Performing an effcient upsert in mongodb - c#

I have the following C# model class:
public class Thingy
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public DateTime TimeCreated { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public string UUID { get; set; }
and the following ASP.MVC controller action:
public ActionResult Create(Thingy thing)
var query = Query.EQ("UUID", thing.UUID);
var update = Update.Set("Title", thing.Title)
.Set("Content", thing.Content);
var t = _collection.Update(query, update, SafeMode.True);
if (t.UpdatedExisting == false)
thing.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now;
thing.UUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var t = _collection.FindOne(query);
if (t == null)
thing.TimeCreated = DateTime.Now;
thing.UUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
_collection.Update(query, update);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
This method either does an update or insert. If it needs to do an insert, it must set the UUID and TimeCreated members. If it needs to do an update, it must leave UUID and TimeCreated alone, but must update the members Title and Content.
The code that's commented out works, but does not seem to be most efficient. When it calls FindOne, that is one trip to mongodb. Then if it goes to the else clause, it does another query and an update operation, so that's 2 more trips to mongodb.
What is a more efficient way to do what I'm trying to accomplish?

As mentioned in the linked SO answer, for upserts to work, you need to update the entire document, not just a few properties.
Personally I would separate the Create and Edit into separate MVC actions. SRP. Creating a Thingy has different considerations from updating it.
If you still want to do an upsert instead of separate insert/update calls, you will need to use the following code:
Query.EQ("UUID", thing.UUID),
The question now becomes, how do we ensure the thing has the appropriate values for both cases, ie insert as well as update.
My assumption is (based on your code model binding to a Thingy instance), your view is sending back all fields (including UUID and TimeCreated). Which implies, in case of an update, the view already has the values pre-populated for UUID and TimeCreated. So in the case of a Thingy being updated, the thing object has the latest values.
Now in case of an create, when the view is rendered, you could store DateTime.MinValue for the TimeCreated field. In your Create MVC action, you could check if TimeCreated is DateTime.MinValue, then set it to current time and also store a new value for UUID.
This way, in the case of a insert as well, the thing has the latest values. We can thus safely do an Upsert.

I take this approach when doing upserts for Mongo from the controller
public ActionResult Create(Thingy model)
var thing = _collection.FindOneAs<Thingy>(Query.EQ("UUID", model.UUID));
if(thing == null)
thing = new Thingy{
TimeCreated = DateTime.Now,
UUID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId()
thing.Content = model.Content;
//other updates here
return View();


