How to use multi properties in class that contain one variable? - c#

I have class named "config" that have private string variable named "param".
I need to get from "config" class "param" variable sometimes as int type sometimes as bool type or string.
As I understand I need create 3 properties in config class,each property have to convert type, as follow:
The first property converts string to int, the second converts string to bool, the third property gets me the string value.
The class should look something like this:
class Config
private string param;
public int ParamAsInt
return int.Parse(param);
public bool ParamAsBool
return bool.Parse(param);
public string ParamAsString
return param;
But I don't know how can those properties be used in accordance to the variable type that I want to get out of class.

This code won't compile - int and such are reserved keywords and cannot be used as identifiers. You can either try naming your properties something like Int32Value, StringValue, etc., or try this:
public static implicit operator bool (Config config)
return bool.Parse(config.param);
public static implicit operator int (Config config)
return int.Parse(config.param);
This will allow for much cleaner code:
Config c = GetConfig("foo");
var isFeatureEnabled = false || c;
var spacing = 23 + GetConfig("bar");

You forgot to give your properties names. How would you expect to reference them? Something like this:
class Config
private string param;
public int ParamAsInt
return int.Parse(param);
public bool ParamAsBool
return bool.Parse(param);
public string ParamAsString
return param;
Note that I also fixed the casing in your calls to .Parse(). C# is case-sensitive. I also replaced the call to bool.TryParse() with bool.Parse(). The former (when used correctly, which this wasn't because it was missing a parameter) will only tell you if it is a bool, it won't tell you what value the bool actually has. (For example, bool.TryParse('false' out someBool) will return true.)
Of course, this code is a bit dangerous. You'll want to start with some more defensive programming to check those values. Basically, look up TryParse() and how to use it correctly. Something like this, for example:
public int ParamAsInt
var tmp = default(int);
if (int.TryParse(param, out tmp))
return tmp;
// do something else? throw a specific exception?
Additionally, what is the purpose of this code? It seems like a very rushed and poor design. For any given value of param (how is that even being set, by the way?) this just sort of randomly tries to expose typed properties for it. If you guess the correct one, you're still left with others that will throw exceptions. Surely there's a much cleaner way to accomplish what you're trying to do. So what are you trying to do?


Constrain a string parameter to be a constant from a specific class

This is probably an incredibly dumb question but: I have a function that takes in a string, and I want to make sure that the string is a constant from a specific class. Essentially the effect I'm looking for is what enums do:
enum MyEnum {...}
void doStuff(MyEnum constValue) {...}
Except with strings:
static class MyFakeStringEnum {
public const string Value1 = "value1";
public const string Value2 = "value2";
// Ideally:
void doStuff(MyFakeStringEnum constValue) {...}
// Reality:
void doStuff(string constValue) {...}
I know this can technically be achieved by doing some thing like
public static class MyFakeStringEnum {
public struct StringEnumValue {
public string Value { get; private set; }
public StringEnumValue(string v) { Value = v; }
public static readonly StringEnumValue Value1 = new StringEnumValue("value1");
public static readonly StringEnumValue Value2 = new StringEnumValue("value2");
void doStuff(MyFakeStringEnum.StringEnumValue constValue) {...}
But it feels kind of overkill to make an object for just storing one single value.
Is this something doable without the extra code layer and overhead?
Edit: While a enum can indeed be used for a string, I'd like to avoid it for several reasons:
The string values may not always be a 1:1 translation from the enum. If I have a space in there, different capitalization, a different character set/language, etc. I'd have to transform the enum in every function where I want to use it. It might not be a lot of overhead or a performance hit in any way, but it still should be avoided--especially when it means that I'm always mutating something that should be constant.
Even if I use a separate string array map to solve the above function, I would still have to access the translations instead of just being able to use the enum directly. A map would also mean having two sources for the same data.
I'm interested in this concept for different data types, ex. floats, ulongs, etc. that cannot be easily represented by enum names or stored as an enum value.
As for string -> enum, the point of using an enum in the first place for me is that I can rely on intellisense to give me a constant that exists; I don't want to wait until compile time or runtime to find out. Passing in an actual string would be duck typing and that's something I definitely don't want to do in a strongly typed language.
I would suggest you create an enum and parse the string value into an enum member.
You can use the Enum.Parse method to do that. It throws ArgumentException if the provided value is not a valid member.
using System;
class Program
enum MyEnum
public static void doStuff(string constValue)
var parsedValue = Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum), constValue);
Console.WriteLine($"Type: { parsedValue.GetType() }, value: { parsedValue }");
static void Main(string[] args)
doStuff("FirstValue"); // Runs
doStuff("FirstValuesss"); // Throws ArgumentException

