Search Active Directory without using LDAP - c#

I am using C# in VS2008 in a WinXP/Win7/WinServer2003 environment.
Is there a way to search the active directory without involving LDAP?
I have users created in Active Directory but when I search using this
DirectorySearcher dirSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(
new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=kmmnet,DC=com"),
new string[] { "sAMAccountName", "displayname", "givenname", "sn" });
foreach (SearchResult s in dirSearcher.FindAll())
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection p = s.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties;
it cannot find some of the users.

Try bumping the PageSize attribute up from its default of zero:
dirSearcher.PageSize = 9000;
Any non-zero value for PageSize will cause paging to occur, so that you will receive all results (in batches equal to the PageSize).
You can also try filtering the search more (e.g., exclude inactive users, etc.).
And, there is an upper limit on the number of results which a directory server will return in response to an LDAP query. This limit is controlled and set by an administrator on the domain. I believe the default is 1000.


Get all applications from azure active directory

I am fetching application from active directory. Total number of applications are increased and now they are above 999. Maximum number of items in one page can be 999. I want to fetch all applications in one page collection.
I am using following code to fetch applications, but it seems that there is no method in activedirectory client to return all apps in one call.
Can I make collection of pages and append all pages using do while?
IPagedCollection<IApplication> applications = null;
applications = await activeDirectoryClient.Applications.Take(999).ExecuteAsync()
You can try to get all the applications like this:
List<IApplication> applicationList = new List<IApplication>();
IPagedCollection<IApplication> pagedCollection = activeDirectoryClient.Applications.ExecuteAsync().Result;
pagedCollection = pagedCollection.GetNextPageAsync().Result;
} while (pagedCollection != null && pagedCollection.MorePagesAvailable);

Trying to check the friendly OS name of a different workstation

I am trying to find the friendly OS name of a different workstation from my workstation. This occurred when I used:
var name = (from x in new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Caption FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").Get().Cast<ManagementObject>()
select x.GetPropertyValue("Caption")).FirstOrDefault();
it is returning my workstation's OS name. Can you please suggest me a better way to find out.
Thanks in advance!!
You can use the System.DirectoryServices to search on the directory 'WinNT' you can read more about it here:
example solution - adding names to a list
// create list to add the names to
var pcnames = new List<string>();
// establish the domains in the local network
var directory = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT:");
// iterate through the children
foreach (DirectoryEntry workstation in directory.Children)

Microsoft Exchange / Active Directory properties for mails to be used to read a GAL

I'm currently creating an application which is using outlook as well as the exchange server / active directory in my company to create mails (I've had a few other questions here thus already).
I'm currently trying to read the GAL for it to be used when sending mails over my application. From the solutions I've seen so far it seems to me that the variant where I read the mail addresses from the active directory instead of connecting to the exchange server (I first tried outlook but aside from getting only the account names with the type "EX" thus that they are stored on the exchange server I didn't get much info there).
What I've done so far is gtting access to teh active directory and reading all users from there
DirectorySearcher objsearch = new DirectorySearcher();
String strrootdse = objsearch.SearchRoot.Path;
DirectoryEntry objdirentry = new DirectoryEntry(strrootdse);
objsearch.Filter = "(& (mailnickname=*)(objectClass=user))";
objsearch.SearchScope = System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope.Subtree;
objsearch.PropertyNamesOnly = true;
objsearch.Sort.Direction = System.DirectoryServices.SortDirection.Ascending;
objsearch.Sort.PropertyName = "cn";
SearchResultCollection colresults = objsearch.FindAll();
List<String> arrGal = new List<String>();
foreach (SearchResult objresult in colresults)
arrGal.Add(objresult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["cn"].Value + ": " + objresult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties["mail"].Value);
Now after looking at the active directory I saw that there are also proxies and that (at least at my company) the "mail" property is not necessarily one of the mail addresses listed in the proxies.
Thus I found these two attributes: msExchShadowProxyAddresses, proxyAddresses
From what I've seen so far from them by looking at samples they look like they are identical, but even searching I didn't find anything on the web so far there.
Thus my Question when I'm trying to get the GAL from active directory Can I use both of these properties (thus they are always identical) or should I only use the ShadowProxy property or is there something I need to take into special consideration there?
You need to use AddressEntry.GetExchangeuser method. See my reply to your other post.

