convert foreach loop to linq code - c#

the below code is working as expected but I'm looking to convert the below code to use Linq?
any suggestions?
string[] selections = "Men,Women,Boys".Split(',');
int _chkboxId = 0;
int _chkboxTextId = 1;
string id = "lstchk_" + _chkboxId;
while (!driver.FindElement(By.Id(id)).Equals(null))
string checkboxId = String.Format("lstchk{0}", _chkboxTextId);
string checkboxName = driver.FindElement(By.Id(checkboxId)).Text;
foreach (string match in selections)
if (checkboxName == match.Trim())
//matched... do more work here...

foreach (string match in selections.Where(match => checkboxName == match.Trim()))
//matched... do more work here...

If your selections list contains only distinct values, than you could use
//Do work
instead of your loop. Same if your list may contain non-distinct values, but the work should be done only once for each checkboxName

switch(checkboxName) {
case "Men":
case "Women":
case "Boys":
// do more work here
// no match, bail
Sometimes, there's just a different way to write the code.

How would you convert this simple foreach to a linq statement?
public List<string> GetItems()
var items = new List<string>();
foreach (Ranorex.ListItem item in ranorexComboBox.Items)
return items;


Check if List<string> exists

This is my code
List<string> list = new List<string>() { "bfd", "jy", "aaaaa", "ndnk", "ntfn", "gfm", "gfm", "mhgd5h", "srsr", "ntr", "mtmyt", "dmy", "mmy6", "ngn9d", "y6m1", "d8dm", "bbbbb", "tym", "dmj", "trsh", "tsr"};
List<string> test = new List<string>() {"aaaaa","bbbbb","ccccc","ddddd","eeeee","fffff","ggggg" };
foreach (var a in list)
foreach (var i in test)
if (i.StartsWith(a) == false)
I want to output from the list and match in the test. If the test exists, then it will not be displayed. If there is no side output,But there may be a problem with my code, it will output the same value many times
The list contains aaaaa, according to logic, aaaaa should not be output
Try this:
List<string> list = new List<string>(){"bfd", "jy", "aaaaa", "ndnk", "ntfn", "gfm", "gfm", "mhgd5h", "srsr", "ntr", "mtmyt", "dmy", "mmy6", "ngn9d", "y6m1", "d8dm", "bbbbb", "tym", "dmj", "trsh", "tsr"};
List<string> test = new List<string>(){"aaaaa", "bbbbb", "ccccc", "ddddd", "eeeee", "fffff", "ggggg"};
foreach (var a in list)
if (!test.Contains(a))
There are simple solutions using LINQ. But since I assume this is an exercise, I will show you the detailed version using loops.
The problem is that the WriteLine is inside the inner loop. Therefore you will get many repetitions. Store the outcome of the test in a Boolean variable and place the display part after the inner loop.
foreach (var a in list)
bool found = false;
foreach (var i in test)
if (i.StartsWith(a))
found = true;
break; // Exit the inner loop
if (!found)
Console.WriteLine(a); // We must output a here since i out of scope.
Also, if you want to know whether a specific string is contained in the list, you should probably replace i.StartsWith(a) with i == a.
The code becomes easier to read, if you extract the list search into its own method
private bool IsInList(List<string> list, string item)
foreach (string s in list)
if (s == item)
return true;
return false;
Now, you don't need the Boolean variable any more
foreach (var a in list)
if (!IsInList(test, a))
I used !condition (pronounce: "not condition") instead of condition == false. It's terser.
I assume that this is an exercise. In production code you would simply use the built in method Contains of the list.
foreach (var a in list)
if (!test.Contains(a))
or even (as #mjwills suggests in his comment):
foreach (var a in list.Except(test)) {

How to create C# correct string filter by regexp

Have the problem with regexp on C#. I get the list of strings (names of directory) by Directory.GetDirectories.
For example:
I need to find directories names witch consists of only 10 digits (only 10).
I tried to use next:
public List<string> GetDirectoryList()
var directoryList = new List<string>();
var list = Directory.GetDirectories(sourcePath);
foreach (var field in list)
if (checker.CheckInfo(field.Substring(field.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1)))
return directoryList;
public bool CheckInfo(string checkingInfo)
string stringPattern = "[0-9]{10}";
if (!Regex.IsMatch(checkingInfo, stringPattern))
return false;
return true;
As result i had list of directories names witch consist of digits, but there were the next one:
How can i ignore names with more than 10 digit?
It is better to do this in my case, i think:
public List<string> GetDirectoryList()
var directoryList = new List<string>();
var list = Directory.GetDirectories(sourcePath);
string stringPattern = "(?<!\d)[0-9]{10}(?!\d)";
foreach (var field in list)
if (Regex.IsMatch(checkingInfo, stringPattern))
return directoryList;
Thanks for ctwheels!
Just do it:
public bool CheckInfo(string checkingInfo)
return Regex.IsMatch(checkingInfo, "^[0-9]{10}$");

How to compare the contents of two arrays and returning the index of the duplicated file?

