I want to do a super fast geocode lookup, returning co-ordinates for an input of Town, City or Country. My knowledge is basic but from what I understand writing it in C is a good start. I was thinking it makes sense to have a tree structure like this:
In my file / database I will have the co-ordinate and the town/city name. If give my program the name "Kent" I want a program that can return me the co-ordinate assoaited with "Kent" in the fastest way possible
Should I store the data in a binary file or a SQL database for performance reasons?
What is the best method of searching this data? Perhaps binary tree searching?
How should the data be stored? perhaps?
Here's a little advice, but not much more than that:
If you want to find places by name, or name prefix, as you indicate that you wish to, then you would be ill-advised to set up a data structure which stores the data in a hierarchy of country, region, town as you suggest you might. If you have an operation that dominates the use of your data structure you are generally best picking the data structure to suit the operation.
In this case an alphabetical list of places would be more suited to your queries. To each place not at the topmost level you would want to add some kind of reference to the name of its 'parent'. If you have an alphabetical list of places you might also want to consider an index , perhaps one which points directly to the first place in the list which starts with each letter of the alphabet.
As you describe your problem it seems to have much more in common with storing words in a dictionary (I mean the sort of thing in which you look up words rather than any particular collection data-type in any specific programming language which goes under the same name) than with most of what goes under the guise of geo-coding.
My guess would be that a gazetteer including the names of all the world's towns, cities, regions and countries (and their coordinates) which have a population over, say, 1000, could be stored in a very simple data structure (basically a list) with an index or two for rapid location of the first A place-name, the first B, and so on. With a little compression you could probably hold this in the memory of most modern desktop PCs.
I think the best advice I can give is to use whatever language you are familiar with to get the results you want. Worry about performance once your code works. Then you can look at translating very specific pieces of functionality into C or C++ one at a time until you have the results you want.
You should not worry about how the information is stored, except not to duplicate data.
You should create one or more indices for the data. The indicies are associative arrays / maps data structures that contain a key (the item you want to search) and a value (such as the record and other information associated with the key). This will enable you with fast lookups without altering your data for each type of search.
On the other hand, your case is an excellent fit for a data base. I suggest you let the database manager your data (such as efficient lookups). After all, that is what they live for.
See also: At what point is it worth using a database?
I am working on some test scenarios and I want a method that takes a character as an input and returns me the name of the City, in US, starting with that character randomly? Is there any faker method available, any library for C#?
You need 2 things:
A list of the names of cities in the US.
A data structure called a "prefix tree" or "trie" (pronounced "try").
The prefix trie generalizes what you are doing (find things that match the first letter) to arbitrarily long prefixes (find things that match the first "n" characters).
A trie will allow you to type "Sea" and see names like "Seattle" and "Seatac".
You can find a list of cities from the US census Bureau. I don't have a link, but if you search around you can find one. You may have to process the data though to get what you want.
There is some data about tries here:
But if you search Google for Trie, or Trie C#, you can find existing resources.
That being said... if all you need is the exact problem you mentioned (type one letter, return a random match), you could just build an array of arrays, and populate that from the list of cities.
But... in most use cases the trie is more useful.
I would say... learn about tries, they are a cool data structure.
Then, if you really just need what you mentioned, just do an array of arrays (the first array is indexed by letter, the second array is a list of strings).
But learning about tries is totally worth your time.
If you really want to dive deep... try to be able to answer questions like:
How does, asymptotically, finding an item in a trie compare to finding an item in a hash table keyed by strings?
How, practically, do the two differ, and why?
Item #1 requires a decent understanding of algorithms.
Item #2 requires a bit of a deep dive into computer architecture.
Anyways... Ignore people when they say "this isn't a question that can be answered here"....
This is actually a question, that if you push your self on, could teach you an amazing amount about how computers work. Although it seems simple and strange and "like not a real question" on the surface.
So... that's the philosophical answer to your question.
The concrete answer to the exact question is:
Get a list of cities of the us.
Populate an array of arrays. Use cityName[0] - 'a' as the index to the outer array.
Get the inner array (from above), and grab a random index.
But that's the dumb answer... go learn about tries.
