Custom validation error template not respecting ZIndex [duplicate] - c#

This question already has answers here:
WPF - How can I place a usercontrol over an AdornedElementPlaceholder?
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a view defined as a DataTemplate (for an "OrderEntryViewModel") with a Menu, ContentPresenter, and Expander inside of a 3-row grid. The content of the ContentPresenter is binded to another viewModel "OrderViewModel" (for which there's another DataTemplate-defined view). The expander has a ZIndex of 99, so that when it expands UP, it expands OVER any other controls (i.e. the ContentPresenter).
This all works as expected EXCEPT when the ContentPresenter's content (the OrderViewModel) has data errors...My OrderView displays a custom validation error template around controls with invalid data. What happens is, when I expand the expander, all of controls inside the ContentPresenter are covered, but the red border and exclamation point I show are still visible through the expander! I've verified that my expander's ZIndex is 99 and the ContentPresenter's is 0. Can anyone help me with this?
Here's some images to help explain:
First Image shows what the views look like when NOT expanded.
Second Image shows what the views look like when I expand.
I define the validation error template like this:
<ControlTemplate x:Key="ValidationErrorTemplate">
<DockPanel LastChildFill="true">
<Border Background="Red" DockPanel.Dock="right" Margin="5,0,0,0" Width="10" Height="10" CornerRadius="5"
ToolTip="{Binding AdornedElement.(Validation.Errors).CurrentItem.ErrorContent, ElementName=customAdorner}">
<TextBlock Text="!" VerticalAlignment="center" HorizontalAlignment="center" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="White"/>
<AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="customAdorner" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Border BorderBrush="red" BorderThickness="1" />
And assign it to a specific control like this (this is how I do it for my TextBox):
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}" x:Key="ValidatedStyleTextBox">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsLocked}" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate" Value="{x:Null}"/>
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsLocked}" Value="False">
<Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate" Value="{StaticResource ValidationErrorTemplate}"/>

This solution worked for me...just added an AdornerDecorator at the same level as my expander, so now, the controls inside of the AdornerDecorator use that layer to display instead of the top level layer in the window


How to style a TextBox ScrollBar with my own images?

I was wondering if it is possible to insert my own bitmaps for scrollbar styling. I would like to to use an image for up/down arrows, background and scroller. This is what I have to start with, but I just don't know how to access these mentioned properties:
<TextBox Name="SlideNotes" Foreground="White" FontSize="20" FontWeight="Bold" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="True" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" Grid.Row="27" Grid.Column="11" Grid.ColumnSpan="46" Grid.RowSpan="5">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ScrollBar}">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>
I would appreciate any help.
You can use ImageBrush to set an image to any property that uses Brushes (Background, Foreground, BorderBrush, Fill, etc.).
In your case, you'd use it like this:
<TextBox Name="SlideNotes" Foreground="White" FontSize="20" FontWeight="Bold" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="True" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" Grid.Row="27" Grid.Column="11" Grid.ColumnSpan="46" Grid.RowSpan="5">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ScrollBar}">
<Setter Property="Background">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="yourimage.jpg" Stretch="Fill" />
ImageBrush (and all other Brushes that inherit from TileBrush) has a set of properties that control how the image is shown. I've used Stretch="Fill" in my sample, which will make the image stretch to fill all the space available, but you could want it to behave differently.
For instance, this...
<ImageBrush ImageSource="yourimage.jpg" Stretch="None" TileMode="FlipXY" />
Will make your image repeat, with tiles alternatively flipped horizontally and/or vertically.
Toy around with Stretch and TileMode (or even ViewPort, ViewPortUnit, Viewbox and ViewboxUnit, if you feel brave enough) to get the effect you want.
EDIT - As with RepeatButton, the default ScrollBar template seems to pretty much ignore the Background property, most of the time, as well as other properties you could use for customization... This means you'll probably have to override the whole template to customize it to your liking.
Here's one ScrollBar template sample: ScrollBar Styles and Templates
And here's another for the RepeatButton: RepeatButton Styles and Templates
Looks like you're after a ControlTemplate. See here for a nice tutorial on how to style one.
To avoid having to style the entire ScrollViewer, you can instead style only the RepeatButton element, this will make things much easier to work with.
<Style TargetType="RepeatButton">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
You may need to define this style in the Window Resources, instead of the TextBox resources due to the scope.
See the documentation for RepeatButton styles and templates.

Is it possible to provide 'arguments' to Custom control Styles & Templates?