I've made a method that compares the files within two file directories and it returns if there are files that are duplicated in the form of a bool. However, would actually want it to return the files name or the index of the file in its array so I can then delete the file so their are no complications when moving files into one directory. I've tried to cast the "==" compare statement to a string hoping it would give the files name but I forgot since its a boolean operation it will only return true or false.
static public string ModFileDupilcate(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory, string[] SimsModsDirectory)
string NoDuplicateMods = "There are no duplicate mods";
foreach (var ModInDownloadDirectory in SimsModDownloadDirectory)
foreach (var ModInModsDirectory in SimsModsDirectory)
if (ModInDownloadDirectory == ModInModsDirectory)
string DuplicateMod = (ModInDownloadDirectory == ModInModsDirectory).ToString();
return DuplicateMod;
return NoDuplicateMods;
return NoDuplicateMods;
You can get the indexes of the matching strings with something like this
var result = SimsModDownloadDirectory.Select((x, i) =>
{return (SimsModsDirectory.Contains(x) ? i :-1);})
.Where(x => x != -1);
foreach(int index in result)
The idea is the following:
Enumerate with Select all the strings (x) in the first list with the overload that gives us also the index of the enumerated string (i), if the enumerated string is contained in the second list return its index otherwise return -1. Finally take with Where only the not -1 values extracted by the Select
Of course returning only the names of the duplicates is a lot more simple
var result = SimsModDownloadDirectory.Intersect(SimsModsDirectory);
foreach(string name in result)
These approaches are based on the exact match in case between the two strings to compare. So a string "Steve" will not match a string "steve".
If your requirements are to ignore case in the comparison then you could change to
var result = SimsModDownloadDirectory.Select((x, i) =>
return (SimsModsDirectory.Contains(x,
StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? i :-1);
}).Where(x => x != -1);
or to
var result = SimsModDownloadDirectory.Intersect(SimsModsDirectory,
The else in your code is the issue.
Sample code (untested)
static public string ModFileDupilcate(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory, string[] SimsModsDirectory)
string NoDuplicateMods = "There are no duplicate mods";
foreach (var ModInDownloadDirectory in SimsModDownloadDirectory)
foreach (var ModInModsDirectory in SimsModsDirectory)
if (ModInDownloadDirectory == ModInModsDirectory)
return ModInModsDirectory;
return NoDuplicateMods;
The above only returns the first duplicate. For all duplicates, you have to maintain a list and return that at the end
static public List<string> ModFileDupilcate(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory, string[] SimsModsDirectory)
var duplicateDirs = new List<string>();
foreach (var ModInDownloadDirectory in SimsModDownloadDirectory)
foreach (var ModInModsDirectory in SimsModsDirectory)
if (ModInDownloadDirectory == ModInModsDirectory)
return duplicateDirs;
I don't exactly know what are you trying to achieve. Your code does not tell us what should the return value be. If you want to tell the caller that "There is/isn't duplicate file names", you can easily return bool. If you want to return the "duplicate file names", you should return string[] or FileInfo[] or IReadOnlyCollection<string> or something similar. The advantage of returning a collection or array, is that the caller can easily see that if there is/isn't any duplicates, by checking the Length/Count of the returned value.
Using nested for loops, has a poor performance of O(n*m). Using a HashSet or LINQ's Intersect method, you can easily achieve the goal in O(n+m):
public static IReadOnlyList<string> FindDuplicateModFiles(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory, string[] SimsModsDirectory)
var set = new HashSet<string>(SimsModDownloadDirectory);
var result = new List<string>();
foreach (string file in SimsModsDirectory)
if (set.Contains(file))
return result.AsReadOnly();
Or using LINQ:
public static IEnumerable<string> FindDuplicateModFiles2(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory, string[] SimsModsDirectory)
return SimsModDownloadDirectory.Intersect(SimsModsDirectory);
If you want to remove the duplicates from the first collection, the best options is the LINQ's Except method:
public static IEnumerable<string> GetNonDuplicatesInFirst(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory, string[] SimsModsDirectory)
return SimsModDownloadDirectory.Except(SimsModsDirectory);
static public IEnumerable<string> ModFileDupilcate(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory,
string[] SimsModsDirectory)
var result = SimsModDownloadDirectory.Select((x, i) =>
SimsModsDirectory.Contains(x) ? x : string.Empty).
Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x));
return result;
Call method like :
var resultOfDublicateFiles = ModFileDupilcate(SimsModDownloadDirectory,SimsModsDirectory);
public static bool ModFileDupilcate(string[] SimsModDownloadDirectory,
List<string> SimsModsDirectory,out List<string> dublicatedFiles)
dublicatedFiles = new List<string>();
foreach (var ModInDownloadDirectory in SimsModDownloadDirectory)
foreach (var ModInModsDirectory in SimsModsDirectory)
if (ModInDownloadDirectory == ModInModsDirectory)
return dublicatedFiles.Count > 0;
Call method like :
List<string> dublicatedFiles;
bool hasDublicatedFiles= ModFileDupilcate(new string["a","b","c"],new string["b","c","d","f"],out dublicatedFiles);

