Is there a way to know if a HttpResponse is in Https? - c#

In a method, I need to know if the response is in Http or Https in order to redirect the response or to make a BinaryWrite but I only have a HttpResponse in parameter.
Anyone know if it's possible to use the HttpResponse to know that?
I want to know if it's possible to know if a HttpResponse is HTTP or HTTPS, because I prefer not to use HttpContext.Current.Request if possible.

I don't believe so. You can find out from the HttpRequest, but a response is just a stream of data returned in relation to the Request.

This should give you what you need;
System.Uri currentUrl = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
if (!currentUrl.Scheme.Equals(Uri.UriSchemeHttps, stringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//Do something here
It is not possible to extract this information from the HttpResponse object as this is what will be sent back to the client, over the same communication protocol that the request was probably requested from. You will need to use the Request object to check for an SSL connection.

HttpRequest.IsSecureConnection property will do the job look at the example on the MS link


Redirect with header parameters

Is it possible to set parameters in the header of an HttpResponse, then redirect?
I tried something like this:
Response.Headers.Add("test", "1234");
and then
var result = Request.Headers["test"];
My problem is that I don't find the parameter in my request result is always null and I cannot pass the the parameters in the url I need a solution with the header, thanks.
You are redirecting the client, so anything you sent to the client in the Response is probably flushed/discarded. If your intent is to control the redirect then you'd need to handle that in js on the client.
There are many ways to implement your own messaging:
How to send data from C# to JavaScript/AJAX webpage

Is there a way to retrieve the String the way it is actually uploaded to the server (as a whole)?

I am currently working on a OAuth2 implementation. However I am stuck on an Error 401. It seems like there is something wrong with my post request that is supposed to retrieve the access token from the Company the User logged in to. This is my code:
internal void RequestAccessToken(string code)
string requestBody = "grant_type="+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(GRANTTYPE)+ "&code=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(code)+"&redirect_uri="+ WebUtility.UrlEncode(REDIRECT_URI);
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.Headers.Add("Authorization",HeaderBase64Encode(CLIENT_ID, SECRETKEY));
var response = client.UploadString("", requestBody);
var responseString = client.OpenRead("");
My Questions are:
Is there anything wrong with the way I try to make the POST request ?
Is there a way to retrieve the whole string that is posted to the URI using UploadString?
P.S. I have seen this post regarding the POST creation. However I find the async part to be too complicated for my case.
Since we dont know the api documentation, I would suggest you to make a postman request and view the actual request sent and response received, and secondly make a request using your method and capture using a utility like wireshark and compare the difference.

How to set encoding in C#?

I have a problem with encoding, I want to set encoding for example to HttpWebResponse resp, everywhere where I look it says something like that resp.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8, but in practice that is wrong, because it says that ContentEncoding is a read-only property, please help me.
You need to differentiate between two similar-sounding but very different classes:
HttpWebReponse is the response received in code from a web request. In other words, you don't get to set the data on it, because it was sent by another server.
HttpResponse is the response your code is sending from ASP.NET. This is the object you get to write your response data to... and the ContentEncoding property is writable.

How can I know from the URL if it is the correct image URL or not in C#?

I have an array of images URLs. I want to know which of these URLs are correct and which not, without using try-catch, and I want to do that as fast as possible.
I would think the only way for you to know which urls are correct is to just make an HTTP request to the URL. If you have a lot of pictures, this will always take time. You can minimize that time by just making a HEAD HTTP request (as opposed to a GET and downloading the whole response), and checking the status code of the response. If the status code is 200, you might assume that you get the picture you're looking for, if it is 404, you know the url is incorrect.
Code might be something like:
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("");
req.Method = "HEAD";
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)(req.GetResponse());
HttpStatusCode statuscode = resp.StatusCode;
A note on getting a 200 response: If you get a 200 repsonse, you cannot be sure that you are actually getting image you want. You might be getting something else, e.g. a redirect from the image url.

Determine Final Destination of a Shortened URL

I'm trying to find the best way (in code) to determine the final destination of a shortened URL. For instance redirects to an eBay auction. I'm trying to get the URL for the eBay auction. I'm trying to do this from within .NET so I can compare multiple URLs to ensure that there is no duplicates.
While I spent a minute writing the code to ensure that it worked the answer was already delivered, but I post the code anyway:
private static string GetRealUrl(string url)
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Head;
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
return response.ResponseUri.ToString();
This will work as long as the short url service does a regular redirect.
You should issue a HEAD request to the url using a HttpWebRequest instance. In the returned HttpWebResponse, check the ResponseUri.
Just make sure the AllowAutoRedirect is set to true on the HttpWebRequest instance (it is true by default).
One way would be to read the URL and get the result code from it. If it's a 301 (permanent redirect) then follow where it's taking you. Continue to do this until you reach a 200 (OK). When using tinyurl it could happen that you will go through several 301 until you reach a 200.
Assuming you don't want to actually follow the link, for TinyURL you can append /info to the end of the url:
and it gives you a page showing where that tinyurl links to, which I assume would be easy to parse using xpath or similar.
Most other URL shortening services have similar features, but they all work differently.
