Click and Drag to Multiselect Checkboxes in WPF/C# - c#

The problem:
My application requires a user to be able to select multiple entries in a datagrid via a column of checkboxes. The desired behavior is that when you click on a checkbox in the column, it behaves like a normal checkbox, but if you drag over it while the left mouse button is down, its selection state changes to the opposite of what is was before.
What I have tried so far:
I have tried subclassing CheckBox and handling OnMouseEnter, but the first checkbox that is clicked seems to capture the mouse so no other checkboxes fire the OnMouseEnter event.
I have tried implementing a drag-and-drop hack, where the user clicks to select a checkbox, and then drags that checkbox over the others so the others recieve a DragOver event and can switch states. This solution causes the cursor to display as a circle with a slash when not over another checkbox during the drag and drop, which is not acceptable for this application.
What I would like:
I would like a method to implement a checkbox that has the functionality I describe, ideally in a xaml style or subclass that I can reuse, as this functionality is needed in multiple places in my application.
Is there an elegant way to achieve this effect?

I did this in my application, very handy when you have to select, say, 30 checkBoxes.
To do this, i handled the preview mouse event myself : PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown, PreviewMouseMove, PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp.
In PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown : i get the mouse position relative to the control.
In PreviewMouseMove : i draw a rectangle from start to current position if i am far enough from firstPoint. then i iterate in CheckBoxes, see if they intersect with rectangle, and highlight them if so (so the user know whiwh chexboxes will swap)
In PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp : i do the swap for intersecting CheckBoxes.
if it can help you, here's the code i use. it is not MVVM (:-)) but works fine, it might give you ideas. it is an automatic translation from code.
To make it work, you need a Canvas on top of your CheckBoxes (=within the same grid cell for instance), with property IsHitTestVisible="False" .
Within this Canvas, put a Rectangle nammed "SelectionRectangle" with proper fill and stroke, but with 0.0 Opacity.
// '' <summary>
// '' When Left Mouse button is pressed, remember where the mouse move start
// '' </summary>
private void EditedItems_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
StartPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
// '' <summary>
// '' When mouse move, update the highlight of the selected items.
// '' </summary>
private void EditedItems_PreviewMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e) {
if ((StartPoint == null)) {
PointWhereMouseIs = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
Rect SelectedRect = new Rect(StartPoint, PointWhereMouseIs);
if (((SelectedRect.Width < 20)
&& (SelectedRect.Height < 20))) {
// show the rectangle again
Canvas.SetLeft(SelectionRectangle, Math.Min(StartPoint.X, PointWhereMouseIs.X));
Canvas.SetTop(SelectionRectangle, Math.Min(StartPoint.Y, PointWhereMouseIs.Y));
SelectionRectangle.Width = Math.Abs((PointWhereMouseIs.X - StartPoint.X));
SelectionRectangle.Height = Math.Abs((PointWhereMouseIs.Y - StartPoint.Y));
foreach (CheckBox ThisChkBox in EditedItems.Children) {
object rectBounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(ThisChkBox);
Vector vector = VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset(ThisChkBox);
if (rectBounds.IntersectsWith(SelectedRect)) {
((TextBlock)(ThisChkBox.Content)).Background = Brushes.LightGreen;
else {
((TextBlock)(ThisChkBox.Content)).Background = Brushes.Transparent;
// '' <summary>
// '' When Left Mouse button is released, change all CheckBoxes values. (Or do nothing if it is a small move -->
// '' click will be handled in a standard way.)
// '' </summary>
private void EditedItems_PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
PointWhereMouseIs = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
Rect SelectedRect = new Rect(StartPoint, PointWhereMouseIs);
StartPoint = null;
SelectionRectangle.Opacity = 0;
// hide the rectangle again
if (((SelectedRect.Width < 20)
&& (SelectedRect.Height < 20))) {
foreach (CheckBox ThisEditedItem in EditedItems.Children) {
object rectBounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(ThisEditedItem);
Vector vector = VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset(ThisEditedItem);
if (rectBounds.IntersectsWith(SelectedRect)) {
ThisEditedItem.IsChecked = !ThisEditedItem.IsChecked;
((TextBlock)(ThisEditedItem.Content)).Background = Brushes.Transparent;
Edit : i used that code within a user control. This control takes a list of booleans and a list of strings (caption) as argument, and builds (with a WrapPanel) an array of CheckBoxes having the right caption. And so you can select/unselect with the rectangle, and there are also two buttons to check all/uncheck all. I tried also to keep good column/rows ratio to handle selection of 7 to 200 booleans with a good column/row balance.

