Getting and reading unmanaged C++ pointer in .Net - c#

I’m having an issue getting the correct data back from a C++ API that was P/Invoke in C#.
The C++ function is set up to take a pointer to store the data requested, along with size and what exact parameter you want to retrieve. There is obviously something wrong with my setup and I’m looking for suggestions.
Thank you!
C++ Proto:
VOID *Val, //pointer to memory where the data will be stored by the function
DWORD Len, //length of Val in bytes
DWORD Id //identification number of the parameter
C# P/Invoke signature:
[DllImport(FOO_API, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static public extern uint FOO_GetVal(IntPtr val, uint len, uint id);
my C# code to get information on setting:
IntPtr Ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)));
uint hr = FOOWrapper.FOO_GetVal(Ptr, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(Ptr), FOOWrapper.CMD_RUNNING);
int result = Marshal.ReadInt32(Ptr);
So the big question is am i reading the returned pointer correctly via Marshal.ReadInt32()?
Thanks in advance!

There isn't anything wrong with the pinvoke declaration. The way you use it isn't correct, you are reserving space for an IntPtr but are reading an int. The proper code ought to be:
uint len = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int));
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);
uint hr = FOOWrapper.FOO_GetVal(ptr, len, FOOWrapper.CMD_RUNNING);
if (hr != 0) throw new COMException("FOO_GetVal failed", hr);
int result = Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr);
The addition is important, you certainly don't want to ignore an error return code. If it is actually an error code, your use of "hr" suggest it does but the declaration suggest it isn't. If it is the size of the actual data then change it to:
uint actual = FOOWrapper.FOO_GetVal(ptr, len, FOOWrapper.CMD_RUNNING);
if (actual != len) throw new Exception("Improper data size");
This furthermore assumes that the parameter you are asking for is actually an int. Impossible to say, but a "CMD_RUNNING" sounds more like a bool, one byte in C++.
Just debug this to find out what the problem might be. Tick the "Enable unmanaged code debugging" checkbox in Project + Properties, Debug tab. And set a breakpoint on the FOO_GetVal() function in your native code.


Issue with native C++ dll in C#

I have native C++ dll with function that finds the number of cameras connected to the computer and returns their serial number. I am trying to use native C++ dll in C# application but I keep getting the Access Violation error(Attempted to read or write protected memory).
The function in question is
uint32_t GetSerialNumList(char** theBufList, int theBufSize, int theListLength);
The way I am using PInvoke is as follows:
[DllImport(CameraDll, EntryPoint = "GetSerialNumList", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern uint GetSerialNumList(out byte[] pBuf, int BufSize, int ListLength);
If I create native C++ application to use the dll and use the function as follows:
char* theSerialNumb;
theSerialNumb = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)* 8);
status = TRI_GetSerialNumList(&theSerialNumb, 8, 1);
It works fine however, if I use as follows in C# it give me above mentioned error:
byte[] BufList;
BufList = new byte[8];
rv = GetSerialNumList(out BufList, 8, 1);
The parameter you're passing in c# is a pointer to a byte array. What you're passing in c++ is a pointer to a pointer to a byte array. Also, in the C++ example, you're passing data to the function, but in the C# example, you're passing it as an out instead of a ref.
Although I'm not sure this would work, I would try to create a struct containing a byte array and pass the struct to the external function.
To answer some of the above comments, these functions typically modify memory passed to it rather than try to allocate additional memory due to the different ways programs create heaps.
The first thing I'd check is the C# import signature being used. There's the P/Invoke Interop Assistant tool available for free here.
Loading your function signature into the tool, translates it to:
public partial class NativeMethods {
/// Return Type: unsigned int
///theBufList: char**
///theBufSize: int
///theListLength: int
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("<Unknown>", EntryPoint="GetSerialNumList")]
public static extern uint GetSerialNumList(ref System.IntPtr theBufList, int theBufSize, int theListLength) ;
The second thing, is that since you are allocating memory for the buffer in the C++/native version; perhaps you need to pass a pre-allocated buffer as well, when using C#.
Hope this helps.
Okay, I took pointers from Russell and kvr and did some digging around and following is the scheme that I came up with.
Original native function call:
uint32_t GetSerialNumList(char** theBufList, int theBufSize, int theListLength);
The way I am using PInvoke is as follows:
[DllImport(CameraDll, EntryPoint = "GetSerialNumList", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int GetSerialNumList(ref IntPtr pBuf, int BufSize, int ListLength);
byte[] BufIn;
BufIn = new byte[8 * ListLength];
IntPtr pBuf = IntPtr.Zero;
pBuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8 * ListLength);
Console.WriteLine("Calling GetSerialNumList");
rv = GetSerialNumList(ref pBuf, 8, ListLength);
Marshal.Copy(pBuf, BufIn, 0, 8*ListLength);
I feel this is somewhat long, but it gives me the desired result.

