Parse variable URI (RegEx, Uri, String-Functions?) c# - c#

I'm writing a RTSP client module and for this, I need to parse an very variable URI. But I'm completely stuck about which method I should use (most-failsafe) and how to accomplish this.
An example URI could look like this:
\_/ \_______________/\_______/\______________/
| | | |
scheme authority [sub] [mediacontrol]
But also other possibilities:
I need the following information:
IP | how can I recognise this pattern [num].[num].[num].[num]?
Port | easy if the string contains rtsp://, but what about just a number? 1-65555
Sub | Optional subpath, can completely vary!
MediaLevel | Optional MediaLevel (indicator for stream/track),
not to be confused with the path. MediaLevel can be also just like this: track1 or m1s3 or media1/video1.. see?
I can't go for the slash, also the path also can contain multiple slashes
Maybe there's a library for such tasks?
Thank you.

var uri = new Uri("rtsp://");
var host = uri.Host;
var port = uri.Port;
var sub = uri.Segments[1];
var mlevel = uri.Segments.Skip(2).ToArray();

Here is a quick example of how to use the UriBuilder class. It is a bit verbose because it is an example and is not ready for production. If more subs are to be identified then they can be added to the Sub List as shown in the example.
class Program
private static string _scheme = string.Empty;
private static string _host = string.Empty;
private static string _sub = string.Empty;
static void Main(string[] args)
// example of adding a new sub
private static void ParseUri(string URI)
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(URI);
_scheme = uri.Scheme;
_host = uri.Host;
_sub = string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string s in uri.Uri.Segments)
if (Sub.Contains(s.Replace("/","")))
{_sub = s;}
{ sb.Append(s); }
Console.Out.WriteLine("URI: {0}",URI);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Scheme: {0}", _scheme);
Console.Out.WriteLine("sub: {0}",_sub);
Console.Out.WriteLine("mediaControl: {0}", sb.ToString());
private static List<string> Sub
List<string> sub = new List<string>();
return sub;

trace("Url : {0}", turl.Text);
var uri = new Uri(turl.Text);
string host = uri.Host;
int port = uri.Port;
string userInfo = uri.UserInfo;
string subStream = "";
string userName = "";
string password = "";
if (uri.Segments?.Any() == true)
subStream = string.Join("", uri.Segments);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo))
if (userInfo.Contains(":"))
string[] data = userInfo.Split(':');
userName = data[0];
password = data[1];
userName = userInfo;
trace("host : {0}", host);
trace("port : {0}", port);
trace("userName : {0}", userName);
trace("password : {0}", password);
trace("subStream: {0}", subStream);


Sendgrid dynamic data not being sent to Template

This is how I send my email:
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> SendInternalEmail(BasicEmailStructureViewModel Structure, List<string> AdditionalVariables, TenantEmailTemplate tenantEmailTemplate, TenantCommunication tenantCommunication, string ReceiverId, string ReceiverEmail, string ReceiverName, string CampaignName)
var client = new SendGridClient(tenantCommunication.SendgridApiKey);
var message = new SendGridMessage();
message.SetFrom(new EmailAddress(tenantCommunication.SendgridPrimarySender, tenantCommunication.SendgridPrimarySenderTag));
message.AddTo(new EmailAddress(ReceiverEmail, $"{ReceiverName}"));
message.Subject = tenantEmailTemplate.Subject;
List<string> jsonVars = new List<string>();
var subjectString = #$"""subject"":""{tenantEmailTemplate.Subject}""";
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in Structure.GetType().GetProperties())
var variableString = #$"""{prop.Name}"":""{prop.GetValue(Structure, null)}""";
for (var i = 0; i < AdditionalVariables.Count; i++)
var flattenList = "{" + string.Join(",", jsonVars) + "}";
var emailData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object>(flattenList);
if (CampaignName != null && CampaignName != "")
message.AddCustomArg("CampaignName", CampaignName);
var response = await client.SendEmailAsync(message);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode == true)
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var errorMessage = response.Body.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return errorMessage;
catch(Exception e)
if (e != null)
return e.Message;
return "Invalid Email";
A typical input to this function will be like this:
var variableString =
My email sends normally, however, none of the variables that I have set have been sent through. This is based roughly off the template sample on github:
Is there another sample I can use or what is the correct way to send variables dynamically?
I don't think that is the best way to construct the JSON for your dynamic template variables.
Would it be possible for you to build the variables as an object and then serialize them. Like:
var templateData = new {
subject = tenantEmailTemplate.Subjectm
otherVariableName = otherVariable
string emailData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(templateData);

