how to get current application path in wpf - c#

public XML()
XmlDocument document_name = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement student = document_name.CreateElement("Student");
XmlElement name = document_name.CreateElement("Chandru");
XmlAttribute id = document_name.CreateAttribute("ID");
id.Value = "sst5038";
XmlElement fname = document_name.CreateElement("FName");
fname.InnerText = "Anjappn";
XmlElement mname = document_name.CreateElement("MName");
mname.InnerText = "Thaiyamuthu";
with above code.I create one xml file as code behind in wpf and i save this file in my local disk D:\student.xml
But i want to save this xml file (student.xml) in my project file which i am working now.
what should i do for this.
please help me...

Is this the property you're looking for?

It works both in WPF and Winforms because its a function in C# and is not specific to WPF or Winforms.

System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); will help you. Note that the string returned doesn't end with a backslash.


How to remove unnecessary xmlns attribute in C#?

I'm trying to update an existing XML file, but always when I update it adding new tags the xmlns="" attribute mysteriously appears in all tags and I didn't find a way to remove it.
private static void EditarXML(string path, List<SiteUrl> listaUrls, bool indice, string loc)
XmlDocument documentoXML = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode sitemap = documentoXML.CreateElement("sitemap");
XmlNode xloc = documentoXML.CreateElement("loc");
xloc.InnerText = loc;
XmlNode lastmod = documentoXML.CreateElement("lastmod");
lastmod.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
This will happen with the parent node you are appending to has a namespace, but you don't specify it in the CreateElement() call.
To handle this, you can get the namespace from the DocumentElement, like this (my sample just creates the document in memory, but the principle is the same), and pass it to CreateElement().
if (x.DocumentElement != null) {
var xmlns = (x.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
var sitemap = x.CreateElement("sitemap", xmlns);
var xloc = x.CreateElement("loc", xmlns);
xloc.InnerText = "Hello";
var lastmod = x.CreateElement("lastmod", xmlns);
lastmod.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
<test xmlns="jdphenix"><sitemap><loc>Hello</loc><lastmod>4/20/2015</lastmod></sitemap></test>
Note that if I did not pass the parent namespace to each CreateElement() call, the children of that call would have the blank xmlns.
// incorrect - appends xmlns=""
if (x.DocumentElement != null) {
var sitemap = x.CreateElement("sitemap");
var xloc = x.CreateElement("loc");
xloc.InnerText = "Hello";
var lastmod = x.CreateElement("lastmod");
lastmod.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
<test xmlns="jdphenix"><sitemap xmlns=""><loc>Hello</loc><lastmod>4/20/2015</lastmod></sitemap></test>
Related reading: Why does .NET XML append an xlmns attribute to XmlElements I add to a document? Can I stop it?
How to prevent blank xmlns attributes in output from .NET's XmlDocument?

How to convert XMLDocument type to string in order to show the result in a label

I'm trying to show weather information on my website from world weather online. I'm using VS2012 with c# to create this.
I could able to retrieve data from world weather online to a function under a XMLDocument type variable "WP_XMLdoc".
Take a look at the code below:
public static XmlDocument WeatherAPI(string sLocation)
HttpWebRequest WP_Request;
HttpWebResponse WP_Response = null;
XmlDocument WP_XMLdoc = null;
String Value;
string sKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; //The API key generated by World Weather Online
string sRequestUrl = ""; //The request URL for XML format
//Here we are concatenating the parameters
WP_Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(string.Format(sRequestUrl + "q=" + sLocation + "&key=" + sKey));
WP_Request.UserAgent = #"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/";
//Making the request
WP_Response = (HttpWebResponse)WP_Request.GetResponse();
WP_XMLdoc = new XmlDocument();
//Assigning the response to our XML object
catch (Exception ex)
return WP_XMLdoc;
So, now I just want to take XML data from "WP_XMLdoc" variable and show few details like temp_c, windspeed, time etc in my labels.
How can I do that?
The XML data that rest under "WP_XMLdoc" is given below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query>London, United Kingdom</query>
<observation_time>04:17 AM</observation_time>
<![CDATA[Moderate or heavy rain shower]]>
Please help!
Assuming that your existing code successfully load the XML data to XmlDocument object, we can then use SelectSingleNode() passing suitable XPath expression as argument to get any particular part of the XML document. For example, to get <temp_C> value :
string temp_c = WP_XMLdoc.SelectSingleNode("/data/current_condition/temp_C")
Another option is using newer XML API, XDocument. It has Load() method which functionality is similar to XmlDocument.Load() :
XDocument WP_XMLdoc = XDocument.Load(WP_Response.GetResponseStream());
Using this approach, we can simply cast XElement to string to get it's value :
string temp_c = (string)WP_XMLdoc.XPathSelectElement("/data/current_condition/temp_C");
Try something like this, as an example:
var str = #"<your xml here>";
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(str);
var output = new List<string>();
foreach (var element in xdoc.Element("data").Element("current_condition").Elements())
output.Add(string.Format("{0} : {1}",element.Name, element.Value.ToString()));
This would traverse the properties of the current_condition node, you can adjust as necessary to extract what you need.
Ok, according to your answer in comments I believe you need to show multiple columns of data.
Best option would be to use a GridView to populate your XML data using It's bit easy.
Have a look at this SO thread