This topic is a few months old but I think I have the elegant answer you are looking for.
Since you describe dragging and checking as two separate behaviors, first set your datagrid MouseDown handler...
yourdatagrid.MouseDown += DragCheck_MouseDownHandler;
This will allow a drag start from the datagrid background (but not a control in the grid.)
private void DragCheck_MouseDownHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) return;
Control dgrid = sender as Control;
foreach (CheckBox box in dgrid.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>())
box.Tag = null;
dgrid.MouseMove += DragMove_MouseMoveHandler;
This uses the checkbox.Tag as a toggle for one pass only dragging while the mouse is down. If you use the CheckBox tags for something else I am sure you can find your own way to identify the boxes. The datagrid.MouseMove is set for the next handler....
private void DragMove_MouseMoveHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Control dgrid = sender as Control;
Point now = dgrid.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
Control under = dgrid.GetChildAtPoint(now);
if (under != null && under.GetType() == typeof(CheckBox))
//if the point has a valid CheckBox control under it
CheckBox box = under as CheckBox;
if (box.Tag == null)// not yet been swiped
box.Checked = !box.Checked;
box.Tag = true;
//if MouseButtons no longer registers as left
//remove the handler
dgrid.MouseMove -= DragMove_MouseMoveHandler;


CurrentRow in Data Grid giving first row after Selecting differant Row

I have a C# project (VS 2017) that uses a Data Grid View to show data in an object list. Using a contextMenuStrip I want to be able to right click on a row and be able to remove it from the datagridview and the underlying datasource.
I have the contextMenuStrip set in the Properties of the Datagridview with one item with the following to methods to handle the events.
private void dgv_Test_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
var hti = dgv_Test.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
dgv_Test.Rows[hti.RowIndex].Selected = true;
private void cms_DGV_Remove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Content Menu Clicked on Remove Option");
PersonModel temp = (PersonModel)dgv_Test.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem;
string msg = $"The index for the selected Person is {temp.Id}.";
I expect this to sent the current row to the row that is right clicked on. This is not happening as the CurrentRow is staying on the top row. It does work if I first Left click on the row then right click the same row.
The problem you are describing is coming from the cms_DGV_Remove_Click event. When the user right-clicks on the grid, this is NOT going to make the cell/row underneath the cursor the grid’s CurrentRow. Even though the code in the dgv_Test_MouseDown method sets the row to “selected”…. it isn’t necessarily going to be the “current” row. The grids CurrentRow property is read only and you cannot directly set it from your code.
Given this, it is clear that getting the mouse coordinates “in relation to the grid” FROM the context menu will take a little effort since its coordinates are global. You have apparently noticed this from wiring up of the grids MouseDown event. This event makes it easy to capture the mouse position in relation to the grid. Problem is… you are NOT saving this info. By the time the context menu fires, that info is LOST.
Solution: make the DataGridView.HitTest info global. Then, set it every time the user right clicks into the grid. With this global variable set, when the context menu fires it will know which row the cursor is under.
DataGridView.HitTestInfo HT_Info; // <- Global variable
private void dgv_Test_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
HT_Info = dgv_Test.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
if (HT_Info.RowIndex >= 0) {
dgv_Test.Rows[HT_Info.RowIndex].Selected = true;
It does not appear that the posted code is actually removing the row, however below is how the context menu “remove” event may look…
Below should work for a non-data bound grid and also a grid with a data bound DataTable.
private void cms_DGV_Remove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (HT_Info.RowIndex >= 0) {
If you are using a List<T>, the method to remove may look something like below...
private void cms_DGV_Remove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (HT_Info.RowIndex >= 0) {
PersonModel targetPerson = (PersonModel)dgv_Test.Rows[HT_Info.RowIndex].DataBoundItem;
dgv_Test.DataSource = null;
dgv_Test.DataSource = AllPersons;
I am guessing this is the behavior you are looking for. The user right-clicks into the grid, the row under the cursor is selected and the context menu “remove” pops up. The user can either “select” remove to remove the row or click away from the context menu to cancel the remove.
Hope that makes sense.

