Get any users email - c#

Currently I'm using to get the email for the current user.
string to;
MembershipUser username;
username = Membership.GetUser();
to = username.Email;
However when I try to pass a variable to get another users info I get an error.
Seems that Membership.Getuser() only works for the current user and not for another user.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to get the email of another user. Not the current user.

There is another method Membership.GetUser(string username) which gets a MembershipUser by username.
There is yet another one Membership.GetUser(object providerUserKey) which gets a user by whatever you've configured/coded to be providerUserKey.
Take your pick.


How to set the current users email address in ASP.NET Membership?

im trying to set the current users email from within
Membership.GetUser().Email = txtEmail.Text;
but the next time i read the current users Email it has not changed
i read it like this
The method Membership.GetUser() returns a new user instance. Your first line is changing the Email property, and then proceeds by throwing away that change. Your second line will fetch the user again, with the old user, and update it.
The documentation for Membership.UpdateUser contains an example of updating the email property. It all boils down to passing the same User instance from Membership.GetUser() to Membership.UpdateUser.
// GetUser() without parameter returns the current logged in user.
MembershipUser u = Membership.GetUser();
u.Email = email;
This will cause issues if you have a custom MembershipProvider that uses the email field for identification purposes (and you login with email+password), then the user would still have User.Identity.Name equal to the old email until next login (or they get a new Forms-cookie).
Something like:
MembershipUser u = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);
u.Email = email;
Looks like you aren't feeding in the current user name to get user.

Getting the name of the current user (not the username)

I've read a few posts about getting the name of the current user which use either of the following methods:
This gets the username of teh current logged in user but what I'm wondering about is how to get the name of the user that is logged in?
(thus not the login but the name that is also saved and displayed when you lock the computer)
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
UserPrincipal userPrincipal = UserPrincipal.Current;
String name = userPrincipal.DisplayName;
this code works for me

login control in how to keep information of current user?

login control in how to keep information of current user?
We use session for keep information of current user , but loin control or membership, how to keep current user data?
What is the method؟
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser();
//Get Username of Currently logged in user
string username = currentUser.UserName;
//Get UserId of Currently logged in user
string UserId = currentUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString();
By using above code we can get currently logged user in login control
Here i written much code like from Membership i am getting currently logged in username no need to use MembershipUser event to get currently logged in user we have another simple way to get currently logged in username you just define like this in your page
string userName = Page.User.Identity.Name;

Membership.GetUser() C# .NET

I am trying to use either the UserName or (preferably) the user ID to determine what specific user is logged into my application. My intent, is to limit the amount of content that can be uploaded to my site based on the user. Whenever the user attempts to upload a document, I want to retrieve a count of all the documents they have currently uploaded. As a test run, I just added a label to my form to try and identify the user before writing a query:
// validate user. If they are not authenticated, do not let them upload files
if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || !HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
uploadLabel.Visible = false;
user.Text = Membership.GetUser().UserName; // this line should output the username
mapUpload.Visible = false;
uploadButton.Visible = false;
I know the authentication logic works, because all other fields are not visible when logged in. Additionally, Membership.GetUser().UserName only has a value when the user IsAuthenticated; else, I get a null pointer exception. If the code is called, then Membership.GetUser().UserName appears to be setting the label to an empty text string.
Is there another way to get information for the current logged in user? As mentioned, my ultimate goal is be able to write a query with the information:
SELECT COUNT(DocumentID) FROM Documents WHERE UserID=#UserID
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
No need to use MembershipUser event to get currently logged in user we have another simple way to get currently logged in username you just define like this in your page
string userName = Page.User.Identity.Name;
Can't you replace
user.Text = Membership.GetUser().UserName;
user.Text= User.Identity.Name

WebMatrix.WebData.WebSecurity - How can I get UserName by only having PasswordResetToken

I just wanted to ask for help to get my scenario work? I want to get the UserName using a PasswordResetToken.
This is my scenario.
I have a forgot password feature in my website that would send a passwordresettoken email a change password to the user.
I wanted to send just the passwordresettoken string only.
When the user clicks the link. I will just query the request["token"] to get the username and and then will allow the user to change password and autologin.
this is my code below:
public ActionResult ChangePassword()
ChangePasswordModel model = new ChangePasswordModel();
string token=string.Empty;
token = Request["token"].ToString();
int userId = WebSecurity.GetUserIdFromPasswordResetToken(token);
if (userId > 0)
//Get the user object by (userid)
throw new Exception("The change password token has expired. Please go to login page and click forgot password again.");
model.HasError = true;
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The change password token has expired. Please go to login page and click forgot password again.");
return View(model);
Thank you in advance.
Look at the remark at the end of this article: WebSecurity.GeneratePasswordResetToken Method.
I'll copy the relevant part for your convenience:
If users have forgotten their password, they can request a new one. To
provide a new password, do the following:
Create a password-reset page that has a field where users can enter their email address.
When a user has entered his or her email address in the password-reset page, verify that the email address represents a valid
user. If it does, generate a password reset token by calling the
GeneratePasswordResetToken(String, Int32) method.
Create a hyperlink that points to a confirmation page in your site and that includes the token as a query-string parameter in the link's
Send the link to a user in an email message. When the user receives the email message, he or she can click the link to invoke the
confirmation page.
Create a confirmation page that extracts the token from the URL parameter and that lets the user enter a new password.
When the user submits the new password, call the ResetPassword(String, String) method and pass the password reset token
and the new password. If the token is valid, the password will be
reset. If the token is not valid (for example, it has expired),
display an error message.
Highlighting is mine. Basically you do not need the user name. The framework does all the heavy lifting for you.
Addressing your comment, I would not recommend automatically logging the user in. It's a good practice for them to log manually to check that this password changing thingie has actually worked, and not to discover that it did not only next time around.
Anyway, you can do this:
SimpleMembershipProvider provider = (SimpleMembershipProvider)Membership.Provider;
string username = provider.GetUserNameFromId(userId);
Reference: GetUserNameFromId.
I think the WebSecurity.GetUserIdFromPasswordResetToken(string token) method do what you want.
More info here.
Sorry but I didn't saw that you were already using that method... So if you want get the username and you are using code first migrations of Entity Framework, you can get the username with the following LINQ expression:
string username = yourDbContext.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(up=>up.UserId == userId).Username;
