"System.InvalidOperationException" - xsd XSD2Code Stylesheet XML C# Visual Studio - c#

I created an .xsd from an xml file using XSD.Exe from the Visual Studio Tools (now Win 7 SDK Tools).
My .xsd file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema id="SceneFile" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xs:element name="Scene">
<xs:element name="VNESceneName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="VNEPlayerName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="VNEButtons" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
(cutted sicne it's too long)
I then used XSD2Code (an add-in for VS) to create an .Designer.cs file:
namespace VNEngine
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public partial class Scene
private string vNESceneNameField;
private string vNEPlayerNameField;
private List<SceneVNEButton> vNEButtonsField;
private SceneVNETextBox vNETextBoxField;
private SceneVNEBackground vNEBackgroundField;
private List<SceneVNESprite> vNESpritesField;
private SceneVNEMusic vNEMusicField;
private static System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer;
public Scene()
this.vNEMusicField = new SceneVNEMusic();
this.vNESpritesField = new List<SceneVNESprite>();
this.vNEBackgroundField = new SceneVNEBackground();
this.vNETextBoxField = new SceneVNETextBox();
this.vNEButtonsField = new List<SceneVNEButton>();
public string VNESceneName
return this.vNESceneNameField;
this.vNESceneNameField = value;
(cutted sicne it's too long)
Now I want to create a "Scene"(the root xml tag) in my C# code:
Scene testscene = new Scene();
testscene.VNEPlayerName = "hallo";
All up to this point is Working, but when i want to save or Serialize (or Deserialize) like this:
And now when executing I get an Error at the Line (in SceneFiles.designer.cs)
private static System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer Serializer
if((serializer == null))
---> serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Scene));
return serializer;
And my Error goes like this:
Eine nicht behandelte Ausnahme des Typs
"System.InvalidOperationException" ist in System.Xml.dll aufgetreten.
Zusätzliche Informationen: Fehler beim Reflektieren des Typs
My rough english translation:
A not handled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException appeared in
System.Xml.dll Additional Information: Error at Reflecting the type
Does anyone know what I made wrong?
The same thing worked with an smaller not as complex and not with xsd.exe generatet .xsd stylesheet.

Ok, i found it, XSD2Code does have an option GenerateXMLAttributes which needs to be set true.


Create xsd schema from instance of class at runtime

I need to validate some generic sensor input. The requirement is, that the validation cannot happen in my code but with a external validator like xsd from outside the codebase to give users the ability to swap the validation logic without needing to code or recompile the application.
I know that the sensor input is only valid for one specific case and therefore would like to generate the xsd from an Instance of a class, that exists at runtime, that was user validated, to get the valid restrictions.
I tried the Idea from this question, however this only works on types and not on instances of classes.
Therefore my question: Is there a way to take a runtime instance of a C# class and convert it to an xsd that has the values of the properties as the only valid restrictions?
to clarify: What I have is a class like this:
public sealed class Sensor
public int Data { get; set; }
public int otherData { get; set; }
public int MoreData { get; set; }
the class gets instanciated somewhere (e.g. like this):
var se = new Sensor()
Data = 5,
otherData = 10,
MoreData = 15
When I now try to create an xsd using something like the following function:
var schemas = new XmlSchemas();
var exporter = new XmlSchemaExporter(schemas);
var mapping = new XmlReflectionImporter().ImportTypeMapping(typeof(Person));
var schemaWriter = new StringWriter();
foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas)
return schemaWriter.ToString();
I receive some xsd like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="sensor">
<xs:element name="Data" type="xs:integer" />
<xs:element name="otherData" type="xs:integer" />
<xs:element name="moreData" type="xs:integer" />
However this is far from what I want to archieve. I would like to have the proper restrictions built into it (it should look something like this):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="sensor">
<xs:element name="Data">
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="5"/>
<xs:element name="otherData">
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="10"/>
<xs:element name="moreData">
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:enumeration value="15"/>
I could obviously go ahead load the generated file into memory, strip some attributes and change how the xsd should look like, but this feels wrong because of the following things:
By me defining Rules to how the xsd should look like I take away
flexibility that I would like to have.
This approach seems quite errorprone to me because it seems like basically a little better than direct string manipulation.
This extra code would make my already large code way complexer and harder to understand.
To sum up: I need either a library or a really clever function that can create a xsd like the one above based on the runitme info I have on the class without writing a lot of things to manipulate the xml directly to avoid errorprone or wrong assumptions about the future usage of the validation.
I took your generate schema and added details using Xml Linq. See code below
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApplication131
class Program
const string FILENAME = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
Sensor se = new Sensor()
Data = 5,
otherData = 10,
MoreData = 15
XmlSchemas schemas = new XmlSchemas();
XmlSchemaExporter exporter = new XmlSchemaExporter(schemas);
XmlTypeMapping mapping = new XmlReflectionImporter().ImportTypeMapping(typeof(Sensor));
StringWriter schemaWriter = new StringWriter();
foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(schemaWriter.ToString());
XElement root = doc.Root;
XNamespace xs = root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("xs");
foreach (XElement _class in doc.Descendants(xs + "complexType"))
List<XElement> elements = _class.Descendants(xs + "element").ToList();
if (elements.Count > 0)
XElement complexType = new XElement(xs + "complexType");
XElement sequence = new XElement(xs + "sequence");
foreach (var prop in se.GetType().GetProperties())
string name = prop.Name;
string value = prop.GetValue(se, null).ToString();
XElement element = elements.Where(x => (string)x.Attribute("name") == name).FirstOrDefault();
string strType = (string)element.Attribute("type");
XElement newElement = new XElement(xs + "simpleType", new object[] {
new XElement(xs + "restriction", new object[] {
new XAttribute("base", strType),
new XElement(xs + "enumeration", new XAttribute("value", value))
public sealed class Sensor
public int Data { get; set; }
public int otherData { get; set; }
public int MoreData { get; set; }

