Navigating to DNN Module - c#

I'm forming a newsletter with links to various html modules within my DNN website. I have access to each of their ModuleID's and I'm wanting to use that to get the url. The current approach (made by a third party developer) worked, but only to a degree. The url's are incorrectly formed when the Modules are located deeper in the website.
For example module located at is works fine, but a module located won't. I know this is because the url is incorrectly formed.
Here's the current code:
DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController objModCtrlg = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController();
DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleInfo dgfdgdg = objModCtrlg.GetModule(ContentMID);
TabController objtabctrll = new TabController();
TabInfo objtabinfoo = objtabctrll.GetTab(tabidfrcontent);
string tabnamefremail= objtabinfoo.TabName;
moduletitlefrEmail = dgfdgdg.ModuleTitle;
string readmorelinkpath = basePath + "/" + tabnamefremail + ".aspx";
ContentMID is the current module ID I'm looking at. I've tried to use Globals.NavigateURL, but that always crashes with Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error. Same thing when I use objtabinfoo.FullUrl so I'm currently at a loss as to how I get the specific modules URL.
EDIT: Here's some more code as to how the tabId is retrieved.
IDictionary<int, TabInfo> dicTabInfo12 = new Dictionary<int, TabInfo>();
ContentMID = Convert.ToInt32(dsNewsList.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ModuleID"]);
dicTabInfo12 = objTabctrl.GetTabsByModuleID(ContentMID);
if (dicTabInfo12.Count > 0)
string tester = ""; //Debug
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, TabInfo> item1 in dicTabInfo12)
tabidfrcontent = item1.Key;

You really should be using NavigateUrl to build the links ance if you have the tabid, you are golden.
string readMoreLinkPath = NavigateUrl(tabidfrcontent);
Nice and simple

Okay, colleague suggested this and it works great within a scheduler.
string linkPath = basePath + "/Default.aspx?TabID=" + tabID;
Will Navigate you to the correct tab ID. So this would be the best solution if you're forced to work within a scheduler where you can't use NavigateUrl without some major workarounds.


Determine if a given url (from a string) is from my domain or not

I'm trying to check from c# code if a given url is from my domain or not, in order to add the "nofollow" and "target _Blank" attributes for external links.
When i talk about external links i refer to any link outside my domain.
By default it does not have that attributes. I tried a lot of stuff, basically this is the part i need to fix:
public void PrepareLink(HtmlTag tag)
string url = tag.attributes["href"];
if (PrepareLink != null)
if (it is from an external site???)
tag.attributes["rel"] = "nofollow";
tag.attributes["target"] = "_blank";
things i've tried:
string dominioLink = new Uri(url).Host.ToLower();
if (!dominioLink.Contains(myDomainURL))
tag.attributes["rel"] = "nofollow";
tag.attributes["target"] = "_blank";
Which has the issue that dont take in mind subdomains
i.e. if a link created is, it will return true and work well.
I've looked in every Uri property but didn't seem to contains the base domain.
I'm currently using .NET Core 2.0.
thankS! please if you need any other data just let me know.
You can use the Uri.Host property to obtain the domain from a URL string, then compare it to your own. I suggest using a case-insensitive match.
var url = tag.attributes["href"];
var uri = new Uri(url);
var match = uri.Host.Equals(myDomain, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)

Moving files with Google Drive API v3

Im trying to move a file from one folder to another using the Google Drive API v3. I found documentation how to this here. I used the .NET sample code from the documentation page and created a method that looks like this:
public ActionResult MoveFile(string fileToMove, string destination)
DriveService service = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = <USER CREDENTIAL>,
ApplicationName = "APPNAME"
var searchFiles = service.Files.List();
searchFiles.Corpus = FilesResource.ListRequest.CorpusEnum.User;
searchFiles.Q = "name = '" + fileToMove + "'";
searchFiles.Fields = "files(*)";
string fileToMoveId = searchFiles.Execute().Files[0].Id;
searchFiles.Q = "name = '" + destination + "'";
string destinationId = searchFiles.Execute().Files[0].Id;
//Code used from documentation
// Retrieve the existing parents to remove
var getRequest = service.Files.Get(fileToMoveId);
getRequest.Fields = "parents";
var file = getRequest.Execute();
var previousParents = String.Join(",", file.Parents);
// Move the file to the new folder
var updateRequest = service.Files.Update(file, fileToMoveId);
updateRequest.Fields = "id, parents";
updateRequest.AddParents = destinationId;
updateRequest.RemoveParents = previousParents;
file = updateRequest.Execute();
return RedirectToAction("Files", new {folderId = destinationId});
When I execute this code I get the following error:
The parents field is not directly writable in update requests. Use the
addParents and removeParents parameters instead.
The error doesn't really makes sense to me because this code sample came from the documentation page itself. I can't figure out what other paramters they mean. What addParents and removeParents parameters do they mean? Are updateRequest.AddParents and updateRequest.RemoveParents not the right parameters?
Ok here is the problem.
var updateRequest = service.Files.Update(file, fileToMoveId);
The method is requiring that you send a body of a file to be updated. This normally makes sense as any changes you want to make you can add to the body.
Now the problem you are having is that you got your file from a file.get. Which is totally normal. This is how you should be doing it. THe problem is there are some fields in that file that you cant update. So by sending the full file the API is rejecting your update. If you check Files: update under Request body you will see which fiends are updateable.
Now this is either a problem with the client library or the API I am going to have to track down a few people at Google to see which is the case.
I did some testing and sending an empty file object as the body works just fine. The file is moved.
var updateRequest = service.Files.Update(new Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File(), fileToMove.Id);
updateRequest.AddParents = directoryToMove.Id;
updateRequest.RemoveParents = fileToMove.Parents[0];
var movedFile = updateRequest.Execute();
This method works well when working in your own drive, but not in a team drive where a file (folder) can only have 1 parent strictly. I do not have the solution in a team drive