Passing an array of pointers to an unmanaged DLL function

I am trying to create and pass an array of pointers to an unmanaged DLL function using the following C# code.
[DllImport("libantumbra.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern uint AnCtx_Init(IntPtr ctx);
//create context
this.ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)));
AnCtx_Init(ptr);//returns 0 (non-error)
this.ctx = (IntPtr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(IntPtr));
[DllImport("libantumbra.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int AnDevice_GetList(IntPtr ctx, out IntPtr outdevs, out int outndevs);
IntPtr devs, ndevs;
AnDevice_GetList(ctx, out devs, out ndevs); //exception occurs here
However upon my last call I receive an AccessViolationException. I think it has to do with the array pointer I am passing however I have not been able to find a solution.
The end goal I am trying to achieve here is to pass a pointer to AnDevice_GetList and with the parameter outdevs be left with an array that has been populated by the DLL.
Let me know if you need any further info or have any ideas for me to try.
Here is the function I am trying to call.
Header file:
An_DLL AnError AnDevice_GetList(AnCtx *ctx, AnDeviceInfo ***outdevs,
size_t *outndevs);
typedef struct AnDevice AnDevice;
typedef int AnError;
typedef struct AnCtx AnCtx;
And implementation:
AnError AnDevice_GetList(AnCtx *ctx, AnDeviceInfo ***outdevs, size_t *outndevs)
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_DEBUG, "enumerate devices...");
libusb_device **udevs;
ssize_t ndevs = libusb_get_device_list(ctx->uctx, &udevs);
if (ndevs < 0) {
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_ERROR, "libusb_get_device_list: %s",
return AnError_LIBUSB;
AnDeviceInfo **devs = malloc((ndevs + 1) * sizeof *devs);
if (!devs) {
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_ERROR, "malloc: %s", strerror(errno));
return AnError_MALLOCFAILED;
memset(devs, 0, (ndevs + 1) * sizeof *devs);
size_t j = 0;
for (ssize_t i = 0; i < ndevs; ++i) {
libusb_device *udev = udevs[i];
AnDeviceInfo info;
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_DEBUG, "device: bus %03d addr %03d",
libusb_get_bus_number(udev), libusb_get_device_address(udev));
if (populate_info(ctx, &info, udev))
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_DEBUG, "vid 0x%04x pid 0x%04x",
info.devdes.idVendor, info.devdes.idProduct);
if (!match_vid_pid(info.devdes.idVendor, info.devdes.idProduct)) {
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_DEBUG, " does not match Antumbra VID/PID");
devs[j] = malloc(sizeof *devs[j]);
if (!devs[j]) {
An_LOG(ctx, AnLog_ERROR, "malloc: %s", strerror(errno));
*devs[j] = info;
libusb_free_device_list(udevs, 1);
*outdevs = devs;
*outndevs = j;
return AnError_SUCCESS;
Your unmanaged function is declared like this:
AnError AnDevice_GetList(AnCtx *ctx, AnDeviceInfo ***outdevs, size_t *outndevs)
You should translate that as:
[DllImport("libantumbra.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int AnDevice_GetList(IntPtr ctx, out IntPtr outdevs,
out IntPtr outndevs);