data-loss from using auto-generated serializer

I have an xsd file that describes a small schema. I created a C# file with the help of xsd.exe (I ran this command in the developer command prompt: xsd.exe smallSchema.xsd /classes /language:CS) to be able to easily (de-)serialize it. I took an xml file that complies to that schema and tried to deserialize it by using the generated code. But i noticed that data loss occurs!
Can anyone point me to the cause of that data loss?
This is the xml file that I want to deserialize:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<complex-elem type="plain-number">1</complex-elem>
The following code will deserialize it, then serialize it again and overwrite the file:
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(topelement));
string path = ... // path of the file on my disk
topelement rawData = null;
using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
rawData = (topelement)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
XmlSerializerNamespaces noNamespace
= new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] { new XmlQualifiedName("", "") });
// I use it to prevent adding a namespace during serializing
using (XmlWriter wr = XmlWriter.Create(path))
serializer.Serialize(wr, rawData, noNamespace);
But the overwritten file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<complex-elem />
I.e. the data inside complex-elem got lost! Debugging shows that the deserialized content already contains null where it shouldn't (see picture).
This is the xsd schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="top-element">
<xs:element ref="complex-elem" />
<xs:element ref="top-elem-name" />
<xs:element name="complex-elem">
<xs:element ref="plain-number" />
<xs:element name="plain-number" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="top-elem-name" type="xs:string" />
And here is the result of calling xsd.exe (the comments are German):
// <auto-generated>
// Dieser Code wurde von einem Tool generiert.
// Laufzeitversion:4.0.30319.42000
// Änderungen an dieser Datei können falsches Verhalten verursachen und gehen verloren, wenn
// der Code erneut generiert wird.
// </auto-generated>
using System.Xml.Serialization;
// Dieser Quellcode wurde automatisch generiert von xsd, Version=4.6.1055.0.
/// <remarks/>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "4.6.1055.0")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("top-element", Namespace="", IsNullable=false)]
public partial class topelement {
private complexelem complexelemField;
private string topelemnameField;
/// <remarks/>
public complexelem complexelem {
get {
return this.complexelemField;
set {
this.complexelemField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public string topelemname {
get {
return this.topelemnameField;
set {
this.topelemnameField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "4.6.1055.0")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("complex-elem", Namespace="", IsNullable=false)]
public partial class complexelem {
private string itemField;
/// <remarks/>
public string Item {
get {
return this.itemField;
set {
this.itemField = value;
The XML sample you try to deserialize doesn't validate against the XSD schema you provided.
If you try to validate the XML, you'll get three validation errors:
Cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'type' Is Not Allowed To Appear In Element 'complex-elem'., Line '2', Column '39'.
Cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'complex-elem' Cannot Have Character [children], Because The Type's Content Type Is Element-only., Line
'2', Column '55'.
Cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The Content Of Element 'complex-elem' Is Not Complete. One Of '{plain-number}' Is Expected., Line '2', Column
So either change your XML to the following one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... or change your complex-elem schema definition to this one:
<xs:element name="complex-elem">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" />

