I'm using EntityFramework 4 in my WPF desktop-application (NS: MyCompany.MyProduct).
Now I want to create the same application in ASP.NET (NS: MyCompany.MyProduct2), with the exact same functionality... Hence I need to use the exact same database as the WPF application already does.
Additionally, I want to create a new executable (hence a new wpf project) on top of my primary WPF project, that also uses the same ConnectionString like the WPF / ASP.NET-Application, to display some reports.
So I figured out I'd need to share the .edmx-Model (NS: MyCompany.MyProduct.Models.DBModel.edmx) and the ConnectionString that is already persistent in the app.config of the WPF app or the web.config of the ASP.NET-App.
What is the best or recommended way to do this?
What is the best or recommended way to do this?
Create a class library project and put EF model in there and share it between your WPF/Web projects. The app.config file of a library project isn't picked up by the parent project therefore you will have to manually update your web.config file to add the ConnectionString section.
This approach allows you to share business logic between your WPF app & your web app. If they are essentially the same app but on different platforms, then you should only be re-implementing the UI - this is one of the major advantages of the MVC pattern.
Agree with #James here. Don't be afraid of adding library projects to your solution. So you would have a project called MyCompany.Model that contains your EDMX. (Actually, you might find later that you want to use the T4 generation to split your model off from your DbContext or ObjectContext, but that's another discussion.)
With Visual Studio you can actually add a project--your EDMX project--to more than one solution. Be careful not to make changes to the EDMX project when editing one solution that break the other, though.
Respectfully, you may find that it's not ideal to use the GAC here, especially if your EDMX is still evolving.
As for connection strings, these are one thing that you tend not to share between projects. Typically they are in the app.config (or web.config) for your executable project. This can be a gotcha, because if you use a library project to hold your EDMX, EF will automatically create an app.config in the library project, with the connection string in it. But .NET never uses an app.config for a DLL. The only reason it's there is to give you something you can copy/paste into the real app.config for your executable (WPF) app.config or the web.config.
If your goal is to share the single .edmx dll between all three applications on one machine, the best way to accomplish this is to sign the dll, then add it to the GAC. If the dll will remain on different servers, there is no need to GAC the dll, you can just reference it in your projects, and add the connectionstring entry in the respective .configs.
GAC: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yf1d93sz(v=vs.100).aspx
Install a DLL to the GAC: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dkkx7f79.aspx
I have an older asp.net solution consisting of several projects. The data access layer is contained in a separate class library project while the frontend is in another project.
The data access project is using Application Settings (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a65txexh.aspx) for several settings, among others 3 connection strings. I have a /Properties/Settings.settings file which - when changed - results in an updated /app.config file.
My problem is that I haven't found any way to automatically change these settings when building and publishing the solution.
I know about web.config transformations (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd465318(v=vs.100).aspx) and that Visual Studio offers the ability to create a so called "Config Transform". But as far as I know a class library doesn't have a web.config file and this menu option is not available for neither the Settings.settings file nor the app.config file.
Is there a way to automatically change the settings.settings file/app.config or is there a completely different best practise to provide connections strings to a class library?
EDIT: I should add to the above that the Data Access class library is using Datasets.
I have a MVC4 project which is going to be a large system, I want to split the database management into its own project so in my solution I will have MyMVC4 and MyMVC4_Data
I will add MyMVC4_Data as a reference to the main MyMVC4 project. I believe there will be multiple projects in the future so splitting the data makes sense.
My question is, what sort of project template will be sufficient for the database stuff, all it will have is Linq and manager classes for each table to insert delete etc. I don't think it would be necessary to include a new MVC4 project as the overheads will be too big for what is needed. The project must be referable by the main project
Any suggestions would be appreciated
I'd use a Class Library project. From the docs:
You can use the Class Library template to quickly create reusable classes and components that can be shared with other projects.
When I need to add a reference towards a library, I've always been told to use the "add existing project" method, and referencing the project itself inside my solution.
But here in my new company, the use another method. They have a server which holds the compiled dll's, and keep versions of them so they can reference older versions when a change is too important to refactor older apps.
While I find this system really complicated (I guess there is a lot of work if a program pointing an older version of the dll is updated and needs some changes in this dll), they seem to find it pretty convenient.
What are the best practices for this? Linking the dll directly? Linking the project? And why? Any information is welcome!
Thanks in advance !
I usually take a copy of the compiled dll (if the source project is not available or if I don't need the source) and put it in a folder inside my solution, and then reference that. I check it in to source control along with my project.
I am of the opinion that you should be able to check out a project and build it directly from source control without having to go hunting dlls etc.
The Add existing project method is useful when you want to reference a library project which is develop side by side and you want to test/use it's types and methods and this (Add existing project) method will not be used to add the reference of pre-compiled (dll) files.
Read Project Reference (MSDN) article.
You would include it as a Project when you want to simultaneously work on the library. And that would happen mostly for small(ish) libs that will be distributed with your program (bin folder).
When an assembly is (going to be) installed in the GAC, and thus has its own release cycle, it makes more sense to reference the binary only.
Several combination of the above are possible too.
Adding Compiled dlls is mainly when the code is more or less locked (Architecture level code ) which you hardly ever changes
1) communication layer(remoting/wcf)
2) Generic Gui layer (Wizards/dialog boxes)
3) Security layer (azman stuff)
you only need to change when your product is going to another direction say it uses to use .net remoting as communication now it will be using WCF
Using projects as reference when you are frequently changes referenced projects
also Visual studio works out nicely order of building the projects.
Although your company's approach is probably not very common among Microsoft developers, it is used rather successfully in the Java world. In the long run it is probably better controlled than any alternative, but without a fair amount of support scripts/programs (which, for instance, update projects/solutions automatically when needed) it can easily become unmanageable. In the Java world it is directly supported by tools such as Maven.
