Can we link up two partial classes to a single ascx page.
I have gone through some of the links but could not find a suitable solution for the same.
Suppose for example I am having files such as
Collection.ascx.cs and Collection.Search.cs
with Collection.ascx
I am having events like button click event, could it be placed in the partial class, as doing so would make the method unavailable.
My intention is to handle button click events and the dropdown change events in the partial class.
Yes, In WebApplication, It is a default nature for a .aspx (web page) and .ascx (user control).
These are by default comes with two .cs files, separating code in partial classes (filename.aspx.designer.cs and filename.aspx.cs with same partial class)
You can also add more .cs files to extend these partial class definition.
But in website, it will not work, for aspx or ascx.
Yes, the C# compiler rules for partial classes don't change because its ASP.NET. Just make sure your namespace and class name matches, the source file doesn't have to be a child of the ascx file in the Solution Explorer, but if you really want it to you can edit the project file and add the appropriate depends-on xml segment.
The answer locates at default.aspx 1st line:
Language="C#" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" ...
will set every partial class working.
Language="C#" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" ...
will lead partial class to wrong.
However, in vs2017 old-style-webForm you can only use CodeFile, so you have to try another way: just create a file ..\WebF8\App_Code\Class3.cs with content :
public static class Class3 {
public static int gg3=33;
then you can see Class3.gg3 in default.aspx.cs correctly.
Be careful, this Class3.cs file must be in \App_Code folder.
I have created User control named MUSD.ASCX
And I changed the name of code-behind class to ctlAllBranchRouteMUSD.
When I try to use it, the IDE thinks that it doesn't exist and the reference doesn't have any impact in codes
faced with a similar problem recently, since I couldn't work with a designer file, I had to reopen the same solution in VS 2017 to complete the change in aspx file.
Instead of renaming it i suggest that you create a new ascx file and copy the code into there.
However if you rename it you need to change the following files
*.ascx.designer.cs (this one is supposed to update automatically)
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="A.ascx.cs" Inherits="ObscriptSearch.A" %>
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="B.ascx.cs" Inherits="ObscriptSearch.B" %>
public partial class A: System.Web.UI.UserControl
public partial class B: System.Web.UI.UserControl
public partial class A
public partial class B
You edited both the filename and class in code? If not, try to change.
Be aware you changed also the extension, might be a problem :)
when using auto-rename functionality of vs2010 for renaming a code behind class, this does not change automatically the inherits attribute in the in the .aspx form? at least not in vs2010).
Example: if you rename "Error" class to "ErrorLs" this would lead to errors not caught at compile time, due to that Inherits attribute in page tag was not automatically changed.
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Error.aspx.cs" Inherits="ABC.Error" %>
The Error.aspx.cs after renaming Error class:
namespace ABC
public partial class ErrorLs : Page
Since this a common task performed by using VS IDE, does anybody knows the reason why is not by default set to change the Inherits attribute either, I am expecting too much :)?
here I found a link with the same question but no answer from Microsoft Team:
You will have to change inherits attribute manually unfortunately.
I got a file, let's call it MyPage.aspx. It has no codebehind and I need to add a codebehind file to it. Here's what I've done:
created MyPage.aspx.cs and included it in the corresponding namespace
Added the following code to the Page tag of MyPage.aspx: AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MyPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyApp.MyPage"
Still, it doesn't work. I cannot access runat=server elements from the codebehind. Strangely, I also noticed one more thing:
The definition of the class in MyPage.aspx.cs is as follows:
public partial class MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page
Normally, both words MyPage and Page in this line would be green. However, only the word MyPage is green and the word Page is still black.
I'm kinda stuck with this, any help would be appreciated.
in your aspx page you need to regrence the code behind page
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MyPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyPage" %>
after you do that, you make a new class and name it MyPage.aspx.cs, just make sure that its in the same directory as your aspx page.
also give the class name inside the code behind _MyPAge
it should look like this after you reference your components
public partial class _MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page
Hope this helps.
I have a user control which is used in multiple(4 to be exact) aspx pages. This usercontrol have a couple of Get/Save webmethods. Right now, I placed all the webmethods in one aspx page and kept calling the same ones from my javascript. I would like to place them in a central location that all the aspx pages can see, but not sure how/where. Any suggestions please?
I know the WebMethods should be a part of a class inherited from 'System.Web.UI.Page'. Is there a better place that I can move these methods to, where js can call from.
try to creating Generic Handler (.ahx) and put all your code there.
or try to creating base page, where the base page inherited with the all the aspx pages
in your aspx page :
public partial class RekapDocumentView : based.PageBase
in your new class :
public class PageBase : System.Web.UI.Page
//your webmethods
perhaps this can help
If you try to create a class, VS will ask you if you wont to create a folder for it. All common classes should go in App_code folder. Then you can move your method in that class and reference them from the pages.
How about creating a web service which implements web methods that your user control needs to work properly.
Here is a MSDN article on this topic:
Hope this helps!
My ultimate goal is to create a UserControl in a class in my App_Code folder and render the html from that into a string.
The rending of HTML can be done using this example I believe:
How do I get the HTML output of a UserControl in .NET (C#)?
My Question:
I created my user control
public partial class Controls_MyUserControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
I've registered it in my web.config
<add tagPrefix="UC" src="~/Controls/MyUserControl.ascx" tagName="MyUserControl" />
I can reference this on a page just fine
<UC:MyUserControl ID="MyUserControl1" runat="server" />
Yet when I try to create an object of this control type in a class (in my app_code folder) it doesn't allow me.
Controls_MyUserControl dummy = new Controls_MyUserControl();
The potentially strange thing is when I put this code into a code behind of a page, it works.
Any ideas on what I need to do to have the usercontrol to be able to be created in my class in the app_code folder?
My guess is, is that I need to reference the control in a "using" statement at the top, but I'm not sure what that'd be.
It's not in a namespace to my knowledge (at least there's no namespace, in the code behind of the actually user controls). Though I'm not sure if it inherits one from the System.Web.UI.UserControl.
Thanks in advance
Some workaround as posted by Scott Alen
Suppose you have all your user controls in ~/UserControls/
Then on your code behind add the following;
using YourSpaceName.UserControls;
This will set reference to any user control in that location.
Note: if you are using a user control within another, make sure to create a folder for each of them. I have experiencing problems, specifically with VB where it would compile but give me a runtime error. Since I encounter that problem I create my user controls each in it's own folder.