.NET Core API - Updating all fields while updating with DTO object

I created a .NET Core API project as below. Everything works very well. But when I send a small JSON file, the null fields in the DTO are reflected in the database. So how can I update only the submitted fields?
When I send only the name field in the JSON object, it updates all the other fields, how can I do this in SaveChangesAsync in the DataContext?
When I send only the name field in the JSON object, it records all the fields as null. How can I prevent this? In other words, only the sent data should be updated, and the others should be recorded with their original values. Is there any way I can achieve this within the dbcontext object?
I am sending a JSON like here, but because the description field is empty inside the JSON object, it is changed to null in the database.
"id": 2,
"name": "test"
CompanyController, I am sending the JSON object via the body:
public async Task<IActionResult> Update([FromBody] CompanyUpdateDto updateCompany)
await _service.UpdateAsync(_mapper.Map<Company>(updateCompany));
return CreateActionResult(CustomResponseDto<CompanyUpdateDto>.Success(204));
I am sending my updatedDto object, sometimes name, and description fields, sometimes just the name field.
public class CompanyUpdateDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? Description { get; set; }
public DateTime? UpdatedDate { get; set; }
public class Company
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? Description { get; set; }
public DateTime? CreatedDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? UpdatedDate { get; set; }
public override Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
foreach (var item in ChangeTracker.Entries())
if (item.Entity is BaseEntity entityReference)
switch (item.State)
case EntityState.Added:
entityReference.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
case EntityState.Modified:
Entry(entityReference).Property(x => x.CreatedDate).IsModified = false;
return base.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
With AutoMapper, you can define a rule that only map from the source member to the destination member if the source member is not null via .Condition().
You may refer to the example in here.
CreateMap<CompanyUpdateDto, Company>()
.ForAllMembers(opt => opt.Condition((src, dest, value) => value != null));
Demo # .NET Fiddle
A concern is that you need to fetch the existing entity and map it with the received object to be updated as below:
public async Task<IActionResult> Update([FromBody] CompanyUpdateDto updateCompany)
// Get existing entity by id (Example)
var _company = await _service.GetAsync(updateCompany.Id);
// Map source to destination
_mapper.Map<CompanyUpdateDto, Company>(updateCompany, _company);
await _service.UpdateAsync(_company);
return CreateActionResult(CustomResponseDto<CompanyUpdateDto>.Success(204));
You can also ignore null values during serialization:
var company = new CompanyUpdateDto();
company.Description = "New description";
JsonSerializerOptions options = new()
DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(company,options);
You will have to make design decisions here for your API update operation.
Get and Put the objects in full.
When retrieving an object, your Get operation must return the object in full detail. Then, when any fields change, the client will send the object back in full to the Put endpoint. In this way, you will keep the values for all fields.
However, in some cases, you only want to expose a subset of the fields and leave some of the fields untouched or updated by the system. In those cases, you will have to retrieve the object from the database by some identifier and then assign the fields from the incoming object.
Use JSON Patch
You will have a Patch endpoint for the resource. In the request body, you specify what operation for the object and which field has changed. When receiving the request, you will apply the changes based on the operation and fields in the request body.
The downside for the second option is that your client must follow the JSON Patch standards.

How to save/pass MongoDB UpdateDefinition for logging and later use?

I am stumped on how to save/pass MongoDB UpdateDefinition for logging and later use
I have created general functions for MongoDB in Azure use on a collection for get, insert, delete, update that work well.
The purpose is to be able to have a standard, pre-configured way to interact with the collection. For update especially, the goal is to be able to flexibly pass in an appropriate UpdateDefinition where that business logic is done elsewhere and passed in.
I can create/update/set/combine the UpdateDefinition itself, but when i try to log it by serializing it, it shows null:
When I try to log it, save it to another a class or pass it to another function it displays null:
public class Account
public int AccountId { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
var updateBuilder = Builders<Account>.Update;
var updates = new List<UpdateDefinition<Account>>();
//just using one update here for brevity - purpose is there could be 1:many depending on fields updated
updates.Add(updateBuilder.Set(a => a.Email, email));
//Once all the logic and field update determinations are made
var updateDef = updateBuilder.Combine(updates);
//The updateDef does not serialize to string, it displays null when logging.
_logger.LogInformation("{0} - Update Definition: {1}", actionName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateDef));
//Class Created for passing the Account Update Information for Use by update function
public class AccountUpdateInfo
public int AccountId { get; set; }
public UpdateDefinition<Account> UpdateDef { get; set; }
var acct = new AccountUpdateInfo();
acctInfo.UpdateDef = updateDef
//This also logs a null value for the Update Definition field when the class is serialized.
_logger.LogInformation("{0} - AccountUpdateInfo: {1}", actionName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(acct));
Any thoughts or ideas on what is happening? I am stumped on why I cannot serialize for logging or pass the value in a class around like I would expect
give this a try:
var json = updateDef.Render(
and to turn a json string back to an update definition (using implicit operator), you can do:
UpdateDefinition<Account> updateDef = json;
this is off the top of my head and untested. the only thing i'm unsure of (without an IDE) is the .Document.ToString() part above.