C# change table row color when mouse hover

I have a table layout panel in my winform, and I want to add an effect to the rows whenever the mouse is hover a row.
I think I need to make a Mouse_over action over the table, and then detect the row number of the table, and then iterate on each cell on the row and change it's back color.
The problem is that I don't know how to get the row number.
Any ideas please?
EDIT: I am adding rows to the table dynamically, I have set of buttons and when I click one it deletes all old rows from the table and adds new rows that are related to this button.
This is the way I add new rows:
tlp.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
tlp.Controls.Add(new Label() { ... }, cellIDX, rowIDX);
// adding more columns //
and to remove old rows I loop through all rows from bottom to top, removes all related controls of current cell, then I remove style and row num like so:
Here is what you can do:
As there actually are no Cells in a TableLayouPanel all you can do is
detect where th mouse is
paint the TLP in the CellPaint event.
Since your TLP most likely will contain controls they also need to detect whether the mouse is on them..
Here is an example:
First a class level variable to store the current row:
int tlpRow = -1;
Next a CellPaint event that can color a row:
private void tableLayoutPanel1_CellPaint(object sender, TableLayoutCellPaintEventArgs e)
if (e.Row == tlpRow)
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(123, 234, 45, 67)))
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, e.CellBounds);
Next we need detection routines. First one for the TLP:
bool testTLP(TableLayoutPanel tlp, Point pt)
var rs = tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles;
var rh = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < rs.Count; i++)
if (pt.Y > rh && pt.Y <= rh + rs[i].Height )
if (tlpRow != i)
tlpRow = i;
return true;
rh += rs[i].Height;
tlpRow = -1;
return false;
It loops over all rows and adds up the heights until it has found the right one. Then it stores the row index and triggers the CellPaint event.
We can use the same routine for the controls:
bool testTLP(TableLayoutPanel tlp)
Point point = tlp.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
return testTLP(tlp, point);
We simply calculate the mouse position relative to the TLP and call the same test.
Note that this test only for 1 level of nesting. If you have deeper nested control you may need to expand on the test somewhat..!
We also need to call the tests; the TLP test can be called in the MouseMove:
private void tableLayoutPanel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
testTLP(tableLayoutPanel1, e.Location);
The controls get hooked up all together maybe like this:
void hookUpControls(TableLayoutPanel tlp)
foreach (Control ctl in tlp.Controls)
ctl.MouseMove += (s, e) => { testTLP(tlp); };
I use the MouseMove event as the MouseEnter sometimes slipped through in my tests..
If you add controls later you need to hook the up as well. Make sure not to hook one up multiple times!
Most likely you want to reset the coloring when leaving the TLP:
private void tableLayoutPanel1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
Point tplPoint = tableLayoutPanel1.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
if (!tableLayoutPanel1.ClientRectangle.Contains(tplPoint)) tlpRow = -1;
Note: when you add Controls dynamically you need to hook the up as well. Here is an example:
Label lbl = new Label() { Text = "newbie" };
lbl.MouseMove += (ss, ee) => { testTLP(tlp, lbl); };
tlp.Controls.Add(lbl, cellIDX, rowIDX);
If you find the coloring flickers you can simply add a DoubleBuffered subclass:
class DoubleBufferedTLP : TableLayoutPanel
public DoubleBufferedTLP()
DoubleBuffered = true;
To do so you need to add to the project, compile, check to see it appears in the ToolBox. If you want to you can simply change the two sponts in the form_designer class..