And this is almost exactly as you have done. The only differences are that the return value is int and the outndevs parameter is of type IntPtr. That's because size_t is pointer sized on the platforms that I am aware of.
Call it like this:
IntPtr ctx = ...; // create a context somehow
IntPtr devs;
IntPtr ndevs;
int retval = AnDevice_GetList(ctx, out devs, out ndevs);
if (retval != AnError_SUCCESS)
// handle error
So, where could your code be going wrong? One likely explanation is that the context that you pass is invalid. Another possibility is that you execute 64 bit code and the incorrect size of outndevs in your translation caused the error.
This is a pretty hard API to call using p/invoke. What can you do now with devs. You can copy the values into an IntPtr[] array easily enough. And presumably the library has functions that operate on these opaque device pointers. But you have to keep hold of devs and pass it back to the library to deallocate it. Presumably the library exports a function to do that?
Based on your comments and various updates, it looks like you are not getting a proper context. We can only guess, but I expect that AnCtx_Init is declared as
AnError AnCtx_Init(AnCtx **octx)
That is a pointer to opaque context AnCtx*. Translate that as:
[DllImport("libantumbra.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int AnCtx_Init(out IntPtr octx);
Call it like this:
IntPtr ctx;
int retval = AnCtx_Init(out ctx);
if (retval != AnError_SUCCESS)
// handle error
The big thing that you have to do now is start checking for errors. Unmanaged code won't throw exceptions. You need to do error checking yourself. It is laborious, but it must be done. Take it one function at a time. Once you are sure a function call is working, move on to the next.
Some things don't make sense in your example. You create ptr2 and allocate space for it but never copy anything into that space, and you don't pass it to your AnDevice_GetList function so that seems completely unnecessary. You create ptArray but never use it anywhere either.
In this code, you're creating a managed array of IntPtr structures, and allocating memory for each of them to point to, and the size of what they are pointing to is the size of a single pointer:
IntPtr[] ptArray = new IntPtr[] {
To really help we need a clear understanding of exactly what AnDevice_GetList is going to do. If AnDevice_GetList is populating an array of pointers, what do they point to? Do they point to structures that were allocated by AnDevice_GetList? If so, then what you want to do is to create an array of IntPtr and pin it while you make the unmanaged call. Since you're creating an array for the call to fill, do NOT pass the array as an out parameter.
[DllImport("libsomething.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern uint AnDevice_GetList(IntPtr outdevs);
IntPtr[] ptArray = new IntPtr[numberOfPointersRequired];
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(ptArray);
I left off the other parameters, because I have no idea what you're doing with them or how you're expecting them to be handled.