Best way to send multiple email types in ASP.NET MVC

Hi there to the good friends of SO!
This is more of a design question so I'll get into a detailed example.
Let me explain the way we're sending emails.
In various parts of the application, we create entries in our Notification table for different kinds of email we might have to send.
For eg: The NotificationQueue table looks like this:
NotificationQueueID OrderID EmailType Notes SentDatetime
1 461196 OrderUpdate SomeNote1 2020-09-01 14:45:13.153
2 461194 OrderCancellation SomeNote2 2020-09-01 14:45:13.153
It's accessed using the property in the DbContext as:
public DbSet<NotificationQueue> NotificationQueues { get; set; }
The different types of email is modeled in an enum:
public enum TypeOfEmail
We have a EmailModel class that has a TicketsInNotificationQueue property that has a list of any of the email types we have. For eg: At any given time, it can have list of either UpdatedTickets or CancelledTickets. The email type says what type of tickets are in the TicketsInNotificationQueue property.
public class EmailModel
public EmailModel(TypeOfEmail emailType, TicketsInNotificationQueue ticketsInNotificationQueue)
EmailType = emailType;
TicketsInNotificationQueue = ticketsInNotificationQueue;
public TypeOfEmail EmailType { get; set; }
public TicketsInNotificationQueue TicketsInNotificationQueue { get; set; }
public class TicketsInNotificationQueue
public List<OrderCancellation> CancelledTickets { get; set; }
public List<OrderUpdate> UpdatedTickets { get; set; }
public class OrderCancellation : CommonOrderInformation
public string SomeOrderId { get; set; }
public class OrderUpdate: CommonOrderInformation
public string SomeUpdateRelatedProperty { get; set; }
public class CommonOrderInformation
public int NotificationQueueId { get; set; }
public string ReferenceNumber { get; set; }
There's a method that retrieves tickets from Notification table:
public async Task<TicketsInNotificationQueue> GetTicketsfromNotificationQueueAsync(TypeOfEmail emailType)
var ticketsInNotificationQueue = new TicketsInNotificationQueue();
using (var dbCon = GetSomeDbContext())
var notifications = dbCon.NotificationQueues.Where(x => x.EmailType == emailType.ToString()).ToList();
foreach (var ntf in notifications)
if (ntf.EmailType == TypeOfEmail.OrderCancellation.ToString())
if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets == null)
ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets = new List<OrderCancellation>();
ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets.Add(new OrderCancellation()
NotificationQueueId = ntf.NotificationQueueID,
ReferenceNumber = ntf.OrderID,
SomeOrderId = "Something from a table."
else if (ntf.EmailType == TypeOfEmail.OrderUpdate.ToString())
if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets == null)
ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets = new List<OrderUpdate>();
var notes = dbCon.NotificationQueues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NotificationQueueID == ntf.NotificationQueueID)?.Notes;
ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets.Add(new OrderUpdate()
NotificationQueueId = ntf.NotificationQueueID,
ReferenceNumber = ntf.OrderID,
SomeUpdateRelatedProperty = "Something from a table."
return ticketsInNotificationQueue;
Now I just take this list, and filter out the notificationIds for the type of tickets that I just received, and work on them down the line. (I need those notificationIds to set the SentDatetime after the notification has been sent).
var ticketsReceived = false;
notificationIds = new List<int>();
if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets != null && ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets.Any())
ticketsReceived = true;
notificationIds = ticketsInNotificationQueue.CancelledTickets.Select(x => x.NotificationQueueId).ToList();
else if (ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets != null && ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets.Any())
ticketsReceived = true;
notificationIds = ticketsInNotificationQueue.UpdatedTickets.Select(x => x.NotificationQueueId).ToList();
if (ticketsReceived)
// Proceed with the process of sending the email, and setting the `SentDateTime`
The problem I see here is that as the type of emails grows bigger, let's say 10-20, the method to retrieve tickets and filter them out later needs to grow so big that it's going to spin out of control in terms of readability and code manageability which I'm not liking at all. The part where I need to check what emailType is requested in the fetch and what emailType has been received(to get the corresponding notificationIds for SentDateTime update).
So is there some other way to design this workflow (I'm even open to using reflection and such) to make it more manageable and concise?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is significant improvements that you can make to the existing system and the existing code. In the interest of having a more complete answer I'm going to recommend a not-too-expensive system overhaul and then proceed to your exact answer.
A different and industry standard approach
You already have the data structure correct, this is a perfect job for distributed persistent queues, where you don't need to worry about querying the database as much; instead you just enqueue the messages and have a processor that deals with them. Since you're using C# and .net, I strongly encourage you to check out Azure Service Bus. This is effectively a large queue where you can send messages (in your case send email requests) and you can enqueue your messages to different channels in the service bus depending on their type.
