Can anyone help with the following code?
I'm trying to pass value from server to client via RIA Silverlight, but keep getting NullReferenceException.
I have removed all other attempts that I have tried and have just posted last attempt.
Server-side Code
namespace Web.UI.SilverlightDomainServices
// Implements application logic using the SilverlightDBEntities context.
// TODO: Add your application logic to these methods or in additional methods.
// TODO: Wire up authentication (Windows/ASP.NET Forms) and uncomment the following to disable anonymous access
// Also consider adding roles to restrict access as appropriate.
// [RequiresAuthentication]
public class VideoAdvertDomainService : LinqToEntitiesDomainService<SilverlightDBEntities>
// TODO:
// Consider constraining the results of your query method. If you need additional input you can
// add parameters to this method or create additional query methods with different names.
// To support paging you will need to add ordering to the 'at_AdvertVideoAdvertisement' query.
string strMonthYear = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM-yyyy");
public List<string> GetMediaURLBasedOnMonthYear(string strMonthYear)
return (from p in this.ObjectContext.at_AdvertVideoAdvertisement
where p.AdvertMediaMonthYear == strMonthYear
select p.AdvertMediaURL).ToList();
public IQueryable<at_AdvertVideoAdvertisement> GetAt_AdvertVideoAdvertisement()
return this.ObjectContext.at_AdvertVideoAdvertisement;
Client-side Code
namespace Web.Silverlight
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
public MainPage()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);
private VideoAdvertDomainContext ctx = new VideoAdvertDomainContext();
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string strMonthYear = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM-yyyy");
VideoAdvertDomainContext DomainContext = new VideoAdvertDomainContext();
InvokeOperation iv = DomainContext.GetMediaURLBasedOnMonthYear("September-2012");
PlaylistItem item = new PlaylistItem();
item.MediaSource = new Uri(iv.Value.ToString());
item.DeliveryMethod = Microsoft.SilverlightMediaFramework.Plugins.Primitives.DeliveryMethods.AdaptiveStreaming;
Without seeing the stack trace from the exception, I have to guess.
Possibility 1
It could be that ObjectContext is null and therefore, this line will throw the exception you are getting.
return (from p in this.ObjectContext.at_AdvertVideoAdvertisement
where p.AdvertMediaMonthYear == strMonthYear
select p.AdvertMediaURL).ToList();
Possibility 2
Is there a chance that the contents of this.ObjectContext.at_AdvertVideoAdvertisement are null?
If so, p could be null, which would cause the query to throw the exception.
Possibility 3
I suspect the offending line is:
This line does nothing, but you also repeat this a couple of lines later in a useful context, so perhaps the first declaration is a mistake. However, this assumes that the InvokeOperation value returned by VideoAdvertDomainContext.GetMediaURLBasedOnMonthYear is not null and that its Value property is not null. This may not be the case.
I recommend placing a breakpoint on those lines and seeing what the variables look like in the debugger to track down the null reference. From there, you can start to work out why it is null and either make it so that it isn't, or fix your code so that it copes appropriately with null references.
I am seeing some strange, buggy behavior in some .NET code, and I'm wondering if it has to do with how I've set things up.
I have a non-static class with a method. In this method, I create a new instance of a disposable class. I then use a static helper method to add something to that disposable instance.
Sometimes the code throws an exception at a certain point (by timing out). I don't know why, and this question isn't about why that happens. But what happens next is that if an exception was thrown, the next time the code runs, which supposedly would create a new instance of my main class, and a new instance of the disposable object within that new instance, then a different bit of code involving the disposable object also causes a timeout exception, much earlier in the process.
Here is a simplified example of what's happening:
public sealed class MyClass : OtherClass
protected override void MyMethod(ContextInfo context)
using (DisposableClass disposableInstance = new DisposableClass(context.URL))
Helper.ConditionallyAddThingy(disposableInstance, context.thingInfo, context.URL);
foreach(var foo in fooCollection)
// 1. initially I can make as many of these calls as I want,
// and they all finish successfully. if there were no
// timeout issues in section 2 below, the next time this
// runs, supposedly in a new instance of MyClass, and with
// a new instance of "disposableInstance", it again runs perfectly fine,
// no matter how many "foo"s there are.