Xamarin iOS localization using .NET

I'm trying to use .NET localization in a portable class library for a Xamarin iOS/Android project. I've followed the steps at:
How to use localization in C#
And have code which looks as follows:
string sText = strings.enter_movie_name;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr");
sText = strings.enter_movie_name;
lblEnterMovieName.Text = sText;
I've also tried:
ResourceManager resman = new ResourceManager(typeof(MyApplication.strings));
string sText = resman.GetString("enter_movie_name", new CultureInfo("fr"));
I've created strings.resx with enter_movie_name equal to "Enter movie name:" and equal to "Entre la movie name:"
However, sText always ends up as "Enter movie name:". I can't seem to get the "Entre la movie name:" version out.
I also saw the post at Cross-platform Localization but couldn't work it out. I also don't want to use the iOS specific version at Localization on Xamarin.iOS as I'd like to be able to get at my strings from a platform independent library.
Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong?
I've created a bit of an ugly solution, but it works. What I've done is made a folder called 'strings' in my Portable Class Library (PCL) and inside that created files called:
I've set all of these as Embedded Resource with custom tool as ResXFileCodeGenerator. This means I have a separate resource DLL for each language.
In iOS I can then get the locale by calling:
string sLocale = NSLocale.CurrentLocale.LocaleIdentifier;
I would guess there's an Android equivalent using Locale but I don't know what it is.
This gives me a string like "ja_JP" or "fr_FR" or "en_GB" (note they're underscores, not dashes). I then use this with the following static class I created to retrieve an appropriate resource manager and get the string from it.
If given a locale aa_BB it first looks for strings_aa_BB, then for strings_aa, then for strings.
public static class Localise
private const string STRINGS_ROOT = "MyPCL.strings.strings";
public static string GetString(string sID, string sLocale)
string sResource = STRINGS_ROOT + "_" + sLocale;
Type type = Type.GetType(sResource);
if (type == null)
if (sLocale.Length > 2) {
sResource = STRINGS_ROOT + "_" + sLocale.Substring(0, 2); // Use first two letters of region code
type = Type.GetType(sResource);
if (type == null) {
sResource = STRINGS_ROOT;
type = Type.GetType(sResource);
if (type == null)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("No strings resource file when looking for " + sID + " in " + sLocale);
return null; // This shouldn't ever happen in theory
ResourceManager resman = new ResourceManager(type);
return resman.GetString(sID);
An example of how this would be used (referring to the above code) would be:
string sText = Localise.GetString("enter_movie_name", sLocale);
lblEnterMovieName.Text = sText;
A significant downside of this is that all views will need to have their text set programatically, but does have the upside that the translations can be done once and then reused on many platforms. They also remain separate from the main code in their own DLLs and therefore can be recompiled individually if necessary.
I created a similar solution to the accepted answer but using txt files instead of Resx and nuget ready to go: Blog post here.
Other improvements are:
"anyKey".Translate(); // from anywhere
Automatic detection of the current culture
Get a list of supported translations: List<PortableLanguage> languages = I18N.Current.Languages;
Support for Data Binding in Mvvm frameworks / Xamarin.Forms

Im trying to get all the links from a website and put them in a List but sometimes im getting strange links why?