Comparing multiple strings to list of regular expressions C#

I am trying to compare multiple strings to a list of regular expressions. I am trying to make it so i can compare all the strings i have to all of the regular expressions and if it DOESNT match any of the regular expressions then it gets put into a list so i know it doesnt match. My method works when i have only 1 regular expression but does completely quits working when i add 2 or more.
public List<string> CheckNames(List<string> nameList, List<string> regexList)
var missMatchNameList = new List<string>();
foreach (var name in nameList)
foreach(var regex in regexList)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(name, regex))
return missMatchNameList;
that is my code so far, what am i missing here?? Any tips would be great!
Change this
foreach (var name in nameList)
foreach(var regex in regexList)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(name, regex))
foreach (var name in nameList)
bool match = false;
foreach(var regex in regexList)
if (Regex.IsMatch(name, regex))
match = true;
if (!match)
Your problem was that as soon one of you regex expressions didn't match, it got added to the list, even if it matched another regex.
Also, by keeping the break; you don't carry on processing all the other regexs after you find a match.
Try this one
public List<string> CheckNames(List<string> nameList, List<string> regexList)
var missMatchNameList = new List<string>();
foreach (var name in nameList)
var matched = false;
foreach(var regex in regexList)
if (Regex.IsMatch(name, regex))
if (!matched)
return missMatchNameList;
this issue because you break when not matching with first regex so you don't compare the remaining regexs

compare List<string> and List<T>

I'm using C# and framework 4.0.
I have a list of type string and another list of type class T;
How can I compare List with a List and save the difference?
private void simpleButton_Compare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool Is_Egal = true;
int i = 0;
foreach (string Od_Scan in Ordre_Scan)
if (!Outils.Get_Ordre_Donne()[i].NoOrdre.Contains(Od_Scan) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Od_Scan))
Is_Egal = false;
foreach (Pers_Compare Od_Done in Outils.Get_Ordre_Donne())
if (!Ordre_Scan.Contains(Od_Done.NoOrdre) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Od_Done.NoOrdre))
Is_Egal = false;
if (Is_Egal)
MessageBox.Show("PAS égalité");
catch (Exception excThrown)
and the data :
List<string> Ordre_Scan= new List<string> { "azer","qsdf"};
Pers_Compare obj = new Pers_Compare();
obj.Nolv = 1;
obj.Noordre = "qsdf"
Pers_Compare obj2 = new Pers_Compare();
obj2.Nolv = 1;
obj2.Noordre = "wxcv"
List<Pers_Compare> Ordre_Donne = new List<Pers_Compare>();
And I want to save the data in Ordre_Donne but not in Od_Scan and vice versa.
foreach (string Od_Scan in Temp_Od_Scan)
all item that not found in List A
--> wxcv
foreach (var Od_Done in Temp_Od_Donne)
all item that not found in List B
--> azer
The answer given for a slightly different question (comparing a List with another List) seems to me to be a good solution for your issue, they address multiple issues to do with comparisons of lists.
EDIT: However you should be more specific with your requirements i.e. what exactly is a 'difference', e.g. is {1,1,2} and {1,2} the same?
Here is the answer given the most votes... (included here just encase it gets removed for some reason (as per Bob' suggestion))
I need to check that they both have the same elements, regardless of their position within the list. Each MyType object may appear multiple times on a list. Is there a built-in function that checks this? What if I guarantee that each element appears only once in a list?
EDIT: Guys thanks for the answers but I forgot to add something, the number of occurrences of each element should be the same on both lists.
If you want them to be really equal (i.e. the same items and the same number of each item), I think that the simplest solution is to sort before comparing:
Enumerable.SequenceEqual(list1.OrderBy(t => t), list2.OrderBy(t => t))
Here is a solution that performs a bit better (about ten times faster), and only requires IEquatable, not IComparable:
public static bool ScrambledEquals<T>(IEnumerable<T> list1, IEnumerable<T> list2) {
var cnt = new Dictionary<T, int>();
foreach (T s in list1) {
if (cnt.ContainsKey(s)) {
} else {
cnt.Add(s, 1);
foreach (T s in list2) {
if (cnt.ContainsKey(s)) {
} else {
return false;
return cnt.Values.All(c => c == 0);
Edit 2:
To handle any data type as key (for example nullable types as Frank Tzanabetis pointed out), you can make a version that takes a comparer for the dictionary:
public static bool ScrambledEquals<T>(IEnumerable<T> list1, IEnumerable<T> list2, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer) {
var cnt = new Dictionary<T, int>(comparer);
var list1 = Ordre_Donne.Where(o => !Ordre_Scan.Any(s => s == o.Noordre));
var list2 = Ordre_Scan.Where(s => !Ordre_Donne.Any(o => o.Noordre == s));
You can either implement IComparable on your Pers_Compare class, which will look something like:
public int CompareTo(string other)
return this.Noordre.CompareTo(other);
Or, if you don't have control of the data structure, you could do something like
var Temp_Od_Donne = from od in Ordre_Donne
where !Ordre_Scan.Contains(od.Noordre)
select od;
var Temp_Od_Scan = from os in Ordre_Scan
where !Ordre_Donne.Select(od => od.Noordre).Contains(os)
select os;