Properties are making trouble

In my application I have added a Properties.cs file which contains properties that I am would use through out the application. I am getting NullReferenceException => Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Here is the code for Properties.cs
public class Properties
private static string type1;
public static string Type1
return type1;
type1= value;
And when I access this property in one of my form I am getting error. e.g.
if (Properties.Type1.Equals(string.Empty) || Properties.Type1.Equals(null))
// Do something
Firstly, you're making life hard for yourself. This is fine (or at least, just as fine, but a lot easier; whether or not static members is a good idea is a separate question, and depends a lot on the context):
public class Properties
public static string Type1 { get;set; }
Secondly, this has nothing to do with properties, and everything to do with calling a method on a null instance. You can just use == which avoids this issue, i.e.
if (Properties.Type1 == "" || Properties.Type1 == null)
// Do something
However, for convenience there is also string.IsNullOrEmpty:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Type1))
// Do something
Use this instead:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Type1))
// Do something
You are doing the null and empty check in the wrong way.
The correct way is:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Type1))
You can do this
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Type1))
// Do something
but if you want a default value for this then I suggest you set it in a static constructor.

How to implement C# enum for enumerated char(1) database field?

OK, so I have a database field of type char(1) that has a small number of possible state codes (e.g. 'F'= Failure, 'U'=Unknown, etc.). I'd like to have a C# enum class that corresponds to these states. I can do:
public enum StatusCode : byte {
Unknown = (byte) 'U',
Failure = (byte) 'F',
// etc.
So far so good. But in the DataTable returned from the database, the column values are System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString instances. There are obviously some issues converting from a C# string (or even a C# char) to a C# byte (since C# char is really a UTF-16 codepoint). But in this case I know the values are constrained to a small set, and the code should throw an exception if a value outside this set comes through.
With that in mind, what's the best way of doing this? Is it safe to cast from a SqlString to a byte? Would Convert.ToByte() be better? Would it be better to simply use a switch/case construct to crosswalk the values into the enum?
I'm looking for the "best" way to do this, not only in terms of getting the right results but also for code clarity. I suppose I could also just use some constants like
public const char UnknownStatus = 'U';
public const char FailureStatus = 'F';
But I'd rather use an enum if possible. Any thoughts?
Edit: To clarify what I want do do with this, I'm expecting to use these values frequently throughout my code. For example, I want to be able to do things like:
public void DoSomething(StatusCode currentStatus) {
if(currentStatus == StatusCode.Failure) {
throw new SomeException();
switch(currentStatus) {
case StatusCode.Unknown:
// do something
And so forth. I particularly want to avoid things like:
public void DoSomething(char currentStatus) {
if(currentStatus == 'F') {
// do something
Since in this case I'm using what amounts to "magic numbers" all over the place. In particular, this would make migrating to some other state-flagging system virtually impossible. Does that make sense?
Maybe a "constant" object?
public sealed class StatusCode {
private char value;
public static readonly StatusCode Unknown = new StatusCode('U');
public static readonly StatusCode Failure = new StatusCode('F');
private StatusCode(char v) {
value = v;
public override string ToString() {
return value.ToString();
Then, later in your code, you could use it like an enum: StatusCode.Unknown. You could also provide an internal method to 'parse' a received value into an object of StatusCode.
Skip to edit Have you tried this (which doesn't work as you've checked and commented):
public enum StatusCode : char
Failure = 'F',
Unknown = 'U',
EDIT - correct solution
or this (maybe even try with a struct):
public sealed class StatusCode
public static readonly char Failure = 'F';
public static readonly char Unknown = 'U';
public char Value { get; set; }
your code you provided would work like this:
public void DoSomething(StatusCode currentStatus) {
if(currentStatus.Value == StatusCode.Failure) {
throw new SomeException();
switch(currentStatus.Value) {
case StatusCode.Unknown:
// do something
If you don't like to use Value property you can always implement implicit equality operator between StatusCode and char types. In that case, your code wouldn't change a bit.
If you're on .NET 2.0 and higher, you could implement this using a generic dictionary:
Dictionary<char,string> statusCode = new Dictionary<char,string>();