windows forms: scroll programmatically

I'm developing a windows forms application. And i have the following issue: in a form there's a panel, and in that panel i have a number of controls (just a label with a text box, the number is determined at runtime). This panel has a size that is smaller than the sum of all the controls added dynamically. So, i need a scroll. Well, the idea is: when the user open the form: the first of the controls must be focused, the the user enters a text and press enter, the the next control must be focused, and so until finished.
Well it's very probably that not all the controls fit in the panel, so i want that when a control inside the panel got focus the panel scrolls to let the user see the control and allow him to see what he is entering in the text box.
I hope to be clear.
here is some code, this code is used to generated the controls and added to the panel:
List<String> titles = this.BancaService.ValuesTitle();
int position = 0;
foreach (String title in titles)
BancaInputControl control = new BancaInputControl(title);
control.OnInputGotFocus = (c) => {
//pnBancaInputContainer.VerticalScroll.Value = 40;
//pnBancaInputContainer.AutoScrollOffset = new Point(0, c.Top);
control.Top = position;
position += 10 + control.Height;
If you set AutoScroll to true this will be taken care of automatically. As for the idea that Enter should move focus to next field, the best solution would be to execute enter as if it was TAB key in BancaInputControl:
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
e.Handled = true;
// Move focus to next control in parent container
Parent.SelectNextControl(this, true, true, false, false);
If BancaInputControl is composite control (a UserControl containing other controls) each child control should hook up KeyDown event to this handler. It tries to move focus to next control in BancaInputControl; if it fails, moves focus to parent container's next control.
private void textBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
e.Handled = true;
if (!SelectNextControl((Control)sender, true, true, false, false))
Parent.SelectNextControl(this, true, true, false, false);

How to change listview selected row backcolor even when focus on another control?