AmazonSQSClient not refreshing AWSCredentials when Credentials File is updated

When my AWS Credentials File (see docs) is updated by an external process the AmazonSQSClient doesn't re-read it, SendMessageAsync fails with a security/token error.
We use a custom powershell script to refresh the local AWS cred's file periodically. The script works fine, the file is refreshed prior to the credentials expiring on AWS. However, if my app is running when the file is refreshed the new credentials are not re-read from the file, the "client" will show that the previous credentials are still in use.
The AWS docs list several AWSCredential providers but none of them seem to be the correct choice...I think..
Restarting the app works, the new credentials are read correctly and messages are sent until the next time the cred's file is updated.
using (var client = new AmazonSQSClient(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1))
return client.SendMessageAsync(request);
I don't think there is a way for a running app to pick up the default credentials being refreshed in credentials file. There is a solution for Node.js loading credentials from a JSON file. You can create a similar solution in C#. You can also run a local DB to store credentials so whenever credentials file is updated DB table or JSON file is also updated. You will need to use access key and secret key in your SQS client constructor as opposed to using default credentials.
// Load these from JSON file or DB.
var accessKey = "";
var secretKey = "";
using (var client = new AmazonSQSClient(accessKey, secretKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1))
return client.SendMessageAsync(request);
The following works "ok" but I've only tested it with one profile and the file watcher is not as timely as you'd like so I'd recommend you wrap your usage inside a Retry mechanism.
// Usage..
var credentials = new AwsCredentialsFile();
using (var client = new AmazonSQSClient(credentials, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1))
return client.SendMessageAsync(request);
public class AwsCredentialsFile : AWSCredentials
private const string DefaultProfileName = "default";
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, ImmutableCredentials> _credentials = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ImmutableCredentials>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static FileSystemWatcher _watcher = BuildFileSystemWatcher();
private readonly System.Text.Encoding _encoding;
private readonly string _profileName;
public AwsCredentialsFile()
: this(AwsCredentialsFile.DefaultProfileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
public AwsCredentialsFile(string profileName)
: this(profileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
public AwsCredentialsFile(string profileName, System.Text.Encoding encoding)
_profileName = profileName;
_encoding = encoding;
private static FileSystemWatcher BuildFileSystemWatcher()
var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher
Path = Path.GetDirectoryName(GetDefaultCredentialsFilePath()),
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite,
Filter = "credentials"
watcher.Changed += (object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) => { _credentials?.Clear(); };
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
return watcher;
public static string GetDefaultCredentialsFilePath()
return System.Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(#"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.aws\credentials");
public static (string AccessKey, string SecretAccessKey, string Token) ReadCredentialsFromFile(string profileName, System.Text.Encoding encoding)
var profile = $"[{profileName}]";
string awsAccessKeyId = null;
string awsSecretAccessKey = null;
string token = null;
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(GetDefaultCredentialsFilePath(), encoding);
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
var text = lines[i];
if (text.Equals(profile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
awsAccessKeyId = lines[i + 1].Replace("aws_access_key_id = ", string.Empty);
awsSecretAccessKey = lines[i + 2].Replace("aws_secret_access_key = ", string.Empty);
if (lines.Length >= i + 3)
token = lines[i + 3].Replace("aws_session_token = ", string.Empty);
var result = (AccessKey: awsAccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey: awsSecretAccessKey, Token: token);
return result;
public override ImmutableCredentials GetCredentials()
if (_credentials.TryGetValue(_profileName, out ImmutableCredentials value))
return value;
var (AccessKey, SecretAccessKey, Token) = ReadCredentialsFromFile(_profileName, _encoding);
var credentials = new ImmutableCredentials(AccessKey, SecretAccessKey, Token);
_credentials.TryAdd(_profileName, credentials);
return credentials;