statusCode.Add('U', "Unknown");
statusCode.Add('F', "Failure");
or alternatively:
Dictionary<char,StatusCode> statusCode = new Dictionary<char,StatusCode>();
statusCode.Add('U', StatusCode.Unknown);
statusCode.Add('F', StatusCode.Failure);
and you could access the string representation for a given code like so:
string value = statusCode['A'];
StatusCode myCode = statusCode['A'];
and so on. You would have to fill that dictionary from the database values, or from some kind of a config file or something.
Would something like this work for you?
public Enum StatusCode : int{
Unknown =0,
If you have a table called StatusCode which includes an integer primary key then you could use that as your identifier as well as hook it into your logic. And in that case, the enum would be the best thing to use. Though i'm not sure if this is feasible for you.
One option is to setup your enum with identical names to the values in your database, such as:
enum StatusCode
/// <summary>Unknown</summary>
U = 0,
/// <summary>Failure</summary>
/// <summary>Etc</summary>
Then use a static method to convert char values to an enumerated value
private StatusCode CharToEnum(string statusCodeChar)
foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(StatusCode).GetFields())
if (fi.Name == statusCodeChar) return (StatusCode)fi.GetValue(null);
return StatusCode.U;
Short and sweet my man.. Does everything you need it to. You shouldn't need to use enum because you don't need it to assign an internal value to your possible states, you already know the values to your states.
public sealed class StatusCode
public const string Unknown= "U";
public const string Failure= "F";
public const string Success= "S";

Property as parameter? C#

So I've got a whole bunch of options, every different page/tab can have their own local options. We'll have maybe 10-15 pages tabs open tops. I need to implement a way to show the global defaults, weather the all the tabs have consistent values. I'm working on the model/viewmodel portion of a WPF app.
I'd love to find a way that is more elegant since I'm having to cut and past roughly the same code 20+ times and just change property names. Maybe this is the problem Dynamics solve, but right now this feels both wrong and painful.
Here is an example of my current solution:
public class Foo
private bool fooVar1;
private bool fooVar2;
//lots of these
private decimal fooVar23;
public Foo()
public bool FooVar1
//you get the picture...
public class FooMonitor
private Foo defaultFoo;
private List<Foo> allFoos;
public FooMonitor(Foo DefaultFoo)
defaultFoo = DefaultFoo;
public void AddFoo(Foo newFoo)
public void AddFoo(Foo oldFoo)
public bool IsFooVar1Consistent
Foo[] tempFoos = allFoos.ToArray();
foreach (Foo tempFoo in tempFoos)
if (tempFoo.FooVar1 != defaultFoo.FooVar1) return false;
return true;
Or am I approaching this problem entirely incorrectly.
As I'm writing this question (After about 2000 lines of code) I'm thinking of how I read that WPF itself implements Dictionary look ups that crawl up to the parent to see if a Property is present and what the value should be.
Well, for a start you are defining both backing fields which will never be used and automatic properties. This is enough for a simple bool property:
public bool FooVar1 { get; set; }
No need for the private field. This greatly reduces the number of lines in your example.
I'd love to find a way that is more
elegant since I'm having to cut and
past roughly the same code 20+ times
and just change property names.
Code generators exist for exactly this purpose. But if you don't want to go that route, you can shorten your code to this:
return allFoos.All(foo => foo.FooVar1 == defaultFoo.FooVar1);
I'm not quite sure what the question is, but if you're looking for some way to unify the IsFoorVarXConsistent code, you could do it using reflection or by passing in an expression:
public bool IsConsistent(Func<Foo, bool> property)
foreach (Foo tempFoo in allFoos)
if (property(tempFoo) != property(defaultFoo))
return false;
return true;
Called like this:
bool is1Consistent = IsConsistent(f => f.FooVar1);
As shown this will only work for boolean properties. To extend it to other types, we can make it generic in the property type. However, in this case we cannot use != to test for inequality because not all types define a != operator. Instead we can use the .Equals method and the ! operator:
public bool IsConsistent<T>(Func<Foo, T> property)
where T : struct
foreach (Foo tempFoo in allFoos)
if (!property(tempFoo).Equals(property(defaultFoo)))
return false;
return true;
The where T : struct clause restricts this to value types like int, bool and decimal. In particular it will not work on strings. Removing the where constraint allows it to work on strings and other reference types, but creates the possibility of property(tempFoo) being null, which would cause a NullReferenceException when we called .Equals on it. So if you remove the value types constraint then you will need to add error handling for this scenario.