Does one need to pin array parameters into COM RCWs in .NET?

I'm calling the IDiaSourceFile::get_checksum member function, which has the following auto-generated .NET signature:
void get_checksum(uint cbData, out uint pcbData, byte[] pbData);
Note that the parameter pbData is an out parameter. Do I need to worry about pinning the array passed in here when someone calls get_checksum?
I inherited some code that looks like this:
fixed (byte* p = scratch_hash)
sourceFile.get_checksum(c, out c, scratch_hash);
which pins scratch_hash as p and then never actually uses p. I've not seen anything like this before and given the state of the surrounding code I suspect the pin is completely unnecessary here
With the current definition:
void get_checksum(uint cbData, out uint pcbData, byte[] pbData);
You don't need to pin pbData. However, you'd need to pre-allocate an array for the returned the data, but you don't know the size in advance. The method will fail if the array size you pass via cbData is not large enough, and your current method signature doesn't allow to find out the buffer size.
The original C++ declaration does allow that:
HRESULT get_checksum (
DWORD cbData,
DWORD* pcbData,
BYTE data[]
data [in, out] A buffer that is filled with the checksum bytes. If
this parameter is NULL, then pcbData returns the number of bytes
So, a more efficient approach might be to declare and use it like this:
void get_checksum(
uint cbData,
out uint pcbData,
IntPtr data);
// get size
uint size;
obj.get_checksum(0, out size, IntPtr.Zero);
// get data
var buff = new byte[size];
fixed (byte* p = buff)
uint cbData;
obj.get_checksum(size, out cbData, (IntPtr)p);
if (size != cbData)
throw new InvalidOperationException("cbData");
If you don't want (or can't) use unsafe code, here's an alternative:
// get size
uint size;
obj.get_checksum(0, out size, IntPtr.Zero);
// get the data
byte[] buff;
var p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)size);
uint cbData;
obj.get_checksum(size, out cbData, p);
if (size < cbData)
throw new InvalidOperationException("cbData");
buff = new byte[cbData];
Marshal.Copy(p, buff, 0, (int)cbData);
No, you don't have to do it in this case - and you can't, even.
However, you might want to change that signature if you run into performance issues, because the marshaller does a lot of work to pass the byte array to the native method - it has to allocate new memory, copy the managed byte array to that, and then deallocate the memory again.
This means that the code you posted is complete nonsense, because while it does fix the scratch_hash array, it doesn't use that fixed pointer anyway.
If you're only calling the method once in a while and the byte array is relatively small, this can be safely ignored. However, if you do find that this causes unnecessary strain on your application, fixing could help - but you'd have to change the signature:
unsafe void get_checksum(uint cbData, out uint pcbData, byte *pbData);
Then you can use this:
fixed (byte *p = &scratch_hash[0])
sourceFile.get_checksum(c, out c, p);
All this said, note that fixing a managed object might cause issues of its own (for example, it pretty much kills any chance of heap compaction if your object is on top of the heap). Fixing should be done sparingly, and only for extremely short times - the only other reasonable alternative is to allocate the objects early, and keeping them together (for example, when using asynchronous I/O, you need a fixed reference, usually for as long as the application runs - so just allocate the buffers as early as possible, and you'll be mostly fine).
Also, I'm still finding that signature a bit wild. Could you share the header file's definition of the signature?

How do I read a uint from a pointer with Marshalling?

I have a native method which needs a pointer to write out a dword (uint).
Now I need to get the actual uint value from the (Int)pointer, but the Marshal class only has handy methods for reading (signed) integers.
How do I get the uint value from the pointer?
I've searched the questions (and Google), but couldn't really find what I needed.
Sample (not working) code:
IntPtr pdwSetting = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)));
// I'm trying to read the screen contrast here
NativeMethods.JidaVgaGetContrast(_handleJida, pdwSetting);
// this is not what I want, but close
var contrast = Marshal.ReadInt32(pdwSetting);
The return value from the native function is a dword between 0 and 255 with 255 being full contrast.
Depending on whether you may use usafe code you can even do:
static unsafe void Method()
IntPtr pdwSetting = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)));
NativeMethods.JidaVgaGetContrast(_handleJida, pdwSetting);
var contrast = *(uint*)pdwSetting;
Note, that a C++ function pointer like
void (*GetContrastPointer)(HANDLE handle, unsigned int* setting);
can be marshaled as
void GetContrast(IntPtr handle, IntPtr setting); // most probably what you did
but also as
void GetContrast(IntPtr handle, ref uint setting);
which lets you write code like
uint contrast = 0; // or some other invalid value
NativeMethods.JidaVgaGetContrast(_handleJida, ref contrast);
which is superior in both performance and readability.
You can simply cast it to uint:
uint contrast = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(pdwSetting);
For example:
int i = -1;
uint j = (uint)i;
outputs 4294967295.
Use the Marshal.PtrToStructure overload that takes an IntPtr and a type and pass in typeof(uint) - that ought to work!
Hope this helps!

How to initialise an unsafe pointer in C# and convert it to a byte[]?