I have 2 buttons, both of which are using a style to keep a consistent UI. However for 1 button, I would like to provide an image for, and the other just text.
I suppose I could create a new style, copy everything over, and the reformat it to my liking, but this seems like waste, is time consuming, and i think i would have to do it for each instance I wish to have a image on a button. I mean, that's fine, but I just want to know if there is an alternative that would make things more elegant.
I think I should somehow be able to push an 'arguement' or data to a style, either in or out of XAML to format the style, or something that would accomplish this (I'm sure the terminology is wrong).
Here is the Button Style:
<Style x:Key="Control_Button" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Image> <!-- Optional Image here --> </Image>
<TextBlock Name="btn" Text="{TemplateBinding Content}" Padding="16" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<TextDecoration Location="Underline" />
<!-- FIX ME: not underlined normally -->
<Trigger Property="TextBlock.IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="btn" Property="TextDecorations" Value="none" />
<!-- FIX ME: underlined on hover -->
What you are asking for is not possible without creating a custom control or user control.
What you should do though is setting the contents of the button the way you like. If you want only a string, you can set it directly:
<Button>my text</Button>
or with a binding:
<Button Content={Binding textProperty} />
To include an image in the button, add a panel as content, in this example I added a StackPanel, but you can also use a Grid or any other element:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding myImagePath}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding myText}" />

Using BasedOn and Trigger to manipulate nested property in parent Style

We have a file of standard styles. One style, SectionGroup, we use on all our GroupBox elements. It has a custom template which uses a Border to put an underline below the header, among other things.
On one page, we have a checkbox next to a GroupBox header; when the user unchecks the checkbox, the contents of the GroupBox hide (visibility collapsed) and the header remains. Unfortunately the underline under the header then looks ugly; we also want to hide this.
I've given it my best attempt, so the parent SectionGroup style now looks like this:
<Style x:Key="SectionGroup" TargetType="GroupBox">
<Thickness x:Key="HeaderBorderThickness">0,0,0,1</Thickness>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="GroupBox">
<Grid Margin="0">
<Border Grid.Row="0" BorderThickness="{DynamicResource HeaderBorderThickness}" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=GroupBox}}"/>
By defining the HeaderBorderThickness resource and using it as a DynamicResource, I can override it in my page (as explained in this answer):
<Style TargetType="GroupBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource SectionGroup}">
<Thickness x:Key="HeaderBorderThickness">0,0,0,0</Thickness>
<!-- TODO triggers here.. -->
<GroupBox.Header>Section One</GroupBox.Header>
So indeed, by redefining a Thickness of the same key, the DynamicResource works as expected and there is no underline on the header.
Now I need to toggle it based on a trigger/binding. I'm pretty new to this, but elsewhere in this page I have figured out to do stuff like this:
<Grid Visibility="{Binding Path=FooBoolean, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibility}}">
I think there's a little more magic involved in our viewmodel class (followed the example of existing bindings & properties), but it works.
Now the question is -- how do I bind the boolean value in FooBoolean, to the HeaderBorderThickness resource value? Or what other means can I use to accomplish my goal?
It seems to me that you could do this in a much more WPF way with a DataTrigger, perhaps something like this:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=
<Rectangle Grid.Row="1" Height="1" Margin="0,2,0,0" Fill="Black">
<Setter Property="Rectangle.Visibility" Value="Visible" />
<DataTrigger Binding="{IsChecked, ElementName=YourCheckBox}"
<Setter Property="Rectangle.Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
This method enables you to set the Width, Height, Padding and whatever other properties of the line. If you can't access the CheckBox directly from the Style, then you could try adding a bool property to bind to both the Checkbox.IsChecked property and the DataTrigger.Binding property. Or just manage the Rectangle.Visibility in your own method.