C# Extension methods on "members"

I have some extension methods which could be used like this:
MyType myObject;
string displayName = myObject.GetDisplayName(x => x.Property);
The problem here is that it needs an instance, even if the extension method only needs the type MyType. So if there is no instance, it needs to be called like this:
string displayName = BlahBlahUtility.GetDisplayName((MyTpe x) => x.Property);
Which is not so nice anymore.
Is there a way to write better syntax for such cases?
What I actually want to do is this (pseudo language):
string displayName = MyType.Property.GetDisplayName()
Which of course does not work with C#.
But what about something like this:
string displayName = ((MyType x) => x.Property).GetDisplayName();
This is also not possible (after a lambda, a dot is not accepted).
Any ideas?
My "favorite syntax" MyType.Property.GetDisplayName() seems to be misleading. I don't talk about static properties here. I know that this syntax won't be possible. I just tried to show in pseudo language, what information is necessary. This would be ideal, every additional stuff is just syntactical overhead. Any working syntax that is close to this would be great.
I don't want to write a certain extension method. I want an easy, readable and compile time safe syntax, using any language feature.
Have a look at the Express and Reflect classes in the Lokad Shared Libraries. Think they may help out with what you are trying to do. Read more here:
Strongly Typed Reflection in Lokad Shared
How to Find Out Variable or Parameter Name in C#?
From your comment: "I want an easy and compile time safe syntax to get information about members".
This is a very frequently requested feature and has been discussed in the C# team's meetings for about a decade, but has never been prioritised high enough to be included.
This blog post explains why:
So for now, you're just going to be fighting against a missing feature. Maybe you could post more information about your broader problem and see if people can suggest different approaches.
Without more info about your problem this is just guesswork. But if you have a property that represents a value but also carries additional "meta" information, you could always represent that as a new type and use an "injection" step to set everything up.
Here's a suggested abstract interface to such a "meta property":
public interface IMetaProperty<TValue>
TValue Value { get; set; }
string DisplayName { get; }
event Action<TValue, TValue> ValueChanged;
The value of the property is just another sub-property, with its type defined by the user.
I've put in the display name, and also as a bonus you've got an event that fires when the value changes (so you get "observability" for free).
To have properties like this in a class, you'd declare it like this:
public class SomeClass
public IMetaProperty<string> FirstName { get; private set; }
public IMetaProperty<string> LastName { get; private set; }
public IMetaProperty<int> Age { get; private set; }
public SomeClass() { MetaProperty.Inject(this); }
Note how the setters on the properties are private. This stops anyone from accidentally setting the property itself instead of setting the Value sub-property.
So this means the class has to set up those properties so they aren't just null. It does this by calling a magic Inject method, which can work on any class:
public static class MetaProperty
// Make it convenient for us to fill in the meta information
private interface IMetaPropertyInit
string DisplayName { get; set; }
// Implementation of a meta-property
private class MetaPropertyImpl<TValue> : IMetaProperty<TValue>,
private TValue _value;
public TValue Value
get { return _value; }
var old = _value;
_value = value;
ValueChanged(old, _value);
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public event Action<TValue, TValue> ValueChanged = delegate { };
public static void Inject(object target)
// for each meta property...
foreach (var property in target.GetType().GetProperties()