WebIce Integration using Quick fix

I am newbie to fix protocol and quick fix programming. I am seeking a help on getting Trade Capture report from ICE. I have googled for the sample/ tutorial to use quick fix/n to get the trade report but I am not being able to get sufficient output of it.
My problem is to get Trade Capture report or deal information for this I tried using TradeCaptureReportRequest, TradeCaptureReportRequestAck, TradeCaptureReport classes but somehow its now working.
A simple how to extract information would be a great help.
thanking everyone out there in advance.
Ok I am posting as an answer because it's going to be way too long for a comment. Please keep in mind that I have written custom constants, message types, etc (I wrote my acceptor server as well, so I'm not restricted by ICE constants/enums). You will need to determine what fields are required by ICE and make changes - this will not be easy to copy/paste...
First, you need to make sure you have all required files in and referenced. I create a folder called "fix" in my project, and copy all fix files into it. These need to be (at least 1) FixXXX.xml file, if you're using FIX50SP1 or 2, you need to also have FIXT11.xml. Along with the .xml files, you need to have an initiator.cfg file (assuming you're making an initiator, no a server, otherwise this will need to be "acceptor.cfg" but again, it sounds like you're trying to connect to ICE, so initiator is the correct usage. Finally, you will need to have a QuickFix.dll. My tree looks as below:
I am not going to go through the XML files - you will need to just learn that - it is very confusing and takes time.. especially if using FIXT11.XML along with SP1 or 2.
Your initiator.cfg should be similar to below:
# default settings for sessions
SenderCompID=[Enter yours]
TargetCompID=[Enter ICE Acceptor]
# overide default setting for RecconnectInterval
SocketConnectPort=[From ICE]
# (optional) only listen for incoming connections on a specific host
SocketConnectHost=[ICE Ip Address- from your documentation/registration]
Ok, assuming that you have QuickFix.dll imported and referenced, and your initiator.cfg properly connected, it's actually fairly simple:
Create a Class that handles everything. Ignore AddToLB, that is a testing function.
public class TCT_Fix : Control, IApplication
private readonly string username = [removed]
private readonly string password = [removed]
public string InitiatorID;
SessionID sessionID;
public bool running;
SessionSettings settings;
IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory;
ILogFactory logFactory;
SocketInitiator initiator;
public event EventHandler AddToLB;
public event EventHandler AddToAdmin;
public void StopIt()
if (sessionID == null) return;
settings = null;
settings = new SessionSettings(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "fix", "initiator.cfg"));
storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
logFactory = new FileLogFactory(settings);
initiator = new SocketInitiator(
catch { }
public void FromApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
var sMsg = "FROM APP: " + msg.ToString();
AddToLB(sMsg, null);
if (msg.Header.GetField(35) == "TC") //Cash
DateTime dtTdate;
float fPrice;
int Qty;
int OrdType;
bool BPisBuyer;
DateTime.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TDATE),out dtTdate);
string BPSide = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_SIDE);
float.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.F_PRICE), out fPrice);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.QTY), out Qty);
string TCTReference = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TCT_REF);
string BPAcct = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_COMPANY);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORDER_TYPE), out OrdType);
string ExecBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.EXEC_BKR);
string CounterParty = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_PARTY);
BPisBuyer = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.IS_BUYER) == "Y";
string BPTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_TRADER);
string CounterTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_TRADER);
string Grade = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.GRADE);
string Location = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.LOCATION);
string CycDt = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.CYCLE_DATE);
string DelMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DELIVER_MONTH);
string Terms = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TERMS);
string Payment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.PAYMENT);
string Origin = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORIGIN);
string NumOfCyc = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.NUM_OF_CYCLES);
string Via = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.VIA);
string MoveMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MOVE_MONTH);
string Comment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COMMENT);
else if (msg.Header.GetField(35) == "TE") //EFP
DateTime dtTdate;
float fPrice;
int Qty;
int OrdType;
bool BPisBuyer;
bool IsWater;
DateTime.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TDATE), out dtTdate);
string BPSide = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_SIDE);
float.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.F_PRICE), out fPrice);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.QTY), out Qty);
string TCTReference = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TCT_REF);
string BPAcct = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_COMPANY);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORDER_TYPE), out OrdType);
string ExecBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.EXEC_BKR);
string CounterParty = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_PARTY);
BPisBuyer = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.IS_BUYER) == "Y";
string BPTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_TRADER);
string CounterTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_TRADER);
string Grade = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.GRADE);
string Location = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.LOCATION);
string CycDt = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.CYCLE_DATE);
string DelMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DELIVER_MONTH);
string Terms = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TERMS);
string Payment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.PAYMENT);
string Origin = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORIGIN);
