Custom Event Triggers in Blend - c#

Hi I have been learning WPF with "Expression Blend 4" last few days and this is what I want to accomplish.
I have a Main Window which has a single custom button in it.
What I want to do is that when the Mouse Cursor is to the left side of the Window, I want the button to start its animation and move to my cursor. Alternatively, when the cursor is at the right side of the window, I want the button to move right.
I have created custom events for this. I already tested them with "MessageBox"s to pop up if I either move left or right. In actual fact I want them to animate left or right. But in order to create an animation timeline, I cant find my custom events on blend. Is there a way to go about this?
Partial Code Below
private event EventHandler MoveRightEvent;
private event EventHandler MoveLeftEvent;
public MainWindow()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.
MoveRightEvent += new EventHandler(MainWindow_MoveRightEvent);
MoveLeftEvent += new EventHandler(MainWindow_MoveLeftEvent);
void MainWindow_MoveLeftEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Moved Left!!");
void MainWindow_MoveRightEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Moved Right!!");

You question was about EventTrigger (please note that in this case you must use RoutedEvent and not .NET Event) but your question is begging for custom Behavior as in this example: WPF Tutorial: Behaviors


Change the Panning button in Mapsui Control

I'm using Mapsui as a mapping control in a C# application.
By default, panning is initiated by dragging using the left mouse button.
I want to change this to the middle mouse button.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Mapsui has an object called PanMode, you can create an instance as follows, however, I believe it is just an enum for centering the map when panning:
Mapsui.UI.PanMode panMode = new PanMode();
Based on what 'pauldendulk's' answer (thank you for your support) I think I need to do something like this:
First, catch the middle button click and relay it to the mapsui left button method. Unfortuantly MapControlMouseLeftButtonDown() is a private method so this will not work.
MyMapControl.MouseDown += MapControlOnMouseButtonDown;
private void MapControlOnMouseButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if(e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Middle)
Mapsui.UI.Wpf.MapControl.MapControlMouseLeftButtonDown(sender, e);
Secondly I need to stop the origional left button click from firing.
MyMapControl.MouseLeftButtonDown += null;
Again, this is not correct syntax as it throws an exception (cannot be null).
Does anyone know how to solve these issues?
Mapsui was not designed with this in mind. Perhaps it is possible if you assign an event handler to WPFs mouse down event, set the viewport in there. Also, you need to suppress the regular mouse event. Perhaps this is possible by setting the MouseLeftButtonDown event handler to null.
PanMode is not relevant. It is meant to limit the area where users can pan/zoom.

Using Mouse.Capture to detect a click outside of a given control

I have a TextBox in a WPF project where I am trying to detect a mouse click anywhere on the Application other than in the TextBox.
Here is the code that I have so far.
System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler clickOutsideHandler;
public MyClass() {
clickOutsideHandler = new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(HandleClickOutsideOfControl);
private void StartCapture() {
System.Windows.Input.Mouse.Capture(TextBox1, System.Windows.Input.CaptureMode.SubTree);
AddHandler(System.Windows.Input.Mouse.PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent, clickOutsideHandler, true);
private void HandleClickOutsideOfControl(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
RemoveHandler(System.Windows.Input.Mouse.PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent, clickOutsideHandler);
The problem I'm having is that the event handler never gets called. I've tried capturing the return value of the Capture() function, but it shows as true. Can anyone show me what I'm doing wrong?
You could instead use LostFocus / LostKeyboardFocus but there has to be another element on the window that can get focus.
Second approach that does more what you what exactly ( yet doesn't make total sense) would be to attach to the global mouse down. Intercept every mouse click to WPF application
then on that one do a hittest and determine what is underneath.