Wax on... wax off
I am looking for the best data structure for the following case:
In my case I will have thousands of strings, however for this example I am gonna use two for obvious reasons. So let's say I have the strings "Water" and "Walter", what I need is when the letter "W" is entered both strings to be found, and when "Wat" is entered "Water" to be the only result. I did a research however I am still not quite sure which is the correct data structure for this case and I don't want to implement it if I am not sure as this will waste time. So basically what I am thinking right now is either "Trie" or "Suffix Tree". It seems that the "Trie" will do the trick but as I said I need to be sure. Additionally the implementation should not be a problem so I just need to know the correct structure. Also feel free to let me know if there is a better choice. As you can guess normal structures such as Dictionary/MultiDictionary would not work as that will be a memory killer. I am also planning to implement cache to limit the memory consumption. I am sorry there is no code but I hope I will get a answer. Thank you in advance.
You should user Trie. Tries are the foundation for one of the fastest known sorting algorithms (burstsort), it is also used for spell checking, and is used in applications that use text completion. You can see details here.
Practically, if you want to do auto suggest, then storing upto 3-4 chars should suffice.
I mean suggest as and when user types "a" or "ab" or "abc" and the moment he types "abcd" or more characters, you can use map.keys starting with "abcd" using c# language support lamda expressions.
Hence, I suggest, create a map like:
Map<char, <Map<char, Map<char, Set<string>>>>> map;
So, if user enters "a", you look for map[a] and finds all children.
I have a need to check if a list of items contains a string...so kind of like the list gets filtered as the user types in a search box. So, on the text changed event, I am checking if the entered text is contained in one of the listox items and filtering out...so
something like:
I was wondering if this is the fastest and most efficient way to filter out listbox items?
Is Contains() method the best way to search for substrings in C#?
I'd say that in all but very exceptional circumstances, it's fast and efficient enough, and even in such exceptional circumstances it's likely to be a purely academical problem. If you use it and come across any bottlenecks in your logic related to this then I'd be surprised, but only then would it be worth looking at, then chances are you'll be looking elsewhere.
Contains is one of the cheapest methods in my code completion filtering algorithm (Part 6 #6, where #7 and the fuzzy logic matching described in the footnote are vastly more expensive), which doesn't have problems keeping up with even a fast typing user and thousands of items in the dropdown.
I highly doubt it will cause you problems.
Although this is not the fastest option globally, it is the fastest one for which you do not need to code anything. It should be sufficient for filtering drop-down items.
For longer texts, you may want to go with the KMP Algorithm, which has a linear timing complexity. Note, however, that it would not make any difference for very short search strings.
For searches that have lots of matches (e.g. ones that you get for the first one to two characters) you may want to precompute a table that maps single letters and letter pairs to the rows in your drop-down list for a much faster look-up at the expense of using more memory (a pretty standard tradeoff in programming in general).
I need to perform calculations and manipulation on an extremely large table or matrix, which will have roughly 7500 rows and 30000 columns.
The matrix data will look like this:
Document ID| word1 | word 2 | word 3 |... | word 30000 | Document Class
0032 1 0 0 1 P
In other words, the vast majority of the cells will contain boolean values(0's and 1's).
The calculations that needs to be done would be useing word stemming or feature selection(reducing the number of words by using reduction techniques), as well as calculations per-class or per-word etc.
What i have in mind is designing an OOP model for representing the matrix, and then subsequently serializing the objects to disk so i may reuse them later on. For instance i will have an object for each row or each column, or perhaps an object for each intersection that is contained within another class.
I have thought about representing it in XML, but file sizes may prove problematic.
I may be sitting the pot miss with my approach here -
Am i on the right path, or would there be any better performing approaches to manipulating such large data collections.
Key issues here will be performance(reaction time etc.), as well as redundancy and integrity of the data, and obviously i would need to save the data on disk.
You haven't explained the nature of the calculations you're needing to do on the table/matrix, so I'm having to make assumptions there, but if I read your question correctly, this may be a poster-child case for the use of a relational database -- even if you don't have any actual relations in your database. If you can't use a full server, use SQL Server Compact Edition as an embedded database, which would allow you to control the .SDF file programmatically if you chose.