This is the code to get the links:
private List<string> getLinks(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document)
List<string> mainLinks = new List<string>();
var linkNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[#href]");
if (linkNodes != null)
foreach (HtmlNode link in linkNodes)
var href = link.Attributes["href"].Value;
return mainLinks;
Sometimes the links im getting are starting like "/" or:
Im not sure if just "/" meaning a proper site or a site that start with "/videoes?...
Or "//
I need to get each time the links from a website that start with http or https maybe just www also count as a proper site. The question is what i define as a proper site address and a link and whats not ?
Im sure my getLinks function is not good the code is not the proper way it should be.
This is how im adding the links to the List:
private List<string> test(string url, int levels , DoWorkEventArgs eve)
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc;
HtmlWeb hw = new HtmlWeb();
List<string> webSites;// = new List<string>();
List<string> csFiles = new List<string>();
doc = hw.Load(url);
webSites = getLinks(doc);
webSites is a List
After few times i see in the List sites like "/" or as above "//videoes... or "//www....
not sure if understood your question but
/Videos means it is accessing Videos folder from the root of the host you are accessing
There are absolute and relative Urls - so you are getting different flavors from different links, you need to make them absolute url appropriately (Uri class mostly will handle it for you).
foo/bar.txt - relative url from the same path as current page
../foo/bar.txt - relative path from one folder above current
/foo/bar.txt - server-relative pat from root - same server, path starting from root
// - absolute url with the same scheme (http/https) as current page - complete absolute url
It looks like you are using a library that is able to parse/read html tags.
For my understanding
var href = link.Attributes["href"].Value;
is doing nothing but reading the value of the "href" attribute.
So assuming the website's source code is using links like href="/news"
it will grab and save even the relative links to your list.
Just view the target website's sourcecode and check it against your results.

Setting up 3DCart API with a C# App

I have been trying to create an application to go through our database at a set interval and update/add any new items to 3DCarts database. Their code example uses soap in an xml file to send 1 request per call. So I need to to be able to generate the xml I need with the items information on the fly before sending it. I have done hardly anything with XML files like this and cannot figure out how to create the chunk of code I need and send it. One method that has been suggested is create a file but still executing has been a problem and would be very inefficient for a large number of items. Here is what I have so far
sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = '" + Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(0)) + "'";
ServiceReferenceCart.cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient bcsClient = new ServiceReferenceCart.cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient();
ServiceReferenceCart.runQueryResponse bcsResponse = new ServiceReferenceCart.runQueryResponse();
bcsClient.runQuery(storeUrl, userKey, sqlStatement, callBackURL);
string result = Convert.ToString(bcsResponse);
EDIT: Changed from sample code block to current code block as I got a service reference setup finally. They provide no details though for using the functions in the reference. With this bcsResponse is just a blank, when I try adding .Body I have the same result but when I add .runQuery to the .Body I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error. As I have said I have not messed with service references before.
I hope I have explained well enough I just really have not worked with this kind of stuff before and it has become extremely frustrating.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
I actually ended up figuring this out after playing around with it. Here is what I did to get the reference to work. This may have been easy for anyone who have used the references before but I have not and have decided to post this in case anyone else has this problem. The SQL can be SELECT, ADD, UPDATE and DELETE statements this was to see if the sku was listed before updating/adding.
//Will be using these multiple times so a variable makes more sense
// DO NOT include http:// in the url, also id is not shown in their
//database layout pdf they will give but it is the sku/product number
string sqlStatement = "SELECT id FROM products WHERE id = '" + Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(0)) + "')))";
string userKey = "YourKeyHere";
string storeUrl = "YourStoresURLHere";
// Setting up instances from the 3DCart API
cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient bcsClient = new cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient();
runQueryRequest bcsRequest = new runQueryRequest();
runQueryResponse bcsResponse = new runQueryResponse();
runQueryResponseBody bcsRespBod = new runQueryResponseBody();
runQueryRequestBody bcsReqBod = new runQueryRequestBody();
//assigning required variables to the requests body
bcsReqBod.storeUrl = storeUrl;
bcsReqBod.sqlStatement = sqlStatement;
bcsReqBod.userKey = userKey;
//assigning the body to the request
bcsRequest.Body = bcsReqBod;
//Setting the response body to be the result
bcsRespBod.runQueryResult = bcsClient.runQuery(bcsReqBod.storeUrl, bcsReqBod.userKey, bcsReqBod.sqlStatement, bcsReqBod.callBackURL );
bcsResponse.Body = bcsRespBod;
//adding the result to a string
string result = bcsResponse.Body.runQueryResult.Value;
//displaying the string, this for me was more of a test
You will also need to activate the Advanced API on your shop as you may notice there is no actual option as the pdf's say, you need to go to their store and purchase(its free) and wait for them to activate it. This took about 2 hrs for us.