// 2. see below
// 3. _if_ I had a timeout exception previously in section 2 below,
// the next time this runs, supposedly in a _new_ instance of MyClass,
// and with a _new_ instance of "disposableInstance",
// I get a timeout exception _here_ on the first "foo", and don't even get to section 2.
// make a call that does _not_ have to do with file streams
SomeResponse response = disposableInstance.AskForSomething(foo);
foreach(var fileInfo in fileInfoCollection)
// 2. if there is only one file, the call succeeds, however
// if there is more than one file, the request for the
// second file casuses a System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
var fileUrl = fileInfo["URL"];
FileIshThing fileIsh = File.OpenBinaryDirect(disposableInstance, fileUrl);
internal static class Helper
internal static void ConditionallyAddThingy(DisposableClass disposableInst, string thingInfo string contextUrl)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thingInfo))
Thing thing = new Thing(thingInfo);
Uri uri = new Uri(contextUrl);
thing.Uri = uri;
ThingCollection collection = new ThingCollection();
disposabeInst.ExecuteWebRequestEventHandler += delegate (object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
eventArgs.ThingCollection = collection;
Is there something about creating the Thing or ThingCollection, or adding the event receiver in the static method that makes those things static themselves, so that the next time through, I'm not really creating new ones but reusing the ones from the last time the method executed?
I don't understand how an error condition in a previous (and disposed of) instance of an object can affect a new instance of the object that may not necessarily meet the conditions for causing the error.
Using NopCommerce 3.8, Visual Studio 2015 proff.
I have created a plugin that is responsible for making restful calls to my Web API that exposes a different DB to that of Nop.
The process is run via a nop Task, it successfully pulls the data back and i can step through and manipulate as i see fit, no issues so far.
Issue comes when i try to update a record on the product table, i perform the update... but nothing happens no change, no error.
I believe this is due to the Context having no idea about my newly instantiated product object, however I'm drawing a blank on what i need to do in relation to my particular example.
Similar questions usually reference a "model" object that is part of the parameter of the method call, "model" has the method ToEntity which seems to be the answer in similar question in stack.
However my example doesn't have the ToEntity class/method possibly because my parameter is actually a list of products. To Clarify here my code.
Method in RestClient.cs
public async Task<List<T>> GetAsync()
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var json = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(ApiControllerURL);
var taskModels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<T>>(json);
return taskModels;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
Method in my Service Class
public async Task<List<MWProduct>> GetProductsAsync()
RestClient<MWProduct> restClient = new RestClient<MWProduct>(ApiConst.Products);
var productsList = await restClient.GetAsync();
InsertSyncProd(productsList.Select(x => x).ToList());
return productsList;
private void InsertSyncProd(List<MWProduct> inserted)
var model = inserted.Select(x =>
switch (x.AD_Action)
case "I":
case "U":
Then the method to bind and update
private void UpdateSyncProd(List<MWProduct> inserted)
var me = inserted.Select(x =>
var productEnt = _productRepos.Table.FirstOrDefault(ent => ent.Sku == x.Sku.ToString());
if(productEnt != null)
productEnt.Sku = x.Sku.ToString();
productEnt.ShortDescription = x.ShortDescription;
productEnt.FullDescription = x.FullDescription;
productEnt.Name = x.Name;
productEnt.Height = x.Pd_height != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_height) : 0;
productEnt.Width = x.Pd_width != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_width) : 0;
productEnt.Length = x.Pd_depth != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_depth) : 0;
productEnt.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
//TODO: set to entity so context nows and can update
return productEnt;
So as you can see, I get the data and pass data through to certain method based on a result. From that list in the method I iterate over, and pull the the entity from the table, then update via the product service using that manipulated entity.