compile schemas with included xsd files

I have static method, which i use to validate a XML File against a XSD File. This works fine, until there is an XSD File which includes another XSD File.
Example, where i got troubles:
<xs:simpleType name="MY_AMOUNT">
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:maxInclusive value="999999999999.99"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="-999999999999.99"/>
<xs:totalDigits value="14"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:include schemaLocation="TYPES.xsd"/>
<xs:element name="ROOT">
<xs:element ref="SOMEREF1"/>
<xs:element ref="SOMEREF2"/>
<xs:element name="AMOUNT" type="MY_AMOUNT" minOccurs="0"/>
public static class XmlUtils
private static string Errors = string.Empty;
public static bool ValidateAgainstXSD(string xmlFilePath, string xsdFilePath, ref string message)
var settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
settings.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema
| XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessInlineSchema
| XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings;
settings.Schemas.Add(null, xsdFilePath);
settings.ValidationEventHandler += (sender, args) =>
if (args.Severity == XmlSeverityType.Error)
Errors += args.Message + "\n";
using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlFilePath, settings))
while (reader.Read()) { }
message = Errors ?? string.Empty;
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(Errors);
catch (Exception e)
message = "# error validating xml file: " + e.Message;
return false;
Somehow it seems i have to specify the path of the included XSD File but i have no idea where.
The error occurs at settings.Schemas.Compile(); , where it says that the type "MY_AMOUNT" is not declared. I read about custom XmlResolvers but to be honest i didn't get that working.
If this is important for an answer: The xsd files are always located in the same directory!
The method is called likes this:
string msg = string.Empty;
string basedir = #"C:\Temp";
string xml = Path.Combine(basedir, "XML_FILE.xml");
string xsd = Path.Combine(basedir, "MAIN.xsd");
if (XmlUtils.ValidateAgainstXSD(xml, xsd, ref msg))
// do some work
Any help is highly appreciated - Thank you!
UPDATE 2016-12-05:
I wrote my own XmlUrlResolver, to see what happens behind the scenes:
internal class XUrlResolver : XmlUrlResolver
public override object GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, string role, Type ofObjectToReturn)
return base.GetEntity(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn);
public override Uri ResolveUri(Uri baseUri, string relativeUri)
return base.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri);
And the i just try to do:
XmlSchemaSet xset = new XmlSchemaSet();
xset.XmlResolver = new XUrlResolver();
xset.Add("", xsdFilePath);
What happens now (on line xset.Add):
XmlUrlResolver.ResolveUri(null,"C:\\Temp\\MAIN.XSD") --> {file:///C:/Temp/MAIN.xsd}
XmlUrlResolver.ResolveUri(null,"C:\\Temp\\MAIN.XSD") --> {file:///C:/Temp/MAIN.xsd}
XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity({file:///C:/Temp/MAIN.xsd}) --> Filestream to MAIN.xsd
XmlUrlResolver.ResolveUri({file:///C:/Temp/MAIN.xsd},"TYPES.XSD") --> {file:///C:/Temp/TYPES.xsd}
XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity({file:///C:/Temp/TYPES.xsd}) --> Filestream to TYPES.xsd
Looks good to me (except the first 2 Calls are equal!?!) - the path to TYPES.XSD is resolved as it should.
Nevertheless, xset.Compile() throws an Exception: "Type MY_AMOUNT is not declared"
And i have no idea why :/
First you need to make your xsd files valid.
Types.xsd (added schema root element and xs namespace)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:simpleType name="MY_AMOUNT">
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:maxInclusive value="999999999999.99"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="-999999999999.99"/>
<xs:totalDigits value="14"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
Main.xsd (removed invalid refs).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:include schemaLocation="TYPES.xsd"/>
<xs:element name="ROOT">
<xs:element name="AMOUNT" type="MY_AMOUNT" minOccurs="0"/>
After that, given that both xsd files are in the same directory, your schemas will compile fine.
I ran into this very same issue.
I'm not suggesting this is the correct answer, but I got around it by setting the Environment.CurrentDirectory property to be the path where the included XSDs were located. Then it all processed just fine.

.NET can't deserialize nested structs?