.Where(p => p.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
== typeof(IMetaProperty<>)))
// construct an implementation with the correct type
var impl = (IMetaPropertyInit)
typeof (MetaPropertyImpl<>).MakeGenericType(
// initialize any meta info (could examine attributes...)
impl.DisplayName = property.Name;
// set the value
property.SetValue(target, impl, null);
It just uses reflection to find all the IMetaProperty slots hiding in the object, and fills them in with an implementation.
So now a user of SomeClass could say:
var sc = new SomeClass
FirstName = { Value = "Homer" },
LastName = { Value = "Simpson" },
Age = { Value = 38 },
Console.WriteLine(sc.FirstName.DisplayName + " = " + sc.FirstName.Value);
sc.Age.ValueChanged += (from, to) =>
Console.WriteLine("Age changed from " + from + " to " + to);
sc.Age.Value = 39;
// sc.Age = null; compiler would stop this
If you're already using an IOC container you may be able to achieve some of this without going directly to reflection.
It looks like you're trying to create a static extension method?
DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Yesterday(); // Static extension.
Instead of
DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Now.Yesterday(); // Extension on DateTime instance.
If this is what you're trying to pull off, I do not believe it is possible in the current version of C#.
It sounds like you are integrating layers a little too tightly. Normally in this type of situation I would let the presentation layer decide the implementation of GetDisplayName() instead of making it an extension of the property itself. You could create an interface called MyTypeDisplayer or whatever you fancy, and let there be multiple implementations of it not limiting you to a single display implementation.
The issue here is that one cannot get a reference to non-static methods via instance MyType.[Member]. These can only be seen through a reference to an instance of the type. You also cannot build an extension method on-top of a type declaration, only on an instance of a type - that is the extension method itself has to be defined using an instance of a type (this T x).
One can however define the expression like this to get a reference to static members:
((MyType x) => MyType.Property)
One could do something similar to string displayName = ((MyType x) => x.Property).GetDisplayName();
The first issue is guaranteeing that the compiler treats your (x=> x.Property) as an Expression rather than an action/func etc...
To do this one might need to do this:
string displayName = ((Expression<Func<PropertyType>>)((MyType x) => x.Property).GetDisplayName();
The extension method would then have to be defined like this:
public static string GetDisplayName<T>(this Expression<Func<T>> expression)
You might also have to define an extension method on top of Expression<Action>> and Expression<Action<T>> if your members are also methods.
You can do a dot after an Expression - this is where the Compile method would reside.
I think the static call to the extension method in cases that one doesn't have an instance of the type one needs to do "reflection" on to determine a Members name would be the cleanest syntax still - this way you could still use the extension method when using an instance of a type and fall back to the static call definition => MyExtensionClass.GetDisplayName(TypeOfX x => TypeOfX.StaticMember OR x.Property/Member) when one doesn't have an instance
If you interface your properties, you could make the extension on the interface instead:
namespace Linq1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyType o = new MyType();
public class MyType
public IDisplayableProperty Property { get; set; }
public interface IDisplayableProperty
string GetText();
public class MyProperty1 : IDisplayableProperty
public string GetText() { return "MyProperty2"; }
public class MyProperty2 : IDisplayableProperty
public string GetText() { return "MyProperty2"; }
public static class Extensions
public static string GetDisplayName(this IDisplayableProperty o)
return o.GetText();