string NumOfCyc = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.NUM_OF_CYCLES);
string Via = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.VIA);
string MoveMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MOVE_MONTH);
string Comment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COMMENT);
IsWater = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ISWATER) == "Y";
string BPFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_FLOOR_BKR);
string CounterFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_FLOOR_BKR);
string Diff = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DIFFERENCE);
string MercMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_MO);
string MercPr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_PRICE);
else if (msg.Header.GetField(35) == "TI") //Index
DateTime dtTdate;
float fPrice;
int Qty;
int OrdType;
bool BPisBuyer;
bool IsWater;
DateTime.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TDATE), out dtTdate);
string BPSide = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_SIDE);
float.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.F_PRICE), out fPrice);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.QTY), out Qty);
string TCTReference = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TCT_REF);
string BPAcct = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_COMPANY);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORDER_TYPE), out OrdType);
string ExecBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.EXEC_BKR);
string CounterParty = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_PARTY);
BPisBuyer = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.IS_BUYER) == "Y";
string BPTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_TRADER);
string CounterTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_TRADER);
string Grade = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.GRADE);
string Location = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.LOCATION);
string CycDt = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.CYCLE_DATE);
string DelMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DELIVER_MONTH);
string Terms = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TERMS);
string Payment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.PAYMENT);
string Origin = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORIGIN);
string NumOfCyc = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.NUM_OF_CYCLES);
string Via = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.VIA);
string MoveMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MOVE_MONTH);
string Comment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COMMENT);
IsWater = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ISWATER) == "Y";
string BPFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_FLOOR_BKR);
string CounterFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_FLOOR_BKR);
string Diff = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DIFFERENCE);
string MercMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_MO);
string MercPr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_PRICE);
public void OnCreate(SessionID sessionID)
AddToAdmin("SESSION CREATED: " + sessionID.ToString(), null);
public void OnLogout(SessionID sessionID)
AddToAdmin("LOGOUT: " + this.sessionID.ToString(), null);
public void OnLogon(SessionID sessionID)
this.sessionID = sessionID;
AddToAdmin("LOG ON: " + this.sessionID.ToString(),null);
public void FromAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
AddToAdmin("FROM ADMIN: " + msg.ToString(), null);
public void ToAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
if (msg.Header.GetField(35).ToString() == "A")
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.Username(username));
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.Password(password));
AddToAdmin("TO ADMIN: " + msg.ToString(), null);
public void ToApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
AddToLB("TO APP: " + msg.ToString(), null);
public void GetTestMessage(string msgType)
if (sessionID == null) return;
QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage msg = new QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage();
msg.TestType = msgType;
msg.Header.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.MsgType("TEST"));
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.StringField(CustomConstants.TEST_TYPE, msgType));
Session.SendToTarget(msg, sessionID);
public TCT_Fix()
settings = new SessionSettings(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "fix", "initiator.cfg"));
storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
logFactory = new FileLogFactory(settings);
initiator = new SocketInitiator(
public TCT_Fix(ref string initID)
InitiatorID = initID;
settings = new SessionSettings(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "fix", "initiator.cfg"));
storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
logFactory = new FileLogFactory(settings);
initiator = new SocketInitiator(
public void RunIt()
if (running) return;
initiator.Start(); //This can throw an error due to current set up. I would recommend making the connection,
//pulling data, and then closing the connection (polling) to ensure the initiator clears the
//log files
//2013 issue, still unresolved... Restart app
catch(Exception ex)
if (MessageBox.Show("Error restarting initiator. Program will close due to file access. This is a Quickfix bug, not an issue with this program. Please restart." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
"Reference: for more information. Click ok to copy link to clipboard. Click \"X\" to ignore.") == DialogResult.OK)
throw new Exception(ex.ToString());
running = true;
Finally, to make it stand out (this is actually in the block above as well), you construct a message similar to below, keeping in mind that your ICE Message will have certain required fields that my "TestMessage" does not. I cannot give code from production though - sorry.
public void GetTestMessage(string msgType)
if (sessionID == null) return;
QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage msg = new QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage();
msg.TestType = msgType;
msg.Header.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.MsgType("TEST"));
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.StringField(CustomConstants.TEST_TYPE, msgType));
Session.SendToTarget(msg, sessionID);
The learning curve is substantial. You will just need to keep playing around until you get it. Once you get it down though, it makes sense. Stick with it. Let me know if you need anything else.