I'm running into issues getting C# (VS2008, Compact Framework, .NET is version 3.5 SP1) to successfully deserialize nested structs. The problem only appears in CF when I'm running on the emulator for the mobile device (I'm using the "Pocket PC 2003 Second Edition" emulator), the exact same code running on my Windows box does not have the same problem.
Here's my code:
public struct Fred
public string Name;
public struct Middle
public Fred[] Freds;
public struct Top
public Middle Middle;
public Fred[] Freds;
public static void Test()
Top top = new Top();
top.Middle.Freds = new Fred[2];
top.Middle.Freds[0].Name = "Fred20";
top.Middle.Freds[1].Name = "Fred21";
top.Freds = new Fred[2];
top.Freds[0].Name = "Fred10";
top.Freds[1].Name = "Fred11";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(top.GetType());
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb))
x.Serialize(sw, top);
string xml = sb.ToString();
string[] lines = xml.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
foreach (string line in lines)
Debug.WriteLine(" " + line.Trim());
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xml));
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
object o = x.Deserialize(sr);
Debug.WriteLine("Deserialized into " + o);
Top go2 = (Top)o;
if (go2.Freds == null)
Debug.WriteLine(" go2.Freds is null");
Debug.WriteLine(" go2.Freds[0].Name is \"" + go2.Freds[0].Name + "\"");
if (go2.Middle.Freds == null)
Debug.WriteLine(" go2.Middle.Freds is null");
Debug.WriteLine(" go2.Middle.Freds[0].Name is \"" + go2.Middle.Freds[0].Name + "\"");
When I run this, the XML it creates looks good:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Top xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
but C# is unable to successfully deserialize this XML - the console output is this:
Deserialized into Top
go2.Freds[0].Name is "Fred10"
go2.Middle.Freds is null
xsd has similar problems:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema id="Top" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<xs:element name="Top" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:UseCurrentLocale="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Middle">
<xs:element name="Freds" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Fred" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
Have I just encountered a C# bug? Or am I missing something obvious?
Note: It's not a problem with using the name twice, if I create a struct named George that is identical to Fred, and change the contents of Middle to public George[] George, the problem isn't any better.
TLDR (for the skimmers): This post consist of two parts.
Part 1: A quick intro to Protobuf. Attributes are used here.
Part 2: The actual answer to the question: to configure serialization without modifying the inherited library
Ok, I'll give it a shot.
The problem seems to be that you're using the Compact Framework, which does not have the same serialization/deserialization capabilities as the full .NET framework. So we need some custom serialization here.
Going with the philosophy of the Compact Framework, my guess is that you also want something that performs well and has a small footprint. So I picked Protobuf for the task (which is also approximately 12 times faster than XmlSerializer)
You can install it by running this command:
Install-Package protobuf-net
Let's start with the easy way - by adding attributes to your model.
Configuration without attributes comes next, as you pointed out that the original model can't/shouldn't be modified. This is only for illustration.
Decorated with the appropriate attributes, your model would look like this:
Part 1: Configuration with attributes.
I repeat, this part is only for illustration purposes - read on to "Configuration without attributes"
public struct Fred
public string Name;
public struct Middle
public Fred[] Freds;
public struct Top
public Middle Middle;
public Fred[] Freds;
The only thing to note here is the usage of numbered members, called keys. It's essentially the same thing as giving them property names in the case of JSON or XML serialization, except this is the protobuf way to do it. You simply assign a unique integer value to each member within the same class, and most of the times you're done there.
For convenience let's add a simple Builder from which we can instantiate a Top which is similar to the one in your example:
public class TopTestBuilder
public Top BuildDefaultTestTop()
var top = new Top
Middle = new Middle
Freds = new[]
new Fred {Name = "Fred20"},
new Fred {Name = "Fred21"}
Freds = new[]
new Fred {Name = "Fred10"},
new Fred {Name = "Fred11"}
return top;
We can serialize it like this:
Top topIn = new TopTestBuilder().BuildDefaultTestTop();
string serialized;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
Protobuf.Serializer.Serialize(stream, topIn);
stream.Position = 0;
var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
serialized = reader.ReadToEnd();
// Output: "\nDC4\n\b\nACKFred20\n\b\nACKFred21DC2\b\nACKFred10DC2\b\nACKFred11"
And deserialize it like this:
Top topOut;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
topOut = Protobuf.Serializer.Deserialize<Top>(stream);
As you can see there is a little bit of plumbing for the MemoryStreams, but other than that it should look familiar to how other types of serialization work. Similarly, everything can just as well be accomplished by configuring a custom TypeModel, allowing serialization to be fully decoupled from the model.
Part 2: Configuration without attributes
By default, Protobuf uses the attributes to define the TypeModel and then stores it in ProtoBuf.Meta.RuntimeTypeModel.Default. This property is used when you call the static Protobuf.Serializer directly.
We can also define our own. It took some fiddling around (note to self: RTFM) to get it working but it turned out to be almost as simple:
var model = TypeModel.Create();
// The first parameter (maps to ProtoContractAttribute) is the Type to be included.
// The second parameter determines whether to apply default behavior,
// based on the attributes. Since we're not using those, this has no effect.
model.Add(typeof(Fred), false);
model.Add(typeof(Middle), false);
model.Add(typeof(Top), false);
// The newly added MetaTypes can be accessed through their respective Type indices.
// The first parameter is the unique member number, similar to ProtoMemberAttribute.
// The second parameter is the name of the member as it is declared in the class.
// When the member is a list:
// The third parameter is the Type for the items.
// The fourth parameter is the Type for the list itself.
model[typeof(Fred)].Add(1, "Name");
model[typeof(Middle)].Add(1, "Freds", typeof(Fred), typeof(Fred[]));
model[typeof(Top)].Add(1, "Middle");
model[typeof(Top)].Add(2, "Freds", typeof(Fred), typeof(Fred[]));
Now all we have to do is change one line of code for both functions:
Top topIn = new TopTestBuilder().BuildDefaultTestTop();
string serialized;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
model.Serialize(stream, top);
stream.Position = 0;
var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
serialized = reader.ReadToEnd();
Top topOut;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
topOut = (Top) _model.Deserialize(stream, null, typeof (Top));
And it works just the same. Perhaps add a class to keep things organized - give it two public methods Serialize and Deserialize, and a private method BuildTypeModel (to call from the constructor and store in a field on the serializer?)
Your calling code would end up looking something like this:
var serializer = new CustomProtoBufSerializer();
var serialized = serializer.Serialize(someClassInput);
SomeClass someClassOutput = serializer.Deserialize(serialized);
One thing quickly became clear though - Protobuf hasn't been as thoroughly documented and tested as most JSON and XML serializers out there. This, along with the serialization results being non-readable to humans, could be a drawback in some situations. Other than that it seems like it's fast, lightweight and compatible with many different environments.
The absence of automatic type resolution bothered me a bit, so I went looking and found something that seems pretty interesting: Protobuf T4 TypeModel Generator. I haven't been able to try it yet. If people are interested, I might do that later and update the answer with a more generic solution.
Let me know if you have any trouble getting it to work.

