Changing Contol Parent Removes Content - c#

In my application, I have a DataGridView that moves from one Tab Control to another Tab Control.
I am doing this by changing its parent. This works with no problems on the first move from the origional Tab Control to the new one, but when changing the parent back to the origional, the DataGridView shows up (all the Columns are visible) but there is no data in the view.
I have tried to reload the data into the DataGridView, and refresh/Invalidate the control to make it redraw, but it still shows up empty. However, when the control goes back to the secondary parent, the data is back.
I am also using this exact code for another DataGridView and it works without any problems at all.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance.
From Origional to Secondary
gvwRFIs.Parent = tabProcessingRFI; //Working
gvwConsentInfoMemos.Parent = tabProcessingMemos; //Working
From Secondary to Origional
gvwRFIs.Parent = tabConsentInfoRFI; //Empty Data
gvwConsentInfoMemos.Parent = tabConsentInfoMemos; //Working
RFI DataGridView Designer Code
// gvwRFIs
this.gvwRFIs.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
this.gvwRFIs.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
this.gvwRFIs.AllowUserToResizeRows = false;
this.gvwRFIs.AutoSizeRowsMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCellsExceptHeaders;
this.gvwRFIs.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
this.gvwRFIs.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
this.gvwRFIs.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn[] {
this.gvwRFIs.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this.gvwRFIs.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3);
this.gvwRFIs.MultiSelect = false;
this.gvwRFIs.Name = "gvwRFIs";
this.gvwRFIs.ReadOnly = true;
this.gvwRFIs.RowHeadersVisible = false;
this.gvwRFIs.RowHeadersWidth = 4;
this.gvwRFIs.SelectionMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;
this.gvwRFIs.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1078, 422);
this.gvwRFIs.TabIndex = 4;
this.gvwRFIs.DoubleClick += new System.EventHandler(this.gvwRFIs_DoubleClick);
Consent Tab Control Designer Code
// tabConsentInfoRFI
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 32);
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.Name = "tabConsentInfoRFI";
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3);
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1084, 428);
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.TabIndex = 4;
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.Text = "RFI\'s";
this.tabConsentInfoRFI.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
Processing Tab Control Designer Code
// tabProcessingRFI
this.tabProcessingRFI.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 36);
this.tabProcessingRFI.Name = "tabProcessingRFI";
this.tabProcessingRFI.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3);
this.tabProcessingRFI.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(868, 465);
this.tabProcessingRFI.TabIndex = 1;
this.tabProcessingRFI.Text = "RFI";
this.tabProcessingRFI.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

I found the issue,
The ListView that is in the consent designer code, is an old control that looks identical, but is no longer used. So when the control is parented back to the Origional tab, it is in the background of this control.
Once the control was removed (thought it already was) the code worked perfectly.
Thank you to LarsTech for getting me in the right direction. And akhisp for there answer.

You should remove the object from the Tab.Controls list of the tab that it's no longer in. So do something like:
gvwRFIs.Parent = tabConsentInfoRFI


Gtk# application is not rendering TreeView Properly

I am trying to develop a gtk application on mac using gtk#. I created a tree view just like in the tutorial but the arrows are not rendering properly as seem below, there are no arrows. I can click to open and close but the actual arrows aren't working.
I copy pasted the code from the tutorial and It did the same thing, but here is my code anywhere. I have also verified view.ShowExpanders is set to true
Window window = new Window("Editor Window");
window.HeightRequest = 800;
window.WidthRequest = 1200;
TreeView view = new TreeView();
view.WidthRequest = 500;
TreeViewColumn column = new TreeViewColumn();
column.Title = "Heirarchy";
CellRendererText cell = new CellRendererText();
column.PackStart(cell, true);
column.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 0);
TreeStore store = new TreeStore(typeof(string));
TreeIter i = store.AppendValues("Project");
i = store.AppendValues(i,"Room1");
i = store.AppendValues(i, "Item");
store.AppendValues(i, "Attribute");
store.AppendValues(i, "Attribute");
store.AppendValues(i, "Attribute");
view.ShowExpanders = true;
view.Model = store;
view.ShowExpanders = true;
window.DeleteEvent += ExitWindow;
Is there some sort of image asset that doesn't exist on my computer? How would I install that on mac? Thank you for any help you can provide.
As a comment suggested, using brew install adwaita-icon-theme fixed the problem

CheckBox state is not updated after click in C# WinForms

I have a list of CheckBoxes and after clicking on them the state is not updated.
Why is this happening and how can I repair this?
private List<CheckBox> blocks_check_boxes = new List<CheckBox>();
count = blocks_from_database.Count;
/* Display check boxes for each block*/
for (int i = 0; i < blocks_from_database.Count; i++)
blocks_check_boxes.Add(new CheckBox());
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].AutoSize = true;
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].Name = blocks_from_database[i].name;
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 17);
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].TabIndex = 3 + i;
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].Text = blocks_from_database[i].name;
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.blocks_check_boxes[i].AutoCheck = true;
Thank you
Maybe you are recreating the CheckBoxes in an unwanted way.
Maybe you want to set the "AutoPostBack" property till "true".
It's pretty hard to understand what's causing your problem when we don't see more code. Explain a little more when you are detecting your problem and also where and when your code above is executing.