So what am I missing here, I'm sure its 1 step, and i think it may be either be because 1) The context still has no idea about the entity in question, or 2) Its Incorrect calls.
Update is not updating, possibly due to context having no knowledge OR my methodology is wrong. (probably both).
I added some logger.inertlog all around my service, it runs through fine, all to the point of the call of update. But again I check the product and nothing has changed in the admin section.
I have provided the full source as i think maybe this has something to do with the rest of the code setup possibly?
Added the following for testin on my execute method.
var myprod = _productRepos.GetById(4852);
myprod.ShortDescription = "db test";
This successfully updates the product description. I moved my methods from my service into the task class but still no luck. The more i look at it the more im thinking that my async is killing off the db context somehow.
Turned of async and bound the getbyid to a new product, also removed the lambda for the switch and changed it to a foreach loop. Seems to finally update the results.
Cannot confirm if async is the culprit, currently the web api seems to be returning the same result even though the data has changed (some wierd caching by deafult in .net core? ) so im creating a new question for that.
UPDATE: It appears that the issue stems from poor debugging of async. Each instance I am trying to iterate over an await call, simply put im trying to iterate over a collection that technically may or may not be completed yet. And probably due to poor debugging, I was not aware.
So answer await your collection Then iterate after.
currently i am working with Awsomnium 1.7 in the C# environment.
I'm just using the Core and trying to define custom post parameters.
Now, i googled a lot and i even posted at the awsomnium forums, but there was no answer.
I understand the concept, but the recent changes just dropped the suggested mechanic and examples.
What i found:
The problem with this is, that the WebView Class does not contain "OnResourceRequest" Event anymore.
So far, i have implemented the IResourceInterceptor and have the "OnRequest"-Function overwritten
public ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request)
is the signature, but i have no chance to reach in there in order to add request headers.
Anyone here any idea? I tried to look in the documentation, but i didn't find anything on that.....
You need to attach your IResourceInterceptor to WebCore, not WebView. Here's a working example:
Resource interceptor:
public class CustomResourceInterceptor : ResourceInterceptor
protected override ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request)
request.Method = "POST";
var bytes = "Appending some text to the request";
request.AppendUploadBytes(bytes, (uint) bytes.Length);
request.AppendExtraHeader("custom-header", "this is a custom header");
return null;
Main application:
public MainWindow()
WebCore.Started += WebCoreOnStarted;
private void WebCoreOnStarted(object sender, CoreStartEventArgs coreStartEventArgs)
var interceptor = new CustomResourceInterceptor();
WebCore.ResourceInterceptor = interceptor;
//webView is a WebControl on my UI, but you should be able to create your own WebView off WebCore
webView.Source = new Uri("");
HotN's answer above is good; in fact, it's what I based my answer on. However, I spent a week searching for this information and putting together something that will work. (The answer above has a couple of issues which, at the very least, make it unworkable with v1.7 of Awesomium.) What I was looking for was something that would work right out of the box.
And here is that solution. It needs improvement, but it suits my needs at the moment. I hope this helps someone else.
// CRI.CustomResourceInterceptor
// Author: Garison E Piatt
// Contact: {removed}
// Created: 11/17/14
// Version: 1.0.0
// Apparently, when Awesomium was first created, the programmers did not understand that someone would
// eventually want to post data from the application. So they made it incredibly difficult to upload
// POST parameters to the remote web site. We have to jump through hoops to get that done.
// This module provides that hoop-jumping in a simple-to-understand fashion. We hope. It overrides
// the current resource interceptor (if any), replacing both the OnRequest and OnFilterNavigation
// methods (we aren't using the latter yet).
// It also provides settable parameters. Once this module is attached to the WebCore, it is *always*
// attached; therefore, we can simply change the parameters before posting to the web site.
// File uploads are currently unhandled, and, once handled, will probably only upload one file. We
// will deal with that issue later.