xml file validating in notepad++ but not in C#

I have the following xsd snippet:
<xs:element name="TR" type="tns:blah" />
<xs:complexType name="blah">
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="Res" type="tns:Res" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="SNotifications" type="tns:ArrayOfSNotification" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="UNotifications" type="tns:ArrayOfUNotification" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="TNotifications" type="tns:ArrayOfTNotification" />
and I have the following xml:
<TR xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://something.com/something">
<SNotifications xmlns="http://something.com/something" />
<UNotifications xmlns="http://something.com/something" />
<TNotifications xmlns="http://something.com/something" />
I get no error validation the xml in notepad++.
but i get an error while using C#.
The error is:
exception:System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException: The element 'TR' in namespace 'http://something.com/something' has invalid child element 'SNotifications'. List of possible elements expected: 'SNotifications, TNotifications, UNotifications'
the C# code i use is:
xmlDocument.Schemas.Add("http://www.something.com/something", "path to xsd file");
string result = string.Empty;
xmlDocument.Validate((s, e) => result = string.Format("exception:{0}, exceptionmessage:{1}", e.Exception, e.Message));
I have already loaded the xml document.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Please try this.
public static bool IsValidXml(string xmlFilePath, string xsdFilePath)
var xdoc = XDocument.Load(xmlFilePath);
var schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
schemas.Add(namespaceName, xsdFilePath);
Boolean result = true;
xdoc.Validate(schemas, (sender, e) =>
result = false;
return result;
We need to know the targetNamespace of your schema document, and the setting of elementFormDefault. Almost certainly it's one of the following:
(a) you have elementFormDefault="qualified", and the target namespace of the schema is not http://something.com/something (in which case the SNotifications element should be in the target namespace); or
(b) you don't have elementFormDefault="qualified" (in which case SNotifications should be in no namespace).
