How can I execute a test case from Command Console using NUnit? I had set of Selenium Tests written in C# based on NUnit framework. I need to execute the test cases simply by running from command console.
In JUnit we can run test case from cmd as
java junit.swingui.TestRunner test.Run
How can we do above in NUnit?
Use nunit-console.exe to run tests from the command line.
For example:
nunit-console.exe /xml:results.xml path/to/test/assembly.dll
This will run the unit tests and save the results in the results.xml file, which you can work with easily.
See the documentation for all of the various command line switches that are available.
I would like to add a few words about the latest version of NUnit. The name of the console application has changed to nunit3-console.exe in NUnit 3. Information about all possible options can be found in the official documentation. For example, run all tests in the assembly (the results are saved into the TestResult.xml file by default).
nunit3-console.exe path/to/test/assembly.dll
I've just find another nice solution:
Adding the following command to the "Build Events" / "Post-Build Events", will run the tests in Nunit-Gui automatically after the project has been built.
I hope this can be useful:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin\nunit-x86.exe" $(TargetPath) /run
Visual Studio: 2017, 2019(Preview)
On Mac use below command:
nunit-console <path/to/project>/<project-name>/bin/Debug/<project-solution-name>.dll
For example:
nunit-console /Users/pratik/Projects/selenium-mac13/selenium-test/bin/Debug/selenium-test.dll
nunit3-console.exe "path of the testfile (dll)"
Working on a Windows 10 Desktop with Visual Studio
I had a set of tests in C# where I'd set the test method with Category==API.
To run the tests (Nunit3-console) remotely via Bamboo, I added this Bamboo Powershell script:
Invoke-Command -Credential $credentials -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock{
$pathToDdrive = "D:"
$pathtoDLL = Join-Path $pathToDdrive -ChildPath "RestOfThePathToDLL"
cd D:\...\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.10.0\tools
.\nunit3-console.exe $pathToDLL --where "cat=='API'"
console app with a batch file which will hit my Automation testing application and runs selected test cases. I have test case with code coverage and it runs from my visual studio . and now on top of it I have to create a console app which will keep some time interval and hit my VS test case and execute it.Any links will be helpful.
I expect the test case pass and fails status
Here's the batch file I use to run my Selenium tests with multiple runsettings files.
IF NOT EXIST Results MKDIR Results
SET PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform"
SET VSTEST=vstest.console.exe
SET TESTS=.\bin\Debug\something.something.Tests.dll
IF "%~1"=="" (
FOR %%J IN (*.runsettings) DO CALL :func %%J
) ELSE (
CALL :func "%~1"
ECHO %~1 **********
"%VSTEST%" %TESTS% /Settings:"%~1" /Logger:trx /ResultsDirectory:Results
You could use NUNit's console runner to run tests from the command line, or on a build server. I've had great success with running my tests this way.
First, you need to install the NUnit.ConsoleRunner Nuget package onto your project.
Then, navigate to the NUnit.ConsoleRunner directory under your packages folder that exists in the project directory.
Open NUnit.ConsoleRunner > tools folder to get into the same directory as the .exe itself.
Then, you can run:
nunit3-console {Path to your project's .dll} --testlist={Path to .txt testlist}
With valid parameters, it looks something like this:
nunit3-console C:\Users\christine.harbour\Repository\AutomationTestSuite\AutomationTestSuite.dll --testlist=C:\Users\christine.harbour\Repository\AutomationTestSuite\MyTestList.txt
Your testlist should contain namespaces of the test cases you wish to run, separated by a line break. For example:
After you run the tests, the results will be saved in the NUnit.ConsoleRunner > tools directory. The results are in XML format and can be programatically parsed to push your test results to another tool.
There are plenty of arguments you can pass into the ConsoleRunner, including build configuration and framework version, all which are specified on NUnit's documentation.
NUnit console runner also integrates with Cake, which is a build scripting tool for C# projects. So, you could hypothetically clean / build your project, restore missing package references, and run your tests, all from the console.