Textbox string to xml issue

I'm having a little problem formatting my xml file using C# code in a Windows Form app. Here is the code i'm using for this project:
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _name = tbName.ToString();
string _st = tbSt.ToString();
string _dx = tbDx.ToString();
string _iq = tbIq.ToString();
string _filename = #"c:\Add.xml";
if (File.Exists(_filename))
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(_filename);
xDoc.Root.Add(new XElement("character",
new XElement("name", _name),
new XElement("st", _st),
new XElement("dx", _dx),
new XElement("iq", _iq)
else if (!File.Exists(_filename))
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode docNode = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);
XmlNode productsNode = doc.CreateElement("characters");
XmlNode productNode = doc.CreateElement("character");
XmlNode nmNode = doc.CreateElement("name");
XmlNode stNode = doc.CreateElement("st");
XmlNode dxNode = doc.CreateElement("dx");
XmlNode iqNode = doc.CreateElement("iq");
doc.Save(#"c:\Add.xml");//must have to save
The problem is that my .xml file comes out with the whole TextBox class prefix attached such as this:
- <character>
<name>System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: bob</name>
<st>System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: 10</st>
<dx>System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: 12</dx>
<iq>System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: 08</iq>
I'd like to have it look like this:
- <character>
If any of you fine knowledgeable folks could lend a hand (or point me a link) I'd appreciate it. I did comb through the Google but nothing turned up with this specific odd problem. Many thanks for any help you can offer.
The obvious I did not see. Thanks to those who may respond. Now that I post it, it is obvious.
string _name = tbName.ToString();
simply to
string _name = tbName.Text;
of course fixed the problem. Hope this may help someone else.

How to parse XML in a Windows Phone 7 application

Could someone tell me how to parse a XML-String that i receive from a wcf-rest service?
my webserive XML-String looks like
...many other pages...
an my phone sourcecode:
public void DownloadCompleted(Object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (!e.Cancelled && e.Error == null)
var answer = XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("WS"); // null
if i try to parse it through XDocument.Load(e.Result) then i get the exception: File not Found.
i just want the "unique" information of the Info-Node and a list of all Page-Nodes with their values
Even if i try to load the Root-Element via var item = xdoc.Root.Descendants(); item will be assigned to the whole xml-file.
Update 2 it seems the problem occurs with the namespaces in the root-element. with namespaces xdocument will parse the webservice output not correctly. if i delete the namespaces it works fine. could someone explain me this issue? and is there a handy solution for deleting all namespaces?
update 3 A Handy way for removing namespaces1
With really simple XML if you know the format wont change, you might be interested in using XPath:
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(e.Result);
var name = xdoc.XPathSelectElement("/WS/Info/Name");
but for the multiple pages, maybe some linq to xml
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var pages = xdoc.Descendants("Pages").Single();
var PagesList = pages.Elements().Select(x => new Page((string)x.Element("Name"), (string)x.Element("Description"))).ToList();
Where Page is a simple class:
public class Page
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Descrip { get; set; }
public Page(string name, string descrip)
Name = name;
Descrip = descrip;
Let me know if you need more explanation.
Also to select the Info without XPath:
var info = xdoc.Descendants("Info").Single();
var InfoName = info.Element("Name").Value;
var InfoDescrip = info.Element("Description").Value;
Viktor - XDocument.Load(string) attempts to load an XDocument by the supplied filename, not a string representation of an XML element.
You say var answer = XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("WS"); // null, but which part is null? The parsed XElement or the attempt to grab a descendant? If <WS>...</WS> is your root element, would the .Descendents("WS") call return the root element? Based on the documentation for XElement.DescendantsAndSelf(), I'm guessing not. Have you instead tried calling:
var answer = XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("Info");
A quick test on my end showed that, with WS as the root element, calling XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("WS"); yielded no results, while XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("Info"); yielded the <Info>...</Info> element.