How to change window background color in mono (GTK)?

I have a window in gtk which includes a Build() function as follow:
protected virtual void Build()
// Widget Client.Forms.Notification
this.Name = "Client.Forms.Notification";
this.Title = "Notification";
this.TypeHint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Normal;
//this.TypeHint = ((global::Gdk.WindowTypeHint)(4));
this.WindowPosition = ((global::Gtk.WindowPosition)(4));
// Container child Client.Forms.Notification.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
this.vbox1 = new global::Gtk.VBox();
this.vbox1.Name = "vbox1";
this.vbox1.Spacing = 6;
// Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.label1 = new global::Gtk.Label();
this.label1.HeightRequest = 20;
this.label1.Name = "label1";
this.label1.LabelProp = "Notification";
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w1 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1[this.label1]));
w1.Position = 0;
w1.Expand = false;
w1.Fill = false;
// Container child vbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.hbox1 = new global::Gtk.HBox();
this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
this.hbox1.Spacing = 6;
// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.image1 = new global::Gtk.Image();
this.image1.Name = "image1";
this.image1.Pixbuf = global::Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("Client.Resources.icon.png");
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w2 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.image1]));
w2.Position = 0;
w2.Expand = false;
w2.Fill = false;
// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
this.label2 = new global::Gtk.Label();
this.label2.Name = "label2";
this.label2.WidthRequest = 260;
this.label2.Wrap = true;
this.label2.LabelProp = "Description";
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w3 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.label2]));
w3.Position = 1;
w3.Expand = false;
w3.Fill = false;
global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox1[this.hbox1]));
w4.Position = 1;
w4.Expand = false;
w4.Fill = false;
this.label1.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal, Core.fromColor(System.Drawing.Color.Orange));
this.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal, Core.fromColor(System.Drawing.Color.Orange));
this.vbox1.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal, Core.fromColor(System.Drawing.Color.Orange));
root = new Gtk.EventBox();
this.Decorated = false;
if ((this.Child != null))
this.DefaultWidth = 460;
this.DefaultHeight = 220;
(source code of this whole window:
As you can see it is calling
this.ModifyBase(Gtk.StateType.Normal, Core.fromColor(System.Drawing.Color.Orange));
which should change the background to orange, however it doesn't.
I tried to insert more similar functions on window elements, but it doesn't work either, does anyone know how to change the background color of the window?
What I want to do is create a small window with no decoration (so just a rectangle) of specific color and some text in it. This window is supposed to be transparent (that works now) and should have a picture and 2 labels with text and disappear on click - all this works now just I can't change the background from gray to some better color. I would be happy for answers that would let me do this using some other way (I can think of creating a small form just with drawing area and paint it with the color and then paint the text as well, but it sounds to me quite complicated for something so simple as I want to do).
NOTE: mono is using GTK 2, and the version of GTK# for .Net is using 2.12.20
Try to use Event Box. Seems to work
For GTK+2 you need to create a gtk resource like so:
char *my_custom_style = "style \"my-style-name\" { bg[NORMAL] = \"#339933\" }\nclass \"GtkWindow\" style \"my-style-name\"";
then load the resource when you start the program, after initialization:
gtk_rc_parse_string (my_custom_style);
Now any GtkWindow will use your custom style for it's background.
The C documentation for Gtk Resource Files
If you only want to change one specific window, then you'd change the custom style string to something like
char *my_custom_style="style \"my-style-name\" { bg[NORMAL] = \"#339933\" }\nwidget \"my-custom-window\" style= \"my-style-name\"';
You then set the name of the window you want to change the background with
gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET (my_window), "my-custom-window");
Edit 2:
Here's the documentation to the Gtk# Rc parsing function:
The documentation (for the C API) says that gtk_widget_modify_color() is deprecated, and that newly written code should use gtk_widget_override_background_color() instead, so try that.
Overriding themes in GTK+ is notoriously hard though, but the 3.0 API really sounds as if it's supporting what you want to do.
Can't test this myself at the moment, unfortunately.