Unable to create a new mail with multiple recipients with mailto uri

I am using creating a Windows 8.1 Store App in WinRT.
I am unable to create a new mail with multiple recipients with the mailto uri by separating each email with either comma or semi colon, both gives me the same error.
Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.
the mailto strings looks like this
I have tried all these variants an all give me the same error when newing up the uri, like this.
var uri = new Uri(string.Format("mailto:{0}", mails));
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, or in case its not implemented why it wouldn't be?
I created a few unit tests to see if any variations would work, but no..
public class UriMailToTest
private Uri CreateMailToUri(string mail)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail)) throw new ArgumentNullException("mail");
var uriMailTo = string.Format("mailto:{0}", mail);
return new Uri(uriMailTo);
public void CreateMailToUriTest1()
const string mailto = "";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest2()
const string mailto = ",";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest3()
const string mailto = ",,";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest4()
const string mailto = ";";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest5()
const string mailto = ";;";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest6()
const string mailto = ",";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest7()
const string mailto = ";";
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest8()
var mails = new[] { "", ""};
var mailto = mails.Select(WebUtility.UrlEncode).Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0},{1}", c, n));
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest9()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Select(WebUtility.UrlEncode).Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0};{1}", c, n));
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest10()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0},{1}", c, n));
var urlEncodedMailTo = WebUtility.UrlEncode(mailto);
var uri = CreateMailToUri(urlEncodedMailTo);
public void CreateMailToUriTest11()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0};{1}", c, n));
var urlEncodedMailTo = WebUtility.UrlEncode(mailto);
var uri = CreateMailToUri(urlEncodedMailTo);
public void CreateMailToUriTest12()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Select(WebUtility.UrlEncode).Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0}, {1}", c, n));
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest13()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Select(WebUtility.UrlEncode).Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0}; {1}", c, n));
var uri = CreateMailToUri(mailto);
public void CreateMailToUriTest14()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0}, {1}", c, n));
var urlEncodedMailTo = WebUtility.UrlEncode(mailto);
var uri = CreateMailToUri(urlEncodedMailTo);
public void CreateMailToUriTest15()
var mails = new[] { "", "" };
var mailto = mails.Aggregate((c, n) => string.Format("{0}; {1}", c, n));
var urlEncodedMailTo = WebUtility.UrlEncode(mailto);
var uri = CreateMailToUri(urlEncodedMailTo);
with Windows Key + R (Run) typing in; works great, I'm just not able to create an Uri object with multiple recipients...
According to the mailto:Protocol # msdn i should be able to use the mailto protocol with multiple recipients.
One or more valid e-mail addresses separated by a semicolon. You must use Internet-safe characters, such as %20 for the space character.
Optional. One or more name-value pairs. The first pair should be prefixed by a "?" and any additional pairs should be prefixed by a "&". The name can be one of the following strings.
Text to appear in the subject line of the message.
Text to appear in the body of the message.
Addresses to be included in the "cc" (carbon copy) section of the message.
Addresses to be included in the "bcc" (blind carbon copy) section of the message.
There is a hack, using the HyperLinkButton (sorry, this is a dirty hack) :
Load an hyperlinkbutton using a XAmlReader,
Retrieve its AutomationPeer,
Launch a click
var uriString = ",";
string xamlString = "<HyperlinkButton "
+ "xmlns=\"\" "
+ "NavigateUri=\"" + uriString + "\"/>";
var c = (HyperlinkButton)XamlReader.Load(xamlString);
new HyperlinkButtonAutomationPeer(c).Invoke();
Try adding 2 forward slashes after the hostname like this : mailto://
cant you follow this code?
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage email = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();

Validate Google Account using WebClient

I am trying validate Google Account using WebClient.
class PostDataBuilder
private static Dictionary<string, string>
ToPropertyDictionary(object data)
var values = data
.Select(x => new {
Key = x.Name,
Value = x.GetValue(data, null)
var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var item in values)
result.Add(item.Key, item.Value.ToString());
return result;
public static string Build(object data)
string result = "";
var dict = ToPropertyDictionary(data);
foreach (var name in dict.Keys)
result += name + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(dict[name]) + "&";
return result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string postText = PostDataBuilder.Build(
dsh = "-1903339439726094408",
GALX = "-Ggrv6gqusk",
timeStmp = "",
secTok = "",
Email = "",
Passwd = "WrongPassword",
signIn = "?????",
rmShown = "1"
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postText);
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
byte[] result = wc.UploadData(
new Uri(""),
"POST", data);
string resultText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result);
ResultText variable has setted , even if data is correct. What's wrong?
You shouldn't ever screw around with login services such as the Google one or try to fake a browser. In the end it could be considered attempt hacking or whatever and it's very likely to break the next time they update their page (or even just because your IP changes).
Instead use OpenID or OAuth as described here.