// To incoroprate this into your application, follow these steps:
// 1. Add this file to your project. You know how to do that.
// 2. Edit your MainWindow.cs file.
// a. At the top, add:
// using CRI;
// b. inside the main class declaration, near the top, add:
// private CustomResourceInterceptor cri;
// c. In the MainWindow method, add:
// WebCore.Started += OnWebCoreOnStarted;
// cri = new CustomResourceInterceptor();
// and (set *before* you set the Source value for the Web Control):
// cri.Enabled = true;
// cri.Parameters = String.Format("login={0}&password={1}", login, pw);
// (Choose your own parameters, but format them like a GET query.)
// d. Add the following method:
// private void OnWebCoreOnStarted(object sender, CoreStartEventArgs coreStartEventArgs) {
// WebCore.ResourceInterceptor = cri;
// }
// 3. Compile your application. It should work.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Awesomium.Core;
using Awesomium.Windows.Controls;
namespace CRI {
//* CustomResourceInterceptor
// This object replaces the standard Resource Interceptor (if any; we still don't know) with something
// that allows posting data to the remote web site. It overrides both the OnRequest and OnFilterNavigation
// methods. Public variables allow for run-time configuration.
public class CustomResourceInterceptor : IResourceInterceptor {
// Since the default interceptor remains overridden for the remainder of the session, we need to disable
// the methods herein unless we are actually using them. Note that both methods are disabled by default.
public bool RequestEnabled = false;
public bool FilterEnabled = false;
// These are the parameters we send to the remote site. They are empty by default; another safeguard
// against sending POST data unnecessarily. Currently, both values allow for only one string. POST
// variables can be combined (by the caller) into one string, but this limits us to only one file
// upload at a time. Someday, we will have to fix that. And make it backward-compatible.
public String Parameters = null;
public String FilePath = null;
/** OnRequest
** This ovverrides the default OnRequest method of the standard resource interceptor. It receives
** the resource request object as a parameter.
** It first checks whether or not it is enabled, and returns NULL if not. Next it sees if any
** parameters are defined. If so, it converst them to a byte stream and appends them to the request.
** Currently, files are not handled, but we hope to add that someday.
public ResourceResponse OnRequest(ResourceRequest request) {
// We do nothing at all if we aren't enabled. This is a stopgap that prevents us from sending
// POST data with every request.
if (RequestEnabled == false) return null;
// If the Parameters are defined, convert them to a byte stream and append them to the request.
if (Parameters != null) {
var str = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Parameters);
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(str);
request.AppendUploadBytes(bytes, (uint)bytes.Length);
// If either the parameters or file path are defined, this is a POST request. Someday, we'll
// figure out how to get Awesomium to understand Multipart Form data.
if (Parameters != null || FilePath != null) {
request.Method = "POST";
request.AppendExtraHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //"multipart/form-data");
// Once the data has been appended to the page request, we need to disable this process. Otherwise,
// it will keep adding the data to every request, including those that come from the web site.
RequestEnabled = false;
Parameters = null;
FilePath = null;
return null;
/** OnFilterNavigation
** Not currently used, but needed to keep VisualStudio happy.
public bool OnFilterNavigation(NavigationRequest request) {
return false;
The snippet below is from a Windows 8 store app in c# and xaml.
I have put this code together from variou samples on the web so this may not be the neatest way of doing this. Most of it is from the Grid template supplied in VS2012 and I have hooked up my web api as the source of the data
Please explain the following
When i call the Get method all works fine and i get data back into the xaml view
When i uncomment the Take(10) in the same method i get no data back.
It seems any attempt to put an extension method of a LINQ variety just stops the data being returned and also gives no indication why, it complies fine!