You could also look into creating a queue processor / which Azure Functions have a trigger out of the box. Once your email is sent, then you can write to your DB, we've sent this email.
So, the good design looks like
Have distributed persistent queues, channels / enqueue the email requests to them directly.
If you want to process them at a cadence, run your processor using cron - which most industry solutions support.
If you want to process them as they are ending up in the queue, use a trigger.
You can enrich your processor based on your scenario, it looks like it has something to do with orders, so you may need to handle cases like not sending an already queued email after an order in cancelled, etc..
Improving what you have
Due to some circumstances, the solution above might not be available to you - so let's get to it.
See how to refactor switch statements (since you have one with if / else ifs)
Ways to eliminate switch in code
You could get this through polymorphism, just create a base mail type and override the behaviors in subclasses. This way you can associate the correct queue with the correct email type.
var results = await getSomeEmails(OrderMail);
// returns a separate processor inherited from the base one, implemented in different ways.
var processor = ProcessorFactory.Create(OrderMail);
await processor.Send(results);
Some more improvements
foreach (var ntf in notifications)
if (ntf.EmailType == TypeOfEmail.OrderCancellation.ToString())
You are checking the email type over and over again unnecessarily in this loop, you should look into moving those statements above the for and check through the passed-in parameter, since you already know the type you're querying for.
Thank you for the answer #Mavi Domates.
But this is what I ended up doing:
I modified the EmailModel's TicketsInNotificationQueue property so that instead of having different types of classes for different types of email, we just have one type of common class. This will avoid having us to put those checks for checking what kind of email was requested in the fetch logic and also to retrieve notification Ids down the line (to update SentDateTime after email is sent) as indicated in the original question.
public class EmailModel
public EmailModel(TypeOfEmail emailType, IEnumerable<CommonEmailModel> ticketsInNotificationQueue)
EmailType = emailType;
TicketsInNotificationQueue = ticketsInNotificationQueue;
public TypeOfEmail EmailType { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<CommonEmailModel> TicketsInNotificationQueue { get; set; }
public enum TypeOfEmail
I added a new class called: CommonEmailModel and removed all those different email type classes (classes for OrderCancellation, OrderUpdate etc.).
public class CommonEmailModel
// Common to all email types. A lot of email types only need these first 4 properties
public string EmailType { get; set; }
public int NotificationQueueId { get; set; }
public string OrderId { get; set; }
public string Notes { get; set; }
// Cancellation related
public string SomeOrderId { get; set; }
// Update related
public string SomeUpdateRelatedProperty { get; set; }
public static async Task<IEnumerable<CommonEmailModel>> GetEmailBodyRecordsAsync(TypeOfEmail emailType)
var emailModels = new List<CommonEmailModel>();
var emailEntries = await EmailNotificationQueue.GetEmailEntriesAsync(emailType);
var relevantOrdIds = emailEntries.Select(x => x.OrderID).Distinct().ToList();
using (var dbCon = GetSomeDbContext())
orders = dbCon.Orders.Where(x => relevantOrdIds.Contains(x.OrdNumber)).ToList();
foreach (var record in emailEntries)
var emailModel = new CommonEmailModel
EmailType = emailType,
NotificationQueueId = record.NotificationQueueID,
OrderId = record.OrderID,
Notes = record.Notes,
SomeOrderId = orders?.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrdNumber == record.OrderID)?.SomeOrderIdINeed,
SomeUpdateRelatedProperty = orders?.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrdNumber == record.OrderID)?.UpdateRelatedPropertyINeed
return emailModels;
I just get the records the following way:
var emailRecords = await CommonEmailModel.GetEmailBodyRecordsAsync(emailType);
And simply pass this to EmailModel constructor as the ticketsInNotificationQueue parameter. No need to do all that extra check of figuring out if records of certain emailType was requested. The views for OrderCancellation and OrderUpdate will use the common properties and their respective relevant properties that are present in the CommonEmailModel class.
if (emailRecords.Any())
var emailModel = new EmailModel(emailType, emailRecords);
Now all I have to do is pass the notification Ids to a method that marks the SentDateTime column with the current timestamp by simply calling:
if (emailWasSent)
await UpdateNotificationSentTimeAsync(emailRecords.Select(t => t.NotificationQueueId));
In the future if we keep on adding new emailType (most probably they'll carry the information in those 4 first common properties in CommonEmailModel), we can simply add new properties to the CommonEmailModel to accommodate that and just create a new view. This way I can avoid code repetition and complexity in the fetch and also at the end while updating the SentDateTime.