How can I get tokenGroups from active directory on Windows Server 2003?

I'm trying to load tokenGroups from Active Directory but it isn't working once deployed to a Windows Server (2003). I cannot figure out why, since it works fine locally...
Here is my error:
There is no such object on the server.
And here is my code (the sid variable is the current users SecurityIdentifier pulled from HttpContext):
DirectoryEntry userDE = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://<SID={0}>", sid.Value))
userDE.RefreshCache(new[] { "tokenGroups" });
var tokenGroups = userDE.Properties["tokenGroups"] as CollectionBase;
groups = tokenGroups.Cast<byte[]>()
.Select(sid => new SecurityIdentifier(sid, 0)).ToArray();
Any ideas why I would get that error?
UPDATE: The error actually happens on the RefreshCache line
Do you have a valid value for userDE after the constructor call?? Does that user really exist? Or do you need to provide e.g. a server to use in your LDAP path??
The error message No such object on server seems to indicate the user just plain doesn't exist.... (or cannot be found, due to e.g. permissions)
Try this - not sure if that's the problem, but it's worth a try - it should work:
DirectoryEntry userDE = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://<SID={0}>", sid.Value))
userDE.RefreshCache(new string[] { "tokenGroups" });
Try using new string[] instead of just new[].

How to get streetaddress property of an organizational unit in windows active directory with LDAP in C#.Net

Each of our users is assigned to a primary organizational unit (OU) based on which global office they are in. So the "Chicago" OU contains all the associates in our Chicago office.
Using c# and .net 3.5, my task is to extract all of these users.
Unless the users are in a satellite or home office, their street address, city, state, etc. are empty, but the OU contains these details. When in Windows' Active Directory interface, right clicking on the OU and selecting properties gives a place to put all of this information just as on a user. However, when I try to access these properties like I do a user, I get an object reference error, suggesting these attributes do not exist the same way for an OU that they do for a user.
How do/can I access these location parameters from an OU object?
Here is a sample of the code I am using, showing streetaddress as an example, the statement trying to assign the value of streetaddress from the OU fails, where the assignment from associate succeeds.
foreach (SearchResult subOU in results)
ResultPropertyValueCollection subColl = subOU.Properties["distinguishedname"];
string subPath = subColl[0].ToString();
DirectoryEntry subEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + subPath);
DirectorySearcher userSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(subEntry);
userSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.OneLevel;
userSearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=user)";
foreach (SearchResult user in userSearcher.FindAll())
ResultPropertyValueCollection userColl = user.Properties["distinguishedname"];
string userPath = userColl[0].ToString();
DirectoryEntry userEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + userPath);
PropertyCollection associateProperties = userEntry.Properties;
PropertyCollection ouProperties = subEntry.Properties;
string streetAddress = string.Empty;
if (associateProperties["streetaddress"].Value == null)
{ streetAddress = ouProperties["streetaddress"].Value.ToString(); }
{ streetAddress = associateProperties["streetaddress"].Value.ToString(); }
If you change the Street-field on the General-tab in Active Directory Users & Computers for a user the value is stored in the streetAddress-attribute in the directory. If however you change the same field for an OU that value is stored in the street-attribute of that OU in the directory.
This is because OU objects are not (as defined in the Active Directory default schema) permitted to contain the streetAddress-attribute.
So (not having analyzed your code further) if you change ouProperties["streetaddress"] to ouProperties["street"] you'll might get the result you're looking for.
To avoid the ObjectReference exception you should check the collection contains the required attribute using the Contains(string) method. See here
I believe that AD will only stored valued attributes on an object, if a particular attribute has never been assigned a value it won't be available.
I found the AD schema references at: A-L Just M N-Z AD technical info
That would answer this question for you.
Also, the Win2K8 ADUC MMC snapin if you go to View, select Advanced Features, (enable the tick) then you get the Attribute Editor. (Something ConsoleOne for eDirectory has had for probably close to a decade now!).
One small note, in AD schema, first character is always lower case, and I run at sufficiently high res that the lower case L's are hard to see as L's. (Need a better screen font, but mea culpa).