I put a post up yesterday, How does one create structures for C# originally written in C++.
Thank you for your responses.
I'm trying, without much success, to use DeviceIOControl on an ARM platform running WinCE 6.0 and .NET Compact framework 2.0 All I am trying to achieve is the control of a port pin and it's proving to be a nightmare.
The following is the PInvoke declaration:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool DeviceIoControlCE(int hDevice,
int dwIoControlCode,
byte[] lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
byte[] lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
ref int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
The PInvoke declaration suggests a byte[] may be passed to it simply. Surely it's an easy matter to write the values to each member of a structure, convert it to an array of bytes and pass it to the dll.
I have the following:
public struct pio_desc
unsafe byte* pin_name; //Length???
public uint pin_number; //4 bytes
public uint default_value; //4 bytes
public byte attribute; //1 byte
public uint pio_type; //4 bytes
pio_desc PA13 = new pio_desc();
So surely now it's a matter of doing something like:
PA13.pin_number = AT91_PIN_PA13; //Length 4 bytes
PA13.default_value = 0; //Length 4 bytes
PA13.attribtue = PIO_DEFAULT; //Length 1 byte
PA13.pio_type = PIO_OUTPUT; //Length 4 bytes
and to convert (pin_number for example) to a byte[]:
byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(PA13.pin_number); //uints are 4 bytes wide
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[0];
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[1];
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[2];
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[3]; //Will need to check on Endianess
In the structure PA13, how do I initialise the unsafe pointer pin_name? The author of the driver notes that this is not used, presumably by his driver. Will Windows need this to be some value?
PA13.pin_name = ??????
Then, how do I convert this pointer to a byte to fit into my byte[] array to be passed to DeviceIOControl?
I've become quite disappointed and frustrated at how difficult it is to change the voltage level of a port pin - I've been struggling with this problem for days now. Because I come from a hardware background, I think it's going to be easier (and less eligant) for me to implement IO control on another controller and to pass control data to it via a COM port.
Thanks again for any (simple) assistance.
You will need to do a few different things here. First, replace this member:
unsafe byte* pin_name; //Length???
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pin_name;
Then replace the in/out buffers in the P/Invoke declaration from byte[] to IntPtr. Then you can use this code to convert the data:
pio_desc PA13;
// Set the members of PA13...
IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
try {
var size = Marshal.SizeOf(PA13);
ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(PA13, ptr, false);
// Your P/Invoke call goes here.
// size will be the "nInBufferSize" argument
// ptr will be the "lpInBuffer" argument
} finally {
if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) {
Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptr, typeof(pio_desc));
You can make this a lot easier by lying about the [DllImport] declaration. Just declare the lpInBuffer argument as the structure type, the pinvoke marshaller will convert it to a pointer anyway. Thus:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool SetOutputPin(IntPtr hDevice,
int dwIoControlCode,
ref pio_desc lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
IntPtr lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
out int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
Using IntPtr for lpOutBuffer because the driver probably doesn't return anything. Pass IntPtr.Zero. Same idea with the structure. If the field isn't used then simply declare it as an IntPtr:
public struct pio_desc
public IntPtr pin_name; // Leave at IntPtr.Zero
public uint pin_number; //4 bytes
public uint default_value; //4 bytes
public byte attribute; //1 byte
public uint pio_type; //4 bytes
Be careful about the Packing property, it makes a difference here because of the byte sized field. You may need 1 but that's just a guess without knowing anything about the driver. If you have working C code then test the value of sizeof(pio_desc) and compare with Marshal.SizeOf(). Pass Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(pio_desc)) as the nInBufferSize argument. If you would have posted the C declarations then this would have been easier to answer accurately.
Declare lpInBuffer and lpOutBuffer as IntPtr. Initialize them using Marshal.AllocHGlobal (don't forget to release them with Marshal.FreeHGlobal in the end). Fill these buffer and read it using different Marshal.Copy overloads.