I have a program which uses a barcode scanner as input device so that means I need to keep the focus on a text box.
The program has a listview control and I select one of the items programatically when a certain barcode is scanned. I set the background color of the row by:
listviewitem.BackColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
Things I have tried:
listview.HideSelection set to false
call listview.Focus() after setting the color
listviewitem.Focused set to true
call listview.Invalidate
call listview.Update()
call listview.Refresh()
different combinations of the above
I've also did combinations above stuff in a timer so that they are called on a different thread but still no success.
Any ideas?
More info:
The key here is the control focus. The listview control does not have the focus when I select one of the items.
I select one item by doing:
listView1.Items[index].Selected = true;
the Focus is always in the textbox.
the computer does not have keyboard or mouse, only a barcode reader.
I have this code to keep the focus on the textbox:
private void txtBarcode_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
You need to have a textbox add that code to simulate my problem.
What you describe works exactly as expected, assuming that you've set the HideSelection property of the ListView control to False. Here's a screenshot for demonstration purposes. I created a blank project, added a ListView control and a TextBox control to a form, added some sample items to the ListView, set its view to "Details" (although this works in any view), and set HideSelection to false. I handled the TextBox.Leave event just as you showed in the question, and added some simple logic to select the corresponding ListViewItem whenever its name was entered into the TextBox. Notice that "Test Item Six" is selected in the ListView:
Now, as I suspected initially, you're going to mess things up if you go monkeying around with setting the BackColor property yourself. I'm not sure why you would ever want to do this, as the control already uses the default selection colors to indicate selected items by default. If you want to use different colors, you should change your Windows theme, rather than trying to write code to do it.
In fact, if I add the line item.BackColor = Color.LightSteelBlue in addition to my existing code to select the ListViewItem corresponding to the name typed into the TextBox, I get exactly the same thing as shown above. The background color of the item doesn't change until you set focus to the control. That's the expected behavior, as selected items look different when they have the focus than they do when their parent control is unfocused. Selected items on focused controls are painted with the system highlight color; selected items on unfocused controls are painted with the system 3D color. Otherwise, it would be impossible to tell whether or not the ListView control had the focus. Moreover, any custom BackColor property is completely ignored by the operating system when the ListView control has the focus. The background gets painted in the default system highlight color.
Explicitly setting the focus to the ListView control, of course, causes the custom background color to be applied to the ListViewItem, and things render with a color that very much contrasts with the color scheme that I've selected on my computer (remember, not everyone uses the defaults). The problem, though, becomes immediately obvious: you can't set the focus to the ListView control because of the code you've written in the TextBox.Leave event handler method!
I can tell you right now that setting the focus in a focus-changing event is the wrong thing to do. It's a hard rule in Windows you're not allowed to do things like that, and the documentation even warns you explicitly not to do it. Presumably, your answer will be something along the lines of "I have to", but that's no excuse. If everything were working as expected, you wouldn't be asking this question in the first place.
So, what now? Your application's design is broken. I suggest fixing it. Don't try and monkey with setting the BackColor property yourself to indicate that an item is selected. It conflicts with the default way that Windows highlights selected items. Also, don't try and set the focus in a focus-changing event. Windows explicitly forbids this, and the documentation is clear that you're not supposed to do this. If the target computer doesn't have a mouse or keyboard, it's unclear how the user is going to set focus to anything else in the first place, unless you write code to do it, which you shouldn't be doing.
But I have surprisingly little faith that you'll want to fix your application. People who ignore warnings in the documentation tend to be the same people who don't listen to well-meaning advice on Q&A sites. So I'll throw you a bone and tell you how to get the effect you desire anyway. The key lies in not setting the ListViewItem's Selected property, which avoids the conflict between your custom BackColor and the system default highlight color. It also frees you from having to explicitly set the focus to the ListView control and back again (which, as we established above, isn't actually happening, given your Leave event handler method). Doing that produces the following result:
And here's the code—it's not very pretty, but this is just a proof of concept, not a sample of best practice:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
listView1.View = View.Details;
listView1.HideSelection = false;
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1.Items)
if (item.Text == textBox1.Text)
item.BackColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
A standard ListView does not let you set the background color of a selected row. The background (and foreground) colors of a selected row are always controlled by the theme of the OS.
You have to owner draw your ListView to get around this OR you can use ObjectListView. ObjectListView is an open source wrapper around .NET WinForms ListView, which makes it much easier to use, as well as easily allowing things that are very difficult in a normal ListView -- like changed the colors of selected rows.
this.objectListView1.UseCustomSelectionColors = true;
this.objectListView1.HighlightBackgroundColor = Color.Lime;
this.objectListView1.UnfocusedHighlightBackgroundColor = Color.Lime;
This shows the ObjectListView when it does not have focus.
Here's a solution for a ListView that does not allow multiple selections and
does not have images (e.g. checkboxes).
Set event handlers for the ListView (in this example it's named listView1):
Leave (invoked when the ListView's focus is lost)
Declare a global int variable (i.e. a member of the Form that contains the ListView,
in this example it's named gListView1LostFocusItem) and assign it the value -1
int gListView1LostFocusItem = -1;
Implement the event handlers as follows:
private void listView1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set the global int variable (gListView1LostFocusItem) to
// the index of the selected item that just lost focus
gListView1LostFocusItem = listView1.FocusedItem.Index;
private void listView1_DrawItem(object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e)
// If this item is the selected item
if (e.Item.Selected)
// If the selected item just lost the focus
if (gListView1LostFocusItem == e.Item.Index)
// Set the colors to whatever you want (I would suggest
// something less intense than the colors used for the
// selected item when it has focus)
e.Item.ForeColor = Color.Black;
e.Item.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
// Indicate that this action does not need to be performed
// again (until the next time the selected item loses focus)
gListView1LostFocusItem = -1;
else if (listView1.Focused) // If the selected item has focus
// Set the colors to the normal colors for a selected item
e.Item.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText;
e.Item.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
// Set the normal colors for items that are not selected
e.Item.ForeColor = listView1.ForeColor;
e.Item.BackColor = listView1.BackColor;
Note: This solution will result in some flicker. A fix for this involves subclassing the ListView control so you
can change the protected property DoubleBuffered to true.
public class ListViewEx : ListView
public ListViewEx() : base()
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
On SelectedIndexChanged:
private void lBxDostepneOpcje_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ListViewItem item = lBxDostepneOpcje.FocusedItem as ListViewItem;
ListView.SelectedIndexCollection lista = lBxDostepneOpcje.SelectedIndices;
foreach (Int32 i in lista)
lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[i].BackColor = Color.White;
if (item != null)
item.Selected = false;
if (item.Index == 0)
lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[item.Index-1].BackColor = Color.White;
if (lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[item.Index].Focused == true)
lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[item.Index].BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
if (item.Index < lBxDostepneOpcje.Items.Count-1)
lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[item.Index + 1].BackColor = Color.White;
else if (lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[item.Index].Focused == false)
lBxDostepneOpcje.Items[item.Index].BackColor = Color.Blue;
You cant set focus on listview control in this situation. txtBarcode_Leave method will prevent this. But if you are desire to be able select listview items by clicking on them, just add code below to MouseClick event handler of listview:
private void listView1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
ListView list = sender as ListView;
for (int i = 0; i < list.Items.Count; i++)
if (list.Items[i].Bounds.Contains(e.Location) == true)
list.Items[i].BackColor = Color.Blue; // highlighted item
list.Items[i].BackColor = SystemColors.Window; // normal item
This change color of selected item. but only in state listview not have focus.
Make sure HideSelection is !TRUE! and simple use this code:
private void ListView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){
foreach(ListViewItem it in ListView.Items)
if (it.Selected && it.BackColor != SystemColors.Highlight)
it.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
it.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText;
if (!it.Selected && it.BackColor != SystemColors.Window)
it.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
it.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
Just do like this:
Set property UnfocusedHighlighForegroundColor = "Blue"
Set property UnfocusedHighlighBackgroundColor = "White"
Set property UserCustomSelectionColors = true
Good luck :)