Please help me read a string from my XML file and just print it out on a MessageBox

Here's my XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Here's my method, but it isn't working so I don't know what to do.
public string GetHeroIcon(string Name)
//Fix later. Load the XML file from resource and not from the physical location.
HeroInformation = new XPathDocument(#"C:\Users\Sergio\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Erth v0.1[WPF]\Tome of Newerth v0.1[WPF]\InformationRepositories\HeroRepository\HeroInformation.xml");
Navigator = HeroInformation.CreateNavigator();
string x = "";
x += Navigator.Value;
} while (Navigator.MoveToNext());
return x;
I need help making a method that recieves a string parameter "Name" and then return all of the attributes of the XML element.
In pseudo-code:
public void FindHero(string HeroName)
//Find the "HeroName" element in the XML file.
//For each tag inside of the HeroName parent element,
//add it to a single string and blast it out through a MessageBox.
I'm LEARNING how to use this, please don't leave snobby remarks like, "we won't do this for you." I'm not asking for something groundbreaking here, just a simple use case for what I need on my program and for my learning nothing else. :D I'm doing the whole app in WPF and I can literally say that I've not done ONE single thing with previous knowledge, I'm doing this just to learn new things in my spare time.
Thanks a bunch SO, you rock!
private static string GetHeroIcon(string name)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("C:/test.xml");
return doc.Descendants(name).Single().Element("Icon").Value;
First off, since you've tagged this question WPF, you should know that WPF has excellent support for binding directly to XML data. You can then for instance map an image in the GUI directly to the Icon element in the XML file. See this link for example: (first hit on google for "wpf databinding xml")
From code, you can create an XPathDocument from your XML file, then get a Navigator and finally run custom XPath queries on it, like so:
// Get's the value of the <icon> tag for a hero
var node = myNavigator.SelectSingleNode("/Legion/Hero/" + nameOfHero + "/Icon");
var icon = node.Value;
// To get all the nodes for that hero, you could do
var nodeIter = myNavigator.Select("/Legion/Hero/" + nameOfHero)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
while (nodeIter.MoveNext())
sb.AppendLine(nodeIter.Current.Name + " = " + nodeIter.Current.Value);
See this kb article for an example.
DISCLAIMER: I copied and pasted the code from my code and did some refactoring in this window. It may not compile on first run but that may mean that it takes 10 minutes to get it to where it needs to be.
I would strongly recommend that you use XML deserialization. It's object oriented, type-safe, and just flat out slick.
Try this:
1) Create a series of classes: One for Hero, Legion, Witchslayer, and Andromeda.
Here is an example of the Andromeda class:
using System.Xml.Serialization;
[XmlRoot( "Andromeda" )]
public class Andromeda
[XmlElement( "Damage" )]
public String Damage
[XmlElement( "Armor" )]
public double Armor
The Hero class should contain an instance of Legion and Legion should contain the rest to mimic the layout of the XML packet.
2) Use the XmlSerializer to deserialize the data:
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( Hero ) );
using ( StringReader reader = new StringReader( xmlDataString ) )
Hero hero = ( Hero ) xmlSerializer.Deserialize( reader );
If you set it up right, you'll be left with a hero instance that contains the nested objects and all of the data. Cool, huh?
