VS 2010 "Go to Top of Page" Shortcut - c#

I looked around and googled but did not find any "Go to Top of Page" Shortcut on VS 2010.
This is very frustrating when your class is 2000 lines long and you want to scroll to top.
Anyone ?

Ctrl + Home, it's a convention in windows application (works with any text editor: Word, Notepad, etc.)

Not sure how to do it with any mouse shortcut.
But, with keyboard you can do it with Ctrl + Home
By the way - with mouse, in case you want to reach to the top of the defined Class in filename.cs file, you can goto left top combobox in your class file and select the class name and it will take you to top of that selected class name as in below screenshot:

It's like any other windows doc


Can't minimize commented code in Visual Studio

Visual Studio (2019) The plus / minus box on side of screen no longer appears so that I can minimize blocks of code that I comment out
Here is an image where the plus bar shows up where I have minimized my code for a function
but I have nothing showing up for the /* that is later in the picture
Apparently, The comments will minimize outside the c# classes and methods but not inside them:Commentable Code vs UnCommentable Code
If there is a way to change this please post an answer!
You could set Collapset in Tools->Environment->Keyboard.
Ctrl + M, Ctrl + O: Collapse all in the document
Ctrl + M, Ctrl + M: expand/collapse at the caret
Ctrl + M, Ctrl + L: expand all documents
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Advanced
Is this checkbox checked?
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions
Here is what I have in my VS 2017. Do you use any add-ins that may interphere?
The comment outlining works at the global scope, namespace and class, but NOT in the method!
C# style comments (triple slash ///) work in methods, too.

Press a button using class names in c# dom

So basically I want to press a button in a website and i dont know what code to use. The HTML line looks like this:
Click Here
I want the program to click on that Free Button using DOM. I tried this :
But for some reason the GetElementByClassName is highlighted (in visual studio 2015)
I cannot change the HTML since the website is not mine.
It's highlighted cause there is no function GetElementByClassName in WebBrowser.Document!
Look at this, maybe it would help you:
How to select a class by GetElementByClass and click on it programmically

Visual Studio Code Review Difference Window

When I was doing C# code reviews at first in VS 2012 I was getting a side by side comparison of the old and new code.
However now I am getting all code in the same window with red lines for old code and green lines for new code.
I cannot find the option to change this back to a difference window.
I know this is a simple issue but any help will be greatly appreciated!
There should be a button on the toolbar like this one that will let you select the 4 different "diff modes".
You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+\, Ctrl 1 - Inline
Ctrl+\, Ctrl 2 - Side-by-side
Ctrl+\, Ctrl 3 - Left Only
Ctrl+\, Ctrl 4 - Right Only
to change the view.
Below screenshot will help in setting the option to compare side by side.

Mouse Right Click on WindowsUI DevExpress

Actually, I am have designed an application using WindowsUI(MetroUI) with TileContainers.
Now,My problem is that : I have a text in TextBox and I have selected the text and want to copy it with mouse right click other than ctrl+c.(Because my clients are not aware of the shortcuts).
So,When I'm rightclicking on the textbox with mouse,the TileContainer WindowsUIButtons are sliding from top of the page.
Is there any chance of getting that?
sorry for my bad english :)
If I understand your question correctly then you could just use a Context Menu.
See this URL for a step by step process on doing exactly what it sounds like you are wanting.
Hope this helps.

How to jump to the region header from the endregion tag in c# visual studio 2012?

If i have the following
how can i jump to the top #region label if i see the #endregion tag on my screen?
Is there a short cut?
Ctrl+] will jump between the start and end of blocks. I just tested, and it works for #region blocks for me in VS2010.
Edit: The relevant command is Edit.GoToBrace
The answer is Ctrl + ] as already answered by #TheEvilPenguin.
But I thought to add this awesome link for other shortcuts as well, which can be helpful in speeding up routine tasks in VS.
Save the link page as html in your system, as the link might expire in future.
For Visual Studio 2015, Ctrl + ] doesn't work anymore. But you can use the following:
Click on region
And use following shortcuts: Ctrl + shift + ↑ and Ctrl + shift + ↓
I don't believe there's a standard shortcut in Visual Studio.
Within Visual Studio's options dialog, I did a search through all available commands for anything containing the word "region":
But didn't find anything related to navigation, just expand/collapse.
Addins like Resharper and CodeRush may give you what you want, if you have the budget for it. (And they do a lot more besides.)