Using Contains() in a Realm query

Let's say we have a realm results taken with
Then I want to do some search over those results using not yet supported techniques, like StartsWith on a function return or on a property which is not mapped in realm etc, so I get a subset
IEnumerable<Entry> subset = bgHaystack;
var results = subset.Where(entry => entry.Content.ToLower().StartsWith(needle));
To get somehow these as part of RealmResults, I extract the entry ids like this:
List<int> Ids = new List<int>();
foreach (Entry entry in entries)
return Ids;
and finally I want to return a subset of RealmResults (not IEnumerable) of only those Entries that contain those ids, how can I do that? IDE says the Contains method is not supported.
Can I use some kind of predicate or a comparer for that?
Entry is my model class
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using Realms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System;
namespace Data.Models
public class Entry : RealmObject
public class EntryType
public const byte Word = 1;
public const byte Phrase = 2;
public const byte Text = 3;
public int Id { get; set; }
public int UserId { get; set; }
public int SourceId { get; set; }
public byte Type { get; set; }
public int Rate { get; set; }
public string CreatedAt { get; set; }
public string UpdatedAt { get; set; }
public Phrase Phrase { get; set; }
public Word Word { get; set; }
public Text Text { get; set; }
public IList<Translation> Translations { get; }
public string Content
get {
switch (Type)
case EntryType.Phrase:
return Phrase?.Content;
case EntryType.Word:
return Word?.Content;
case EntryType.Text:
return Text?.Content;
return "";
According to the documentation, Realm .NET supports LINQ, so that's promising. In your specific example, you indicate that StartsWith isn't supported, but I see that on the above page, specifically here.
Now, your example makes clear that Entry is a RealmObject, so it's not clear where you'd possibly get a RealmResult from (nor does their documentation on that page mention a RealmResult). Specifically, the home page indicates that you're really only going to ever work with Realm, RealmObject and Transaction, so I'm going to just assume that you meant that you'll need a resulting RealmObject per their examples.
The way you presently have your data object set up, you're rather stuck calling it like you are (though if I could make a recommendation to simplify it a little bit:
var entries = RealmDb.All<Entry>().ToList();
var results = entries.Where(entry => entry.Content.ToLower().StartsWith(needle));
var ids = results.Select(a => a.Id).ToList();
Now, your big issue with just combining the filter predicate in line 2 with the end of line 1: Content itself is marked with a [NotMapped] attribute. Per the documentation again:
As a general rule, you can only create predicates with conditions that
rely on data in Realm. Imagine a class
class Person : RealmObject
// Persisted properties
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
// Non-persisted property
public string FullName => FirstName + " " + LastName;
Given this class, you can create queries with conditions that apply to
the FirstName and LastName properties but not to the FullName
property. Likewise, properties with the [Ignored] attribute cannot be
Because you're using [NotMapped], I've got to believe that's going to behave similarly to [Ignored] and further, because it's just a computed value, it's not something that Realm is going to be able to process as part of the query - it simply doesn't know it because you didn't map it to the information Realm is storing. Rather, you'll have to compute the Content property when you've actually got the instances of your Entry objects to enumerate through.
Similarly, I expect you'll have issues pulling values from Phrase, Word and Text since they're also not mapped, and thus not stored in the record within Realm (unless you're populating those in code you didn't post before executing your Where filter).
As such, you might instead consider storing separate records as a PhraseEntry, WordEntry, and TextEntry so you can indeed perform exactly that filter and execute it on Realm. What if you instead used the following?
public class Entry : RealmObject
public int Id { get; set; }
public int UserId { get; set; }
public int SourceId { get; set; }
public int Rate { get; set; }
public string CreatedAt { get; set; }
public string UpdatedAt { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public IList<Translation> Translations { get; }
public class WordEntry : Entry
public class PhraseEntry : Entry
public class TextEntry : Entry
And now, you can offload the filtering to Realm:
var wordEntries = RealmDb.All<WordEntry>.Where(entry =>
entry.Content.StartsWith(needle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
var phraseEntries = RealmDb.All<PhraseEntry>.Where(entry => entry.Content.StartsWith(needle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
var textEntries = RealmDb.All<TextEntry>.Where(entry => entry.Content.StartsWith(needle, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
var entries = new List<Entry>();
var ids = entries.Select(entry => entry.Id).ToList();
It's not quite as brief as storing it all in one table, but I'm not immediately seeing any Realm documentation that indicates support for executing the same query against multiple tables simultaneously, so at least this would allow you to leave the filtering to the database and work against a more limited subset of values locally.
Finally, so we have all that and I missed your final question up top. You indicate that you want to return a subset of your entries based on some collection of ids you create. In the logic you provide, you're retrieving all the Id properties in all your results, so there's really no further subset to pull.
That said, let's assume you have a separate list of ids that for whatever complicated reason, you were only able to derive after retrieving the list of Entry types from above (themselves all PhraseEntry, WordEntry or TextEntry objects).
At this point, since you've already pulled all the values from Realm and have them locally, just execute another Where statement against them. Because a List implements IEnumerable, you can thus execute the LINQ locally without any of the Realm restrictions:
var myLimitedIdSet = new List<int>()
10, 15, 20, 25 //Really complicated logic to narrow these down locally
var resultingEntries = entries.Where(entry => myLimitedIdSet.Contains(entry.Id)).ToList();
And you're set. You'll have only those entries that match the IDs listed in myLimitedIdSet.
Edit to address comment
You see this error because of the detail provided at the top of this page in the documentation. Specifically (and adapting to your code):
The first statement gives you a new instance of Entry of a class that implements IQueryable... This is standard LINQ implementation - you get an object representing the query. The query doesn't do anything until you made a further call that needs to iterate or count the results.
Your error is then derived by taking the result from RealmDb.All<Entry>() and trying to cast it to an IEnumerable<Entry> to operate against it as though you have local data. Until you call ToList() onRealmDb.All` you simply have a LINQ representation of what the call will be, not the data itself. As such, when you further refine your results with a Where statement, you're actually adding that to a narrowed version of the IQueryable statement, which will also fail because you lack the appropriate mapping in the Realm dataset.
To skip the optimization I provided above, the following should resolve your issue here:
var bgHaystack = realm.All<Entry>().ToList(); //Now you have local data
var results = bgHaystack.Where(entry => entry.Content.ToLower().StartsWith(needle));
Unfortunately, given your provided code, I don't expect that you'll see any matches here unless needle is an empty string. Not only is your Content property not part of the Realm data and you thus cannot filter on it within Realm, but neither are your Phrase, Word or Text properties mapped either. As a result, you will only ever see an empty string when getting your Content value.
You can further refine the results variable above to yield only those instances with a provided ID as you see fit with normal LINQ (as again, you'll have pulled the data from Realm in the first line).
var limitedIds = new List<int>{10, 20, 30};
var resultsLimitedById = results.Select(a => limitedIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList();
I've updated my examples above to reflect the use of ToList() in the appropriate places as well.