After a second consideration, I withdraw my suggestion for a database. This is entirely because of the number of columns in the table, any relational database you use will have hard limits on this, and I don't see a way around it that isn't amazingly complicated.
Based on your edit, I would say that there are three things you are interested in:
A way to analyze the presence of words in documents. This is the bulk of your sample data file, primarily being boolean values indicating the presence or lack of a word in a document.
The words themselves. This is primarily contained in the first row of your sample data file.
A means of identifying documents and their classification. This is the first and last column of your data file.
After thinking about it for a little bit, this is how I would model your data:
With the case of word presence, I feel it's best to avoid a complex object model. You're wanting to do pure calculation in both directions (by column and by row), and the most flexible and potentially performant structure for that in my opinion is a simple two-dimensional array of bool fields, like so:
var wordMatrix = new bool[numDocuments,numWords];
The words themselves should be in an array or list of strings that are index-linked to the second column of the word matrix -- the one defined by numWords in the example above. If you ever needed to quickly search for a particular word, you could use a Dictionary<string, int>, with the key as the word and the value as the index, to quickly find the index of a particular word.
The document identification would similarly be in an array or list of ints index-linked to the first column. I'm assuming the document ids are integer values there. The classification would be a similar array or list, although I'd use a list of enums representing each possible value of the classification. As with the word search, if you needed to search for documents by id, you could have a Dictionary<int, int> act as your search index.
I've made several assumptions with this model, particularly that you want to do pure calculation on the word presence in all directions rather than "per document". If I'm wrong, a simpler approach might be to drop the two-dimensional array and model by document, i.e. a single C# Document class, with a DocumentId, and DocumentClasification field as well as a simple array of booleans that are index-linked to the word list. You could then work with a list of these Document objects along with a separate list of words.
Once you have a data model you like, saving it to disk is the easiest part. Just use C# serialization. You can save it via XML or binary, your choice. Binary would give you the smallest file size, naturally (I figure a little more than 200MB plus the size of a list of 30000 words). If you include the Dictionary lookup indexes, perhaps an additional 120kB.
I'm currently working on a project that requires me to match our database of Bands and venues with a number of external services.
Basically I'm looking for some direction on the best method for determining if two names are the same. For Example:
Our database venue name - "The Pig and Whistle"
service 1 - "Pig and Whistle"
service 2 - "The Pig & Whistle"
etc etc
I think the main differences are going to be things like missing "the" or using "&" instead of "and" but there could also be things like slightly different spelling and words in different orders.
What algorithms/techniques are commonly used in this situation, do I need to filter noise words or do some sort of spell check type match?
Have you seen any examples of something simlar in c#?
UPDATE: In case anyone is interested in a c# example there is a heap you can access by doing a google code search for Levenshtein distance
The canonical (and probably the easiest) way to do this is to measure the Levenshtein distance between the two strings. If the distance is small relative to the size of the string, it's probably the same string. Note that if you have to compare a lot of very small strings it'll be harder to tell whether they're the same or not. It works better with longer strings.
A smarter approach might be to compare the Levenshtein distance between the two strings but to assign a distance of zero to the more obvious transformations, like "and"/"&", "Snoop Doggy Dogg"/"Snoop", etc.
I did something like this a while ago, I used the the Discogs database (which is public domain), which also tracks artist aliases;
You can either:
Use an API call (namevariations field).
Download the monthly data dumps (*_artists.xml.gz) & import it in your database. This contains the same data, but is obviously a lot faster.
One advantage of this over the Levenshtein distance) solution is that you'll get a lot less false matches.
For example, Ryan Adams and Bryan Adams have a score of 2, which is quite good (lower is better matches, Pig and Whistle and Pig & Whistle has a score of 3), yet they're obviously different people.
While you could make a smarter algorithm (which also looks at string length, for example), using the alias DB is a lot simpler & less error-phone; after implementing this, I could completely remove the solution that was suggested in the other answer & had better matches.
soundex may also be useful
In bioinformatics we use this to compare DNA- or protein sequences all the time.
There are plenty of algorithms, you probably want to look at global alignments.
In this respect the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is probably what you seek.
If you have particularly long recurring strings to compare you might also want to consider heuristic searches like BLAST.