Events not firing for dynamic columns in SharePoint DataGrid

In a Web Part for Sharepoint, I'm trying to add a variable number/ordering of ButtonColumns to a DataGrid dynamically based on an option the user has selected. The problem is that the dynamic columns aren't firing off the events I set up on the DataGrid (such as SelectedIndexChanged). When the table originally constained a static set of columns, they were created in CreateChildControls() and everything worked peachy. However, since they are now dynamic, I have to delay adding them until after a search button's click event fires. I was wondering if there was some place I needed to move the column creation to that still allowed it to be dynamic but also allowed it to register/fire events.
outputDG creation in CreateChildControls():
outputDG = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid();
outputDG.CellPadding = 4;
outputDG.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = false;
outputDG.HeaderStyle.Font.Name = "Verdana";
outputDG.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(242,242,242);
outputDG.HeaderStyle.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(128,128,128);
outputDG.HeaderStyle.Wrap = false;
//outputDG.ItemStyle.BorderColor = Color.Navy;
outputDG.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
//outputDG.BorderWidth = 1;
outputDG.GridLines = GridLines.Horizontal;
outputDG.Width = propsMgr.SearchGridWidth;
outputDG.PageSize = 10;
outputDG.AllowPaging = true;
outputDG.PagerStyle.Mode = PagerMode.NumericPages;
outputDG.PagerStyle.PageButtonCount = 5;
outputDG.PagerStyle.NextPageText = "Next Page";
outputDG.PagerStyle.PrevPageText = "Previous Page";
outputDG.PagerStyle.Visible = true;
outputDG.PageIndexChanged += new DataGridPageChangedEventHandler(this.outputDG_PageIndexChanged);
outputDG.AllowSorting = false;
outputDG.SortCommand += new DataGridSortCommandEventHandler(this.outputDG_SortCommand);
outputDG.SelectedItemStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255,244,206);
outputDG.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this.outputDG_SelectedIndexChanged);
outputDG.ItemCreated += new DataGridItemEventHandler(this.outputDG_ItemCreated);
outputDG.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
outputDG.ItemCommand += new DataGridCommandEventHandler(outputDG_ItemCommand);
During the search button's click event:
ButtonColumn buttonColumnSelect = new ButtonColumn();
buttonColumnSelect.ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.LinkButton;
buttonColumnSelect.CommandName = "Select";
buttonColumnSelect.HeaderText = "Column";
buttonColumnSelect.DataTextField = "columnField";
And then later on it that same event I go through the result set and add in my data rows. Like I mentioned, this all worked back when the ButtomColumn code was up in CreateChildControls(), but it stopped working as soon as it was moved into an event. My best guess is that the event for the column doesn't have a chance to register in order to fire since it's happening from a different event. If I need to tackle this problem by building up the DataGrid differently, I'm definitely willing; I just need to be able to dynamically specify different columns to use.
maybe u need to set the ID-Attribute on the DataGrid.
otherwise it would be difficult for asp to find your control.
The fix for my case was to move the adding of the columns to the page's load event and the adding of the DataGrid to the controls after all of the columns are added.

Listview background drawing problem C# Winform

I have a little problem with a Listview.
I can load it with listview items fine, but when I set the background color it doesn't draw the color all the way to the left side of the row [The listViewItems are loaded with ListViewSubItems to make a grid view, only the first column shows the error]. There is a a narrow strip that doesn't paint. The width of that strip is approximately the same as a row header would be if I had a row header.
If you have a thought on what can be done to make the background draw I'd love to hear it.
Now just to try a new idea, I'm offering a ten vote bounty for the first solution that still has me using this awful construct of a mess of a pseudo grid view. [I love legacy code.]
Here is a sample that exhibits the problem.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
ListView lv = new ListView();
lv.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
lv.FullRowSelect = true;
lv.GridLines = true;
lv.HideSelection = false;
lv.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
lv.TabIndex = 0;
lv.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details;
lv.AllowColumnReorder = true;
lv.MultiSelect = true;
ColumnHeader ch = new ColumnHeader();
ch.Name = "Foo";
ch.Text = "Foo";
ch.Width = 40;
ch.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
ColumnHeader ch2 = new ColumnHeader();
ch.Name = "Bar";
ch.Text = "Bar";
ch.Width = 40;
ch.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem("1", "2");
lvi.BackColor = Color.Black;
lvi.ForeColor = Color.White;
Ah! I see now :}
You want hacky? I present unto you the following:
lv.OwnerDraw = true;
lv.DrawItem += new DrawListViewItemEventHandler( lv_DrawItem );
void lv_DrawItem( object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e )
Rectangle foo = e.Bounds;
foo.Offset( -10, 0 );
e.Graphics.FillRectangle( new SolidBrush( e.Item.BackColor ), foo );
e.DrawDefault = true;
For a more inventive - and no less hacky - approach, you could try utilising the background image of the ListView ;)
(Prior to the Edit...)
I've just tried setting the BackColor on a System.Windows.Forms.ListView, and the color is applied across the control just fine (with and without images).
Are you doing any Custom Painting at all?
Ok I'm adding some additional solution notes. If you use the solution above you also need to insert a draw handler for the column headers, otherwise they won't paint. The selected item rectangle also looks funny so you'll want to check for that in the lv_DrawItem function and implement a similar solution. Remeber that highlighting is chosen at the system level and not in you application.
Better ListView (and free Better ListView Express) allows setting background image with various alignment settings (centered, tiled, stretched, fit, snap to border/corner). Alpha transparency is also supported:
