with the character as a key and a list of names as the value. Now you effectively narrowed every following search approximately 26 times (supposing English alphabet). But don't have to stop there - you can perform this on another level, for the second character in each group. And then third and so on.
With each level you are effectively narrowing each group significantly and the search will be much faster afterwards. But there is of course the up-front cost of building the data structure, so you always have to find the right trade-off for you. More work up-front = faster search, less work = slower search.
Finally, when the user types, with each new letter she narrows the target group. Hence, you can always maintain the set of relevant names for the current input and cut it down with each successive keystroke. This will prevent you from having to go from the beginning each time and will improve the efficiency significantly.
Use BinarySearch
This is a pretty normal case, assuming that the data are stored in-memory, and here is a pretty standard way to handle it.
Use a normal List<string>. You don't need a HashTable or a SortedList. However, an IEnumerable<string> won't work; it has to be a list.
Sort the list beforehand (using LINQ, e.g. OrderBy( s => s)), e.g. during initialization or when retrieving it. This is the key to the whole approach.
Find the index of the best match using BinarySearch. Because the list is sorted, a binary search can find the best match very quickly and without scanning the whole list like Select/Where might.
Take the first N entries after the found index. Optionally you can truncate the list if not all N entries are a decent match, e.g. if someone typed "AZ" and there are only one or two items before "BA."
public static IEnumerable<string> Find(List<string> list, string firstFewLetters, int maxHits)
var startIndex = list.BinarySearch(firstFewLetters);
//If negative, no match. Take the 2's complement to get the index of the closest match.
if (startIndex < 0)
startIndex = ~startIndex;
//Take maxHits items, or go till end of list
var endIndex = Math.Min(
startIndex + maxHits - 1,
//Enumerate matching items
for ( int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++ )
var s = list[i];
if (!s.StartsWith(firstFewLetters)) break; //This line is optional
yield return s;
Click here for a working sample on DotNetFiddle.
I was at career fair and I was asked a question "what does this query do and in which language it is".
I told that it is in .NET LINQ, but was unable to predict what it does.
Can any one help me
I wrote in .NET and tried .
var youShould = from c
in "3%.$#9/52#2%35-%#4/#./3,!#+%23 !2#526%N#/-"
select (char)(c ^ 3 << 5);
Label1.Text = youShould.ToString();
And got this output :
First of all, don't feel bad that you didn't get the answer. I know exactly what's going on here and I'd have probably just laughed and walked away if someone asked me what this did.
There's a number of things going on here, but start with the output:
var youShould = from c in "3%.$#9/52#2%35-%#4/#./3,!#+%23 !2#526%N#/-"
select (char)(c ^ 3 << 5);
Label1.Text = youShould.ToString();
>>> System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2[System.Char,System.Char]
When you run a LINQ query, or use any of the equivalent methods like Select() that return sets, what you get back is a special, internal type of object called an "iterator", specifically, an object that implements the IEnumerable interface. .NET uses these objects all over the place; for example, the foreach loop's purpose is to iterate over iterators.
One of the most important things to know about these kind of objects is that just creating one doesn't actually "do" anything. The iterator doesn't actually contain a set of things; rather, it contains the instructions needed to produce a set of things. If you try to do something like, e.g. ToString on it, the result you get won't be very useful.
However, it does tell us one thing: it tells us that this particular iterator takes a source list of type char and returns a new set, also of type char. (I know that because I know that's what the two generic parameters of a "select iterator" do.) To get the actual results out of this iterator you just need to loop over it somehow, e.g.:
foreach (var c in youShould)
myLabel.Text += c;
or, slightly easier,
myLabel.Text = new string(youShould.ToArray());
To actually figure out what it does, you have to also recognize the second fact: LINQ treats a string as a "set of characters". It is going to process each character in that string, one at a time, and perform the bit-wise operations on the value.
The long-form equivalent of that query is something like this:
var input= "3%.$#9/52#2%35-%#4/#./3,!#+%23 !2#526%N#/-";
var output = string.Empty;
foreach (var c in input)
var i = (int)c;
var i2 = i ^ (3 << 5);
var c2= (char)i2;
output += c2;
If you did the math by hand you'd get the correct output message. To save you the brain-numbing exercise, I'll just tell you: it toggles bits 5 and 6 of the ASCII value, changing each character to one further up the ASCII table. The resulting string is:
SEND YOUR RESUME TO [an email address]
Demostrative .NET Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/x7UvYA
For each character in the string, project the character by xor-ing it with (3 left shifted by 5), then cast the numeric value back to a char.
You could generate your own code strings by running the query again over an uncoded string, because if you XOR a number twice by the same value, you'll be left with the same number you started with. (e.g. x ^ y ^ y = x)
I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out what the following is:
I suppose it tests:
Linq to objects
Understanding of IEnumerable<T> interface and how it relates to strings
Bitwise operations
Bitwise operator precedence
Personally, I think this is a useless test that doesn't really reflect real world problems.
So, here is My code:
private List<IEnumerable<Row>> Split(IEnumerable<Row> rows,
IEnumerable<DateTimePeriod> periods)
List<IEnumerable<Row>> result = new List<IEnumerable<Row>>();
foreach (var period in periods)
result.Add(rows.Where(row => row.Date >= period.begin && row.Date <= period.end));
return result;
private class DateTimePeriod
public DateTime begin { get; set; }
public DateTime end { get; set; }
As you can see, this code is not the best, it iterates throught all rows for each period.
I need advice on how to optimize this code. Maybe there are suitable Enumerable methods for this?
Update: all rows and periods ordered by date, and all of rows is always in one of these periods.
A faster method would be to perform a join on the two structures, however Linq only supports equi-joins (joins where two expressions are equal). In your case you are joining on one value being in a range of values, so an equi-join is not possible.
Before starting to optimize, make sure it needs to be optimized. Would your program be significantly faster if this function were faster? How much of your app time is spent in this function?
If optimization wouldn't benefit the program overall, then don't worry about it - make sure it works and then focus on other features of the program.
That said, since you say the rows and periods are already sorted by date, you might get some performance benefit by using loops, looping through the rows until you're out of the current period, then moving to the next period. At least that way you don't enumerate rows (or periods) multiple times.
There is a little problem in your code: rows is IEnumerable so that it can be enumerated multiple times. in foreach. It's a good idea to change it to something more stable, like array, out side of foreach:
var myRows = rows as Row[] ?? rows.ToArray();
by the way. I changed your code the following code, using Resharper:
var myRows = rows as Row[] ?? rows.ToArray();
return periods.Select(period => myRows.Where(row => row.Date >= period.begin && row.Date <= period.end)).ToList();
Your best chance to optimize an O(n x m) algorithm is to transform it in multiple consecutive O(n) operations. In order to gain time you must trade off space, so maybe if you create some lookup table based on the data in one of your Enumerables will help you in this case.
For example you can construct an int array that will have a value set for each day that belongs to a period (each period has another known hardcoded value). This would be your first O(n) loop. Then you do another O(m) loop and only check if the array position corresponding to row.Date is non zero (then you look up the actual value among the hardcoded ones and you get the actual Period).
Anyway, this is more of a general idea and implementation is important. If n and m are very small you might not get any benefit, but if they are large (huge) I can bet that the Split method will run faster.
Assuming that everything you work with is already in memory (no EF involved).
I can't figured out in remove duplicates entries from an Array of struct
I have this struct:
public struct stAppInfo
public string sTitle;
public string sRelativePath;
public string sCmdLine;
public bool bFindInstalled;
public string sFindTitle;
public string sFindVersion;
public bool bChecked;
I have changed the stAppInfo struct to class here thanks to Jon Skeet
The code is like this: (short version)
stAppInfo[] appInfo = new stAppInfo[listView1.Items.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
appInfo[i].sTitle = item.Text;
appInfo[i].sRelativePath = item.SubItems[1].Text;
appInfo[i].sCmdLine = item.SubItems[2].Text;
appInfo[i].bFindInstalled = (item.SubItems[3].Text.Equals("Sí")) ? true : false;
appInfo[i].sFindTitle = item.SubItems[4].Text;
appInfo[i].sFindVersion = item.SubItems[5].Text;
appInfo[i].bChecked = (item.SubItems[6].Text.Equals("Sí")) ? true : false;
I need that appInfo array be unique in sTitle and sRelativePath members the others members can be duplicates
Thanks to all for the answers but this application is "portable" I mean I just need the .exe file and I don't want to add another files like references *.dll so please no external references this app is intended to use in a pendrive
All data comes form a *.ini file what I do is: (pseudocode)
When I want to save that data into a file I have these options:
Using ListView data
Using appInfo array (this is more faster¿?)
Any other¿?
Big thanks to: Jon Skeet, Michael Hays thanks for your time guys!!
Firstly, please don't use mutable structs. They're a bad idea in all kinds of ways.
Secondly, please don't use public fields. Fields should be an implementation detail - use properties.
Thirdly, it's not at all clear to me that this should be a struct. It looks rather large, and not particularly "a single value".
Fourthly, please follow the .NET naming conventions so your code fits in with all the rest of the code written in .NET.
Fifthly, you can't remove items from an array, as arrays are created with a fixed size... but you can create a new array with only unique elements.
LINQ to Objects will let you do that already using GroupBy as shown by Albin, but a slightly neater (in my view) approach is to use DistinctBy from MoreLINQ:
var unique = appInfo.DistinctBy(x => new { x.sTitle, x.sRelativePath })
This is generally more efficient than GroupBy, and also more elegant in my view.
Personally I generally prefer using List<T> over arrays, but the above will create an array for you.
Note that with this code there can still be two items with the same title, and there can still be two items with the same relative path - there just can't be two items with the same relative path and title. If there are duplicate items, DistinctBy will always yield the first such item from the input sequence.
EDIT: Just to satisfy Michael, you don't actually need to create an array to start with, or create an array afterwards if you don't need it:
var query = listView1.Items
.Select(item => new stAppInfo
sTitle = item.Text,
sRelativePath = item.SubItems[1].Text,
bFindInstalled = item.SubItems[3].Text == "Sí",
sFindTitle = item.SubItems[4].Text,
sFindVersion = item.SubItems[5].Text,
bChecked = item.SubItems[6].Text == "Sí"
.DistinctBy(x => new { x.sTitle, x.sRelativePath });
That will give you an IEnumerable<appInfo> which is lazily streamed. Note that if you iterate over it more than once, however, it will iterate over listView1.Items the same number of times, performing the same uniqueness comparisons each time.
I prefer this approach over Michael's as it makes the "distinct by" columns very clear in semantic meaning, and removes the repetition of the code used to extract those columns from a ListViewItem. Yes, it involves building more objects, but I prefer clarity over efficiency until benchmarking has proved that the more efficient code is actually required.
What you need is a Set. It ensures that the items entered into it are unique (based on some qualifier which you will set up). Here is how it is done:
First, change your struct to a class. There is really no getting around that.
Second, provide an implementation of IEqualityComparer<stAppInfo>. It may be a hassle, but it is the thing that makes your set work (which we'll see in a moment):
public class AppInfoComparer : IEqualityComparer<stAppInfo>
public bool Equals(stAppInfo x, stAppInfo y) {
if (ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
if (x == null || y == null) return false;
return Equals(x.sTitle, y.sTitle) && Equals(x.sRelativePath,
// this part is a pain, but this one is already written
// specifically for your question.
public int GetHashCode(stAppInfo obj) {
unchecked {
return ((obj.sTitle != null
? obj.sTitle.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397)
^ (obj.sRelativePath != null
? obj.sRelativePath.GetHashCode() : 0);
Then, when it is time to make your set, do this:
var appInfoSet = new HashSet<stAppInfo>(new AppInfoComparer());
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
var newItem = new stAppInfo {
sTitle = item.Text,
sRelativePath = item.SubItems[1].Text,
sCmdLine = item.SubItems[2].Text,
bFindInstalled = (item.SubItems[3].Text.Equals("Sí")) ? true : false,
sFindTitle = item.SubItems[4].Text,
sFindVersion = item.SubItems[5].Text,
bChecked = (item.SubItems[6].Text.Equals("Sí")) ? true : false};
appInfoSet now contains a collection of stAppInfo objects with unique Title/Path combinations, as per your requirement. If you must have an array, do this:
stAppInfo[] appInfo = appInfoSet.ToArray();
Note: I chose this implementation because it looks like the way you are already doing things. It has an easy to read for-loop (though I do not need the counter variable). It does not involve LINQ (wich can be troublesome if you aren't familiar with it). It requires no external libraries outside of what .NET framework provides to you. And finally, it provides an array just like you've asked. As for reading the file in from an INI file, hopefully you see that the only thing that will change is your foreach loop.
Hash codes can be a pain. You might have been wondering why you need to compute them at all. After all, couldn't you just compare the values of the title and relative path after each insert? Well sure, of course you could, and that's exactly how another set, called SortedSet works. SortedSet makes you implement IComparer in the same way that I implemented IEqualityComparer above.
So, in this case, AppInfoComparer would look like this:
private class AppInfoComparer : IComparer<stAppInfo>
// return -1 if x < y, 1 if x > y, or 0 if they are equal
public int Compare(stAppInfo x, stAppInfo y)
var comparison = x.sTitle.CompareTo(y.sTitle);
if (comparison != 0) return comparison;
return x.sRelativePath.CompareTo(y.sRelativePath);
And then the only other change you need to make is to use SortedSet instead of HashSet:
var appInfoSet = new SortedSet<stAppInfo>(new AppInfoComparer());
It's so much easier in fact, that you are probably wondering what gives? The reason that most people choose HashSet over SortedSet is performance. But you should balance that with how much you actually care, since you'll be maintaining that code. I personally use a tool called Resharper, which is available for Visual Studio, and it computes these hash functions for me, because I think computing them is a pain, too.
(I'll talk about the complexity of the two approaches, but if you already know it, or are not interested, feel free to skip it.)
SortedSet has a complexity of O(log n), that is to say, each time you enter a new item, will effectively go the halfway point of your set and compare. If it doesn't find your entry, it will go to the halfway point between its last guess and the group to the left or right of that guess, quickly whittling down the places for your element to hide. For a million entries, this takes about 20 attempts. Not bad at all. But, if you've chosen a good hashing function, then HashSet can do the same job, on average, in one comparison, which is O(1). And before you think 20 is not really that big a deal compared to 1 (after all computers are pretty quick), remember that you had to insert those million items, so while HashSet took about a million attempts to build that set up, SortedSet took several million attempts. But there is a price -- HashSet breaks down (very badly) if you choose a poor hashing function. If the numbers for lots of items are unique, then they will collide in the HashSet, which will then have to try again and again. If lots of items collide with the exact same number, then they will retrace each others steps, and you will be waiting a long time. The millionth entry will take a million times a million attempts -- HashSet has devolved into O(n^2). What's important with those big-O notations (which is what O(1), O(log n), and O(n^2) are, in fact) is how quickly the number in parentheses grows as you increase n. Slow growth or no growth is best. Quick growth is sometimes unavoidable. For a dozen or even a hundred items, the difference may be negligible -- but if you can get in the habit of programming efficient functions as easily as alternatives, then it's worth conditioning yourself to do so as problems are cheapest to correct closest to the point where you created that problem.
Use LINQ2Objects, group by the things that should be unique and then select the first item in each group.
var noDupes = appInfo.GroupBy(
x => new { x.sTitle, x.sRelativePath })
.Select(g => g.First()).ToArray();
!!! Array of structs (value type) + sorting or any kind of search ==> a lot of unboxing operations.
I would suggest to stick with recommendations of Jon and Henk, so make it as a class and use generic List<T>.
Use LINQ GroupBy or DistinctBy, as for me it is much simple to use built in GroupBy, but it also interesting to take a look at an other popular library, perhaps it gives you some insights.
BTW, Also take a look at the LambdaComparer it will make you life easier each time you need such kind of in place sorting/search, etc...
I'm working on doing some custom filtering and sorting of a dataset, based on a collection of sort fields sent from the client browser, and am using Dynamic Linq to achieve (most of) the desired effect. Where I'm running into a problem is when I try to sort by a column of type String, which contains both traditional strings and numbers stored as strings. It doesn't appear that I can pass in a StringComparison enum value, or specify an IComparer parameter for the Dynamic Linq orderby function.
My sorting code looks like:
myList.AsQueryable().OrderBy("StringColWithNums ASC")
I end up with:
instead of:
Anyone have any experience doing something similar?
myList.AsQueryable().Sort((r, s) => int.Parse(r).CompareTo(int.Parse(s)));
will take some tweaking if those are objects, just use int.Parse(r.StringColWithNums), or whatever the field is.
Oops, sorry, didn't read all the OP to see it has letters too and you want the dynamic linq, editing
I don't know that you're going to be able to do that using Dynamic linq and passing IComparer. You may be able to do it after getting the results (i.e. as I was originally writing the sort, with modifications). Comment if you want to pursue that line.
This is a fundamental problem with attempting to perform numeric comparisons within a string comparison. A couple of ways I would do this:
When loading the list, prefix numbers with an amount of zeroes that will accompany the max string size, i.e. String.Format("000000", number). This will only work if you care mostly about sorting and less about the appearance of the results - even then, you could convert "000010" back to a numeric and call the ToString() method to display the number again without the leading zeroes.
Write your own implementation (extension method) of OrderBy wherein you pass a function (or anonymous function) as a parameter to re-sort the results calling the method passed in.
You can solve this by writing a new string comparer
class AlphaNumericComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
// if both values are integers then do int comparision
int xValue, yValue;
if (int.TryParse(x, out xValue) && int.TryParse(y, out yValue))
return xValue.CompareTo(yValue);
return x.CompareTo(y); // else do string comparison
Then you can use the comparer in methods like OrderBy and Sort
var sorted = lst.OrderBy(s => s, new AlphaNumericComparer());
lst.Sort(new AlphaNumericComparer());
This will give you the desired result. If not then just tweak the comparer.
It seems that this is not something that can be accomplished out of the box with Dynamic Linq, at least not in .NET 2.0/3.5. I ended up modifying the Dynamic Linq source code in order to accomplish what I needed.