More info on NUnit console runner can be found here:
I have a Windows service written in .net framework 4.6. I'm trying to run Sonar analysis for this service. My requirement is to generate both code coverage result and Unit test case report either by using MStest.exe or vstest.console.exe. I have written test cases using MStest for my service.
Using MSTest, I have written the below command:
MSTest /testcontainer:.\SolutionTests\bin\Release\SolutionTests.dll /resultsfile:"C:\SonarQube\Solution.trx"
Using vstest.console.exe, I have written the below command:
vstest.console.exe SolutionTests\bin\Release\SolutionTests.dll /Enablecodecoverage /Logger:trx;LogFileName="C:\SonarQube\Solution.trx"
In both the cases only Unit test report is generated (.trx file) as I have set the filename explicitly in the command.
Is there any way I can generate .coverage file as well, with in the same command by adding other parameters. I read in few articles which said MSTest command generates both the reports (result.trx and data.coverage), but no where it is written the exact command how to do it. I ran the above command, it did not generate data.coverage file for me.
This can be achieved using a package called Coverlet. Basically you can define the output format of the tests and generate the .trx file for Bamboo. The command will look something like:
executable test --logger "trx;LogFileName=testResults.trx" /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=preferredformat.
Check out the documentation for how to specifically integrate with VSTest.
My taskmasters have tasked me with attempting to get output from Visual Studio Unit Tests for C#. Evidently, our build environment can make use of output files in that format. I hear rumors it is possible, but my Googling comes up empty.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this feat?
You can run your tests with VSTest or MSTest from the command line to create a .trx file with your test results. This is the standard format used for Visual Studio Unit Test output.
As mentioned in other answer, MSTest.exe will generate trx files that xUnit is able to parse.
If you have one script that builds all your projects, you might want to execute all tests and aggregate all test results into one trx file for xUnit.
Good practice is to name all your test projects to end with '.Test'. All these projects compile into dll's and they will all end with '.Test.dll'.
Then you can update your build script to pick up all test projects, by searching your repo for Test.dll files in a script like this:
#SET _config=Release
#call "%VS110COMNTOOLS%vsvars32"
#setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
#set list=
#for /R ".." %%x in (obj) do #(
#set CTD=%%x
#pushd !CTD!
#for %%y in (%_config%\*Test.dll %_config%\*Tests.dll) do #set list=!list! /testcontainer:%%x\..\bin\%%y
) 2>nul
#set list=%list:~1%
#del results.trx 2>nul
mstest %list% /resultsfile:results.trx /detail:stdout
#IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (GOTO lbl_error)
#ECHO Successfully ran tests.
#GOTO lbl_end
#ECHO Failed to run tests.
#EXIT /b 1
I have an x64 platform C# solution(VS2012) on a TFS2010 server. I have attached a unit test project (also x64) to this solution and created a build definition. When I queue the build, it succeeds but the unit test cases will not be executed. This is because MSTest is a 32 bit application. So, I decided to customize the default build process template (DefaultTemplate.xaml) to invoke VSTest(VSTest.console.exe) instead of MSTest. This is quite complex and I am unable to add a build activity to the toolbox for VSTest.
Has anyone done this kind of customization? I have also considered other approaches like configuring .runsettings file. Do we have a VSTest adapter interface that can be added in the .runsettings file ?