Honestly, I can't word my question any better without describing it.
I have a base project (with all its glory, dlls, resources etc) which is a CMS.
I need to use this project as a base for othe custom bake projects.
This base project is to be maintained and updated among all custom bake projects.
I use subversion (Collabnet and Tortise SVN)
I have two questions:
1 - Can I use subversion to share the base project among other projects
What I mean here is can I "Checkout" the base project into another "Checked Out" project and have both update and commit seperatley. So, to paint a picture, let's say I am working on a custom project and I modify the core/base prject in some way (which I know will suit the others) can I then commit those changes and upon doing so when I update the base project in the other "Checked out" resources will it pull the changes? In short, I would like not to have to manually deploy updated core files whenever I make changes into each seperate project.
2 - If I create a custom file (let's say an webcontrol or aspx page etc) can I have it compile seperatley from the base project
Another tricky one to explain. When I publish my web application it creates DLLs based on the namespaces of projects attached to it. So I may have a number of DLLs including the "Website's" namespace DLL, which could simply be website. I want to be able to make a seperate, custom, control which does not compile into those DLLs as the custom files should not rely on those DLLS to run. Is it as simple to set a seperate namespace for those files like CustomFiles.ProjectName for example?
Think of the whole idea as adding modules to the .NET project, I don't want the module's code in any of the core DLLs but I do need for module to be able to access the core dlls.
(There is no need for the core project to access the module code as it should be one way only in theory, though I reckon it woould not be possible anyway without using JSON/SOAP or something like that, maybe I am wrong.)
I want to create a pluggable environment much like that of Joomla/Wordpress as since PHP generally doesn't have to be compiled first I see this is the reason why all this is possible/easy. The idea is to allow pluggable themes, modules etc etc.
(I haven't tried simply adding .NET themes after compile/publish but I am assuming this is possible anyway? OR does the compiler need to reference items in the files?)
UPDATE (16/05/2010):
I posted a similar question with a little more detail for question 2 on Experts-Exchange. I don't want to post all that info here as it just will be too messy but it explains question 2 in greater detail.
For your first question, you want to use svn externals. More details can be found here: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s03.html
For your second question, you need to create a seperate assembly and the easiest way is to create a new project within your solution. You can't have a single project emit 2 dll's (that I know of)
For your first question:
If the base project is a library then there is nothing stopping you from creating the following directory structure on your SVN:
Base project
Cool project nr 1
Cool project nr 2
All projects built on the Base project will include a relative reference and then everybody can checkout his Cool project X and the Base project and work on them. Checking-in changes for Base project will allow everybody else to see them by updating their Base project image. Advantage: only one SVN trunk required.
For your second question :
I tried my best, but I can't understand what you're asking :).
A lot of my projects contain the Castle/NHibernate/Rhino-Tools stack. What's confusing about this is that Castle depends on some NHibernate libraries, NHibernate depends on some Castle libraries, and Rhino-Tools depends on both.
I've built all three projects on my machine, but I feel that copying the NHibernate/Castle libraries is a bit redundant since I built Rhino-Tools using the resulting libraries from my NHibernate and Castle builds.
Right now, I include all projects in seperate folders in my /thirdparty/libs folder in my project tree. Should I simply just have /thirdparty/libs/rhino-tools in my project and use the Castle/NHibernate libs from there? That would seem to make logical sense in not duplicating files, but I also like having each project in it's own distinct folder.
What are your views on this?
This is one of the problems that we're trying to tackle in the Refix open source project on CodePlex.
The idea is that Refix will parse all the projects in your solution, and before your project compiles, copy the necessary binaries from a single local repository on your machine into a folder within the solution tree and point the projects at them. This way, there's no need to commit the binaries. Your local Refix repository will pull binaries from a remote one (we're setting one up at repo.refixcentral.com), and you can set up an intermediate one for your team/department/company that can hold any additional software not held centrally.
It will also try to resolve conflicting version numbers - Visual Studio can be too forgiving of mismatched component version numbers, leading to solutions that compile but fall over at run time when they fail to load a dependency because two different versions would be needed.
So to answer the question "how do you package external libraries in your .Net projects", our vision is that you don't - you just include a Refix step in your build script, and let it worry about it for you.
I use a folder for each, which seems to be the convention.
Does it really make a difference if you're copying them?
What if you want to switch one out? Let's say you go with a new O/R mapper. It will be much easier to just delete the NHibernate folder than to selectively delete DLLs in your Rhino-Tools folder.
Take this to it's logical conclusion and you won't have any folder organization in your lib folder since everything uses log4net :)
Add additional probing paths to your app.config files to locate the dependency dlls. This way your can get away with having just one copy of everything you want. Though there are some quirks to using this feature (you must create the folder structure in a certain way). Look here for more details on the tag.
I will definetly recommend having a thirdparty or vendor folder in each of your project trees. If you find it annoying to have 32 copies of the rhino-tools package, you can have a single copy of it in your code repository, and do external references to it in your project tree.
Lets say you are using SVN, you can make a repository called "thirdparty libs" and in this have versioned copies of the libs. You then make an external property on your "thirdparty"-folder in your project tree which then in turn automaticly will do a check out of your centralized thirdparty libs. This way you for instance only have to update in one place if a security or a bugfix comes out, but each project is still in command of choosing which thirdparty libs, and which versions to use.
About the deps internally in thirdparty libs, i wouldn't mind those. The first time you compile your project, and some of the libs arent copied to your bin-folder because of implicit dependencies you can add an external attribute into your bin-folder, which will then automaticly check out the missing libs. That way you still only have to update your thirdparty libs in one place.