CheckedListBox Control - Only checking the checkbox when the actual checkbox is clicked

I'm using a CheckedListBox control in a small application I'm working on. It's a nice control, but one thing bothers me; I can't set a property so that it only checks the item when I actually check the checkbox.
What's the best way to overcome this?
I've been thinking about getting the position of the mouseclick, relative from the left side of the checkbox. Which works partly, but if I would click on an empty space, close enough to the left the current selected item would still be checked. Any ideas regarding this?
I know this thread's a bit old, but I don't think it's a problem to offer another solution:
private void checkedListBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if ((e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) & (e.X > 13))
this.checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(this.checkedListBox1.SelectedIndex, !this.checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(this.checkedListBox1.SelectedIndex));
(With the value of CheckOnClick = True).
You could use that thingy with the rectangle, but why make it more complex the it needs to.
Well, it is quite ugly, but you could calculate mouse hit coordinates against rectangles of items by hooking on CheckedListBox.MouseDown and CheckedListBox.ItemCheck like the following
/// <summary>
/// In order to control itemcheck changes (blinds double clicking, among other things)
/// </summary>
bool AuthorizeCheck { get; set; }
private void checkedListBox1_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e)
e.NewValue = e.CurrentValue; //check state change was not through authorized actions
private void checkedListBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point loc = this.checkedListBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
for (int i = 0; i < this.checkedListBox1.Items.Count; i++)
Rectangle rec = this.checkedListBox1.GetItemRectangle(i);
rec.Width = 16; //checkbox itself has a default width of about 16 pixels
if (rec.Contains(loc))
AuthorizeCheck = true;
bool newValue = !this.checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(i);
this.checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(i, newValue);//check
AuthorizeCheck = false;
Another solution is to simply use a Treeview.
Set CheckBoxes to true, ShowLines to false, and ShowPlusMinus to false and you have basically the same thing as a CheckedListBox. The items are only checked when the actual CheckBox is clicked.
The CheckedListBox is much more simplistic, but the TreeView offers a lot of options that can potentially be better suited for your program.
I succesfully used this property:
The text for a checkbox in a CheckedListBox is rendered by default is to place an HTML label after the checkbox input and set the label's "for" attribute to the ID of the checkbox.
When a label is denoting an element that it is "for," clicking on that label tells the browser to focus on that element, which is what you're seeing.
Two options are to render your own list with separate CheckBox controls and text (not as the Text property of the CheckBox, as that does the same thing as the CheckBoxList) if the list is static or to use something like a Repeater if the list is dynamic.
Try this. Declare iLastIndexClicked as a form-level int variable.
private void chklst_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point p = chklst.PointToClient(MousePosition);
int i = chklst.IndexFromPoint(p);
if (p.X > 15) { return; } // Body click.
if (chklst.CheckedIndices.Contains(i)){ return; } // If already has focus click anywhere works right.
if (iLastIndexClicked == i) { return; } // native code will check/uncheck
chklst.SetItemChecked(i, true);
iLastIndexClicked = i;
Just checking to see if the user clicked in the leftmost 15 pixels of the checked list (the check box area) works at all times except re-checking a currently selected item. Storing the last index and exiting without changing lets the native code handle that properly, trying to set it to checked in that case turns it on and it just turns back off when the "ItemCheck" code runs.