Executing unit tests through VSTest and publishing the test results through MSTest gave me a successful outcome. Given below is the Powershell script:
# Get the UnitTest Binaries
$files = Get-ChildItem $TestAssembliesDir\*est*.dll
# VSTest.console.exe path
$VSTestPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe'
# MSTest path
$MSTestpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\mstest.exe"
# Loop through the test assemblies and add them to the VSTestFiles
$VSTestFiles = ''
foreach($file in $files)
$VSTestFiles += "`"$file`""
$VSTestFiles += " "
# Run the UnitTests using VSTest
&$VSTestPath $vstestplatform "/Framework:Framework45" "/InIsolation" $VSTestFiles "/logger:trx"
# Get TRX files
$TrxFilesList = Get-ChildItem $TestResDir\*.trx
$TrxFiles = ''
$loop = 1
foreach($file in $TrxFilesList)
$TrxFiles = "$file"
# copy the trx file into a space-less named trx
$newTrxFileName = "$BuildUri" + "_" + "$loop" + ".trx"
copy-item $TrxFiles -destination $TestResDir\$newTrxFileName
$loop = $loop + 1
$newTrxFile += "$TestResDir\$newTrxFileName"
$newTrxFile += " "
# specify MSTest arguments
$mspubl = "/publish:"+$TeamProjColUri
$msteampr = "/teamproject:" + $TeamProj
$mspublbuild = "/publishbuild:" +$BuildUri
$mspubresfile = "/publishresultsfile:" +"`"$newTrxFile`""
#Publish test results through MSTest
&$MSTestpath $mstestplatform $flavor $mspubl $msteampr $mspublbuild $mspubresfile
I too have the exact same need for using VSTest.Console.exe instead of MSTest.exe for a TFS2010 build process that compiles a VS2012/.NET 4.5 x64 application, while waiting for the upgrade to TFS2012 to commence.
The approach I have taken was to edit the build script XAML, deleted the existing workflow for unit tests and replaced it with a customised workflow that builds up the VSTest.Console.exe parameters and then executes VSTest.Console.exe via InvokeProcess. I then ensured that in the Finally block that regardless of test result that we publish the test results and code coverage to TFS using MSTest.exe from a VS2012 installation on the build server.
Unfortunately I cannot post the XAML in the answer as it exceeds character length, but I do have a text file consisting of the snippet to be replaced in DefaultTemplate.xaml and what to replace it with. The file can be found here. Please note that although this approach works it is a hack.
Another alternative would be to use NUnit instead of MSTest or VSTest.Console as this support 64-bit binaries. This article explains how to integrate NUnit in a TFS2010 build script, and has links to tools and resources required to make this happen. The only issues with NUnit are code coverage (need yet another tool plus work out how to publish these results to TFS) and MSTest-style integration tests using attributes such as DeploymentItem and properties such as TestContext, which is why where I work we opted with the VSTest.Console.exe approach.
And from what I have read TFS2012 offers easy integration to VSTest.Console.exe from build scripts, so if you do ever upgrade to TFS2012 the VSTest.Console.exe hack that I have documented may not be required.
This does not directly answer you question, but it might help. I did a similar thing for TeamCity. I used command-line to call vstest.console.exe and created a .runsettings file.
I used this Microsoft template for the runsettings file. Note however that on my machine, the path mentioned in the comment in Line 5 is relative to the .runsettings location, not the .sln.
If you use /logger:trx option of vstest.console.exe, it will generate output in the same format as MSTest (good for result visualization).
I found this neat way to use NUnit in Powershell.
and we are using it many of our tests.
However I want to run these tests in TeamCity.
I want similar behavior when we use a NUnit runner for running C# tests in TeamCity ie the build fails when the execution of tests fail. Has anyone of you achieved this? I suspect the Powershell runner will just execute it as a simple script, without any indication whether the test passes or fails.
Take a look at and
There is an issue in Powershell runner support
I'm not familiar with the approach you're referencing for executing NUnit tests via Powershell in TeamCity. But, we are successfully using PSake for Powershell build scripts, including executing NUnit tests and failing the build appropriately. The same issue exists with PSake and TeamCity with exit codes, but you can get around it by specifying in TeamCity in the Script Source for the Build Step using -Command for Script execution:
import-module .\tools\psake\psake.psm1
$psake.use_exit_on_error = $true
invoke-psake build.ps1
remove-module psake
You can also integrate the Test results into the TeamCity using the Build Feature option in TeamCity Build Steps.