WPF: Custom tooltip arrow placement

I have a custom tooltip style that basically creates a nice black tooltip with an arrow pointing to the location of the item you hovered over.
The problem is that sometimes the tooltip will not always be placed in the correct location (i.e. near window edges) which means the tooltip arrow no longer points at the correct place... Is there anyway around this problem? Or can I create specific styles for each location placement?
<Style x:Key="{x:Type ToolTip}" TargetType="ToolTip">
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="true"/>
<Setter Property="HasDropShadow" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="ToolTip">
<Border CornerRadius="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Padding="10,7" BorderThickness="0" Background="#e5323232">
<TextBlock FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="12" Text="{TemplateBinding Content}" Foreground="#f0f0f0" />
<Path Margin="10,0,0,0" Fill="#e5323232" Data="M 0 0 L 6 6 L 12 0 Z"/>
Maybe you could try this, I just set the Placement to Center and added a HorizontalOffset to match the arrow you created in the template.
However that wont center it vertically on the control, so you could make an IValueConverter and calculate the size of the control and divide by 2, or you could add a dummy element to your StackPanel that is the same size as the Border, and that should center the ToolTip without needing any code behind
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ToolTip}">
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="true"/>
<Setter Property="HasDropShadow" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="Placement" Value="Center" />
<!--Offset to the arrow path-->
<Setter Property="HorizontalOffset" Value="15"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ToolTip}">
<Border x:Name="border" CornerRadius="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Padding="10,7" BorderThickness="0" Background="#e5323232">
<TextBlock FontFamily="Arial" FontSize="12" Text="{TemplateBinding Content}" Foreground="#f0f0f0" />
<Path Margin="10,0,0,0" Fill="#e5323232" Data="M 0 0 L 6 6 L 12 0 Z"/>
<!--Dummy rectangle same height as tool tip, so it centers on the control-->
<Rectangle Height="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=border}" />
The simplest way of doing it is to use a UIElement that exists in the Control Tree as the PlacementTarget of the Tooltip. This will avoid the Silverlight automated positioning when you get near the window edges:
<StackPanel ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding Title, Mode=OneWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
ToolTipService.PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=LayoutRoot}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title,Mode=OneWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
In this case the tooltip will be positioned always at the Origin of the LayoutRoot element. If you have a fixed path size and the PlacementTarget is always at the same position relative to the control for which you want to show the tooltip then this works fine.
If you need to position the Tooltip relatively to the control that triggers the Tooltip than you have to make the Path Data dynamic and calculate the distance to create a new Path Data in the Tooltip control every time the Tooltip is opened.
For this case you have to handle the Tooltip.IsOpened event and implement this logic. If you're using the PlacementTarget than you always know the direction relatively to your control so this makes it easier to calculate the Path vertices.
Another way which works but it's way more complex is to implement your own Popup that shows up when you move the mouse over your control. You would need to implement a few calculations to get the position of the popup relative to the Control, which is exactly what the Tooltip control does for you. The advantage of this is that you have complete control over the positioning of the tooltip and its appearance.

Reusable way to put a bright red box around whatever element currently has focus?

I've got some windows with mainly comboboxes, textboxes, and checkboxes. When you click on one to get focus I need a way to have them be outlined with a colorful box (boss' orders). Is there a way to do this easier than overriding the default style of all of these controls? I've never done that before, so it would take a lot of mucking around on my part to figure it out.
You can try adding a FocusVisualStyle to the Controls that need different focus rectangle styles.
From above link
The second mechanism is to provide a separate style as the value of the FocusVisualStyle property; the "focus visual style" creates a separate visual tree for an adorner that draws on top of the control, rather than changing the visual tree of the control or other UI element by replacing it.
Something like this in your Window's Xaml
<Style x:Key="NewFocusVisual">
<Setter Property="Control.Template">
<Rectangle Stroke="Red" Margin="2" StrokeThickness="1" StrokeDashArray="1 2" />
or your Application.Xaml file.
<Style x:Key="NewFocusVisual">
<Setter Property="Control.Template">
<Rectangle Stroke="Red" Margin="2" StrokeThickness="1" StrokeDashArray="1 2" />
<ComboBox FocusVisualStyle="{StaticResource NewFocusVisual}" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="238,102,0,0" Name="ComboBox1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" />
<CheckBox FocusVisualStyle="{StaticResource NewFocusVisual}" Content="CheckBox" Height="16" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="238,71,0,0" Name="CheckBox2" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<TextBox FocusVisualStyle="{StaticResource NewFocusVisual}" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="238,144,0,0" Name="TextBox1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" />
If you want the Focus rectangle to change for every type of focus event Microsoft states that:
From Microsoft: Focus visual styles act exclusively for keyboard focus. As such, focus visual styles are a type of accessibility feature. If you want UI changes for any type of focus, whether via mouse, keyboard, or programmatically, then you should not use focus visual styles, and should instead use setters and triggers in styles or templates that are working from the value of general focus properties such as IsFocused or IsFocusWithin.
Give this a shot it works for a TextBox haven't checked your other Controls
<Style TargetType="TextBox" >
<Trigger Property="IsFocused" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Control.BorderBrush" Value="Red" />
<Setter Property="Control.BorderThickness" Value="3" />