Which control supports Label with Close Button for windows forms

Is it possible to get a Text with Close button option for a windows Forms Application.Please let me know if we have any Dev Express control is available for the below functionality.
If you need this on across multiple interface. I would recommend you to create yourself an UserControl. (Or component if you prefer) Put a label and a pictureBox in the user control. Then implement the two ClickEvent needed.
public partial class UCTextWithImage : UserControl
public event EventHandler TextClick;
public event EventHandler ImgClick;
public UCTextWithImage()
private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ImgClick != null)
ImgClick(sender, e);
private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TextClick != null)
TextClick(sender, e);
Once done, build you project, so the new userControl become available in form designer toolbox. Then drag and drop this UserControl into your interface. Finally bind and implement the two click event.
If you need this for only a few area, then the ButtonEdit is the closest to what you need.
In the properties, you have a button array. Remove the default one and add a new one of type glyph. Set the glyph you want. You can then use the ButtonClick event for the ImageClick and Click event for the LabelClick. However, in LabelClick, you need to check if underlying control isn't a button.
Finally, you need to change the appearance so the ButtonEdit so it become exactly like a label instead of Textbox.
To do so :
1- BackGroundColor must be transparent
2- BorderStyle set to None
Also, with devexpress, in order to have appearance set be taken into consideration, you need to remove the LookNFeel that overwrite everything...
So, it is possible but if you really want to, but userControl solution is easier.

Call parent control click event c#

I developping one win-form application which having one custom control with one label and text box, and placed the custom control in one panel with docksytle as fill,
there is mouse click event for panel and custom control both, but when i click only custom control mouse click event is firing not the panel click event,
so anyone please let me know how to call the panel mouse click event.
Are you sure that you really need to invoke click of parent control? In general it would be, in my opinion, a code smell if you will do something like that - especially when it requires some strange constructions.
If you need to react in a same way when clicking on panel and on any child control inside the panel, it should be enough just to call the same method from two event handlers (that is from event handler of parent panel and event handler of child control. If you need, for example, mouse pointer location inside parent panel, you can easily calculate the position of mouse pointer using, for example, PointToScreen() and PointToClient() methods.
This is not a general solution, but maybe it's what you're looking for:
private void CustomControl_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
panel_MouseClick(sender, e);
private void panel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Create Click Event for each control in panel and invoke the parent :
private void This_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.InvokeOnClick(this, null);

How to capture mouse wheel on panel?

How to capture mouse wheel on panel in C#?
I'm using WinForms
I try to do it on PictureBox now.
My code:
this.pictureBox1.MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_MouseClick);
this.pictureBox1.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pictureBox1_MouseClick);
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Clicking works. Wheelling doesn't.
If you can't see the "MouseWheel" event on a component, then you need to create it manually. Also, we need to focus that component, otherwise the "MouseWheel" event will not work for that component. I will show you how to create a "MouseWheel" event for "pictureBox1" and how it works.
INSIDE THE CONSTRUCTOR, create a mousewheel event on that component.
this.pictureBox1.MouseWheel += pictureBox1_MouseWheel;
CREATE THE FUNCTION manually. According to my example, call it "pictureBox1_MouseWheel"
private void pictureBox1_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//you can do anything here
CREATE a MouseHover event on that component (Go to properties in PicureBox1, select event, locate "MouseHover" and double-click the "MouseHover" event).
CALL "Focus()"; method inside that MouseHover event.
Now run the program.
Windows sends the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message to the control that has the focus. That won't be Panel, it is not a control that can get the focus. As soon as you put a control on the panel, say a button, then the button gets the focus and the message.
The button however has no use for the message, it's got nothing to scroll. Windows notices this and sends the message to the parent. That's the panel, now it will scroll.
You'll find code for a custom panel that can get the focus in this answer.
UPDATE: note that this behavior has changed in Windows 10. The new "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" option is turned on by default. The makes the mouse wheel behavior more consistent with the way it works in a browser or, say, an Office program. In this specific case the picturebox now will get the event. Watch out for this.
To wire it up manually...
this.panel1.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.panel1_MouseWheel);
private void panel1_MouseWheel(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
///process mouse event
Easier method is in visual studio click on panel, goto properties viewpanel, select events, locate and double click the "mousewheel" event.
In Winforms, this is achieved using the Control.MouseWheel event
Getting mousewheel events is tricky. The easiest way is using
this.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.panel1_MouseWheel);
instead of
this.panel1.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.panel1_MouseWheel);
This way the form gets the event instead of control. This way is easy but has one problem: you can use only one mousewheel event in your form.
If you have more than one control to get mousewheel event the best way is This answer by "Shehan Silva - weltZ"