Problem with repository creation in C# and ADO.NET entities

I'm building this app at night after work and have been struggling with this design problem for a week or two now.
I'm building a program that has 44 different types of entries and requires the ability to create a custom type.
Because users might change the fields in a particular type of entry and/or define their own, my first approach of generating an Entity class for each type of entry doesn't seem workable. If users change any of the fields or their version of the schema (subject to validation, of course) then my classes wouldn't really reflect that.
Even if did not allow users to change fields, I want to make sure that data schema changes do not create problems for current data.
In order to build a schema capable of all of this, I have done the following:
id fieldName
fieldDataType (linked by foreign key to dtype)
fieldID (linked by foreign key to field)
entryID (linked by foreign key to id field of entries)
ol>id int
typeid (linked by foreign key to id of types)
Well, the schema is very denormalized but difficult to work with in ASP.NET MVC.
My second crack at it involved making a class with typed properties to store whichever datatype the entry happened to be.
Custom Class for domain level
public class entry
public List dataList = new List();
public entry(int id)
kleraDataContext s = new kleraDataContext();
var dataSet = s.dataStores.Where(c => c.citationID == id);
foreach (dataStore y in dataSet)
dataBlob tempd = new dataBlob();
//We get the data type id
var temp = s.fields.Where(c => == y.fieldID).First();
//Get the fieldname and store the data type id for later
tempd.fieldname = temp.fieldName;
tempd.dataType = temp.dtype.dataType;
switch (tempd.dataType)
case "String":
tempd.dString = y.dataString;
case "Text":
tempd.dString = y.dataText;
public class dataBlob
private string _dString;
private DateTime _dDate;
private int _dInt;
private double _dDouble;
private object _data;
private string _fieldname;
private string _dataType;
public string dataType
return _dataType;
_dataType = value;
public object data
return _data;
public string dString
return _dString;
_dString = value;
_data = value;
public string fieldname
return _fieldname;
_fieldname = value;
public DateTime dDate
return _dDate;
_dDate = value;
_data = value;
public double dDouble
return _dDouble;
_dDouble = value;
_data = value;
public int dInt
return _dInt;
_dInt = value;
_data = value;
Note several problems with this.
I'm having trouble getting a generic enough property to store the data regardless of what field type it is in the physical structure. Ideally, data's accessor would just retrieve whatever the datatype happened to be.
I still don't have a good enough way to provide ASP.NET MVC's views with a coherent enough model so that the presentation code does not have to do parsing. Ideally, the view would just get an object with a list of fields and with their corresponding data.
Related to #2, I can't seem to figure out an appropriate way of persisting changes. Writing a query and having it return the fields to the view could be done. Because each field is not a strongly typed accessor, I'm not sure how to persist the change from the view to the model. Naively, I've thought of inserting a key in a hidden span and using a Dictionary object in the controller to map edits/creation.
While I am not exactly sure of your ultimate goal, I may have an option for you. You need a highly dynamic "entity" which will allow your users to create their own data structures. Imperative languages like C# do not lend themselves well to such a thing...and even with a dynamic language, I think you'll likely run into some difficulties. However, XML is an excellent way to represent dynamic data structures in an ad-hoc, runtime-creatable way.
If you are using SQL Server, I recommend you create a simpler type, as depicted below, and store it in a table that uses the 'xml' data type for one of the columns:
public class DynamicEntity
public int ID { get; set; }
public string TypeName { get; set; }
public XDocument DynamicContent { get; set; }
The above entity could be stored in the following table:
CREATE TABLE DynamicEntity
NAME varchar(50) NOT NULL,
DynamicContent xml NULL
Given SQL Server's xml capabilities, you will still be able to query the data in that xml column. Not only that, if you want your users custom structures to be validated against a schema, you could also put that schema in the database and 'type' your xml column against that schema. Using an XML column in SQL Server does come with come caveats, but it might be a simple solution to your otherwise complicated problem.