Any help appreciated
public class TeamDataSource
private static TeamDataSource _sampleDataSource = new TeamDataSource();
private ObservableCollection<TeamDataItem> _items = new ObservableCollection<TeamDataItem>();
public ObservableCollection<TeamDataItem> Items
get { return this._items; }
public TeamDataSource()
public static IEnumerable<TeamDataItem> Get()
var thisdata = _sampleDataSource.Items;
return thisdata;//.Take(10);
private async void Initialize()
using (var client = new DataServiceClient())
List<TeamDataItem> list = await client.Download<List<TeamDataItem>>("/teams");
foreach (var i in list.OrderByDescending(t => t.Points).ThenByDescending(t => t.GoalDiff))
TeamDataItem team = i;
Your problem is that Take doesn't immediately enumerate the items. It defers enumeration until either foreach is called on it or GetEnumerator is called on it. In this case the collection it is enumerating is disposed (as soon as the Get content ends) and so when it finally enumerates the items, there are no items anymore. Try adding thisdata.GetEnumerator(); as a line before your return statement.
From here:
This method is implemented by using deferred execution. The immediate
return value is an object that stores all the information that is
required to perform the action. The query represented by this method
is not executed until the object is enumerated either by calling its
GetEnumerator method directly or by using foreach in Visual C# or For
Each in Visual Basic.
Seems it was quite obvious in the end. As I was using aync and await, the call was immediately returning before the data had arrived. Therefore nothing for the Take(4) to work on.
Only problem now is when can i tell the task has completed?
I'm using Microsoft WebTest and want to be able to do something similar to NUnit's Assert.Fail(). The best i have come up with is to throw new webTestException() but this shows in the test results as an Error rather than a Failure.
Other than reflecting on the WebTest to set a private member variable to indicate the failure, is there something I've missed?
EDIT: I have also used the Assert.Fail() method, but this still shows up as an error rather than a failure when used from within WebTest, and the Outcome property is read-only (has no public setter).
EDIT: well now I'm really stumped. I used reflection to set the Outcome property to Failed but the test still passes!
Here's the code that sets the Oucome to failed:
public static class WebTestExtensions
public static void Fail(this WebTest test)
var method = test.GetType().GetMethod("set_Outcome", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
method.Invoke(test, new object[] {Outcome.Fail});
and here's the code that I'm trying to fail:
public override IEnumerator<WebTestRequest> GetRequestEnumerator()
yield return new WebTestRequest("");
Outcome is getting set to Oucome.Fail but apparently the WebTest framework doesn't really use this to determine test pass/fail results.
Set the Outcome property to Fail:
Outcome = Outcome.Fail;
There's also an Assert.Fail() in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework assembly.
The Outcome property will set the public at vsts 2010 :-)
You make a test always fail by adding a validation rule that always fails. For example, you could write a fail validation rule like this:
public class FailValidationRule : ValidationRule
public override void Validate(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
e.IsValid = false;
Then attach the new validation rule you your webtest's ValidateResponse event, like so:
public class CodedWebTest : WebTest
public override IEnumerator<WebTestRequest> GetRequestEnumerator()
WebTestRequest request1 = new WebTestRequest("");
FailValidationRule failValidation = new FailValidationRule();
request1.ValidateResponse += new EventHandler<ValidationEventArgs>(failValidation.Validate);
yield return request1;
A solution that would work in declarative tests (as well as coded) is:
write a Validation Rule that fails when a certain Context Parameter (e.g. 'FAIL') is present in the Context
when you want to trigger the failure, set the Context Parameter and call WebTest.Stop()
add the Validation Rule as a WebTest-level rule (not request-level) so that it runs on all requests
I think that's as concise as it can be done.
First off, I'm working with, but I also tried to set the outcome to fail before finding out it does not work (which brought me here).
I finally managed to do it by just throwing an exception :
Public Overrides Sub PostRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PostRequestEventArgs)
If YourTest = True Then
Throw New WebTestException("My test Failed")
End If
MyBase.PostRequest(sender, e)
End Sub
I know this topic is old but I hope it helps someone anyway :)
Set the value of Outcome in the PostWebTest event handler.